mlly day at st johns the uhithj chuftcm 0 canada n alrstwaliam j6ummv c sunday september 25th 10 am rally day service in the sunday school an open seas inn of sunday school to which til parents and friend are invited nw member welcomed 1 1 am morning worship setuion the living worb a nursery or little children and junior church or children up to 13 year of e chtlihn and youth mbtinos mission band every second monday at 4 p m explohebs girts u yean wednesday at 30 pm cgxt firu 11 15 yean wednesday at 7 jo pjn cubs monday and tuesday at v pm scouts thursday at 7 pn junior choir thursday at 7 p ra young peoples union monday at 8 pjn a cardial kavltetien is aas fa yew end ya family s shara to tfce fellewsmp ajutwaesi a eur cfcukfc mlitlsler rev m o mcfarlsm musk director mr n laird allnite steel ironing table it it jjuitbl lo sll kaisktt staadtti cke owumliiuih usi tip piool liltptoof ff tioajcr iksn olden mof us looai t il ttsftddij 04 tthiaj fioai iw ilkci iid vemilalcd ij lop scflockift ajauih ufa aay tap water tin aatoaiallc htst- 19sb coajud tuaa or luevy lab we rio its or liftl ted extra extra vbr 45 with this fcr jus dry clodlct toftcr flurtlct ltah tk tuk saves hirf luinj and opoture to the weatker maliet every day sood dvyin day or you just turn the knob to the dryness you want slops uloauklicatlly oftly one control tieob just set it aad forget it- automatic electric dryer smtbat iiaescwtisi an ttscraic eerie 719 tohcnitu comi in and so it richardsons hardware stopovers at honolulu top tonic for editors ulcers tub oskm uswalb wedneaday asaalnk sept mat lflbb keep your car on the go c d ckk jmw rvop yruhfju 73261 ga0towrt by jkii rmmts canadian weekly newspaper editor ial rrenuuve end editor of tb lakotaore news point claire wbo recently returned from e 30000 mile trie with cntdiirl pacific airlines which took him- 16 ajwtraua via ilr- wail and fiji- arrival t hawaii ia an experience no traveller will ever forget having read the advertising literature pertai ning u hawaii i like other weely editors had admired the copy writers style more than 1 had his veracity phrase like hawaii lotos islands of the pacific had sounded wonder ful but unreal before i left heoolule airport next day 1 had cause to revise ray opinion elegant accominodfttlon warm scented wind bright sun pounding surf and the seemingly unending hap pineu of the people create a state of mind absolutely guaranteed to pi rate the ulcers of any number of weekly editors 1 could have spent the whole four weeks there and lo the devil with the rest of the tourl hawaiian flaa iurpruae one point that never ails lo route the interest and curiosity of visitors to hawaii is the sight of what appeals to the the union jack flying in the tup quarter of the hawaiian flag neat to the staff united slalea territory since 1b08 when its annexation took place haw aiis flag u made up of nine atrh alternate white red and blur and as a union of blur ihc crone of st geor ge st patrick and st andrew a clur to this design of the flag is found in the fact that hawaii was or iginally known as the sandwich is lands being named after the first ixird of the llriluh admiralty the karl of sandwich actually the first european to set foot there was captain james cook who some years earlier had discover ed and claimed australia for the bri tish crown the famous captain was auhsequcv ly killed in a misunderstanding on a return visit to the inlands and a mun ument stands to his memory thereon hemdes the natural twauty of thr raeort and uf the maidens whosr charms arc an obvious adjunct to the wrncry wonder if this will urt past the wife the islands themselves have a tmttry and culture which te kins for most hawaiians from th reign of kink kamrhamrha 1 who conquered all the islands and brought them under one rovrrnment i abvltlslnci brings results tl ef two statvaa through circumstances and not by design there are two bronze tatun of the king exactly similar on the lv land of hawaii and i here by hangs a tale according to paradise hawaiis wcllread monthly magazine the peo ple of hawaii commissioned a bronze statue of their beloved king from flo rence italy the statue was eventual ly finished and shipped via hon ton where it was transhipped again lhc last leg of the trip would take the boat around the horn unfortunately however the ship caught fire ami sank off the falkland islands luckily all eight feet six inches uf the bronze statue were insured and a copy was ordered rijhl away this one had a smooth trip and was unvei led in lfl3 with the heavens express ing their approval and joy by pouring rain on spectators until just a half hour before the formal ceremony then the sun shone brightly for the rest of the day the punchline is in the fact that years later the original statue was found in the falkland by a ships captain who took it to hawaii in the hope of finding a buyer his customer was the kingdom of hawaii which erected the duplicate statue near the famous warriors birth place grape ruir for breakfast breakfast at the ituyal hawaiian was marked by the incredulous obser vation of the beautifully gowned haw aiian waitresses concerning the break fast order of my new found travelling companion ron marsh you come all this way to cat grapefruit in honolu lu apparently the spirit of hawaii lat er caught up with ron as he had to be practically dragged on the plane as it left for fiji islands on what is the longest day of the whole flightsome 3000 rniles during which time wc be came members of the equator club and dateline cluh respectively as wc headed into the night flying below the milky way brightest of nil the heavenly galaxies in the southern he misphere when the steward announced you are now crossing the equator i was no different to the other passengers all looking down for that thick black line orv the earths surface its at about this stage in the flight that yob are caught with the impres sion that the airline u trying to give you back as much of the fare as pos sible in food and refreshment tho service is outstanding our stop at fiji was of short dura tion we had a cold shower and i bought a set of lovely earrings of tor- toiseshell and mother of pearl for the little woman at home very helpful if one is to set the huc welcome upon return and especially so if she is do- ihg the job of publishing the paper in jjmes ahsetteel r- according to reports of the plane stewardesses who sornetlmes stop over at fiji there it an excellent re sort on theiher aide of the island u bite wants to really get away j it alt we had breakfast on lea wing fiji and landed at sydney around 11 aja after a rculing atop at aucklands airport in new zealand- arrival sydy we cannot omit mention of the ex cellent service given tourists and visi tors by the customs at sydney airport the familiar queue k noticeably ab sent and paasenf ere are sutnmotied by name in a quick and courteous manner stake sure you have the of ficial stamp as required en your- cer tificate of vaccination 1 didnt and as a result got the nee dle fgain administered by an aus tralian ii o courtesy of the austra lian sovernnwnt i must check on my return to que bac whether or not doe uacdoaald billed me for that first oeedle job- he told me the stamp was not nvc- esaary auuia live wall i the canadian visitor to australia will find much to interest him in this land of some 10000000 people who are so much like canadians in many ways but sodifferent id others the average australian enjoys a high standard of living second only to the us and canada with nearly ev ery tajbily owning at irast one auto inobilr mainly because of dollar re strictions mo1 autos are knglish or continental make however many auuiea now drive the wholly austral ian made general motors produced hold en sometimes known as tht poor manys chevy its a popular make and has astonishingly high pirk up and performance residents in thr higher bracket g neratly go for thr higher priced jag usr with mimt families owning say a jag and also a smaller car as a sec ondary automobile while i was in australia general motors anrmunced plans to build a 12000000 new plant they also an nounced a profit uf 21000000 over the preceding year the climate is a direct reversal f canadas with the heat of summer during the months of december and januar one of the most enjoyable periods in which to make the trip and yet not in- in thr peak travelling per tod would ik- during february march or april oh and es a must for all over seas guests is a visit to one of the an imal sanctuaries where good closeup pictures of australias strange anim als may tc taken and dont forget to take some snapshots of the koala txars theyre as cute as the public ity photos depict them fo b continued anglican parish st georges sunday sept 35 1 h trinity xvi the blesilno ef the harvest bam holy communion bac corporate 9 45 a m church school primary ji nd sr depts and ilible classes 10 50 am church school nursery beginners classes 11 00 am holy communion sermon ven w g o thompson 7 00 pm evensong the rector kvery thursday 10 am holy communion st albans glen williams 0 30 am maltins 1040 am church school cnr op flats you ortfienta new fast train to major western points ihiffaeirfa convenient train to moor ond lntermecttaf western points wide ring of modern ceomrmjiion to tuit every bud gel fnjor economicevl mnli or marks on both trains lo tbc codec shop dining car service also proridad t inquire about the money svins family fere pisa e ticket agents can have m drive- yourself car waiting for you on arrival if you wish e for reservations and information see write or phone your local canadian national passenger a gem seb- we service television all makes radios record players car radios appliances irons toasters etc ernies radio 24 years servicing mill street trianfl 71 were proud to show you our oil storage tanks and invite you to see them for yourself across from our king street office 20000 gallon storage capacity and our green and lemon truck always available to bring you on the spot fuel oil service and of course were in the coal business too w b kcnlner son twangl 72u1 sunos us to your door