Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 15, 1955, p. 13

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r irnukmspkb bank clmk to branch ay simcotf allan darby who has been employ ed a a teller at the bank oi cow- mere branch tinea leaving blah school last yea bat been transferred to the bank branch kt slmeoe wiring commercial and domestic leos electric service mux bmt beatty pumps ulwtl tnubli tr 72901 j4440uk sakvics pakmuews t j brownrug judsins winner h oacfww day weather conditions while on the warm aid were generally ideal for the annual lulton and peel guernsey hobttein and jersey field day at guelph a week ago last saturday some six or seven hundred men wom en and children were in attendance for the enjoyable event following the noonday meal in the college din ing hall the group received a wel come from dr j d maelachlan prea- ident of the oac many look advan tage ef the opportunity to tee some thing of tne research work being con- ductedby the animal huabindry de partment relative to the ability of the herd sires in the varioua artific ial units to transmit typevui produc tion dr j c tannic former assist- ant agricultural representative in lulton and feel counties who la clo sely auociated with this reaearch pro gramme left no atonea unturned to make the day- a memorable one for thoae in attendance the afternoon programme also included the usual judging competitions where dr ken- die prof u w staple and 11 ii hudglna of tha canadian guernsey llreedcm aaaoclatlon were the offi cial judges the winner here were a follows holktein cuis r junior lhlli cousins of malton 1adles mrt j ii farm nrws htjtotute pu to attend uttioatvilu during the put fivr yeanjolk schools have been held annually in lulton those privileged to attend are moat enthuaiaatic of the benefita to be derived interest and enthusiasm increases each year we were there fore interested to learn from mrt m j brown secretary treasurer of the halton folk school committee that a folk festival is to be held at cherry hill farm umonville on saturday june 25th the annual event will get under way at 3 pm and will be fol lowed by a picnic supper and evening entertainment everyone is welcome so we anticipate that many llaltoii- itet will be in atlendanee to mingle and eschange fiperiencea with folk school enthusiasts from other count- nixon streeuvlilv men g r leslii vermillon jersey class juniors kevan hume mlltoir ladles mrs a cope- land krm men o tanwell hock- wood guernsey class juniors david iccsugherty streetsville ladles mrs ii 1awrcnce malton men 1 j hcownridge xirgetown the event concluded with an en joyable sports programme on the col lege campus chatting wwmhb keep valuables safe for 2 a day our safety deposit boxes will keep your important papers and valuables safe for less than 2c day rentals from 5 yearly inquire at our nearest branch we have more than 680 to serve you ww 11j the canadian bank of com merge gorftown branch j c hart mintgcr 0 its friday u we write this and weve just finished put ting our perishables away we usually try to have the car for the weekly shopping jaunt but sometimes that has its disadvantages when you go to find a parking space it has a double prbblem for us because we are definitely partial to angle park ing dy the time weve manoeuvred the car into a parallel spot were a wreck and lucky if the car is not- so we will be among rhe many happy people when a solution is found to the parking problem for main street- had one of the merchants mention it to us when we were down town and of course they are vitally eoneeraed with the problem which is pressing tuough now but will be worse as the town growi larger 0 and wi ajtt confident that a solution will be found for georgetown has always been very progressive in fact we are al ways to busy looking forward that no one teems to have the tune o look back when we see such pla cet kt the jordan museum we feel twinge of envy our history is just as interesting as theirs yet nothing it being done to- preserve it not that anything on tuch an elaborate scale would he necessary perhaps just a place tet aside where historical relics and documents could be tafely itored and documented together with his tory making pictures and events of rhe present and if ever a generation of people had a better opportunity to tell our childrens children unbe lievable tales of 1 remember when 1 havent heard of it we are inthe midit of a big municipal his tory making transitional period t what brought these thoughts to mind was the short note we received from mr j d godfrey tait week telling us that the ksques- ing uranch of the bible society la pro bably over 120 years old the old est organisation in town and this it an organization which recognises the value of its recorda as we have mentioned before they have them all stored in the archives in toronto aa the railroads came in and george town grew the bible society became known as the georgetown branch we appreciate mr godfreys interest at we do thst of every one who takes time out to tell us sbout things of in t crest fur the column keep us in mind whrn you hear of something a suck apteasanf way to tavetke wad to success da soto firtflltt ttdsn wrs dnmstic twsloae colour trap mijhty 200hp v8 angina thai iat a nrw worlds record this spina in tha flytni milt vnpatllioa spomsred by th national ajtodiuon of toca car rsdni at daytona batch florida 1 pntrtlts la but ons of several rontons why man on the way up are choosing do soto 1 ifa a mark of distinction to own this beautifully new automobile but mora than that tha sleek motiondeaign of the new da soto gives it tha forward look the fresh exciting styling that so perfectly fits the tempo of today this hhiling performer is also a delight to com- the distinctive new mand nimble easy to handle and powered by a mighty ibs- or 200hp v8 engine and although many other ears are higher in price no other canadian automobile has a wider or roomier body than this lnxurions beauty its truly the smartest choice you can make your dodgedosoto dealer will be glsd to arrange a demonstration drive youll sea why its wioa move to move up to do soto y a styling and engineering achievement mahufacturedby chrysler corporation of canada ttinius sen and drive the mew de soto t your dodoedb soto dealers now4 ewson motors limited ft uttle unusual or an intereauntf per son or event and give ua a call 0 pkstsonally we always find talkiua to aomevw who has been away on atrin to a place ut have never been very absorbing mucha we like home we have a tort of yen for faraway places too and like to hear about them so we en joyed our chat with mrs marion bar ber the other day mrs barber was on a twoweek trip to mexico the first jiart of may and to sum up her im pressions very briefly it was wonderful our impressions of mexico have always been influenced by artists who always seem to find the colourful na tive with a sombrero and a navajo robe over one shoulder soiling handi- crafts along a dusty hot road the epi tome of mexican life that is not the impression gained by an actual visit in mexico at all on the contrary the country is very progressive in every way par ticularly in architecture where the buildings are the moat ultramodern in the world the countryside lush and fertile with an abundance of beautiful flowers everywhere were surprised also to learn that mexico it a completely self supporting coun try and its semi tropical climate ma kes their fruits especially lusolous 0 to get to mexico mrs bar ber flew direct by trans can ada airlines from tor onto they took off from malton at 11 oclock in the morning and arrived at mexico city at 0 oclock that night including a 40 minute stop over in tampa klorida for refueling mak ing mexico city her headquarters mrs liar be r took trips from there to see the country their climate u practically per fect comfortably warm in the day time and refreshingly cool at night it is the same all year round except in what they call their rainy season it begins in june and the rain con sists of a couple of showers arouhd 4 oclock every afternoon as you csn sec the climate lends itself to sight seeing not only because of the pleasant behaviour of the ele ments but in the case of mexico city because of the high altitude mrs barber found the rarlfled air very limulating that in itself sounds like good reason to pick mexico ci ty for s holiday dont you agree 0 ths actual sigmtskiing is stimulating too being a blend of the very old and the very new the mexicans have pres erved the relics of the old indian civilizations built by the toilers and aztecs many many years before the spaniards conquered the indians and destroyed much of their civiliza tion mexico is the greatest natural museum in the world with its ancient pyramids ruins of ancient temples sculpture and painting and the caves of cacahuamilpa which are consider ed the seventh wonder of the world and at the other extreme is the ultra modern university city just outside mexico city a modern archi tectural dream even the white stucco houses are picturesque in their beauty many most elaborate in style built in the spanish manner they are always surrounded with gorgeous flowers and shrubs these of course arc homes of the wealthy and middle class mex icans at the other extreme are the natives who live in adobe huts built of clsy with thatched roofs 0 one op the things mrs barber considers outstanding about mexico are its hand crafts they excel in weaving mater ials and straw making pottery and handmade beautiful semiprecious jewellery in the jewellery they make good use of the products of their own silver opal onyx and emerald mines if youre ever on a trip to mexi co mrs barber says not to miss vis iting the city of acqpulca its on the pacific coast with stretches of won derful beaches and wortdfamous deep sea fishing it is popularly con sidered to be the riviera o amer ica 0 is it expensive to holiday in mexico we wondered and we learned thst it can be as cheap or as expensive as you wish or can afford living expenses are com parable to our own food la excellent and meals reasonable wc also won dered about the drinking water and mrs barber tells us that in the bet ter hotels all the water is purified sounds like a wonderful place to have a holiday doesnt it but if weve put you in tho mood remember that before you can go to mexico you must be vaccinated and obtain a mexi can permit to enter the country but as mrs barber remarked its cer tainly worth it now to tell you a bit more about the new subdivision in town localizing it down to the names of some of tho new famil ies who live on prince charles drive in sunbeam heights mr and mrs donald roas mr and mrs ian res grave mr and mrs don taylor mr and mrs james corbet mr and mrs thomas hutchison mr and mrs gil bert presswood and mr and mrs warwick that gatohosttowm httftau wfcineay evenlnt june lath 166 pace for expert eye car consult o t walker optemalrlar 3 malnst worth brompton 0or abousdrub store phone oltlco 8b9 rot 830 hours 0 am to 6 pmdally bvanlna by aptvolntmant yw33fii3mii buy the best buy th paints for lasting btauty told by twins woodworiuhg umih6uu tr 72162 manufacturers of sash frames screens doors insltu and ool trim door hardware hoor tile glass open evenings till 9 p m and all day saturdays flowers for every occasion dasign work a stmtlartyl flowers by wire anywhere in he world norton floral trungla 735tt gtrawn ha vi your esso oil burner of air conditioning unit intlalud tew 25 down 5 yaars to pay 1st instalment in sphmbr bill spr0ule 4 elizabeth street brampton phone 177 reverts charges i rusco lau-sttlv- istlmtomna combination screen istorm door a screen door and a storm door all in one i just rait lower gists or ventilation sll for free daworirftthihm georgetown lumber company trtjr hwato- st tosl fr jf vuv iaa3aiaajfca

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