Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 4, 1955, p. 3

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paob s wednesday evening may 4th mm tttf wattgettowm hamacd we honestly believe w 49 5 and up tlautoul cases wkmsibu to hdo6 funt hint mvm needs adjustmo th uofatav that uirt b la hmsj wf rsr hltflfawawumtilhjwkrfutpu4 i while yo wait elgin american 400 a functional lighter with jewellery caia mchamara jewellers maim rnuurr glen williams public school children who wju if 6 years old ky utemu ma ims wlu tetond oraai 1 parents aretnviied lo coxpe lo the junior room end till in registration form thursday or friday may 12 rd 13 at 3 oclock psychologist warns against prizes dttrits cotttpetitidh in classroom dr w e wats psychologist and director of the taetjlule of child stu dy warned against prt and eaap- uuba ta th tuftuowt whoa ha ad dressed oa of the largest crowd ever id attend th una meeting of the rultoa chudrtat aid seeuty in st pauls united church mutou children are being brought up ob the bull of the root skills lesnsed the pore etoney they can make hut vary utile attention u paid to the de velopment of their emo uvea the speaker ssld dr dials was introduced by dr it v craafield president the society for th coming yar who reminded the audience dr bleu u a eontro- peace strings wioo tudhope range tv trouble dial tr 73376 have your radio or tv repaired by experts wigo tv gives you the fastest possible service most sets repaired in your home one call will convince you marconi tv full screen 21 table model with alluminlzed picture tube power- full new design tubes snd crystal diode smart modern msstcrcraft cabinets in your choice of three beautiful iii tone finishes wal nut mshogsny or limed oak acoustically built for full quality tonsl reproduction matching base available all stool heavy duty four plato range with automatic oven control crumb- tray and brollerpan lamp and timer available as astro 159 95 wigos price 229- authorised daalar general electric appliances pushbutton range ii veu went save kitchen apace yet have all the w renoe- features at law east than this i kana is exactly far yeu lath waster oven with calrod bake unit focused heat broiler extra illspeed calrod surface unit and throe uleat ilityeed calrod surface units appliance outlets including one with automatic timer control full width wanner drearer with nylon rollers full scale control panel including automatic oven and appliance outlet timer electric clock master oven temperature control oven cycling ught pushbutton surface unit controls full width fluoreaceat lamp master oven switch warmer drawer switch and ught com in see it now on display general electric threezone washer 139- this weeks special with pump general electric refrigerator with rotating shelves com in and ee this beauty specially priced 33995 motorola volufwatlc car radio no fadeout model 393 5995 completely installed co k ay sismi saw mwhaak cmaflm uey aa luly wigo radiol tv rca road pal taq qc car radio wvo tawt 5995 3r main st television radio sales v service simplicity washer 2 year guarantee brand new 107 ssssfs faummtbaasrssisisi venial figure how can we train children to lake ear of anger the speaker question ed proceeding to suggest that yeu al ways wants tarnishing end when yoa are presented wttk a problem you can net solve you emote when we start to get upset we get sore envieat dr blau emphasized illustrating by suggesting you will chub a higher wall faster when chased by e bull than if youre just going to pick prim roses the psychologist pointed out that if a child wants something and can t get it but is willing to try that la an ger which assists aim- in learning the skill temper ta describing the frjucilloa of a child dr ulau pointed oul children in nur aery sehoola between two and five are interested in learning to solre a prob lem they themselves have set if it goes on to a point where the child seems unable lo accomplish thee hsve temper tantrums snd no problem can be solved when anger geta out of con trot we should prolong this period of ombiuon but train a child never to go beyond the point where he loses his temper snd thst takes 16 to 18 yesrs the spesker declared dr blsts stressed when s child hss a temper tantrum to leave him alone since they will never get whst they wsnt becsuse of thrlr ineffic irncy due to anger if they sre as slsted to whst they wsnt by others they realise the tantrum is the way to srhieve their gosl snd these peo ple grow up lo sulk the sulking is a threat that if a person doesn i gel whst they wsnt it will be loo bad where do you think so msny mink costs come from the spesker joktil thrill of success no child ever got snywhere with out fustsinrd enthusiasm the psych olojtist emphasized suggesting compe tition should be eliminsled from the classroom in the form of marks the thrill of solving problem must im substituted to substitute the desire to warn for the competition forced hcossily to learn dr illatz suggested no class room should have more than 20 chil drrn leschers must be selected be cause they hsve a call to teaching the ssmr as sny minister prizes marks and honour rolls hsve to be abolished which are all devised of s poor tea enet to stimulate and the cnlhunasm of the pupils must be used through primsr school we re more interested in the childrin muk inn mistakis raltur than pasmni es ams the people with ihi wriini an swpn hsve ufun bo n our txst inwn tors ur have it within our hands to train these ehiliirm thousands could be painttr musicians poets but ma m are allowed to lay fallow dr illats concluded society president w g mckenzic robinson presided during the busin ess of the annual meeting preceding the address of dr blatz george l llott qc of milton expressed the thsnks of the group lo dr blau in hie report to the society the pre sident explained your directors have paid particular attention during the past year to examining the scope of our aervfees and have been very rec eptive to professions advice where change was thought advisable he pointed out on the introduction of the new child welfare act a committee was formed that reviewed and revised the bylaw of the society with a view to compliance to the act and various regulations of the provincial depart meat of child welfare cempalon regret one of the regrets of ute past year was lack of e vigorous and early cam paign for a larger membership in the society the president commented ex pression of gratitude to the director g f thompson the office stall foa ter parenu directors and executive were made by the president o p thompson in presenting the directors report commented that so many families were living from one psyday to another with no feeling of security and are in actual distress the moment the breadwinner is out of employment constant quarrelling ovetmndulg ence in alcohol and infidelity are as always predominant factors in the breakdown of family life and the subsequent neglect of children too much tress cannot be placed on keep ing the family together and only as a last resort should the removal of the children be considered the direc tor reported words cannot do justice to the great debt of gratitude we owe our foster mothers for their contribution to child welfare it la no small un dertaking to take i completely strange child often frightened and confused into your homo and gradually through love and affection and under standing develop a feeling of sec urity and belonging the director concluded with words of appreciation to the members and officers for their work in the past year uus j jtjencai iiiaikvft mjnllhi hhtk remember to let the herald know about your visits and visitors your newt items helpmake the soc ial andjporsonsi column intereaung al catsup 2 m itutjb ll-ox- btl jewel bhortwowo 1us pso 25c fruit cocktail 2 m 69c pus oh 18os ttkb muffets 2 29c quax2b whole wheat orange juice 29c florida 48oz tdf liquorice allsorts enolibh 35c lb- libbyb fahoy tjhoraded peas 2 1b0z ttkb 31c special low price 10o off optka instant coffee 49c mother parkers soz jar pay only margarine ooldeh dew 1lb pko i stock up at these special prices glide 29c liquid lauwdry starch 1 mox loooff deal s30z 60 off deal i9c havw larof sdeb uqtjn deteroaqit gay loooff daal 40oz bottle 49c joxortoirs sursb hard oloss 6l0 coat i 99c 1 navel oranges 29c california use 3u bananas tomatoes cucumbers no 1 cooking onions celery golden ripe lb 17c florida aa cello tube t canada no 1 hothouse florida stalks 8s 2 for 29c 3 lbs isc 2 for 19c mm five try five pass basic english exams all f lv new canadians who tried their exams in basic english and ctt- innshlp this year passed the eourie successfully the- five were members of a class taught by wis florence luke of the high school staff night school at the tuesday harry ilutter who la employed at dr pauh beers farm was top stud ent getting 93 per cent while mar tha homati also secured honour other successful candidate were a- r bert kuteneler and air- and mrs bob baker jswauwwssasayrsjfc laajfc- amuji assfcsjaijat ivtiiijjafcajalsklilll tjtk satoajlsk

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