Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 4, 1955, p. 5

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j tv abrjai tatstauattons labssi enginesred att channel aer- f lads gitaranteed v tw 1 year jsuujeb ttttvtston tmi 74465 town ft countiv hooi iiivici all kinds of 4aadwooo and tile sink top a specialty 3 ostrandkh rlvd to irm u tv antenna imstauationf frnsmvjs added repairs playing cec green3lade phone brampton uatw revermcharges if torn r domestic amd commekctal wiring 1 call wi60 24 hour sorvico tr 73376 lost and jroutto lost thursday eveningmous gray ahortle coat on main street or la meglbboo hotel urgently need ed fittder please call mr oropp at tr 71814 robertson electric btdusmal cism and mldiahal phomb ntuu 7414 oeoboai wn tf macs repair service tr 72641 towiwts milton again scene of big annual hcdton music festival pace 8 tub gbpateettowm haqtalb wednesday evening may 4th uk for tv radio oe rhtonootaph siivici mcclurfs home rjtnkhinos ttlsnnu 73s33 9 e m lo6pm 32 main st s i f ooto fricker norm snyder tk 72013 tr 7 2210 movers local ncf long distance fully insured and licenced tf alfred j bishop certified public aeeeomsnf main st georgetown til 73351 office llourt tin to b p ra mondays to friday brampton rest home comforts accemmsdatlon for elderly porton phn brampton 124w tf i roky georgetown note starting hour 7 00 p m wednesday and thursday may 4 5 aduh eatahalnmant ttott johanna brady matz uymoho burr friday saturday may 67 dawn- s0c0rr0 tjzr miuummtuaul ilkcw4ajhklka114tlllatat plus fast furious with john ireland and dorothy malone grand racing story chock full of thrills and chills tuesday may 910 tossy adult iii wednesday and thursday may it ix 1 high class 1 watch r e rates i clock pairs reasonable we pick up and deliver john bouohton 10 union st tr 7 mil u public and high selsool student from all part of halloa eetnbetad in the county music festival 1st muton on thursday and friday laughlon bird director of music for south peel board of education was adjudicator for the festival which was held in knox presbyterian church the festival was arranged by an as sociation headed by mrs r coulter campbeuville ruth evans george- town put president and mrs clif ford hunter georgetown mr d copeland nerval mrs g thomas campbeuville mrs b clements mrs v mcarthur mrs l lodde mrs a clement and mrs m beaty milton rural schools class 4 solo girls 7 and under joan beaty omagb doreen tlsrrop pinegrove esq marabel martin zim merman class 3 solo boys 7 and under roger preer pstrtets murray black lock s s 2 naas william briggs llmehouse class 1 choir school enrolment 24 and under aahgreve ksquesing mount plraaant nasaagaweya claaa b solo girls 8 and under lita auitin kelso nancy hunter aahgrovr iatricla wbiunore mer ton claaa 7 boys 8 and under wayne bowen ixirne harry worthlngton of mirton malcolm phillips boyne class 2 choir school enrolment 20 and under zimmerman moun tain view ksquesing claaa 8 solo girls 11 and under margaret melhali campbeuville mar garet atkini merton carol barth mountain view class 0 solo boys 11 end under thru canham stewarttown latrd keith coyne david lawrence boyne claas 3 choir school enrolment 30 puplla and over hornby omagh class 11 solo boys 12 and over bryan bcntley snlders david 1hll lips itoyne robert stark hornby class 14 double trio unaccumpan led boyne campbellvillr class 10 solo tlrla 12 and over carol sargent boyne joy may olh 1inc allien harrop ptncgrove ksq class 12 solo boys changed vole cs ronald archer walirluo hirn old kuhm uloomabur ttl sanma lilny clas 14 vocal duel aileen liar rop johnny wilson plnegruve hsque- king chris csnham susan canham mevarttown with bentlcj llran utntley inlders high schools class 34 solo baritone boys under 21 frank bean acton robert loi ter milton brian cooper burling ton clasa 33 solo girls under 21 bar bars cunningham milton diane col vin burlington pal willson george town clasa 37 vocal duet girls under 21 carol tuttord heatheranne hay ward milton sandra scott levanne darou georgetown donna mcmillan fay gamer acton class 27 high school choir saj3 georgetown class 28 girls choir ssa georgetown clsss 38 double trio unsrcompsn led burlington 2 milton 1 class 30 solo boys unchanged voices alan emmerson milton class 31 solo girls under 16 mil rcc wilson mlllon pst ferguson ilurlington jean engleby george town class 32 solo tenor ros under 21 lonard nerry muton denbam dingle ilyrlington bob horning bur button class 31 solo rasa boys under 21 frank bean acton thomas hunter milton peter darlington georgetown class 38 vocal duct girls under 17 ilcllyjian anderson msrilyn smith georgetown joan llsrrop csrolc hunter milton diane harrison shir ley fcndlcy georgetown urban schools class 18 solo girls 8 and under heather gallop westwood oak ilea ther bsrbesu w morden trsf bsr- bsra msrkham howard wriggles worth georgetown clsss ib solo boys 8 and under paul martin j m denyea muton clbarino auction sale of shorthorn a hereford cattle farm equipment seed and furniture property of w conroy and son lot 8 first line erin 1 mile south of 24 highway 2v miles north of no 7 saturday may 14th 1z30 pm 39 head shorthorn and hereford cattle tord tractor and hydraulic im plements new power mower and man ure spreader and other equipment farm sold frank p4ttch auctioneer 113 jerry vandenrteen westwood oak roddy caldwell linbrook traf class 15junior choir max 25 voices brentwood oskville lin brook trafalgar class 20 solo girls 11 sod under roberts llswea chapel st george town mary downs fallview nelson gayle cooper linbrook trtf class 24 solo boys changed voices bill brush bruce st mutonyiro brown j m denye milton douglas durham lome skuce trafalgar class 29 vocal duet girls boys or mixed jennifer weathers one douglas tuley central oskville pet nugent donna wilson linbrook tra falgar june lyon david hiddlesloa chapel st georgetown class 21 solo boys 11 and under james perj wesiwsod oekvule doug wilson linbrook trafalgar alex stewart w h morden trafalgar clau 17 boys choir max 29 volr cee unbrook trafalgar oskville central clsss ib senior choir max 49 vote es oskville central tslnjrlew neb eoav clsss 22 solo girls 11 and over lynn mtrntt bruce st milton joyce mclean norvsl ksqueslng jennifer weslherstone centrsl oskville class 23 solo boys 12 and over harry folland oakwood oakvllle douglas tillry central oakvllle bar ry burne bruce st ulllon crass 26 triple trio unsccompan led w 11 morden trafalgar irair view nelson stewarttown farewell party for murray brothers a very plessant evening was spent in the township hall last friday whin a goodly number of friends snd neigh bours gathered to spi nd the evening with mr and mra ken murray and mr snd mrs iornc murray with their families ir uchrc fur the oldlr and crokuiole for the younger folk thi ru was a shurt program susan and chris canham sang the beautiful duet that brought them first in the music esti al orta picket gave a piano solo and mrs hector bird a recitation af ter which ken and iorne and their wives and families were tailed to the platform and were presented with a large easy chair and a beautiful lamp to each family with the best of wish es from all who were taking part in the kilts hoping their move will ba a successful one and a happy one ken and lome replied rev j k maxwell extended good wishes from the pamh lunch was served the service on sunday at st john s church was the celebrstion of holy communion a discussion was held after as to whether the service will be at 8 ajn every sundsy for the summer no decision was arrived at and the rector will tr to find out during the wctk at the school muflc festival at mil ton laat wick our chuir came third chris canham won thi kold medal for boys solo susan and chris cshhsm csme 2nd or the dot i i ongratuta lions lo every one of ou junior v a mtclim ki held last week as usual with marln murray choosing the hymn jisus chrlat is naen today and leading in the wor ahlp service call smith presented the thursday pledge ror village island and all saints hospital aklavik the 5th verse of i think when 1 resd thst sweet story of old was sung from memory scrap hooks were msdc in the busy period we wecr plessed to sec that mrs knglish la home from the hospital snd ahle to be in church sunday morning hsqueslng w i meeting this month will be held st mrs armstrong s home wednesdsy msy lllh happy birthday to gary briggs who will be seven years old on may 12th m m m m m m m m m m m m h m m m m h sb u m m h h u m at new department head appointed at oac dr w e heming who for the past two yesra hss been professor of ento mology and xoology in the dept of entomology and zoology oac hss been appointed head of the depart ment dr j d maelachlan oac pre sident announced today dr heming succeeds prof a w baker whose re- ttrement from the post becomes effec tive may 1st a native of owen sound ontario dr heming attended public and high schools ther and graduated from the oac in 1820 following graduation he wss with the entomology laboratqry of the canada dept of agriculture at chatham in the fall of thst year he joined the staff of the depl of ento mology and zoology oac as lecturer leaving in 1034 for graduate study at cornell university from which he graduated in ibm with his doctors degree in 1040 he was appointed assistant professor at whiltier college whit- tler california and rose in the depar tment to become professor in 1048 during this period he waaaette in a number of r projects for united states dept of agriculture in 1049 he returned to the oac associate professor la the depl of en- toetvordi mothers day is may 8th from your heart to her heart nylon hose with whisper nylons shell get better fit and better wear strong for everyday sheer for evening 150 kenwood blankets there is none better than s kenwood rainckkst 72x84 1350 famous 7284 1695 gloves nylon tnrol or aunplex pink blue etc 89c lo hlle slip newest fabrics and styles dacrdn no ironing 395 nylon with shadow panel 395 cotton snadow proof 298 mcbrine luggage 1995 18 werkend 21 aeropack 2 pc aet table cloth iure irish linen fruit garden pattern 375 aprons winder ft make 59c 185 blouses llobhie brooks styling 298 soincii i main st george georgetown lumlf births tindaij- ur and un hrnit tin dale art happy lo announce the birth of a daughter valeric kith icrn on april 24th 10m al bt jo cph lloipital urlph deaths thompson jamra russell on 1rtday april 20th 1d53 at hn home in umehouae jame husell thompson in hia stwh year ttc- lovetl husband of marion lorine lxa1 ic dear on of mm thomp son and the late wesley thompson of orangeville and brother of mae mra alex henderson of or anjtcvillc walter of cjeoraetown lluth mrs uoy kelly of toronto rosa of oranficville rose mrs albert allen of laurel ralph of orangcvillc and dorothy of gcor gctown the funeral service waa held on monday at the mrclure funeral home ceork town interment in rcenwood cemetery ccorkitown mcmor1ams bird in loinr mcmor of john bird who passed away ma 6th 10m tis awcet to know we 11 meet again where trouble arc no more and that the one we loved so well has just pone on before tonihy remembered by his wife sister brothers ntccea and ntphcusk card of thanks colman i would like lo thank all my friends for their flowers cards and ctfu while i was in st joseph hospital ciuclph and since return inft thome especially rev mr bar kcr and uq ladies of the baptist church and the w emmermon fam ply- mrs bert colman thompson wc sincerely thank friends and relatives whose kind ness was expressed in so many ways while russell was tick tn hos pital and at home and for ther sym pathy and floral tributes at the time of his death marion thomp son and the thompson family lime house bazaar committee have spring tea my and mrs a c patterson visi ted his aunt mrs f e carlisle of mnionton at collingwood a week afio mr and mrs brandse and child ren of burlington visited the lcfer- ink s on sunday we extend sympathy to mrs rus sell thompson following the death of her husband after a long tllnesa the bazaar committee of the wi held a spring sale at the hall on thursday although the crowd was not large almost aixty dollars was realized and a lovely tea was served mrs h h smith the new president welcomed the guests the karris and mr and mrs mere dith visited mrs orr who la seriously til in hospital in toronto on sunday sacrament of baptism will be obaer- ed at umchouse presbterian church on sunday next mrs turner and son mr ron tur ner formerly of tullamore are liv ing with the ralph turners tempora- nl since they sold their property a few weeks ago miss fveln brown who has spent the winter at newmarkot is with the t c browns mn gisby held a plastic demon- stratum in her home one evening last week its mshirlil lalasndrrt bttf taistapts hh1 coat another picture night for stone schooler picture nlghu at the stone school have proven so popular thst it was de cided to hold another one on may 14 with mr mac sprowl showing pictures taken on his trip to the british isles and the continent this was one of the decisions reached at the meeting of the stone school association at th home of mr and mrs gordon kid ney on wednesday evening it was slso decided to have a work the ce and a bean supper at the school i yon saturday may 7th there is palnt- 2 a lag to he done as well as some furth- er work to be done on the playroom nortongreenhouses p- rhaderl he la chairman of the legume re- sefreshments were served and a search committee at the oac social half hour enjoyed at the close dr heming la a member of the en- of the meeting tomologleal societies of america oatv l ma and ontario serving the latter r eroup as editor of the annual report of that organisation jfle is also a member of the american assoc tor the advancement of science and member of three honour societies qamma alpha sigma xi and phi ssstsbjssbjjsjsajejssjsbjgi kappa phi bwkliitf stock astmcutty tomatoes vegetable floveai window boxes hanging baskets custom filled t hilts 6 johnson tr 72644 tr 73625 try us for price bu barrager fob fur and garment storage full insurance en our eetd star- age vault prat a from moths nre and shaft j uutlv copy appmciatbt a 14 or 18 page herald can only be produced by wednesday afternoon with cooperation of advertisers in sub- milling early copy this i much ap- preeuted by the herald staff ask about nature glow canada fits fur cueistae barrager cleaners dyers tr 72732 frbkwckukuhhmlvetv aii

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