Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 28, 1955, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixteen pages georgetown ontario wedsecday september 28 1955 first section- georgetown fall fair frid and saturday th week whay couhcil did foresees budget balance despite six month deficit mayor jack amstreng in review iai tit towns financial statement for the first six months of ibm at mon day t council meeting warned that ms penditures would have to be watched until the yearnd though he eipecjs tp see a balanced budget in december auditor 11 a lever who prepared the statement eaumates an 80000 deficit much of it due to a deficit in stead of a budgeted surplua in the water account the mayor explained that water rate have been billed on the meter system only beginning in july judging by the is 00 bill 1 receiv ed for two months water this increa sed revenue will have a big effect on the 1055 profit and loss statement be said mr armstrong also pointed out that a 3600 expense for new water meters u included tn the six month statement and there will not be any more major expenditures for meters in the balance of the year with 231000 estimated in lax revenue this year council has budget expenses of 246000 with the balance for unforeseen expenses another field of revenue not budge ted for is building permits said the mayor and the town received 2500 from this source in the past two months alone rod stewart representing canad ian marconi co asked to present quote at a later date on 2 way radio equipment for police and fire depart menu and council said they would be pleaseel to hi ar from him appearing for mccrs construction lellu dal qc aked council to ac ccpl a shkm infraction of the build log by law for a house being built at the maple am parkview corner 1 ve opposed granting concessions the man outidc build rs in the past and i ii opjmse this on pnnci pu said cr doug sargent but i believe in kiwnj a local builder lie same considerstion we did to tram sam harrison complained that his parage has ik in isolated and unusable at his home on main st north sime henry strict was opt md into the cli vcrdale suniivision ik wants counul to raise it to street level council uas sympathetic snd will send the road commiltil to in mfctlgatc the weather sir editor- this past week marked the first day of agtumn the passing of day light saving time reminds ua of this also and now it is only three- months until christmas hrn ilalkln date mi um rajo sept 10 80 61 sepi 20 71 s3 sept il 61 32 sept 22 60 38 sept 23 ss is 45 sept 24 68 54 spt 25 03 4x1 average huntsville wins twice close lacrosse scores after winning handily in the first same of the ontario intermediate ii lacrosse playdowns against hunts ville the eorgrtown ngt have had some tough luck they dropped a game here last tuesday and a third match in hunts ville on saturday both by a close b7 score tht teams meet here tonight or the fourth of thnr bcslofaivcn series caruso anil hcaumont tried hard in last tuesday garni each fitting two goals kinhott ah xandc r and woods tallied thi other georgetown had a one oal 1 until hecollect tu 1 it up with a mmi r hunlsvilli halfwav through tlu last period ant chffi and pavni stwid up thi fcami whin tin ciijihinid n aiiolhir koal a minute later third pcrioel ralh win saturdav game fur hunlslll when tht banj ed in 4 goals l p tit thin gcorj f- town had lren leading 1 he teams pjarl even in the last period hcau raonl scoring fur nags and bnuvulm for hunlsvillc i- vans and bennett had tun apiec for ngs heaumonl mccandlejsi and alexander singles four showers for helen chaplin before her marriage saturdav sep tcmbir 17lh mrs george mossopwas entertained at four miscellaneous howers mrs gcotm duke was hostess for the bride on tuesdav august 16th a bridesmaids shower was held at the borne of the bride the hoses ses wen mrs joan stcnnett and lor nc gien tuesda august 23rd xiiss margaret mcguigan and mrs ellen mcdcrmid were hostesses on thursday august 25th at the home of mrs arthur mcgmgan john street mrs hill chaplin entertained at a shower in hcrhome college street on tuesda september 6th the bride was presented with a trl light from fellow employees at pro vincial paper fellow employees at smith stono presented the groom with a hostess chair drcierjjimps tabic lamp and satin bound wools blanket barrager heads canvass for community swim pool further details were arranged for a district wide fund campaign last night at a meeting of the comrauniu swimming pool committee don harragcr has been named the churman of a 50000 drive which will embrace pajroll deductions and house tohousc canvassing for pledges an objective of 100 per person for a 50 week period has been set lri inalh planned to start tndiv the campaign has been shifteel bchimta week while details of deductions pirns are ironed out with minagcmcnt and latour unions in the three major industries deductions of course will be voluntary and pledge cards arc be ing prepared for those who wish to participate circulars explaining the swimming pool were issued in the mail this week a stenographer will be cnga ged by the committee to help in org anmng the work and the mcclurc of fice on main street will be head quarters a committee representing a large number of organizations is headed by dick ljeata as chairman jack gun ning secretary jack hart and bob darou treasurers latin bound wtwv what council did beaver ready mixed gets 12000 sewer contract over objections of cr doug sard ent and reeve stan allen who wan ted to call for further tenders council monday awarded a 12000 contract for storm sewering no 7 highway to beaver beady mixed co lowest of two local firms which had tendcrod for the work the dissenters said they could not agree to a tender which will boost the cost by 8000 over an estimate submitted a j car ago for the work deputy reeve allan norton who is road chairman took exception to ob jections which would stall a plan which he said has been lucked ar ound for five or six years its the first time this necessary work has got to the stage of tender lng tm asking for a recorded void and ii council turns it down ill turn over the constant i complaints i set about the condition of the highway to those who vote against it ur norton threatened i cr garfield mcgilvray said that ur future he would favour calling for ten der instead of invitation bids as wu done in this ease only two of sbt companies approached submitted iduso however he would vote for the tender award because be wants social and personal mrs j b wallace and ur and mrs larry joiner toronto visited friends in town on sunday mr and mrs matt ijut of victoria harbour have ben visiting friends in town for a few days ur and mrs harold held it it hilton are on an extended trip to the west david lawson 21 church street is a patient in guelph general hospital at present mr and mrs charle lake of leter borough were in town one day last week visiting with hi staler mrs a h 1- filer and mr teller mr and mrs hob pndeaui cnlhia and robert were here from sarnia to spend the weekend with her parents mr and mrs alex keen mr and mrs reuben squires and their son hill of lambeth havr been visiting with mr and mrs ld hall margaret street archdeacon and mrs w g 0 thompson of st catharines are spen dins this week in town visiting their many friends mr and mr jack gibba of north hay have been holidaying id town with his brother and family mr and mrs willism gibba of kiver drive mr and mrs fr l masterman of charles street hate as their kucu mr masterman s parents mr and mrs r o masit rman of ottawa mrs masterman is entertaining at tta on wtdnesdiy for hi r quests miss ishirle hurt is on acallon this unk fn in in r position at thr howl hank ami is visiting in it ml knk tn ar 1 i rt rthur with her un ili and aunt mr and mrs alvin gaul pi hoc chief and mrs haytl had thiir daughters mrs william macln ln and mrs hay payne and families of toronto with them as visitors fur ihc urtkrml on sunda they motor id to collinwood to isit another daughter mrs andrew plajtcr a scottish newspaperman his uifi and son hac im e n v imling in camp btlhilk and also called in cori town tu see mrs illiam r rank thi an mr and mrs r ow li r and son r ihu of ldinburth mis gcorm hi ronton and mr mtm r w hilmt e hi re in i ollmirni and tn nton for thi wirkind wsitin i the homi of mr and mrs irank li m niun mr hapnnn is at privent pitiint in trenton hespital mr and mrs art reinhareit and family of orillia have been holiday rag at mrs reinhardt s parents borne mr and mrs harold uoyir sgt and mrs ucorte kay and their daughter geurgeann 1 urt meade maryland arc visiting to town with ur and mrs v appleyard and mem bers of mrs kay s family mrs kay was formerly brtly dickenson w g young of glen williams has been a patient ip guelph general ho pltal for several weeks where he is recuperating from an operation which r amoved his foot mr young is in room 300 and is glad to see any of his friends who care to call bobby alcott celebrated his 7lh birthday on thursday last xty entr- talning his friends at a birthday party ilia gueeta were debbie hyde mich afcl kelly douglas penrlce klnn poul strop david ramell jjnda king den nis w right frances union ireue llawes leonard and hetty hulme ray robaon s friends will be glad to know that he is making what the doctors term average progress aod eoming slong as well as can be ei pec- ted ray suffered a heart attack at his work in the alliance mill last monday morning and was rushed to the guelph general hospital mr and mrs james v rvans mary and harbara and mrs william v rank attended the weilding in rbnexer church on saturday of mrs r ranks grandauhtir wedding principals were hixerliy joan daughter of mr anel mrs and 1- rank and hruce je f f r of guilph township mrs r vans plawd thi uiddinit music mr an i mrs jihn wolfe 7 al lu hoad in visit nk in the slali s last wi e k tin stoppcel at buffalo fur a fi u das thin went on to uuntaluwn ohio wrwrc thi stad uith mr and mrs marl n loschner anel mr ami mrs john i ut ch mr wolfe s mother mrs m t latj wolfe wasaa hcach has in town to sta with the chlldn n uhile i hi wi rt itt a t t u bi tliiik hi r hth t nib lav n i v mien t u me i mr n 1 is ilu r 1 lie iii i um d i i i i fni i k ith i i i in si i i r i i im ii i i i is int i i wi i and im i ii i m its mi n r t sh un lltu 1 ai siikint i mini hiutn j n 1 i lit ju sish tn i st i i m tint i hall richard hid ih vt n an 1 1 lb n s vii r caroh n mil t it thir h tits cr irwin noble expressed cortbern about asking municipal board approv al for doubling the estimated expend ture and cr walter gray echoed hs sentiments but both oted for the mo tion invitation bids are not uncom mon said mayor armstrong pointing out that those have often been asked on road work supervised by county engineer roy smith i have respect for local contractors who bid and eaumatod the cost to tha beat of their ability he said it is a question if further advertising would be any advantage and i will support the motion t when the vote was taken nine of the eleven councillors supported the tender award cr thai l lyons property com mittee wu empowered to proceed witli repairt to the flooring on the parv bandstand thejob will cost between 350 and 400 and will be completed for fair day roy uagloughlen complained of a tree which uocjtalsu driveway on para avenue and councu agreed to have it removed iode f und canvass for bund institute mi mbi rs of counti ss of strathim ri chiptir ioih- at their sipttmtir tuc i tin dt nib i to conduct a fund nnvass for the mind institute mil this wtek thij are doink this uork mrs dinntv t harks was hostess and 0 mimlmrs attended thi chip ter his presintid a picture of tlu ojiiin to the two local publie schools mis huth i- vans regent and mis al stem educational convener mak ng thi presentations one is also to he hint to coda r ale school and the id opted northern school the chapter was asked to send a representative to a meeting of the community swim ming pool committee mrs cecil davidson is convener of the christmas card sale with mrs james alcorn and mrs john injji assisting i- seel clothing is lo be brought to the october meetirtg when mrs percy i riie will be hostess th semi annual provincial onfer ence is pting held ill the chateau lou rier ottawa next month mrs alistalr macintosh mrs frank hlack mrs john bennett and mrs larl llncc were w clcomed as new members an interesting reading on uork done by ujviesco was given by mrs wallace thompson hostesses assisting mrs charles were mrs ernest ball mrs sam mac kcnzie mrs sam pen rice mrs james alcorn mrs ron kitchen mrs cor don kidney mrs val stein and mrs w a mcgowan what cocjwcil did need tour classrooms high school next fall need for another four classrooms nest year at georgetown high befcool and ultimate need for another site for a larger building wax mention on monday al the council meeting ma or armstrong said councils ad tninutrmive com nut tee had met rec ently with local high school board members and the school principal and consensus of opinion seems 0 be thst it is tune north hallon school district is split into threje the town has already petitioned county council to set up s consults i ive committee lo inveatigste this pu sibility lletvr stan allen said john h a former high school board chairman has consented to acwor the town on such a committee and his name wlli be suggested to county council by the georgetown members komanin hro construction were ttivrn prrmlsnon to erect a 13 suite apartment house at the hdward st irmce charles corner cr sargent said he hsd talked to neighbouring residents and hsd found no objection to such a building from them delrea developments asked a buil ding by law amendment which would require a 73 foot setback un buildings along no 7 highway in the subdivls iun 1ift feet would be green belt and 23 f ee t parking area as ik ires uwnn the largr bulk of land uhich would im so regulated ci uncil agreed that the proposition would be sound opinion vi expressid that it vws nfitshini to find a mibdiwdcr ask in to leavr som open space hi n mi many requents hav i im rn made to oka pnjiets which have encroached i n ihi b lau in thi 1 ppositc direc tion saturday for the lotxb time peo ple will be swing into georgetown park to view the annual tali fair kntrtee in the hall exhibits prom to sat a new high and tha armory will be literally bulging wflh dotna- uc science displays school exhibits crafts flowers vegetables and all the things which go to make op this im portant section of a fair the hall will be open to the public 00 friday night also livestock shows will be concentre- ted in thv inner circle of the track while harness racing and parade of winners will keep grandstand specta tors interested for the afternoon after tha fair is officially opened at x pjn by rex llrslup of dclrex develop ments 1 earlier si 1 pro decorated hlcy- cleei tricycles snd dull carriage will be an interesting feature the girls pipe hand will play during the after noen and a midway with ridw and game plus commercial exhibits at various places in the park will keep things moving rridsy night in the arena rosa room there will be a dance sponsor- cd by the fait aboard liecutlvc of ksqueslng agricul tural society working in close conp- eration with president harding price and secretary garfield mcguvrsy and treasurer percy cleave havs been working hard to prepsre a fair pro gram which should eicel any in the past cctn collectors still report nc old coins our original mention of coins has eiin ullnlors inj over thi ir col in tuns and it is most interesting to know that m nv local people are mtirestid this unk mr um cook it 1 en williams tells us he has mum n illv ran pieces he men tinned an amcruan penny dated 17 oil hiunl hc12 pinnies a 2 50 gold piece dated 1r a hank of i pper i amila 1h52 pe nn and hank of mon treat province of canada 18m penny if dick mcdoumii of tabloid fame were to re id our paper i am sure hi would have some of our collectors on his program social and personal mrs t i ieslic mis hue u th leshi mr jihnlamplmll miss mam 11 eamjlhll mr and mrs pi rev lrs he mi in i mrs wilfrid lslie an 1 f nilv s i nt sunil iv with mr an 1 mrs 1 hip f hillshurth on the n r im n i f mrs hnpe s pin nts mr an i mrs ii m thornton of toronto 41rd wedding anniversary mr hid xtrs ii irtlev harrison mr ind mrs j mcdonald te ronto and mr and mrs j c macmiilan ili d n in visilink tda with john nd m nine in i hill imptnll john nd i ii ampin 11 in having next v 1 1 1 f r i iona mr 4i n i mrs i hihp smith of mon 1 re al havr utn visiting udh mr and mrs 11 irr marchinton thi v met itsoard ship whin thi archiniton wen rilurmnj from a trip to hritatn and thr smiths were en route as emi grants from r nland mr smith is uith thr idilonal department of the montreal star major william sawyers veteran of firtt war familiarly known in town as the major william sawyers 80 died in sunny brook hospital un september 17th and was burled in pine hill ce metery lsst tuesdsy mr sawyers had een away from town for the past five years living at the soldiers hume at sunnybrook horn in hillsburgb he was the ton of james snd abigail hammond saw yers he was living in fort william at the outbreak of the first war and enlisted in the 05th battalion and ser- nl overseas he lived in georgetown after the war and in toronto where he worked at the peabody shirt factory after retirement he returned to town and lived with his sister mrs mary cole ana later made his home for several viars at the mcglhbon house he is survived by two sisters mrs mary cole who lives st 0 pmery st in town snd mrs murdock mccaulsy of port dover former station agent returns to ccorpctown mr an mrs jack kaisir have mo ved hack to town mr hancr was arnt and ope rator at the canadian natmnal hailwiv in town several y ears ago they went from here to seaforth the kaisers have purchased a home on mary street and eipect to make georgetown their permanent home mr kaiser has teen appointed super visory akcnl at weston and will com mute every da he will commence hn new duties on october 4th three fire calls but no fires tuo false alarms and a nrncon stuutl fire threat acounted for fire men bcine called three limtk thur da ami krida thursday afternoon and afiain fri da afternoon the siren which is mounted on the cnr station was trip ped by mechanical difficulties and sounded frltla evcninu smoke coming into jack b bargain centre on main street was traced to a neighbouring base mcnl where a furnace had been lit and smoke entered the store through a duct limehousg four students return to university courses local young folks off to schools of advanced learning include miss jackie cohoonrwho has com pleted her degree in physical and health education has enrolled at col- lege of education toronto elllng and ola berg are continuing at unu verslty of toronto and david mcvey has entered first year at ontario vet- erinary college at guelph mr and mrs fred cook of wyan- p michigan were visitors with miss doris collyer and her mother while on their holidays at their cot tage on the fourth line communion services will be ohser- ved at umehotate presbyterian church eat octobea nsd georgetown fall fair this saturday dont miss it1 lt r p bourne enroute to join his unit at camp utopia n b from a short course at shllo manitoba stop- po doff for a few days with his par ents ltd col and mrs bourne robin is oxpecting to sail to germany in november accompanied by his wife and wte son rally day was observed at lime- house presbyterian church on sept 25th when beginners bunday school pins were given out to little folk and stars for memory work to others da vid roughley receiving a completed memory work certificate bui san- ford and dorothy klrkpatrick read the scripture passage during the ser vice eleven jourrieysa to toronto an sat urday evening when the wa held 1 their annual dinner party at the home of allat olive marahall business women join national organization on momla evening a new era be- kan for business and professional wo men of jeorgelown and district with the inauguration of the georgetown business and professional womens club mrs hhcl armstrongcollins rn uho is herself a prominent and suc cessful busincis uoman adilrcsid tbi club mrs armstrongcollins as ucll as holding offices in the regis ttred nurses associations manarcr of the radium institute of toronto is organizer of the canadian federation of business and professional womiill clubs the women met at the homo of mrs marion barber edith street the object of the club is to improve the status and promote the intirost of business and professional women throughout the dominion of canada and to provide a hon partisan non sectarian basis for cooperation in shar ing in community projecta through club representation the club has been instrumental in having legislation passed giving worn en equal pay and also bad women made eligible for jury duty the pro ject at the present time is to help wo men prisoners particularly the first offenders each club must fit into the needs of its community and anything thl affects uie interests of women is first concern of the club twenty nine women from many dif ferent eatecoriesntrbuslness and pro- f essional life joined the club monday night president miss joyce nevltt ut vice pres miss atarion robinson 3nd vice preohri jean suddaby recording seety jsobel dobaon corresponding seelyhelen mcglu mrs bthbl armstrongcollins organizer op new club treasurer mrs art scott program chairmarr mrs h j newman membership chairman marian robinson publicity chairman mrs aileen bradley ways means comra mrs i elisabeth mecrae social convener mr j marion barber fellowship convener mrs jean suddaby emblem chairman mrs waller ricf the first meeting will be held as a dinner meeting on monday october 17th it the ucglbboa betel at i sunt v a -v- iivlfi k-a- r

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