ttw ocob6ctown herald wedaeaday eveniac sept tth ism paces r baton company limited bacon hog special georgetown fall fair october lit 1 ss te order to eneouraxe the production of hogf of the deaired quality weight and flnlab the t eaton co ltd are off enng 30 00 in prize balance of 15 00 twine contributed from the eas towarda the following prizea it 1100 4th j 00 2nd r 10 00 0i 5 00 3rd 8 00 6th kntry to consist ok 4 1iocs to pen ser your local trucker or vhaat th 73407 for particular rg rttrt tl i tf iii tttntt 400 irtlculara plumbing and heating licensed plumbers certified lennox deaieis ted tom hicken and clapham trinau 7 3170 tuanou 73737 vickie lay aist london england sb bd iab commended professional diploma member and examiner canadian dance teachers association ii si registrations accepted now for all claims in ballet tap musical comedy to be conducted at oddfellows hall wesleyan street triangle 73661 lanes haulage for excavating and grading ponds cellars etc top sou sand gravel call tr 72521 jp mm s whats mwdt il motor sales bernina sewing machines are reminders of home uhw m frost mrs mui sstw 4i biifata wh bt wlrmsili lassdiiiu ur f s local tfer which h hiiii swilierland- on our way again for two glorious days the tun roe today over the alps as our train curled us into swit zerland and never have i seen any- thine so utterly fascinating aij the alps some of then high above the clouds tome nowwrd deep crev ices in puce jrllh waterfalls here and there we took pictures all along the way of bouses perched high up on the mountains churches and castles here and there and at the bottom whole towns and village that looked like uny toy match boxes against the huge background of tre4e sod rock we watched a train high up the mountain as it rounded a curve juit like a little garter shake soine of tbe houses had gardens all in ter rates 11 must have taken an awful lot of work to plant such beautiful vineyards but the wonder of it u how did lhy get up and down there we had our answer a little later f w we saw long ladders against the rock and in one place an arm chair that wai raised up and down by means of a hoist it was quite 1 misting for just as we got ready to take a good picture we would duck into a long tunnel ue would wait pstiently till it seemed the tunnel would never end and just when we sat down agsin we would emerge some of these tunnels thro the alps take half an hour to nego tiate st high speed at last we reached our drstinstion lausannr and alter brushing up at our hotel hotel ilultex 20 hue de ilourg we went down to see the town as we came into view of the main shopping section we stopped and ga zed in wonder at thr term before us blue blue wattr against tin huge skhm of mountains clouds just han king in thr air like wisps uf floating chiffon vr strolled along and pick it up some postcards of tbm vi rv vi but thliee me one has to t tualh mi thtm to ruluc how won dtrful is the crtation of dod vt c rami upon j tfrracoti ouuni nstauranl and ttoppii for colli r and a sandwich while ui vi n witin- john tool a picturt of it vtt sun hop thr j uill en mi out kmki 1 u nil that cwront could iharc rn happl mvt with me on this rich and mr sod trip but thr best ur can do is ir to brink back with ui so mi of the things wi hac sun to that ou ma rnjo them even as we shall mam many times i forgot to t ii ou that when wc were in paris wc wilted the musrum there and saw what must be thr most pnedtss paintings hut man while hr docs crtate beautiful things can onl create in a very minute wa the beaut that he sees it is nought ag atnst the wonders of nature that god has wrought for us to enjo as i sat on that balconj and drank in the beauty of it all the tears just rolled down my checks and i said beaut i ful beautiful switzerland it surely is the garden of god sentimental isp perhaps but i thought of a bi blc quotation eye hath not seen and ear hath not beard of the wonders of that glorious new world that god has promised to those who love him and i pray that i may be found uor thy in his sight to life everlasting in a place even more lovely than loey switzerland we wtnt shopping toda and got lost several times lausanne is built on a hillside one street is very steep the next down a steep slope the streets here seem to run in all direc tlons meeting together like a spiri cr s web i wondered if my logs would hold out for the climb uke france and italy the price of most things u about the same 1 wan ted to pick up some souvenir dolls and they were priced at 050 nine francs and fifty centimes making them 2 25 it was too much for such small souvenirs in england and france we noticed there were no flics nor here in switzerland but there are plenty of bees here we went into a bake shop and i think there must hsvc been fifty flying around the aweet cakes wc took another look at lausanne after supper last night its very pretty all lit up with neon signs there was an arcade and we strolled around window shopping and there we saw all kinds of beraina aewing machines like mr smith has at the neighbourhood sewing in george town wc we roust be on our way to catch the 728 train for nuremburg cheerio k cordaro flowers for all occasions wedding work coroge a peeialty cut flower and funeral dailmu we wire flower rosedule floral 32albert5t tr 72952 taj mhal partner wis ameni school youth an advertiser in this issue of the herald will be remembered by older loesl people who- were here when the armenian boys school was in opera tioa mr onnig varteressian a partner in the taj ltahal rug co oakville was nee of the arpienun orphans brought to canada after the first world war who found a happy home in georgetown ior a few years giving him a start which has led to a success ful business career ur varteressian says be often drives by the old location on main st s- remembering happy days when georgetown people took these war orphans to their hearts over cthe hundred youngsters were given a start in life through the school and hwaas he often bumps into grsdu ates many of them in business for the rose vrs the taj uahal company forrnrd in partnership with kdward usxfteld is the culmination of many years of hard work learning the oriental rug busi neas from the ground up after his initial education at thr school here ur varteressian was s working boarder on a rock wood farm for a couple of years then went to hraritford where he learned the trade of machinist and ister toolmsk rr st the usury harris plsnt in 1030 he moved to toronto snd started to work wilh the famous ilaba sn rug firm as a washer reverting to a skilled trade which his armenian ancestors have followed for centuriis the srt of repairing oni iitaj rugs is jealously guarded by craftsmen snd h wss fortunate enough to he givrn lesions after hours snd became skil led enough to get a top job as a rr- pairerwith babayans he latir w r ked for another city firm snd s cou pie of months ago decided to brjnih out for himself taj mahal has a new building in uakwllr and so far the partners are well satisfied with the amount of bus mim which ha com th ir way mr varteressian has a family of fin rhildrtn md his rldnt son 1ft ii working with htm learning the trade pittsburgh paints exterior and interior ernies radio mill st tr 72701 have your ess0 oil burner er air conditioning unit intfallad now 25 down s yaart to pay lit inttalmant in saptombar bill spr0ule 4 elizabeth street brampton phonet73k reverie chargei summer prices stove nd- nut coal 33fc0 ton h kentner tuaneu 73s51 sand credit valley 2 rock h on asphalt paving col 7 chavel georgetown a driveways motels tennis courts service stations parking lots road work let usjbeautify your home withfan asphalt drive for free estimates triangle 73751 owned and operated by j w lawr zeke says this is a hardware store yes sir the biggest little hardware and building supply centre around we can supply your needs for home buiidino or remodeuino home improvement loans low interest tool and equipment rentals free estimates and expert advice avro recreation cards acknowledged west end hardware and building supply on no 7 highway utf paaf pontona sorvico station trianol 73s49 free delivery open weak day to 9s0 saturday till 7 sss ask about the convenient fuel oil payment plans bill bailey the o georgetown tr7-2m8- m