Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 11, 1955, p. 12

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th1 oiqnwr6wt herald wednesday evening may 11th lftss pace ft hlcrti tales pubushed by students of georgetown high school volume 3 no 12 wednesday evening may uth 1055 georgetown ontario cest fini mwuht well here it is the tut edition ol high vates awl the last column which will be written by your truly for this paper for urn copy we would like to go over soine of the high ljfbu which hive twn covered b this column during the year our main work was beefs the were aerru mutated bjr tht staff of uiu paper for the future bentfita of the students of glib s here are a lew of the major ones one of the major one u the overcrowding hhe school bus on the 4 o clock trip wjlpthe enlarging of the town and the lncreas ing ouidbrr of itludenu using this bus it would indeed be wue fur xtya cliool board to operate two ur more buses in order to insure the saftty of fell students concerned anolhtf beef u the need fur sn ad ult counsellor on the teaching staff next year for if you sik many of ihe- upper class students of thnr future they just shrug their shoulders and say i don t know the aim of any hnh c hoot is not to produce educated ho bos but intelhieint men and women who will be capable of taking the irs dership uf country and itading it through a world of conflict and tur moil another project was the student of the week idea this would jjve the students sorm thing to work forward to as a goal it would 1m the initiative which would stir thirn on to triattr heights cither in the sports or in the acsdennc sphtn ror the school board it would ik wise for them to think carefully and use much deliberation before jumping into tht construction uf a mw school or the addition of niw rooms to the prracnl school next year wc would alio like to e e more activity from the student coun cil this is one aspitt of stutl nt ac tivity which has fallen down greatly in past years if this trend continues the student council will onl become a farce or ein cease altogether there are man thin that the council can tfb to make student life more pleaant in extracurricular act ivitics some examples are dances hay rides skating parties weiner roasu and backing individual parties the student council is also the mouth pwet of the students of a high school it should look into any beefs brought to it by students and if the complaint warrants some action it should have the intestinal fortitude to present this complaint to the proper authority and see that the student and the council is satisfied completely if the student council is not adhered to h the school authorities thon democracy has u ft school and it now has become a total itanan institution run h a kroup who t not subject to the will of the peo ple as long as the pteiple of this land insist on democracy then dim ocracy will be the cry of tht students of g1is other columns have touilied on the semester system which is now be ing tested in this country previously we would not commit ourse ives to any point of view but comments from readers have led us to be ium that this system should be adnntcd in the pro vince it miiht be a much belter ss tern than the one now m el since it would do away with tlu pilinj up of exams within a spae of two weeks this would give the student a he tie r chance to concentrate on subjects from which he may have to take some time away because of a weakness in some other subject also wc would like to sec three hets of exams run troduced for a trial basis at least and see if they prove more efficient than our present svstcm under this new system it would mean that leiwir school would write a set of exams not just testa before christmas and las tcr then it wouirfmxortc necessary to write at june those subjects that they obtained over 73 per cent the total marks could be based on a per centage basis 25 per cent for the 1st two sets and so per cent for the fin ats for upper school it would mean 4 seta of exams the extra aet coming at may about 3 weeks before the fin all if this system was used it would mean added work to tbo staff and also the pupils especially fifth form but ip students are at school to learn they will find it to their advantage to put in this extra time for in later years it may mean a considerable am ount when you are out in the world earning a living i alio would like to present a new plan for the number of periods per day under the new plan the peiioda would be half hour in length the lehool would start u usual at 0 in the morning but would continue to 1200 instead of thflkpreaant 1145 this would mean 8 periods would be in the morning in the afternoon aehool would begin at 1 instead of 1 18 and continue till 3 instead of tillju this lt j would give the students 4 periods in j theiafternoon making a total of 10 per- 8 this would mean the teacher have more time with the- stu- i jtor example take the 0th omhday instead of thvprea- would mean more time mid have with the stu- iple taking the 0th there ar approxim- at present for stu- this would work li hill hard m when a qfovp o l gh vlkxlrn vmled the unuuwily of toronto last month bill hanjrnan mapped iho group on the campus the student council your year at ghs grsld scott the following are the itradr r pre tentative that havt cuntribuled tint ly to the work of our c hool crade xiii ail whte it r raid scott preiident rde xii hitl crtlg hill lurdman secritar radi xi a munu mackeniu lit he rt crawford 11 laire hradle r rancis hulint ralex llilen muikart lijr rie jtflrt rude ix a joan urn mmgs ouk hi hfirukon ill jam iknderion rirbt we wish to lhank all students for cooperating with their student ouncil that includit the ones who he iprd plan dance s contribute d ree ords and fed isitllik rugb teams and alt others who contributed in their own wa te tht sue cess of our jclm tie also to hi student lx u at larie for puchasirik their student cards thank you the niont from tht se csrtls is the nuclt ui for what we are able lei do throughout the e ar most if not all of ou dui jour part 1ookirik hack into our memoirs we see thai tht stuite nt council an i those concerneej made fie meinturs of the 1rtston rujb ttam blue in tht lat and there t nsut d an illness of three weeks reason the were the hi btst players and e wanted to win tht next imc miam we fed them nothing serious three dances have been ht id this tar a rugby valentine and a cum nuncement dance vic meant to haw more but obstacle are ever prccsnl such as exams next year instead of record wc hepe to have a band for one of our dances thiear a band from the oac uelph expressed a drire to play for us but oac wrote their exams quite early and the band has broken up on top of that we had jmt had a dance hut their offer is still open and flood for the ne xt ear they are a western band and a threat hoc down with jeans to match could he planned undertaking a new project stuel ent council carried out two trips one to the oa3 uelph and lniwr sity of toronto the school e ar seems to fly now wi meant to have more trips to places that interest stu dents such as the stock market on tario legislature the royal ontario museum hut wc can only do so much in a school year the trips however were interesting and are hopeei we re profitable for all 1 h council sponsored a trip to tht red jtather ootlnll i also reflect ing on the profitable side of our ar tivitus this ye ir we have done ex ceptionatly will on ill dances mo ne was raised for the future on the trips the cn wai negltgtblr stu dent cards were well purchased we have now more than double the sum to start next year as wc had to be gin this year as a good year has been had sweaters for the rugby team and choir gowns for the boys arc thicrs also counclfbought a new microphone for the school arid contn butcd 14 00 to the hurricane relief fund all costs of the commence ment except rent of hall such as ro yqltics on play makeup and seen cry were covered by the council here is the financial report for this year balance on hand as of sept 10 10m s12b84 total receipts as of may 1 1053 410 04 total 547 80 the expenses were microphone 25 16 hurricane relief 14 00 transportation 05 00 current dan ces commencement printing 115 15 totsl expenditures 240 31 balance on hand as of may 1st 1033 208 57 so falls the curtain on another year der the new plan now we will eon centrate on french since it seems to be the longest subject to cover the teacher would receive 2 periods a week extra having aeven periods in stead of the present five under the present system miss luke has 200 minutes a week for french with 5th form under the new system she would have 210 minutes meaning that xni gain 10 minutes of french a week under the new plan wow put- iing this into yearly terms it would mean an extra six hours o french year which would make it easier to cover the course so there is meth od in my madness well i now closo thinking you the reader for putting up with this col umn during this year and hoping you will read the high tales next year so to you ill good luck and good reading richard slenko what have you accomplished since last sept that may appear to be a soul kcarchinic question tood it is supposed to br when ou started back to school last stpwiiibcr the chances an that ou said to yours if i his e ar i in re i ouik to work no more fooling anund got murh anwa oh i know hr said the same thinf t fre iur e ar but this urs mini to te different was it different did uu re all concentrate on vmir school work paj jtli ntion in class do all home work that was asslkne ft fllel ou do jn outside rtaelini to help jour se hoed work or did ou it t caught up in the nd less whirl of field davs football i jiius elancei dates movies iaridis club metuiks afti r school jobs and more er le ss t school pla se cond fiddle did oti often sa to oursi if oh shucks iii skip tn r re nch to nij ht anel i can learn rn theorem in our spare tomorrow if i tan m t those- historj neile s copied hv nine our intentions prohabl wete mxti anel if the phone hadn t rurj or if mill haetn t sutked a mov t or if hine hut when do these ex uses slop w he n do ou 1m jl to take volir re sponsihilitjc s t nousl school elot s have respeinsihihtle s vou know just like the after school job if pain snap on the team the unl drawback in that the re suit of accepting your school reiptinsi bilitlea ma tx a little too distant to be seen easily and because the re ult of consistent attention to home work does neit brinfi a blue ribbon or an extra dollar within a week some people mtoiiic impatient or slip back into midterm cart irssnms again ror gotten is the prninise made to vour self to do bctur and so ou itt down our parents our teachers and our self if vou call the wront pla in foot halt make a wrotlk turn in cadets or miss a pass in hokev vour teammates let ou know in no uncertain terms hut in school work jou above all oth t rs know when vou have failttl to do vour iwst l s not e as to keep up school werk with the numtx r of com petllive outside interests the averam ttenikir of tneli his hut ifte r ill school is yenir hi job anel comes ib ove ill other things veni do i nfort tin ite iv this is one of the most difli cult of all lessons to put first things first m m of vou huve ilmtfy it ar md this and havt learned it well some in in the precess of discovt rini the ruth behind it now others will discovi r it tnr the first lime w ht n the final reports come out in june nixt fall when ou come hack to school make the same promise te ourself to work harder it will rt quire will power especially on a warm day when you know a good spot where the fish are biting well or when there s a ball name on but remind yourself of it often tvery wvek every day if necessary organ ue your time plan for homework first the extras following then pre pare tor the shock of better marks as a result of working carefully and consistently and more fun in your free time since you wont have the tell talc shadow of uncompleted home work lurking in the back oi your mind good luck you can do it and be llcve me its certainly worth it ths life of our school newspaper dm sooths the school year is just drawing to a dose with the june examinations tn sight consequently this will be the last edition of high tales for this year in this final edition we would like to reminisce a little about the 4 years that the high school has had its own newspaper the first known as the ghs news had a grand total of two on its staff paul irust now attending ityerson institute and your present editor that paper was run over on the mimeograph rp at the school and in those days jim kjn merkon of the toronto telegram fan old chs student wruie a weekly col umn which wnstiiuted about half of our five cent wetkly f a ear after this shaky beginning mr hiehn editor of the herald ap preached us and kindly ollered to publish our eltortu in his weekly pa per tht first edition in the herald took up approximately one quarter of a page and was proof read by our esteemed principa p j 1 iambert since that ime the name vi is newrs has been dropped and has bn re placed by lligh talcs the paper and staff have increases in sue and misi parkinson assumed the censurinif chore with each succeeding year new writers idias and arrangements have been added some of these ideas lot us into hot water especially id eas about the school auditorium which incidental wu nevev con s true ted hut looking hack over the four ear span we believe there is not one of the past or preesnt staff who has not e njo t d his association w h jlihh tales and what of the future of hit h rale high talc 1m gal with nolh uik ui n than a conviction that tv i r hikh school should have its own newspaper we look forward to this paper krowink and improving evtrv vear as our kri e n rejiorten trow in t xpe rie nee we hope to see illkh lals in print next ear with as ma ii of thi old staff as possible helping lo produce a paper worthy of tht stud tnts eif uoretown hlkh school do you want to build a home of your own if you oeed financial help to build a house or duplex sea the manager of our nearest branch ho win jladly tollyou how mortuofiu loans aro airanijnd under iho national housing act 1954 morfgago loans aro only onu of thi many nerviest wo offor qur customers at any of our moro than 610 branches the canadian bank of commerce j gaorotown branch j c hart manager concrete blocks also chimney blocks us oriole concrete block co w j mccowan 9th lin oln william tftlan 7 3471 outof town callers please reverjo ciarges travel treats for prfngmoq j miami l vancouver tick eta and information corner cupboard tk 73031 hi halton peel trust savings company ovkmlik ontario officers i pirn lent mr a s nlcboltoo icc ptcii lents mr o minning mr j a robvrts dr c a martin gcatril miniftr mr o b maanins lecrriirytrcaturari mr anpit ucmillia directors mr w j blrr mabafsctnrfr ai mr a mcmillia lawyer oaktllla mr b d oouldloc iatmtmeiil toronto mr 11 l liwrtnea lawyac brampto h mr b barribiham mtbufunrar oakritla mr k r mubtrt maaufaohirar oakrllla mr m milm uiraktm borllatm dr a htwtn ttnut ca manafar aahaniam hahujll mr p a piikar vrali orewar bnrllbftaai mr j rntmir mr j r birbir frail grawac clarlcaa laaoraaca oaartttan v capital beautify school with planting of evergreens on thursday april 28th the forci try club and the art elauea did an ex cellent job of planting a large nun ber of evergreeni along the front of the new wing under the direction of- mlu stone mr grovei local forestry representative wu quite pleased with the excellent job done by the stud ents i services phylli malcolm stewart featured role in picnic phyllis malcolm stewart daughter of mrs hi- m stewart of town who has played several starring roles on television this year will appear in the opening play at the garden centre summer thoatre at vlneland sho is one of several wollknown actors in picnic a puutiee prue play on broadway which is having its first canadian performance at vine- land i capital aaiksrlanl tlrmam capital 8nbkrlw 4sih capital paid i i miilt commoa saaraa par valoa tltm 7j0m akaraa offinj at 1140 1 guarastakl inrhlmaat ctrdfkau iriutj la asonsti 1m ii 1 hi jnsr u uuw yaara i five ytara ah mobtuy iavaatawbi piaa x martgag laau 1 bxaeutsr aa4 traaiw nadtr villa ataa ar latb 4 traal of aaatta of laeapadtataj parwaa i trtutaa ef marriage aad maar aattlaaaeta t traau of hmployta paoiloa fnatla 7 truatas of buafeeaa iaaurabea tnuta i truitaa of eadawmabi fubda ctnqufrfas fnwtad call orwrll o e mannimg gnr6l msnaaw ookvlll victor 4321a halton a peel trljst i savtng9h couosju tti

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