Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 11, 1955, p. 1

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ttie georgetown herald eight pages georgetown onurio weliedy may 11th 19ss first secttort joan chaplin marries north bay airforceman ttw uirriaje ftf baitara jah the uubur of ur nd un percy chsj- in te uozner cureace stenaett sob of mrs james stejutett oskviue and ihe let ur suantl wu saltmnixed belurdsy afterttoon may 1th t 3 00 oclock in st georges anjluan qturcsi rev tfehnetb richardson per ionad ine iy mr reginald wulums wu organist and the btidea routin ura thames amerson horn by aanc the lordf prayer before the service and u perfect love du tint the aigning of the register lleau uful white mums adorned the altar and baskets of mums made a lovely wetting- of the wedding the bride was given in marriage by her father and wore a floor length gown of white satin with overlay of embroidered nylon net on the bodice and bouffant ovenkirt her matching brief bolero was fashioned with long sleeves coming to a point over her wrists a coronet of while velvet lea vea studded with rh me tones held the fingertip veil of tulle illusion she wore a gold cross the sift of the groom and carried a bouquet of am erican beauty rosea the brides sister helen was maid of honour wearing a ballerina length gown of blue crystal e tie over taffeta fashioned with a very full skfft kil een ken and annie stennett sister of the groom were bridesmaids in identical gowns of ahrimp pink fash ioned like that of the maid of honour they wore matching beaddreasea and elbowlength gloves the attendants all carried bouquets of talisman roses and wore motherofpearl necklaces and earrings sifts of the bride two little flower girls kleanor chaplin the brides sister and andrea chaplin the brides cousin also atten ded her they were dressed alike in ankle- length sowns of blue taffeta made with full skirts and headdresses of braided taffeta to match they car ried nosegays of baby mums and ros es and also wore heartshaped lockets their gifts from the bride sir albert stennett oakville was groomsman for his brother another brother william stennet and the brides brother henry chaplin were ushers a reception was held in thechurch hall following the service where the brides mother received the guests assisted by tha mother of the groom mrs chaplin wore a rosewood crepe ensemble with navy accessories and corsage of talisrosn roses mrs sten nett chose a blue gown with navy ac cessories and a corsage of red rosea for a motor trip through the states what council did theweatheil ur editor- prom an unseasonable high of 87 to a low of 30 in the one week u a big variation lets keep our fingers crowd that we do not get snow or at least a heavy frost ern batlrin dale max mln ram may 2 77 48 13 may s 80 44 may 87 so 38 may 5 70 52 may 8 ul 30 02 uay 7 70 30 07 may 8 si 3d average 71 42 m arena executives meet ih georgetown arena executives from msny parts of the province were in georgetown on sundsy meeting with members of the local board of parks management the group convened at north hal ton golf and country club and the georgetown board received msny helpful hints on how to operate the arena and add features which are not now available visitors included barney ramctt sault ste marie howard radford of north bay who formerly managed guelpb memorial gardens walter smillie peterborough wea alsops barrte jim webb ortllis tom du on leamington ted steed man owen sound bob crosby kitchener will dolmsr welland larry obrien oak ville members of the locsl board are bob lane chairman dick licata trea surer harold mcclure secretary art scott clarence king ivan crabtrce and mayor jack armstrong an exof ficio member other local men at tending were ken mcmillan 2nd vice president of the ontario hockey as socialion and jack hart bank of com merce manager the bride changed to a pink suit with mslching feather hat tweed short ic coat and navy accessories guests were present at the wedding from brampton toronto oakville kitchener north bay glen williams and george town the bride is a mem bcr of the office staff at smith arid stone ltd and the groom is a mem ber of the rcaf stationed at north bay what cbumctl did my build eight homes on irwin property an itvhotae tubd vision may be con structed on property owned by fred krwin it was learned monday at council meeting mr erwin appeared with two builder who are interested in con strucurnf houses four of which will fsce main st n and four temper ance kl they asked about the access to temperance el either from ontario street or main the problem ties in with another proposed subdivision on adjoining property owned by lira elvira palmer who has also approa ched council about roada the town planning committee is to investigate both cases and report to next mondays council meeting possibility of building a house on klgln street on property owned by the barber floral co which does not meet the minimum requirements of the town building by law was asked by keith barber no decision wat made by council the mayor and clerk will write to a lady who la considering establishing a private hospital here indicating town approval and the need for auch an institution the clerk wil seek prices on plac ing street name signs at the proper place in town highway accident cuts power for one hour town to acton truck bulldozer three cars social and personal tangle in unusual crash highway resurfacing to proceed this year baptism service for town limettouse children a special aervice marked the culml nation of christian education week in knox presbyterian church last sunday morning when teachers offi cers and children of the church school attended uic service of worship in s body snd two young people gail thompson snd dill farmer assisted in resdina the scripture lessons ret alex csldcr chose as the topic for his sermon god speaks to christian homes and there wss specisl music by the choir the sacrament of baptism wss ad ministered at the service to mary hi len daughter of mr and mrs jsck gudgeon diane lynn daughter of mr and mrs michael george lesley jsna smith daughter of mrs and mrs wm paris lenie elisabeth snd rich- srd chsrles children of mr snd mrs john lens steven edwsrd son of mr and mrs r w ace bailey snd gordon russell son of mr and mrs lome hunter a baptismal service wss also held in llmchousc presbyterian church for ian david son of mr snd mrs chf ford mcdonsld llobin daughter of mr snd mrs edward kindlcy and reverb joan daughter of mr and mn w j crawford resurfacing of no 7 hlghwsy thro town came one step closer to reality monday when council moved to over come some of the technicalities jicccs sary before it can proceed engineer ross simmons estimslcs cost of the psving at 02000 with the town paying some 135000 of this and the balance received in government granta this would include side- walka proper drainage removing some trees snd moving some hydro pales council la planning to have the work dona this year discussing again tha dosing of ann street a small deadend street run ning off george street and possible sale to william hayward who has ottered to purchase it council decided to find oat the legal costs involved be fore deciding a atraw vote allowed four council- lora in favour pf selling to one man with some othera thinking the two owners of adjoining properties should esch buy a portion some complicated manoeuvring in assessments will mean a general in crease in assessed values of george town residences without any increase in actual taxes paid reeve stan allen who la chairman of the county assessment committee recommended that georgetown forego a is per cent location obsolescence originally allowed the towns of mil ton acton and georgetown when the equalised siaasilwg system came into being some years ago milton dropped the ib per cent voluntarily last year the ib per cent has become a myth ical future because the county now adds moat of this back when figuring the towns snare of county costs the end result la that georgetowns assess- ment is lower than other ilalton mun icipalities and the tax rate somewhat higher assessment commissioner joseph gibbons was at the meeting and said the change would irjvolve an assess ment increase of about naif e million dollars on residential property there u no obsolescence discount on com mercial and industrial properties he said t would terohw considerable miss minnie young 40 years a resident a resident of town for forty year marion helen minnie young died ul her home 40 main street s saturday morning a few hours after suffering a severe stroke miss young was the dsughlcr of the iste thomss and jsnet mcmillan young snd wss born in erin town ship where her fsthcr farmed she waa a milliner and worked in several ontario towna before coming to geor getown with her sister margaret who died in 1048 she opcrsted s tou rist home on msln st for msny years she wss a member of knox preaby- terisn church and at one time waa organist at first baptist church she wss the youngest of a family of eight children surviving arc her sister mrs j d torrle who lived with her in town and one brother w j young guelph rev alex calder conducted the funeral service on monday st tho mc clure funeral home pallbearera were freeman kersey ssm mscken- tie ross leitch donald kirlcwood payman pstterson and arthur tor rle interment waa in huxleys cem etery hillsburgh children baptized sunday at st johns a large congregation filled st john a church to overflowing sunda morning when hev morgan mcrar lane administered the sacrament of baptism the following children were recci ved into the church kevin john ion of mr and mrs robert e harris ma ry joan daughter of mr and mrs stanley it hutchinson rodney desn son of mr and mrs g blair arm strong james eugene son of mr and mrs john inglis danny edward son of mr and mrs charlca e allen margaret louise daughter of mr and mrs j alan c pro use and raymond george son of mr and mrs george tizxard uias may wilkie of montreal ipent tuesday with mr george cohop at nerval mr and mrs william milhere of mount forest were visiting on sun day with mr snd mrs lurold scratch ur and mrs roy magloughlen were in stayner en sunday visiting with her mother mrs thomaa dick y ur and mrs cedrtc cross and mr and mrs george martin spent sunday lit orange vi lie with ur and mrs gor den martin and family un c e biehn of cbesley spent a few days in town last week with her son and family mr and mrs walter blehn weekend visitors with mr wnd mrs joseph carter were mr and mrs reuben esjon and family who live in campbellford mrs h stockford spent the week end in downsview with mr snd mrs tom watts and mr and mrs charles stockford mrs c sargent attended her son skip i graduation from ryerson instl tue of technology on krlday may 0 skip will be working for station ckoc in hamilton as a reporter mr and mrs ragnar sune and mr and mrs henri mai on and son henri pter were weekend guests with mr and mrs trygve wold maple ac w rcmp const george cousens wu visiting at the home of his parents lieut col and mrs g cousens for a few days he returned sunday to ottawa mrs p binnie and her daughter mrs weir of lindsay were in ilallin afad ta attend the reopening of the balllnafad united church on sunday may lat mrs blnnic u visiting in balllnafad this week mrs george muckart accompanied mrs r mulington new toronto to the states last week where the latter was s delegate to an international rnnjgtni el members of the east- eartisur held in kansas city mlssou ri the ladies also istted in chicago during their trip brenda fae daughter of mr and mrs steve eaton who uas 4 tan old caterria rvhbrattd hi r birthday on sunda at the home of h r grstndpir i nts mr and mm bertie wimnn mr land mrs ho wiaiun donna jian ind hill of milton were also hire for the double occasion sundav being moth r da andrew dewhurst son of mr and mrs harvey dewhurst celebrated his tith birthday with a party at his home on tuesdav ma luth his guest in eluded rlnpeth macintosh michael staines nda jcnner beverly john son gail and leorgie stlggertatsy marko billy kason bobbv kny snd peggy ann lcn the party enjoyrd a program of gamen and two tnoics the railroad story and abbot snd coitello cloverdale residents form ratepayers croup residents of the new cjoverdsjt heights subdivision have formed a ratepayers association with a slate of officers which include rex cock as prmdent kric wilson secretary and jack theitham treasurer committer members are lea abbiss reuben neale frank jamleeon and charles corcoran object of the association la to pro tect members interests and to act as a negotiating body if and when occa svl on irikci as well as to organize re rreatiunal activities and promote a ocial atmosphere within the commu nity itoident of the subdivision crea tetl lait yiar on part of the harold cleaw farm are mostly newcomers to town with a majority employed at the a v roe plant it walton clover dale adjoins churchill crescent with entrsnees from churchill snd from a new atrret which cuts into the highway beside sim harrisons res id ence the association has engaged john ord of the hewson t ord law firm to set as their solicitor present offl cits will serve for two months after which time elections wilt be held to choose a permanent executive silver wood wetkend visitors with mrs d w shier wrre mr and mrs c r tisdalc and small daughter dana of port cre dit they were joined on mothers day by k u d g shier on the staff of rca i- training school london mrs shier and their four children a highway accident tuesday anon involving three cere a truck and a bulldozer had serious enoseqiieiiscafi which led to a power sbutojf roa pleasant hydro station tfcroagh geor getown acton and the surrounding communities no one was injured peter vanwouw glen williams was going east on no 7 and stopped to make a left hand turn ento queen street a lane haulage truck driv en by fred jackson was immediately behind the car and skidded into it on wet psvement the truck waa towing a bulldoter behind and the vehicle jacknifedthe bulldozer snapping a hydro pole and the truck hitting a car going west in the opposite lane dri ven by douglas mcrain toronto the mehain car ricocheted into a parked car on scott motors property owned by james sturrock brampton the hydro pole was one carrying a 37gkv feeder line which supplies po wer for a wide area reaching as far as acton when the pole was being replaced at 4 p m power was shut off for about an hour affecting the whole towns of georgetown and acton in dustrial plants were silenced for this period the accident also uprooted a section of bell telephone cable which is bur ied along the highway and phone ser- vice was interrupted on some lines hydro and telephone workers are still busy today repairing tha dam age total damage to vehicles is around si 000 acording to opp constable guy harrington who was in charge of the investigation the mcbain and van wouw cars both 10s models bore the brunt of damage the former esti mated at s430 and thvl alter s350 what council did nha promises completion gloverdale roads drains social evening cards for home schoolers reception for newlyweds after arizona honeymoon jfit2 monday evening members and friends of the local horns and school association gathered for a very en joyable social evening at howard wrlcfilcsworth school aa this waa the concluding meeting before the summer vscstlon business once timelceepea- now chrysler vic president a windsor man who joined chyrs- mr corporation of canada limited as a timekeeper 80 years ago today bo- came vice president in charge of fin ance he la frank j rogan whose ap pointment to the position ta announ ced by e c row president and ben- oral manager mr llogan was working with the former maxwellchrysler company when the newlyformed chrysler of cantda organization came into being in june 1029 since then he has ser ved successively as treasury clerk chief accountant assistant treasurer and assistant secretary and in may ims became treasurer four months later he was elected director of the company born in this city and educated in orvlnrs4fcstiut an these figures local schools ur slogan later attend and considerable education rotdd be ed night school classes in commerce necessary to show ratepayers that and finance at the university of de- thejr actual tasfpamnts would not troll he hiismt his entire bustaeas eeressvln thaiautonibbuelndustry mr and mrs archie kerr it r 2 acton held s reception at their home last frldsy evening snd ssturdsy af ternoon snd evening to honour their dsughtcr and aonln law mr and mrs robert tyler who hsvc just ro- turnod from then- wedding trip to arl- tons over 200 guests wore present from- hamilton toronto fenelon falls varney kitchener bram pton georgetown guelph acton drantford weston and hillsburgh a buffet supper was served from the brides table bcsutlfuuy set with a chinese embroidered eutwork cloth under a canopy formed by a big white bell with pink and white atreamera it was centred with the wedding cske flsnked by pink and white aweet peas snd sliver candelabra the house was decorated with large baskets of spring flowers snd white anapdragons ur and mrs kerr received tha guests mrs kerr wearing a flowered dress with pink corsage assisted- by their sonlnlsw and daughter mr and mrs bob tyler mrs tyler wore s hlye brocaded silk dress and white corssge on friday evening ura kerrs cou sin and sister mrs harry caldwell of varney and mrtc j buck geor getown poured tea mrs r gordon agnew and mrs earl vannatter also a sister of mrs kerr presided at the buffet table on saturday afternoon on saturuay night ura keith barber georgetown and mrs vaiinstter pou red tea friends who assisted in aery among major contributions to the schools were elmer the ssfelty eleph ant pennants ssslstsnce by grsde mo thers st the open nights cssh dona tion to hslton music festival presen tation of pictures to classrooms hsvlng the most fathers mothers snd teach ers present st the meetings programs have been interesting snd informative ranging from outstsndlng speakers like dr brllllnger to public speaking panel discussions snd slso choirs president mrs joe emmer- son and those who helped arrange programs did an excellent job ross thompson conducted the in stallation of the new executive at the meeting following the business per iod court whist wu played with win- ners mrs l g lloyd and reg broom- head and consolstion award to john macgllllvray entertainment was climaxed with modern and folk dancing to music of reg rysll and his rhythm kings a lunch wssprovlded by the refresh ment committee headed by ura gor don lane and mrs william collier roads snd drslnsge in the clover- dale heights subdivision will be tak en care of according to advice recel rd by town clerk john d kell which he relayed to council monday when the mayor mentioned tho prob lem during a meeting the clatt subdivision is to say the least complicated said msyor arm strong reporting the formsllon of a ratcpaers oasociatlon in the aubdjvi sion some residents soy they were pro- rmrd free sewors and no ical im procmcnt charges mr sam har rison thinks it is the towns rcsponi hilit to raise his garage above the road lecl mr clatt is reported to have told someone that the town wouldn t let his company install storm sewers though 1 havent confirm ed the story rumour has it that glatt is no longer connected with the sub division and someone else is building were thoughts expressed by the msy or who appeared worried about a sit uation over which council has little control i dont know what we can do ex cept hope that national housing will ix the mstter up said the mayor council at last weeka meeting had written to nha pointing out that roada had not been put in proper ahapt and drainage taxcn earc of in the subdivision and an nha reprca entatlve spent all day monday in town checking on the matter mr glatt was going to do every thing when i talked to him said de puty reeve norton who aa road chair man haa received numerous com plaint from subdivision residents clerk keuy said thst ur gunby of nha wss very definite after his sur vey of the property thst roada and drains would be put in proper ahape council granted use of the park on may 1418 to the lorne scots regim ent which plans a aporta day and all- night camping on june 18 the rot ary club waa given permission to use the park for a harness race moot with a proviso that tha dust aulsance must be taken care of complaints of odour from alliance paper mill wute near his river drive property received in a letter from l sunnucks brought a scathing at tack on the mills method of disposal from reeve stan allen who la also a close resident of the mill theres a lake of wute cueln and it certainly hu an odour said reeve allentwho claimed the- company la not dealing with the problem u suc cessfully u the neighbouring provin cial mlu it is creating a terrible nuisance behind houses on river drive and is going to be serious in tha future if something isnt done he said on the reeves suggestion coun cil will uk die mill to allow them to visit the settling beds on the prop- the board of cedarvale school ei pres sed concern shout garbage being dum ped by the town on the aewer dispo sal property near the ochool school officials are aausfied with the operation of the disposal plant but are not happy with garbage which they claimed often ilea uncovered council wilt ask the town foreman to dlseuaa the situation with them at the next council meeting terra cotta thimble club plans bazaar and bus trip the thimble club meeting was held at the home of mrs robert lacker ing articles for the bazaar were turned in and plans were made for the bus trip which is to be msy 31st mr and mrs howard maybe and family have a from our village and are nowliving in orangeviile mrs ann wilson has left for her tour of the continent ron elwood snd lynwood lloyd vi sited with friends in rowmsnville lut weekend congrslulstlons are in order for mr snd mrs hsrold deforest who hsve s new dsughtcr mrs wesley hilts is home from hospital after suffering injury receiv ed in a car accident mr a cameron sr and mr a ca meron jr and mr gordon cameron and family of toronto all visited with tha elwoods fishermen were plentiful along the credit river over the weekend lyn wood lloyd got a beauty saturday night mrs margaret deforest and ur harold chambers of lullaburgh visit ed with the zllioa mr and mrs norman learn of gear- gctown and ur and ura harry bes- sey and family of stewarttown were visitors with ur and ura ucbride mrs petch wu home for the week- end and all her family came down to see her ur and ura stuart puckering were home with his parents ur and- ura harvey puckering or sunday stuart wu travelling and came home from quebec hut position now takes him to montreal ing at the reception were mrs a saunders miss carol tyler mrs ralph denney mrs frank freeman mrs norman turner mrs h meeach- ern mrs g a russell ura h griff on marie kerrv marjorie mcdonald u v all of acton miss marlene holmes erty of bramptoujrt j drytdale of- guelph another letter umplaint this from wmaaouunys ur and mrs john doyle kelly an nounce the engagement of their i daughter uolra shirley to ur rich ard blain phllp aon of ur and ura normanlewts phllp ot guelph the wedding will take place at onethirty pm saturday june tha eleventh in st georges anglican church george town i ur and lbs john gould gillies an nounce the engagement of their daughter ann terrain to ronald ar thur davis son of ur and mrs artv ur davis of ueadowvala ana marriage will take place saturday may at three3dockiuboaton presajyterlaa churjueeing

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