Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 25, 1955, p. 9

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farm niws cnonjro art bennctt bride a pleasing feature of the even lacs programme held in the hilton hijth school on friday evening was the presentation made to mr and mr art bennett llr bennett is the associate agricultural represent tative for italton and peel countie hi bride the former jean patters- son of bronte is past president of the palermo junior institute and in rec eat years has played an active part in many of the activities of halloo jun lor the presentation of a lazy boy chair to ur and mrs uennett was made by e haas segswortb on behalf of the senior organizations of the county including the soil and crop lniprovement association swine pro ducers plowmen s association milk producers guernsey jersey and hoi stein clubs beef and red poll uced rv52sr- mr and mrs robert lawson frhmieytnoon trip in west enings programme which included musical eleueby battyauildoti anderson of brookvule and tom fos ter of lowville a pleasing feature of the evening was the premiere show ing of the new 4ii club film in leehni colour preparing for the future the film was introduced by r gordon bennett associate director of exten sion for the ont depl of agriculture inasmuch as roost of the film was ta ken in halton it was of special inter est to the large audience aside from the fact that all of those participating are ilalloaites the film u a real cre dit to those responsible for its direc lion 1 tells the story of 4 ii dairy calf club work in ontario and it does it exceptionally well birthday parties are always a pleasant feature of the herald social and personal column please phone details of your chitd s party or inclu sion in the column page 0 thi ogormtowm herald wednesday bream may zstfc ibm mr and mrs walter robert law son who were married may 14th in trinity united church burlington will be living in slewarttowo when they return from a honeymoon motor trip to western canada mr lawson is associated with his fsther in the feed mill business in stewarltovm the bride if argaret christina alex ander who was employed in the of ice of niagara brand spray co u the dsughter bf mr snd mrs james ross alexander burlington rev keith love minister of trinity united was assisted by rev bruce cray turonto in conducting the ser vice in the church which was decors ted with tall standards of pink and white snapdragons and gladioli and two large palms ufdon douglas wss organul and thomas foster sang the shop at macmurdos for the dresses that are just a little different 6 months 12 yeats ladies summer skirts 298 up walking teddy bears 98 pull selection of coutts oieeting cards macmurdos ladies and childrens wear 164 guelph stteet beside the kja store tr 72125 5srd pulm before the bride entered the church and where er ye walk while the register wm beinj ugiied the bridal fiown or peau de toie had an empire waulune and a full skirt over a crinoline ending in a cathedral train the sown had fins ertip sleeves and the neckline was trimmed with pearls- and equina a tight filling hat of matching material was trimmed with pearu and she wore a fingertip illusion veil she earned a white bi hie addroed with gardenia and luyof thevallty with streamers of hlyof -the- valley attached mrs john rait is toronto was her sister s malrotf of honour she wofe a ualletina length green taffeta over crinoline with form fitting waistline full skirt and a stoleeffect neckline she carried a cascade of yellow and hrotur mums white baby a breath and trailing ivy and wore a floral head piece lira jack lawson george town who was also an attendant wore rofct taffeta sinnlary styled junior bridesmaid uartlyn sherwood bur linjtuo was also in rose taffeta v and rarrird a cascade of pink carnations and blue tinted baby s breath mr alexander gave his daughter in in art and the groom s brotbrr don aid ijwtun was best man ushers were u illkam hutchinson i- imvale ami john its fits toronto a reception was held at the kstain met burlington where the bride s mother received wearing navy blue crepe and lace a navy blue straw hat and a corsage of pink roses the groom k mother wore champagne laca snd crepe black accessories and a pink carnation corsage an honoured guest mrs jane currie who is thr bride s grandmother wore mauve crepe and lace a mauve flow t red hat and a corsage of yellow roses tor going away the bride chose a charcoal grey suit a black grey and white shortie coat and red anil black arrtsiurim and a corsage of gardt n mt forgot cadet injwclion 111 park ii xt tuiit a ivtning ontarios armers share a billion dollar business aided by good government more than a billion dollar worth or farm products have been sold by ontario farmers in each of the last three years nearly double the output of ten years ago development of new crop varieties and thorough extension work under the present administration has expanded cash cropjicreagc in ontario by more than 400 per cent departmental herd improvement policies have maintained livestock output at 70 per cent of ontario farm income the frost administration has introduced the most advanced marketing legislation of any canadian province community living in rural areas has been bettered through frost government grants list year these amounted to a quarter of a million dollars for 108 community centres under the frost administration sound legislation has brought benefits to all ontario farmers high yielding crop varieties introduced through department or agriculture support of research has meant millions more in cash crop returns for ontario farmers the department aids 250 field crop competitions weed control on 134000 acres of crop and 28000 miles of roadways received cash assistance from provincial department of agriculture conservation was carried out in nearly 1000 farm drainage and farm pond surveys last year sixtythree special field days demonstrated modern farm practice endless search for better crop varieties at ontario agricultural college and western ontario agricultural school is made possible by the department of agriculture future farmers already have received a million and a quarter dollars in cash loans from the provincial government under the ontario junior farmer establishment loan corporation fvwamtonyamo o g r conservative eokoctowrts red hand- beef market modern meat market 7 main street dial trumjw 71410 short rib roast lb 52 blade roast bone out 49 rolled brisket lean 49 shoulder lamb chop 59 peameal cottage rolls 50 pftoprietor stan hutchinson 7 main street north ttianau 7j410 a lady golfers have first tournament tht lady golfers of north luitun olf and country club enued ihur first lournamrnt day lat tuesday when thr captain and vice captain jean mackenzie and mrs sam markrn lie were hostesses a buff it supper was lervrd in the lounge winntra at golf for ihr afternoon play were mrs s w orr and mrs norman marchment and for thi ev ening play mrs trahtm 1- arm 11 and mrs harvey cbappel rning a programme and helped nut enally to clarify the many angle of the lubjeet ssie farm news panel ditcutsion for hydro highway rights compensation to be paid owners of farm land where property u cro bed by hydro and highway rikht of wa- was the subject of the panel dis ruuion stagid by the halton ledera lion of agriculture in milton on v ed ncday ecning president r i dav idkon and secretary a r coulter were foutnated in their selection of an outstanding panrl the moderator was oorke y hliott qc milton law rr who did an outstanding job of getting at the meat of the conten tioua subject and kept the panel mem txts and the lark audience on their toes for the two and ont half hour srsmon the arm viewpoint was ably pre- cnted by m m bobb robinson of hurlington reec a r service of nasatawa and cecil hclyea of thr ontario federation while the tuo public utilities had as their rep rmentatlves in the panel cvs tidy of the properties llranch of the on tario hydro 11 p j one supennteb dent of properties r w bond assist ant superintendent and m v gillard chief agent all of the ontario dept of highways it was an excellent ev important auction sale of modern ft antioue furniture by allan alcie mi isjticlla street ilramplon saturday may 2lh a p cheyne auctioneer auction sale of furniture television etc the property of jack warbing river drive georgetown opposite the old paper mill on saturday may llln at 1 30 the following motorola tv and sund like new good lindsay upright piano 2 piece chesterfield suite in green like new laxy boy and stool in wine like new 2 walnut chesterfield tables like new 2 matching chesterfield lamps like new walnut coffee table like new 4 piece walnut waterfall bedroom suite like new new trillght lamp chrome dinette suite of table and 4 chain small wardrobe 3 congoleufti ruga vanity dressing table with triple mirror 2 simmons steel beds com plete 2 simmons ateel beds single complete drop side day bed oak dresser weattnghouse console radio good simplicity electric washer new electric fan old chesterflejd two chrome kitchen chairs old radio 1 kitchen chairs kitchen cabinet s small tables girls bicycle 3 garden chain table and bench garden tools cooking utensil dishes fruit sealers kitchen table other small article thl 1 the but lot of furniture i have had to offer for a ions time clean well eared for and mult be told a ithe warelmt are going to england terms cash f rank rerrch jmjffljee asjth mackenzie news solve next winter fuel problem on one of these fine may days and then you 11 be able to concentrate on your fishing bowling gardening etc put in 4 tons of nut or stove read ing or old company coal at the low spring price of 23 00 per ion pay so 20 down and 14 22 per month or six months and have your coal paid for by november if we get tome rain we 11 be able to sit and watch our garden grow well for a day or two j b mackenzie son limited v triansu 7 its building supplies coal lumber monument brampton monument work dasions submitted cematory larhrlno corner post and markers a good display in stock wm c allan prop 4 ouaan st wast brampton shop 1410j phono ras 313 rep tom nicol phona brampton m3w its barrager for fur and garment storage full insurance on our eeld atbr- as vault brohetad from math fir and tkaft ask about nature glow canadas flnaat fur eukntnt barrager cleaners dyers tr- frttbl jfcti mevufcaihfevi f 1 v i

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