asphalt paving muvmo okamno and r aihmo lot aim as hmd drives home services ham iwmpaom jita 4 wilton av brampton what council did two seek licencesas taximen claim enough cvroocvsei vmatf mvoid e a coaatsoonofuci count on mow to cowdoct a comvtosation with a tftanc cop wiring casuiaarcul awl p lumwmh uataral tr4j the taxi business came up for dla- euaalau at mondays council meeting when three local operator uked res triction oa issuing further licences knother operator requesting a licence tor a second esb and another ratepay er asking for a new licence for him self council first heard norman brown jack morrow and jack hepburn claim that present cabs in use serve the town adequately and that until geor getown grows there isnt enough bus iness for more if i didnt have contracts claim ed mr morrow i couldnt keep one car operating i mr brown said there are four good cars in use now and that only on rare occasions s there enough call for mr hepburn who owns two csba to use both of theat- mr morrow pointed to restrictions in streetsvui brampton and acton mayor armstrong read bylaws per taining to talis while deputyreeve jorton suggested a survey of proce dure in other towns it concrete gravel roaetcravel- build1ng sand fill top soil tom haines glen williams trunele 73302 mr24 3t tkay wonted put en a qmjj we have what you need in lumber and builders supplies frame stub door im s believer la tree enterprise said mr norton and i dont like to put a stumbling block in the way of a man entering business but w take licence money from operator and they are entitled to some measure of protection too reeve alien wosdered how far council took the deputy reeves sug- ness i like to see everyone make a fair living be said but what would we do if uy truck owners fuel dealer or grocers came to us wipi the same request the msyor expressed a similar vein of thought reporting h had been told that in hamilton th number of service stations is restricted council took the deputy reeves sug gestion and instructed the clerk to contact other towns about bow they regulate taxi licence b moren holder of a taxi licence and mr burrall who is entering s form of partnership with him were also at th meeting and decided to request a licence for second car ra ther than for a new licence mr bur- rell said however that he would ilk council to keef his name on file for future eonildertlloa for a separate licence next to speak was bill booth a georgetown resident who explslned that he is leaving the real estate bus iness and wishes to enter the tail business his request was deferred unulcpunrll discusses th matter fur- ther after information from other iclpalitlrs arrives latrr in the meeting at the may ors suggestion the clerk was asked to contsct losursncc men dealing in csr insursner asking them to notify council any time that a taxi operator insurance ii cancelled in order that the town could in turn suspend his licence to operate a the true blue lodge was granted prrmitiion to hold a lag day srptfnv brr 10th an extra slrtcl lllihl will be placed on caroline strrrt on the rtfconiinrn datlon of lr walter gray lljlht com mittee training school escapees nabbed here stealing car an attempt to lira a car in wr hilown saturday evening lcl to the apprehension of two lads from llratnp- ton training school by local police at 0 30 p m william carey heard a none ouiiidc the carey home at b academy hoad went to the door and saw his fathers car being driven down the atrcet with his father clarence he hopped in hn own car and have rhasr blocking off the other car down the street the driver disappeared but they trapped a second boy in the car and phoned the police con table forrest inch and james nilxborrow answered the alarm and took the boy into custody the other boy was cauuhl soon afterwards in the cnlt station the two had escaped from the trai ning school friday night where they were both serving time for car theft valley view cabins no 11 hi oh way vk miles north of hunuvllle pete ft marion hunter ere yeur host phone huntsvill ww w 3 remember- tire trouble occurs in the last 10 of wear trade now for safe driving buy where you get guaranteed goodvear service i see us for the best tire deal in town pays tow faoly to eat rviuffets mr and mr dong sargent will be confirmed mtdfets eater faoea now on and they have crisp new one hundred dollar bill because they use this breakfast cereal one day last week lady represent ing the company called at their house asked if they could produce a box of the cereal and when they did presen ted them with th century note as a gift from the company the money earn at a particular op portune time as th sargent have just moved to s3 charles st where they have purchased mrs a g at bruyns bouse tbey were doubly lu cky too for they were just about to leave the house oa s shopping trip and never would have known that for tune wa to smile on them if the lady had called only a few minute later admimistkayors auction sale of dual hjftpctsi ihorthoaw cattlfci yaacyofe paatm ouirmiwt mid btc the properly of th muu of th lata mrs frid l ruddcll lot 20 1th une eiqueainf adjoin ing- georgetown nd south of no 7 highway on thuriday au6uct 2sh at l oclock th fouowlaj dual purpose shorthorns shorthorn row ft years calf at foot shorthorn row 7 years call at foot khorthorn cow 0 years calf at foot shorthorn row ft years due time of ale shorthorn cow a years due in september shorthorn cow 4 years due in september shorthorn heifer 2 years due in september shorthorn cow fl years bred jan 10th short horn cow 8 years bred march 50th shorthorn cow 7 years bred april 8 shorthorn cow 7 years bred may 30th shorthorn cow 5 years bred july 5th shorthorn cow 5 years bred july 20th shorthorn cow 6 years bred auuust oth shorthorn heifer ib months shorthorn heifers froip 11 lo 10 months shorthorn calf months this is a good herd of dp cattle moat of them are vaccinated and ttuod sires have alwayi been ued impikmrnts 1050 ferguson tractor in real good ahupe tractor chains ferguson plough ferguson 7- jl powermower used 2 aeasons fer guson power aide delivery rake uscl 2 seasons floury utssell tractor due umil 3 reasons 3 section drag culti valur cockkhutt no 4 manure sprea der on rubber nearly new cockshutt no 3 hayluader nearly new 7 ft mm binder mel 5 ft mower cockshutt 13 due drill 4 section harrow rub ber tired wagon flat rack steel drum roller hunc disc fanning mill root pulper 2000 lb scale 2 wheel trail er with stock rack new 32 ft exten sion ladder 2 single scufflers about 30 rod of new wire fence heavy fence stretcher new hay rope single walk ing plough dump rake 2 furrow plough team cultivator pig crate cutler buggy lemocrat heavy ley vice forks shovels chains and other small articles houses and harness cray horse aged gray mare aged new net of heavy team harness set heavy team harness horse collars- da1ry equipment woods 2 un it milking machine complete used 2 years mel electric cream separator nearly new steel caninet for milker feed iajmuer and hens about 200 bus of mixed grain mow of tim othy hay mow of clover hay quantity of cut straw 8 new timbers 5x8x10 ft quantity of new 2x4 quantity of new 1 inch lumber quantity of used lumber gravel box pile of wood for circling 20 hens positively no reserve terms cash george currie clerk frank petch auctioneer telephone georgetown tr 72804 packs wrrtrwday sgwhsag aattstlt u j good ycaio s tires iook km this hkjhskmr op quality jetown tire battery noeottos street r trjangl 74290 buy the best buy bh paints for lasting beauty sold by twins woodworking umehouse tr 72162 manufacturer of sash frames screens doors inswa and out trim door hardware hoo tile olass open evenings i till 9 pm all day saturday -a- beautifies masoiry hops stains a44 uah seals water ami 111 is one easy optratioa georgetown lumber co ltd 11 watm stoiry ttuaacw mill umi0m main street georgetown ssiiipbrbejsoo margarine b0l0 lb 43c for hot dofi or bandwiehe kedjz mustard 21c clarks tomato juice 2 sff 25c royal instant pudding th h strawberry banana and oaramal only 2seorraxii q paelcaxea only i rt3 tor pickling helas wuta vinegar 63c beeeal extra dog foodo2 15c loc off oiant bitb plua vaxtjabus oonrow inalaa rackace vat oklt cheer 63c javex 23c ginger ale 2 lo bt1a 0atajls0 dt oouunta only 25c qraad tjnlon bweei mixed pickles 33c j eli y be ans 25e whan yon miks stauawbsbst or ivmh paach bh0kt0aib bisquik 49c strawberries 35c canada no i 6 quart basket peaches 79c california bartlett size 165 rears california red malaga grapes homegrown tomatoes sclveiiskin or pickling onions tender and green cabbage 6 for 29 2lbs32 quart basket 59 2 bt29i is bsbv