Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 7, 1955, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixteen pages georgetown chiuiio- wednesday sepimber 7tfa 195s first section what council did graduation ceremony at nursery school pay up or shut off says mayor on water we should st tough with dt-lln- quent water taxis advised myor jack armstrong last night when he toid council that the hydro cotnmn- sion has no touble collecting monthly bills which are muchsargcr than wa ter charges when a witrr bill lb two months behind the witcr should be jhut off its as simple as that said the maor who said he could see no hardship for anyone foj a commodity which cost only a dollar a month town- clerk john d kelly who is also tax and water rate collect6r re ported a good response to some thirty letters lent to people in arrears a year and more only one man he said who owes ovrr 940 has not paid or made arrangements to pay mayor armstrong said georgetown has the second lowest water rate in the province an amendment to the building by law will require contractors to pro vide toilet facilities for workman reeve stan allen said he ronslfler- ed this necessary because as far as he knows no contractor are doing so and in ono location particularly it ts quite obvious would you suggest the french or canadian type quipped deputy reeve allan norton at present id say they are using the french type without the screens said the reeve in similar vein mayor armstrong said that conven iences are being used in at least one subdivision because one of his neigh bours in the orchard subdivision can boast at present of having double fac ilities with a utility building facing his front door when the laughter subsided council fboked at the question seriously and decided to enforce such a regulation the weather mr kditor the huliday weekend weather could almost be called perfect to review the month of august the maximum average was ttz degrees wtnrh is 5 degrees above normal tho- minfmuni average was 5b and is 4 degrees above normal the total rainfall was 5 04 inches being over twice the normal for august the normal bring 2 7g inches seven days during the month the thermometer registered over tto the highest being oh degree the lowest during the month wu 44 8 krn ilatkin date max mm muln aug 20 71 s3 trace aug 30 81 ml 28 auk 31 70 52 sept 1 m 48 12 sept 2 73 45 sept 3 73 43 sept 4 so 45 averatfe 73 40 40 colin bottomley i new herald staffer colin bottomley a toronto resident since emigrating to canada from the isle of man in june joined the her ald staff this week he replaces ileg broom head a herald employee for 17 years who left the staff last week mjbottomley has been employed for lcrtears as a compoaltor and ma chine operator with the isle of man examiner a weekly newspaper pub lished in douglas which has the larg est circulation of any newspaper on the island he is staying temporarily at the home of mr and mrs e r robinson james street and his wife and young son philip will be joining him here later when they find living accommo dation mr bottomley comes originally from liverpool and his wife is a nat ive of the isle of man his parents and brother ray have been living in toronto since coming to canada four years ago mr and mrs bottomley arc members of the presbyterian church hydro calls tenders for a new building a modern one storey building u being planned to replace the present hydro building tenders have1cn called by geor getown hydro commission for the building which will be erected on wa ter st beside the pot office karlicr this year the commission acquired a large lot which fronts on water street from the lions club former owners the building has been designed by k w hall brampton architect it will have an office fronting the street much larger thn the present business office a rear basement for storage of heavy material a loading platform which will face on back t superintendents office a board room plus a truck and garage area the building will be of briqk construction all hydro operations will he cen trained in the new area at present the business office is located on main st with a storage shed on cross st and a quantity of hydro poles stored in the park plans are subject to ap proval of the ontario hydro commis sion and it is hoped to have these fin alized and the building erected early in the new year eventually the commission will din- nose of the valuable main st property which includes a two storey building and a vacant corner lot the hydro commission which is composed of chairman e w rinkley graham farncll and mayor jack arm strong has been planning the new building for several months aware that growth of the town makes larger quarters more and more necessary georgetown community swimming pool donation list i georgetown lions club 000000 boy scout ladies aux 24300 milk bottle collection mcclurc 2753 grade 4 chapel st school 407 grade 5 chapel st school 700 howard wriggleswortb school 2000 chapel street school 4000 baseball game lions vs rotary 0107 jim turnbull 8000 branch 120 canadian legion 50000 lions club raffle at meeting 400 anon 250 legion ladles auxiliary 3000 dolphin craft boat raffle 57151 donna joynson 100 patsy barragcr 013 baseball game lions vs firemen 7458 ashgrove wj 2500 elwood carney 1000 anon 1000 d haves and p stamp a3 doug and carol hills glnny lc vivian reynolds john bennett 800 prances linton ellen blehn carroll farncll lynda hydo 100 m- yrna cook joy barber sandra lloyd mo ur and hrs harry gorrlng tjwvork 800 vera archer 1000 anon 100 anon j- 8000 rev and mrs morgan hefartarie 800 anoniztt 2330 hiss v molesworth 800 1 mel tost srr 2t mr and mrs dick llcata 50000 kozyrbeatre sept show 3738 0w t w- sv m 6s defeat ohsweken wait word for mext georgetown ngs advanced one atep doer to an ont championship in lacrosse when ihoy won two games with ohswrken last week this cos eluded a series in which georgetown wun four of the six games played the last game at fthsweken saturav day was an outstanding win for geor- get own only had 0 players to the home teams is and still emerged with a 7 3 win beaumont savage and caruso each tallied two goals and evans scored ibe opener in- georgetown last wednesday georgetown won 13 8 bennett beau mont hiluon caruso evans uccan- dless savage outh and wilson shared scoring honours tlie team is still waiting word ab out what team will be next on the schedule fv4 iui inn osarfwtown some of these youngsters from tail years chorley park nursery school have graduated to the public schools while others will continue for another term with mr h j newman they were pliotographed at gredua- soi i me lion exercises in the library in june left to right are traser gunn johnny hewson donald macintosh lee uriel jane mcnally mary carr cathy beer michael faris kenrwth lang lidionne deer brenda shanktand and lyn hewton texas honeymoon trip for mr and mrs floyd shortill lions junior bow in bateball to midland georgetown lions were eliminated from the oba junior playdowns on saturday when they lost the second game in midland the previous wed nesday they lost a heartbreakcr here 43 when they outhit the visitors but lost out on errors ron ritchie pitch ed a good game allowing only 0 hits the saturday score was 06 rit chie started for georgetown was rel ieved in the 4th by ross mcgill and jim beckett took over in the 8th and finished the game the local team was robbed left and right by calls from the base umpire in the first of the 0th with the score 84 georgetown started a rally with two men on base and only one out terry brush who had been in a bat ting slump doubled but the next two batters struck out to end the game blake inglis ron ritchie bob free stone and j tim leek were top hitters saturday mr and mrs hojd robson shortill who were married on saturday in clifford will be living on the grooms farm al georgetown when they return from a honeymoon trip in the state which will take them to tcias the ceremony took place in knox imlrd church nrnur at 3 p m with kev w k ivtherick officiating the bride edna anna dorothy douglas daughter of the late mr ami mrs frank douglas of clifford wji employed in kitchener before her marriage the groom is the son of mr and mrs f w shortill k it i georgetown the bride wore a waltz linith gown of snowy nylon tulle and satin the strapless bodice extended into a bouffant crinolined skirt of tiirred pirated tulle edged with satin a fit ted satin jacket with standup collar and lily point sleeves completed the ensemble her silk illusion veil edg ed with silk embroidery was held in place by a coronet of lace and seed pearls she carried american beauty roses white ttephanotis and fern her sister laura douglas was bridesmaid wearing a ballerina gown of nile green nylon tulle over crino lined taffeta the strapless bodice was trimmed with irridescent sequins in tiny florets with similar trim on the tiered skirt a matching lace jacket with mandarin collar was worn 500 bursary local engineering student william leslie jr son of the local roxy theatre owner has been awar ded a dominionprovincial student bursary of 500 and has enrolled in the mechanical engineering course at the university of toronto top student in the graduating class at high school this year his standing was the result of a lot of hard work for his high school education has been taken in several different schopls bill started high school in british guiana when his parents were living in georgetown there he took his grade 10 in tecswatcr and finished in georgetown where he has been a student the past three years anothr gits graduate den souther will be his classmate at varsity this fall with this her matching hejiluiess was a clip on of velvet leavei held in place by an eyebrow veil mr hoy warnc acton was the gruonimiian a wedding supper was served in thr church basement by the ladie even ing auxiliary of the church the brides muter in law mrs john doug las received u blue suit with cor sage of pink roses and white chrysan thenumi the grooms mother assis ted wearing brown with green acces sories and a similar corsage for thr hones moon tup the hrnle wore i mark erystnllelte taffeta drcs tunic style whilr feather hat black acccvmk ics jnil n cotsae of talisman ruses brampton couple wed at relatives home a quiet wedding took place at the home of mr and mrs ixirne h pet ers on saturday september 3rd idas at 4 pm when alice greedy daugh ter of the late mr and mrs andrew pet tit became the bride of mr wal lace f cuthbert son of mrs m wid- ner and the late mr charles 11 cuth bert the bride who was given in mar riage by her cousin mr lome peters wore a gold shantung dress with matching hat and corsage of talisman roses her attendant mrs 11 osterloh of toronto wore a cotillion blue taffeta frock matching hat and corsage of american iteauty rosebuds mr douglas cuthbert brother of the groom was best man the reception was held at the queen klizabcth lodge after a mo- tor trip through vermont new hampshire and maine they will live in brampton out of town guests were from cleveland london new liskcard toronto and brarnpton davidson pharmacy opens on highway a new drug store will have its offi cial opening on friday when david sons pharmacy opens it is located on no 7 highway near the eastern edge of town in a new block of stores near the 1ga supermarket in the same block uoyd marks recently op ened a canadian tire store and a few months ago the ccorgcview restaur ant g ml woods hardware and mac- murdos indies and childrens wear located there also doug davidson owner of the new store is a native of glcncoe who has been in the drug business since 1032 me served his apprenticeship with the cairnrross chain in iondon and after graduating from the ontario college f pharmacy in 1937 he re turned to ixmdon to manage the stores branch in st josephs hospi tal fn hmo he joined the p davis drug co as medical service represen tative in western ontario was trans ferred to toronto two years later and was with the company there until january this year since then he has lccn associated with the frabs store al cooksville and bernhardt pharm acy in the city mr and mrs davidson and their da ught ex flizalieth ann will be liv ing on parkview blvd in a nw house being erected by meers construction mrs davidson is the former marion sanderson a native of chatham besides the usual drug items and sundries mr davidson is putting in a line of china and gift supplies this weekends grand opening features a number of giveaways and a lucky draw mrs verne cavansfh funeral yesterday mrs verne cavanagh whose hus band was cnil station agent here un til his death three years ago died on saturday in kilthener waterloo hos pital she had been a patient there for seven weeks taking treatment for a heart condition and her death was a great shock to bar family who had expected her to be home this week formerly myrtle georgina faaken she was born in flora daughter of ur and mrs alex fssken her father died when she was a baby and after her marriage her mother continued to make her home with her urs pas- ken died in january before moving to town ur and mrs cavanagh lived in ayton sb- ringvillc and new hamburg where he served as station agent in george town they were popular members of the community and urs cavanagb was active in church groups at st johns united verdun rebekan 1odgc and the womens institute she moved back to new hamburg two years ago but had frequently visited in town since then surviving are four children ajec of kitchener bruce of new ham burg bern ice mrs bud masscll of woodstock and phyllis mrs jack norman of norval and nine grand children the funeral service was held yes terday in new hamburg and inter ment was in flora cemetery roy king narrates cne band concert a former georgetown bandsman roy king or toronto was prominent at the canadian national exhibition on labour day mr king who still occasionally fills in with the lome scots band of which he was a mejnbcr for several years acted as commentator when the band of the royal regiment played at the bandshell that day he is a clar inetist with this fine musical orgsni- zation it was a particular suprlse for his brother bill who stopped to see the concert to find his brother on the stage earlier bill had watched part of the parade into the grounds and saw roy go by leading another band rebekahs meet again iast night verdun rebeksh lodge convened for the fall term the lodge will welcome sis may rusk milton ddp of centre district and her instal ling staff to install officers at the october 4th meeting charles davit new highway school guard charles davis 48 queen street is the new guard for tho highway cross ing at wrigglesworth school mr davis was the successful appli cant for the position and was engaged by the public school board at their meeting last wednesday he succeeds aicjc kean who resigned the position this summer arthur herbert caretaker at chapel street school will continue as cross ing guard there while sol dew hurst has returned to wrigglesworth school as caretaker again prize- winners at the canadian national exhibition thfi 10 jne scots were wpettl6rtj at jthfli hln wlnriert of thab bsjeifowliiiptetowwjhim what council did guelph firm gets sidewalk contract an 0500 sidewalk construction job was awarded to the guelph firm of wm ttoboruon and son by council last night it was the lowcr of two tenders received the firm will construct new side walks on arietta street and on ths south side of no 7 highway from nor mandy blvd to the old town limlta the tender price also includes replac ing a considerable portion of broken pavementa in the vicinity of kennedy street v council was invited by the canad ian legion branch 120 to participate in a decoration day parade and aei vice at the cemetery next sunday sf ternoon two readings weer given to a de- v benture bylaw to provide 42000 for addition and alterations at the muni cipal building when the building was being dis cussed reeve stan auen and cr doug sargent urged that smith and stone products be specified in the wiring of the building and council will suggest to architect r w hall that these be used surfacing oflllvor drive will be carried out this fall armstrong bros construction brampton will get the 1500 job which will be paid tor by the county repavlng of no 7 highway 4eoufib town will probably not be possible this fall with several steps still nee- eeaary to gat approval through the various government departments can- eerned however town engineer dougtas wilson plans to at least have the storm sewers installed before wia ter and aeuly staxt madeouthc

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