Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 13, 1955, p. 9

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the georgetown heraid second section georgetown ouiaria wedoeuy wy 13 1955 second section schools ovu tar another year and the kiddles are enjoy lag their tint week of hall dfcy oak thing we think la i very nice innovation sine way back when w were a schoolgirl t the gradua- luob ceremony or thaw who pts their entrance examinations it waa a thoughtful gestnre too cm the part of the home and school association to hold dinner and dance or the kn trance tliu pupils row both school tv are the highlights that arere- anbrd all through ula a imcidewtally stmcb were going to be away or a month w wont be having our little thai again until august we were hcrald w treat going to be able to work in a much anticipated vtalt with miss adelaide miller before both she and oar family headed tar holidays but we were fortunate enough to ar- reag it and know youll enjoy hear la aheut soaae ol the very interesting fcohblm she has miss miller has been resident of town since she pur ejiatsd the charles henderson house eat manl avenue last all osm hobby of which miss miller has practically nude career la the study a oriental culture she has her ba in anthropology and her ma in r1ae er oriental studies from the university of toronto the 4vo tie in vary nicely making her well quail field far use position of assistant to v th curator of the chinese collection in the ontario museum in toronto miss miller held ula position the year before coining to georgetown an peuttiam it wax only natural that miss miller should have developed a desire to learn as much as possible about oriental rul ture and art since her family has always been interested in it he mo thers family were llollardin who went to java to oeniane tea and cot fee planters they weer sroong the first people to go to java and some of her relatives are still there as we know from reading the news things are rather unpleasant there now or the white planters so the fa mlly la gradually pulling out and the plantations are being sold miss mil lavs mother waa born in java and a ways had mementoa and art works from the orient in her home although aha was educated in holland ga to obtain a truly authentic impression of the orient miss miller and her suiter spent rev era months in the east they stayed in japan for six months in kores for one month and they also visited in china java and india during her trip miss miller roller ted many lovely and unusual spccim ens of eastern culture and art she haa many of these in her home on maple avenue which she purchased last summer from mr and mrs charles henderson we admired an intricately handcarved screen from kashmir india of teakwood which was so heavy it was impossible to move and on a smaller scale a love ly little end table of carved teakwood a very tuts wood carving of a chin as god rests oa a table near a truly impressive dragon chair which was the ceremonial chair of a mandarin miss miller showed us a very old vase which she believes to be a ming th colourings and s typical blue horse led her to acquire this find another precious and ancient senilis- ition is a chinese hook in manuscript form which is so old miss miller hardly dares touch it a amd thib tubjict led her to tefj us that at th museum technicians quite frequently take a year to undo one of these an cleat manuscripts th parchment is so tragi thst it haa to be dampened in a certain way and bent a little each day until it is completely opened out that is just a small example of the unending patience and skill used in handling the precious objects which come to the museum which are quite often shattered on arrival end have to be restored 0 oni momumimtal task of restoration was undertaken when the whole wall o a chinese tern pie was shipped here it had a won derful irescoe on it but the wall it ael was crumbling with ar so in order to ship it it was cut in chunks on arrival here it waa put together like a jig saw punle but the wall waa in such bad shape thta drastic means had to be taken in order to preserve it thus the whole root of the wall was encased in a plaster cast while the chines mud plaster waa rhlpped away from the hack until only the rant palntshell of the fresco remain ed supported by the front of plaster then th back waa uled in again with new plaster and th rant casts was taken off to that the art work could now be preserved or s great many more yesrs the chinese mud taken from the back of the fresco wss care fully saved and it la used to mend all the chinese items in the museum ga mill mill u interested in all antiques one quite unusual item is a framed proclamation of the war of 1012 as it appeared in the niagara newspaper the bee the paper is dsted july 22nd 1812 and the proclamation of war la sign ed by isaac brock major general and president miss miller also had in her possesion another memento of thta era in the form of a table made of wood used in the irst brock s man ument there sre still names carved in it a in addition to her hobbies of oriental culture and antiques miss miller took journalism at the university of toronto and she is also adept at linoblock printing on fabric done by hand and in more than one colour the hobby requires skill the reward lies in the fact that the dyes are washable making the de sign both completely original and practical i and with such s wide vsnety of interests you can sec how noting out here to a small town from toronto can make no appreciable difference except perhaps to give her more time to devote to her hobbies certainly time can riever hang heavy on miss millers hsnds lorne scots manoeuvres mmr- salvation army ceremony for brampton leader and bride jn ra bhll s maior john rumball and lorn scots captain uortal pallann ate shown as thy brial newsmen and visitors on th aim of the manouavras at walerdown recently when the lorn scots stormed the enemy rhll stronghold in the picture below lir the exercise sqi henry daviet ol the bhll ihowi his son douglas how 2 inch mortar is fired 0 to return again to our new subdivision residents we have mr and mrs herbert taylor and mr and mrs thomas o wslson living on cleaveholm drive in lhrclovrrale llelghta subdivision and mr and mrs andrew n murray mr and mrs nor man vmall mr and mrs anton sax mr and mrs ii j comgsn mr and mrs pat j butler mr and mrs wm w o nrill on msry street in the ssmc subdivision farm nrw fred nurse tops wheat growers word has been received from mrs george t- readhcad secrrter of the llalton agricultural society of the awards made in the field crop com petition in winter wheat which was sponsored by the milton society the fields were scored isst week by r ii wood ol hamilton and the awards were aa follows fred nurse ashgrove f o hun ter norval ross segsworth burling ton m c mealy milton john m bird ashgrove ernest pell omsgh lome laing milton harvey nurse ash grove mac alexander norval m t mcnabb and sons georgetown the first prise field is of the gene see vsrlety three 3 glorious days thuts ftl sat jutv 31 33 33 he picture that will opm up your heart and let the sun shine in ltotjul love kveot wa11l onmwtjl stsj of the way green promise wmtamut husuem ami nmr rjuttawukao too wonderful totnissl four in 0m family receive citizenship rour members of one family which came to canada from holland were among the group of aix persona to re ceive eitixenship papers in guelpb rec ently judge frank finland recent ly appointed county judge for huron presided end after being welcomed hiaaaalf by harry hewitt qc on be half of the wellington county bar association on his first sppesrsnee welcomed the new canadian into citl irnship his honour ciplained the reason lor the oath of allegiance which the croup repeated after sheriff carman ii waind qc canada was prt of the llritish commonwealth of nations and lliiabeth u jucen of canada he told them no more was expected from them than from all canadian cituns they were to ohey the laws and fulfil their duties as canadian cituena tne ap proach of the provincial elections pro bably prompted his honour to tell the group thst they should acquaint them selves with the country s pollticsl sys tem which elects by majority vote they should get acquainted with the procedure and the issue before the public and exercise their franchise sometimes too many of our own people slip s little in exercising ihur franchiae if too many do ao i don t like to think what may result this privilege haa been lost in some roun j tries it is a great responsibility and a great privilege to vote do all you can to cast your ballot rus honour de clared the family group now residing at r it 1 glen williams comprised hilda and doede dewitt and their two sons harry and albert success ful dutch farmers the other two new canadians are john fast mount forest formerly o cxechoslovskia and lorenso polo surrey street in guelph who came here rom italy jud vinglrnd uitfel the grot p to acquaint themselves to the best o their ability with the english lang uage while other languages are as good and the eiszllsh language have nothing oa others aa far as i know they are official here and youll enjoy life a lot more and have associa tion with others it you learnthe eng liah languages aaid his honour people who live in canada enjoy great privileges i understand it is be lieved everywhere that canada is the finest country la the whole world you will get protection of canadian laws which is good prelection am ong th privileges and freedoms in this country is the freedom of relig ion in the form of the church of your choice and you van bring your famil ies up in any religion you feel inclin ed we enjoy great educational pri- vilgeses i was going to say we enjoy them free but we do have to pay by way of taxation in support of primary and secondary schools and while there are some fees in universities and colleges they are endowed by the government in a xlnpl salvation army cere mony is the guelph citadel second lieutenant amy iraka eaeott bscn became th bnde of senior caputs raymond u homeweod th brides father bng clinton eaeott officiated at the two o clock ceremony asiitted by sr captain frank moss for th wedding the citadel was arranged with palms and ferns as a background for tall baskets oa red and white carnation with babys breath and bowls of whit atar chrys anthemums and red carnations on both the piano and organ blue del piuniuros and jerns graced th front vestibule bng kacotl gave his daughter in marriage she wore her navy salva tion army uniform and carried a v while bible centred with an orchid and supbanotie will white streamers cadet sergt esther knowlea of th salvation army training college toronto was maid of hon she tee wore the navy salvation army un uorm and carried a whit bible with red sweetheart roses and short rib bon streamer mlaa joyce homeweod of brentford was bridesmaid wearing a navy sal vation army uniform miss linns wood led the way as the standard bee rer during the processional she car ried the halvauon army flag with white eord and red tassels decorating it or th happy occasion on reaching the platform miss llomewood handed the colours to stsn dard bearer lieut kenneth holbrook during the remainder of th service she earned yellow roses utile bleen fcffer waa flower girl wearing a long full dress of white tulle over blue she wore s match ing bandeau and carried a amall baa ket with pink and white flowers- sr capl john carter of brock av enue corps toronto and s ormer classmate o the groom at training college some years sgo was best man terra cetta doctor oldest at convention the ushers were mr gordon effer of king mr hudi kantnr of etohl- eoke ernest homewood brother of the groom rem port credit and mr herbert french of gait the brides aunt sr mjr e e eaeott of windsor was the soloist and during th signing t th regis ter sang th wedding hymn saviour let thy sanction rest on the union wit nessed now mr robert walker of uramptoa was the accompanist a reception followed for 140 guests in the elisabeth room of the jjoyal hotel these included relative yrom hamilton st catharines brentford buffalo n y windsor and salvation army officers from india wherv th grooa s som years age and chi na where us bride lived with her par- enta and friends rom toronto and other peintt of interest waa lt cot and airs beckett a reference i th wedding of th bride a parents in their bom in peking si yeai ago and their vtalt to canada that hint year it is strange thst their eerunj visit to the uomln ion should coincm with the daugh ters wedding mrs n llorwood the mayor of brampton and her hus were also present mrs eaeott roc ne1 her guests wearing the salvation army uniform with s corsage of yellow roses the groom m assisted wear ing the salvation army uniform and a red rose corsage the brides table at the reception was centred with a three tiered wed ding cake decorated in white snd all ver topped with a cryatal vase of flo wers of unique interest were th servie- ettes with chinese characters tea and coffee were served from a buffet table by mrs william eaeott of niagara fells and mrs m home- wood of port credit for a wedding trip to points north the bride wore a white dress and hat with a navy duster lined with the same material aa her dress on their return mr and mrs llomewood will reside in brampton where sr capt homewood la the of ficer commanding the salvation army corps he haa recently been elected president of the ministerial associa tion there glen tuchbu attend conference on heading mrs edna beaumont anst lbs nel- nle gardiner of the glen williams public eehoo staff attended the can adian conference on reading sponsor ed by tw federation of women tea- daan and held kt xomttto onlytrtlty july a j- iltntiiirtiiiiilfrriiiilliiri the amglktm parish sunday july 17 ttttmty vi st georges 8 00 a m holy communion 945 am church school 1 1 am holy communion 7 00 p m evensong and meditation st albans hm wtulamu 930 mm mahjm no church school cruldren wipsrwm oldrtt attendant at the joint con vention of the ontario bnuah tad canadian medical auociatioai conven hon recently at the royal york hot el toronto was dr w itham barnhart 03 who lives in terra cotu dr barnhart a life member of the american pyscholocuts association worked in ontario and the united states during his lone career he has not been in active practice for some years uhen he interned at the hospital for sick children in 1801 it was a twoby four hospital on jarvu st v he remembers batuinjt for better treatment for insancc persona dunnfi the first meetinc of the british med cal association in canada in 1807 they thought crazy people thould just be lockad up and forgotten about in those days he recalls the tre mendous advance tn pyschulry since then always amues anyone who knew those days remodel your old fur coat into a lovely cape jacket or stole tbactoh catches fieb call geokoetown dept georgetown firemen were called to the farm of the late mrs fred rud dell wednesday when a tractor oper ated by k bronger caught fire it was extinguished before their services were needed 2500 0 freesloreo workmanthip guaranteed choice of many style verlte vor hssno servies complete selection of fine furs in stock at special summer prices use our canv layaway pay as uthe aa tlfuw a mmlli garry offman furs 4m ymttt st wrvhws i- roioxojll n v a i 3 d v s oah vv i r n i

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