notice convention to seucy a candidate km the progressiveconservative party in h alton in the next provincial election will u kajd in th town hall milton friday may 13th 8 30 pm dst han thomas l kennedy guest speaker plays violin at 94th birthday2elebration page s thi oeoorrowm hiuld wednesday brtalnfj may 11th ims everyone welcome for printing call tr 72631 ob april 22od an enjoyable even ins u spent t woodlea rrm the hope of ur and mr omar dlttlns near belleville wkea a few friends gathered to eeleteated the mth birth day of hu father william dutflns mr dicgins who lived in george town for many yean la in very stood health and is extremely active he recently returned by plane from spending the winter with hu son and family in los angeles california waldo digguu glen williams is the only member of the family now living in this district during the evening musical selec tions were played milton schmidt at the piano hugo dlggtns on the a onur dlggias master ielcr piggins and the guost of honour playing violins and everyone singing the old favourite songs a decorated birthday rske centred the table when lunch wss served the gueais included mr and alts milton schmidt mr and mrs ralph margeuon and michael mr and mrs kenneth vsncarur and mrs murn ey iarlcs mr and mrs hugo dlggma lynda and gerald mr and mrs liar old caldwell mrs msud taylor mr and mrs harold hall macmurdos asssss ladies and childrens wear seasonaire for mothers and daughters including a particularly fine select on for children 6 monlh lo 12 year sport hats girls and ladies 89 cotton blouses 298 up super orlon sweaters pullovers 595 cardigans 795 co u tt s greeting cards or all occasions t l kennedy again partys peel choice cot t l kennedy his party s standard bearer in 10 provincial el ections haa been again chosen as progressive conservative candi date for peel ue will lead his party against liberal candidate mrs jack llduek and cctef charjea jenkins in the elections called for june 0th pacing his 20th election col ken nedy who will be 76 in august haa won the peel seat ori to out of 11 occasions a former minister of ag rtculture and premier of ontario be has also taken srt in ejght munlci pal elections he espreased soma conaern that hu supporters might take the elec tion fur granted that s what hap pened in 1034 he pointed out that of the 50 000 voltrs registered in peel one out of every every three was s newcomer and that their vote haa to be fought for and won 1 hope we will all get together and fight the electlun aa ooe big fa inlly col kennedy said burlington holstein 170000 lb producer hirtin jemima sadie a purrbrcd ilohttin tstl and owned by j t lit 11 and sbn lurlinjtton is a mut unusual animal at art when moji cowt arc lunil past thtir pnrm sadie has surprised the exp rts h malt i nil ht r lariit yearly produr tion record aa a fifteen ytar old shi produced in 305 daya on twice a day milking 21 000 lbs milk contain in 710 lb fat this ti the latest in a lonu siriis of txcellent producing rt cords made by sadie which kivis lur a lifetime total on official tut of 171 574 lbs milk containing 5073 lbs fat avcralc teat 3 48 per cent butterfat she is thus recognized by the holsuin frit un association of canada aa a silwr st al product r all of this ou 1st and int cows records haw bttn made on twici a day milking and in six of htr lactations she quahfud for the 305 da dimmon sadie in classified joo 1 1 lus r conformation few svdvch allcomi able makes larn whst en oering l power c afirw- modern 12volt electrical system tli 12 vol system wilh us holier faster inurk ti ex clumvf with chevrolet the low priced three it hivm famcr surer stans on cold mornmsv und provides a bin supply of reserve power better allrewuj periennqnct chevrolet turbo i ire vf jnakes ue of general motors long experience in making unheainblr k for hijih priced cars thai why chevrolet k pctformaoic is unrivalled by comparable makes hiohest horse- t anlrdlut fahprtssw lubrictttlm controlled full pressure lu brtcation results in greater oil economy and in liner en sine protection the oq ti forpeo to every working part of the engine in chevrolet s turbofite v8 thorough cnaineerms haa eliminated all the dead weight and unnecessary bulk both factors which drain the mod korstpowtn of engines jin comparable makes high compression economy t hcvrolel vh hits a tomprc won ruiio that nnsurpiwil unytoicir lit held in tail itv mprevvion nlio of 8 to 1 puts the iurhlire vh m ihe pciform itkc claw of hiiih priced tars ou tan feel the result ihe intiinl you put your foot down on the nnclernior and of miirv high tompres sion means high economy in chevrolet s turhofirr u vh the piston moves only new shoiror three nuhes reducing cyl nklju rlaa mder wall friction frivtum greater efficiency c guii d lne p moves a ivavos i mil shorter distance it actually ef wmt aaaam siiu11ei uisiiuvc t j uvea 1 mile of entlne wear for w every 12 you travel this also m aavaaa ihk pma llhlar loada on ihe bear- kvvvw ohfy chevrolet- mm mmm oflsyovjae choice of q vs s if afnotkk nitdaustes arthur scott motors limited 7iedbraonei tit viat children who will be 5 years old by october 31st 1955 will attend kindergarten parents pleas fill out this m ant sand u so pruclciaj harold hanry if you viv4 in chapl v dltrrtu or prin cipal wuilam kinrada if t ara in wrioousworrh sdvool tliilrltf heasr snd the form sefore may 31 parants who submit form will bo partonally nollfud of reoistration date lalar in juna ptaata hava your childs birth carlificala raady at hat lima l11uus namh day or h1ht11 iakrm s nami- yrh holm no sthht pleast print this information opening dance stanley park erin friday may 13th dot c r j 9 to 1 dancing every friday n kjhl harvey smith s 1 1 piece orchestra upwell s ltd admission 1 75c club m1dtown report by gorglll too late to run now i aaw you you 11 have to stick around and suffir throuch anothtr lisue of thla drivel will the t m executive was faced with one of its toukhtst dcciiions last lrula nijht oct th prohlini of nni walwr wilson 1h duln i know uhittur to p admit him 2 applaud him or 1 dicontiniinatt him 1 hi r ison for this probu m v us actually tin fault of thi i m hrass hats thim rpivos thi y di lib ratcly jnnouncctl thi dance as binj hard turns and thiy should therefore hac cxictid somiont to ik hraw i noujh to dnss ah such tti think walt should lc awarded a medal for htrotsm if no thinfi dsr brcausc thirc uas no oth i r m of i tort ut into costume onu inalil mr wilson in all his ridiculous karb or out of it as hi m nrl uas seemed rather popular with thi oppo site render i maniktd nt i lo fikht our vi throiikb hih thronk f fimalt ndmin rs and enquind of him just what his seirtt of attraction was he replied in hi usual modist way i dunno but thiy ill go awa scral chink so llu r ou arc iron llu ridiculous to the sublinu fint a note to c m iixuc mtni her 6 wha hopptn two weeks ao a lit tie conttst was opened to all and sun dr of cm involving the design of a crist anyone wishing to win the krand prm a glorious all expense trip to outer mongolia via dromedary was asked to submit a design for a club crest to he worn on jackets sweaters ltc no more was ccr heard ot the venture or of the winner of the of the vinture or the winner of last prize as far as we know the contest is still open so stir up the grey mat tcr and grind out a i htlc gun mas ttrpicco for the critics to laugh at on friday night it seems that we let ourselves in for something last week when we began printing the works of a local poet so many of our dear readers approached us about the first one that it took a lot of nerve to present another non theleu here it is incidentally if it doesnt seem to rhyme its because the poet took off for hawaii and left us to finish it a rvampd nurtry rhym hickory dlckory dock two mice ran up the clock the clock struck one the other escaped with minor injuries now were leaving for hawaii recover stoleri car minus tirks battery stolen from his home on friday night or saturday morning a car owned by thomas nivettwajweovc ed next afternoon near brampton the carwts stripped of its tires and battery provincial police have taken fingerprints and believe they are oa the wall ot the thieves the theft was ofcsl discovered sat unlay morning when mr niven went out to use the car it had betn left in the dnviway beside his home on john street b his wife the evening before buy the best buy bh paints for lasting beauty sold by twins woodworking umehouse tr 72162 manufacturers of sash frame screens doors insida and out trim door hardware floor tile glass open evenings till 9pm and all day saturday have your ess0 oil burner air conditioning unit inslalud now 25 down s yaars to pay lit instalment in saptambtr billspr0ule 4 ellmtoth strmt i brampton phonh vr raverso charges 6 vt rgfateteajto