Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 4, 1955, p. 16

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th btotfittown uckald wsjnrailay itveatlac may 4th us pages halton has highest per capita givih t tuberculos wnd find ut fritoi amtuni refcjali atfur member of verdun kebekib lodge who attended the fiftieth inntversary dinner of rnnu star kebekin lods l w tuberculosis eold destroyer f health suffered measured rebuff la hatted tounly lut yew under the growinf strength of the county tb aaaoelatiotts preventative and eduea- uoatal programs record miklns chris una seal sales and audita uml- uh budget an overflow audience at the annua meetinf heard speaker and officers of the robust awi nation uck off the years atandout achievemenls then included a 14 per cenl increase in seal tale for a 1s64 total of 11m which breaks down to a 121 eenti per capi ta return the higheat in canada completion of a rountywtdc sur vey conducted by profeulanal poll ten to estimate public knowledge of tba source characteristics pre vention and cure extent increase in the year grant to the atouhtiin sanitortum tp make a total donation of 9000 and a sut slanual increase in allowance for ixl ucational service greater funds for 1015 to further aocial service snd rehabilitation work mobilise a travelling clinic for the north end of the county being anofh wool ship collect to our reolttered warehouse no i whiui ontario reliable grading direct settlement obtain sacks and twine without charge from w l sanderson box 03 balllnafad clarc w wilson ii it 1 georgetown a n stark it it 3 georgetown or by writing to canadian cooperative wool growers limited 217 bey street toronto canada flowers for all occasions wedding work corsage a specialty jj cut flowers end funeral j dosignj n we wire flowers p rosedale floral i 32 albert st tr 72952 j monument brartiplon monument works datignt lubmitttrd camatary lattanng corner poiti and marucri a good nisim a in stock wm c allan prop 68 quttn st wat brampton shop 1410 j phone r 313 rep tom n1col phona brampton 603 w ajmumniiiili muntjiri iiimiri u iitimiiiimiiiim eavestroughing 2 plumbing heating don houston tr 72506 wiring commercial and domestic at leos electric service mux byrnxsr bextty pumps lateral trtetein 9ot er man xrsy survey step up the dugnoetk method of detection snd broaden the reach of tb education dtsr f cemttlacmtcy while impressed with the effect of these achievement in lowering the tb death rate the 130 persona in tra falgars township hall were warned by more than one speaker that a dan ger of complacency lies in reports of success tb u still prevalent d i t ewart medical superintendent of the tfoun tun sanatorium reminded his audi eace thr to five million people still die annually of tu the guest speak er anted and some 10 000 000 peo ple are suffering from this infectious disease in the world today turning- to history and known stat istics lr ewart eaplained bow im provementa in social hahita and mrd leal science have reduced the onee- fnghtening ratio of 00 tb deaths per 100000 to 10 per 100 000 in leu than two centuries going father back he traced the toll of tb on human life since the time of hippocrates through the blood letting of the middle ages to the stsrvatlortunbcatitnf remedies of the romantic age tsble t8 survey despite thr contrast in today t rr markablc advances in diagnosis anil prognosis thu consumptive killer is still the number one infectious ills rur the speaker concluded karltcr he was introduced by lr u anderson oakvillr and thnkei at the conclusion of his address by llruce mscnab mfllon a highlight of uomtsy night s meeting was the tabling of the hal ton surviy on til awareness coneluc ted fo rthe ontario til association v c dslgleish public relations riir ector of the helton organization re vii wel the cut itory of questions akcd indicant how some o the answers might im intirprrled snd brii fly illmussei rfsult of tin jxill whin cimmilcrinl in s tiirrttiw or mishtiring stick tcni although it was iwdint lh pul he is lackini in sum kpetific arts- of knowledge stmut tb ttu asmh is lion and th hi altli unit ihr urw y i still ngsnied as succishlul in uw of lht umfulmss of the rcmilts helton an example at the outset ol llu meelini r j i brien secritary of the ontario th association strisel til is a community promcm and should not be shrinked off to the io rnmi nts or medical profession hi referred to the importance of cooperation with the health unit in prtvintivc mrjs ur and carrying throukh treatnii nt barkiil h thi ti am work of all ori amations mr ollnin rnditcd tin hilton s socialion uith tin biktst hi 1st mis st al snli of an an a in t ma da ir i hnllinr f the onl irio li partmint of ll ilth ils spoki of the tximplirs ripiitilion ol tin hallon urtinirition and mph isi rl tin n it of voliinuii itoup in tin fikht jninst 111 rriisurc r i ii im lion ni lit nikviln ni ill i 1lm s sib ol si lis in tin iount rtturruil mo 11h an incri is of s2 071 our list mars silis of 14 001 hi said sils tot ils in lour iars liii ju hlrupltil nlit fur this tin tr isnn r inlu ateil sliiiuld in kim n to mis i i 1 mi in tin n tii s f ri lir president reviews year mi ii million ru tit ilso prt s n ti i tin mount ml s in it ii nun supt i mliiilnl willi i iliihiu fur viioo ml mi in il in siikii in ik tiunil ni i to tins institiilu n i it r tin til ism i r t tllin tins i u fl in th 0 mi ill n i i 1 i i in oikilli lis pu intiit willi i inn fi isi in prisiilnil h 1 li n in s il it in of ilui kumii tin hislili ills of tin m 11 s ik in i null 1 p itluul irl tin p itili tt si pn irtin in hilton siluuils hi suits so fir h iw shown mils two pi r lent positim riadinn it was liti r ri por tid the preslilent ri lirtitl for lns olflce dlsclosid a tra tiling chest cli nic is under consideration for the north elftl of the county oi a major part of 1055 s tlettction efforts ont of a three point program outlined for the years activities ho outlined the other two aims of association action for 1055 as a stepup of educational eftorta and wider disbursements of funds on tb patienta and withpoit aan casca secretarys report in her secretarys report mrs lu- nau aaid hallon had 21 patients in aanatoria during the past year there were five deathi among consumptives she went on tooutllne the allotment of money in 1054 for social and re habilitation work then turned to sta tistics on the ibm sell sale i i the current campaign was the moat lucceuful yet over 12000 letter were lent out and each one averaged return of 128 isssi average re turn was j110 each contributor do nated on an average of 201 aha said concluding afn luniu thanked the organizations and eitlzeni of haltoa for aupport in making this the ban ner county in ontario officer named for 1085 ire preal- dent r t baao vaeton vice presid ent e c foster r r s campbell- vlue treasurer bb hirrlson oik- vllle medical idvlioky eommlttae or a p juul iloh dr w l ander- jm iww1tm toeehuv meretwy u kl4uuu oakviue dlrec- lira kdngpsste district deputy president of centre dietrlct no 11 who hreucbl greeliha treu verdun rebekib lodge had proposed use lust to the visitors mr bobert jcpson who presented small gift to the noble grand of evening stir lodge froa verdun lodge mrs- jean king vice grand un florence bailey mrs margaret groat mrs ann collins mrs evelyn walketr mrs elsie glbhs mrs wln- nifred nortm mrs nellie wluett mrs nor tuck toes ii c mprtie oakvllle g-oow- r 2 burlington n craig burlington 1r a e bull moh dr w lc ander ent b mcnabb krfl ullujn pub- ur relations w h dalgleuji oakvllle ent b macnab b- r b uuua bub- lie relations w r oagleiah oakvllle readymixed concrete all matboau sopftkhj and m1xi0 kv beaver hydraloader on voo mrowatty 2000 lb concrete 1 27s cu 2soo lb concrete 1 325 cu yd mcnally construction tft 73271 tr 727 fk bssw tri al atpeau putts vsriliia itr 2 via tw1 ttrsatt hsss3muspesdasrmlsau glnrtoub two iytk ncjilion 1 hnllinit flight on fnmuui cunlftklxatiun stny nt luxury itolcl in lari iiiit nifiht hutm rr tauranta diumunu uratrrs 100 a month for life or 20000 in cash eujuuifttn ammwtv nh av twk rma wtu aumeu u juu ouimltv ca ir0a ftnaacul hwrunty ub clianoe to lrmvl mooy your favonta bobbtaa rvally liva onct you rmacx new 1955 packard caribbean convertible most exerting fine car in the worm v 27s h p rncinr mifthtirst vnina mcmicrn nutomnlmle krntlirr uplmlhtf rv nnil 1 tone rotor c ninlnnn tionil lorwun kvl ndol and a vstwu posturep will be given free to one winner in this storei ovtr 1900 pnxai jt wx b ojvval como in for your ottannl entry hlnnv wluch miut ha used to enter tlua contoatl wma i a jiaty rau mat a m4 tou r 1 iwni viii um o enter stvvka wmttf h ouahahtkk in t heres lliu in v life eftrr j i the newly improved seahf posture with exclusive c0mf0rtgard aittomatically adjusts your body to comfortably correct sleeping posture tfce ely la wsu rfe- sl 4 in c m wmi ueju ilhseseli s se yev a1 stosjirellyl nsthsivs oourattoamb issi irieli toi -uivuetmuihijai- t1a way yewumpamu uh amu am tiijialj 4fjiuajafb mslihe csb oe fall re twist f fsr s s pesssi ewart thi slumsersao mattrissi it promise to confonn to your body bot frequently let you aao ail night lonal you camt si i ip ooea- forubly iinfias you alaap correctly i ewaii tht slumbirslaa mattb1ssi ita merely hlrdndu num ber with ho selenthv design i iti roekuke rigidity unvea your body dinonnn hot curhsninu choose sialy postote- peifect sieepi you cant sleep uusemetly an poaturepedln tttreae thinks to eiclualve sealy ecientlfto dealfn in cooperation with leadinf ortho- pedutsurceanil proves sueptnf c8eejysbilsrlnoncvottdl mcclures home furnishings at 14 main 9t oeoftgetown iiwstii jtnvifv lu jbjffjwjsjiisjtrat vnajmst5iil

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