Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 5, 1955, p. 10

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i- the georgetown herald georgetown ontario wednesday october stn 1955 second section we have installed a new homogenizes homogenized milk now available f at no extra cost s tryaquart today georgetown dairy quality ullk product tbungl 72mi main st faaaalftbamaiailif xoiron cash gel 50 to 91200 or snore phone tor 1 tup loan vjn i plus i pfk up lh lon uli n la lufrij lo your nji intonw kidu jmri n conftoltdt bill wrllh oui 7j ii con altdhot stvk9 i holt vf 1 nx in first delrex residents ixamhu ok loams ctk lib 14 kb ssise 1s4h fi 7sls4 s3 si a 40 lai 1 moftia to md law cj tltutllmx renonall finance co u main sykcet north brampton liul itu 0v chlavn rttaaai 174 of ivtnikioi iv affoimuint fhoni tot ivinino houm ua ssil 1 miiimn tl l fli km fwumi iui cat t plumbing and heating licensed plumbers certified lennox dealers ted tom hicken and clapham tritngl 7 3170 trunge 7 3737 oriental and domestic rug cleaning repairing and weaving mothproofing alterations spot tinting sizing of soft wrinkling rugs power vacuuming of underfelt storage work done by armenian cramsvin in ouk ol l iou rug cleaning plant broadloom shampooing in your home i office or store sales complete selection all binding nd fringing liutallation of wall to wall broadloom free positively the best bargain offered anywhere our decorator consultant will call with iso sample no obligation easy budget terms regular ptcltup and delivery service taj mahal rug co 42 for5ythe street s oakville opan evftnlnga victor 441si ravane chargas l bill navan canadas famous blind organist at the hammond electric organ appearing nightly in the beautiful air conditioned melody room downstairs motor city hotel oakville dining boom open daily 7 am 9 pm specialt buinu mani net lunchawn dally 65e and up ft nooki till 3pm first residents m ihe m txlrr iulxj uon mj one mn alfrti sm ive the lty to thtir mw ho til lion rt hulup whi n lhiy moved in a wt the 600 holei wl ich arc be ng convlfucleti on ihe former h oaig r which will rrtom irian double georgetown prtcrit lopuldlion when de rim jirnjmun mlnlu h and ihcir iwo young iom rtc t v rtgo the smithi occupy one ol eid farm lirit phase of a procc1 ex ii completed newspaper ads tops says chrysler adman watcher brother open new barrte tv station it was 4 big inotni nt fur m ltalph snurivi tfiht r of mrs john iwii main mr 1 1 south last wtdntsljs muniiril uhm his n iiiiumoii 1j tiou char al darnr made us dt but dur tht air wjvis on t lunm t j tin li ik hail ituir sil lunid in and man im i t kihi luin iiuklii tht op i nuil spnh although thr rtrtptum hi not jii that could ik d sin 1 in f jum n jrlv all oritduli st ts irr tunl in tin oppumti din i ti n to hit it alii it it posmbu to oiljum lh u n i v th it lljrru will to n in i nh hi i w r mr smlinni his tntt i i n ii nl inn to h u his 1 si itrnn at llirrn with til tht utst moth ii hit thstiiil tsiinpnit nt most of th i mam art ikii in hut in it tl tht t nun ri lals art dont ui mi that tht huihlnil hs to lnt i ik s f r tht irs ad w mitcd an 1 kit t hi n i it t for tht stots and fri ilnm nilnnilh itl t rtisttl 1 ht in st ttn n will hriiii kood t rt option t i 1 i i nt i in tin r i 1 1 us oi hrru which his not lurtttfori ht i n jhh t i iij i 1 our s rt s im ly tixi iwtr iixi ir 7 2s96 addrtwinn mor than 200 chrjhlcr of cjiijiu firhlmtn at tht ir annum cunwntioii in w indur ii t llruwn adt itisinj inaiuk r thi corpora tiun tliscntxtl ntvaipjprn aj ih turnt rutont uf our whtilt campaign in outhnmk tht compan adtr timiik plans fur iovj mr liron an nounnd that ihohltr o canada uill tipatid its adrluinl cotrajt dur ini i hi comini jur prtaldint incrta m 1 assistaiut to its tli urs intrrhan d in iff rts i lu hulk uf thi int rtaw u ill m tt lot a i nt vaspapt r hi mid for it u at thi licil ltl primanh th t wt must mi 1 1 tht tm uik ul 1 i ll i t r 1 it t i l lh 1 i l georgetown community swimming pool donation llit ciorcilcmn i mni clul c 000 00 llo scout 1 nlus aux 4ion milk lloltlo colli etion mrclurr 27 draili 4 hapd si school 4 07 draili 5 itnpilm school 7k lltmaril rikkh suorlh schoo 20 k hapil street school 40 00 llasiltall imc ljon vs itotary g107 jim turnhuu 50 00 hranch 120 canacli in 1 1 kion 500 00 lioni club ilaffle at mcttini 4 00 anon 250 lesion latins auxlliar 50 00 bolphin craft boat raffle 571 21 donna jonson 1 00 vat barraki r 0 13 baseball ramc i ions s 1 in mi n 74 in ashnrove w i 25 xi r iwood cam 1000 anon s iooo 11 maveal and v stamp 43 dour antl carol mills inn 1 t vivian iunolcs john henn tt 100 trances unton lllcn richn carroll farncll i and a iid 100 m rna cook jo barbir sandra lloyd 5 40 mr and mrs ilarr gorrlnn new york 500 vern archer 10 00 anon 100 anon 50 00 rev and mrs morgan mckarlanc 500 anon 23 20 uiu v molciworth 5 00 nieltost 20 mr and mrs dick llcata 500 00 roxy theatre sept show 37 25 ladle and mens curllne club 65 50 pat sykea 200 8 hunt 200 billy and martin wheeler 300 h a staunton 1200 unv 4miuht jt n i 8u500 kututeat i llii dm i i tin i inn il nixt jiari lower butter price is answer to margarine i ndi r prt m nl t irt unist met s i i rt st i ins it ht no ulhir ansutr lo tin tompt titii n ol in irkunnt than to i utr tht prir of huttrr to cana lian tiiisunuis lit int m carlvlt ptsid tut told tin inort than joo dairj pro nwiri and lih its atti ndinj the an nu d nuttinl of the n itional dair loiituil of canada at lake loiiisc a htrtt mr t arl it ktatttl that low r hutttr pricts to tunsuintrs do not mt tsiinh mtan a rttluttion in tht floor pnet to protlucrri the producer is tntitltd to tht protection of a floor pnet auainsl ukil fluctuations in the price of his product but 1 cannot see thi tenhc of a polic which at tht sanu turn s riducinii our sales and inert asiny our competitors and will continue to do to into the indttimo future ihih pohc will kislal us out of husincii he said commtntinfi on the present moth od of iiipportinfi pricts the count il spoktsmun statvd he is in fundamen tal duacrccment with the polity to lowed b the dominion ciotrnmtnl authorities in handling the butter pro- hit m ilathcr than place any rcktnmt on the sale of margarine the policy hus been to buy up all the surplus milk produced if it u offered in thi form of butttr and thin trj to induct canadians lo bu it back at pritt that arc 2 or 3 timts the price of mat karinc little apparent notice has to far bttn takin of the rapidly mcrcas iny salt of mararint and the dcclfn inn baits of butter on a per capita basis uhtle the quantity of butter nt cumulating in oo t rnrhent hands continuls tu increuso at an alarming rate total stocks hamng mounted to approximate 115 million pounds at the first of this month tht problem of disposing of these government owned stocks is steadily becoming more serious 1breirn mar kets arc almost impossible to find at any price and tho butter in storage continues to accumulate in cost end age as well as quantity he sold mr carlylc stated that plans which can be made- to look so desirable tan cosily turn out to be something con sidcpahly less and one of the things we should be most anxious to avoid is any evidence that our industry is try- ing to compel consumers to accept our products ond services on our terms rcfiordjesj of the preferences or rights of the customers suth schemes will destroy all the goodwill that canadians have traditionally dem onstrated toward farmers may i in this dipotal of lare quantities of old 10m buttrr to csjtadiun conhumtrt in tht fall of 1um lod perhaps even into losfl held in government storage as a rtkult of one such plan to asutt ht indmtr u prceisel the tpe of com pulsion that will b n rented canad tans who hac a frit choice as con iiiria huint an acctptahlt alttrnatit uill not long tultratt ikjiicus of this ort slutinl that althuukb b and larii tht uupatt of the salt uf certain fau and prott ins which conurntrs will ac ttpt instead of butterfat and milk pro tt ins has not tt ktriouil affected an ptotluct of dairmk in canada tx n liuttir mr carllt warned that tht pdtniial tompt iition for chttst taporattd milk cium and tct i ream is just as fctrious ai tht prtkinl com 1 1 tint n if marcannr w ah lutlt r lit l t nl xpt nt nn has shown that skim milk powdi r tan ht adultt rait tl with s v i i in flour just as tasiy as tan tiutti i i it w ith so ht an oil 1 ht st d t lupi u nts ait ixini prttnttd nn i i illj in l in ida 1 uiislau n sti it ti ns 11 sm h nstrictions can nt t ht m ml uned linn a larc ptrctnt ik ol mr ptotiuttrs and ptrhip a mii ill i r pt i tt ntae uf our prott sur will li uut if tlairmii hoi canadians is i whnlt this uistiun is no so miuh a tjutstion of nutrition as of tco n tints ht iaid it in i lt nottd in this ronmilion that our nod nt ilhlmurs across ujt sovitht rn houltr ait this near antici patink a ntortl crop ol soj bcan- the pnet of s beans has alrtad drop- ptd draslitall anil is nfltcted in re- ttnt larlt prut rtduttions of mart nut in canada in othtr words our dair farmtrs art bttng exposed to prttt compttition from foreign produ ct d oils in large surplus supply with out inntfit of an tfftctit tariff and without an atttmpt being mado lo unit tht competition in tht onl wa the consumer will ncogniie namclx price it is ironic that the consumer de mand fur chiaper food which conns largtl from foreign sources is undtr mining the prosperity of a large seg mint of our producers of basic raw products and thereby also undtrmm ing the prosperity of these same con burners high school attendance shows increase of 35 attendance is up in all three high schools under the iuruvdiruon of the kanix halttm high school district hoard it was reported to the meeting in uu ton last week georgetown school has an enrol ment of 240 an increase of 33 this year imported truiripal lambert in hilton tht attendance u 245 an in crease of five reported rincipal wood said in acton principal han sen reported an attendance of 102 as increase of 20 four new clauroonik will be requir ed in georgetown before next term in 11 il ton two rooms arc in course of construction and in acton the hzfi rooms arc still incomplete but par tially to use hach whool was given an allowance of ln to bring rugby or sports eq uipiiit nt up to requirements a thorough r vjw or the correspoo dt net rt yarding the kale of ullton hikh school tu the milton public fcchuol board was mad a motion that all motions concerning this mat ur be rescinded failed to secure a ma jority uit following motion was subae- tjut ntty subiuittetl and passed that ullton public school board be nultf led that aa the majority of the muni cipal councils have rejected selling the uillon high school we request that we he released from our offers to sdl the uilton high school a complaint was received from rea- j drill of milton heights regarding tht bus route serving this district no change was made and the letter filtd permission to hold night classes was granted in acton uillon and in gturgitown under the same arrange ments in effect last year it was also decided to conduct classes in basic hnglish at each of the three schools c ontracta for bus transportation wire awanud the present operators at the same general term mileaio ami other features were set forth in the motion applications for pupils to atti nd st hoots in other centres wire dealt with two applications for pupils to atttnd technical schools were approv al and one was refused an applica nt n for a pupil from acton to atund ui iph collegiate was refused on the i round that tht subjects nectssary wire available in tht district a krant uf 30 was made to assist tht vinntrs of the hal ton junior riowmins match to attend the inter national match this year 6hs trails milton wins school meet milton high school took top honors in a 4 school field meet in the county limn on wednesday milton athletes outdistanced visiting it mis from georgetown acton and i nn with a total of 147 points acton was nixt with us ivrin 100 and georgetown 83 although georgetown did not do so will in tht scoring which is on a handicap basis ghs had two indivi dual champions irannc darou sen ior irls and norm lock hurst junior hob other winners who received troph- iis presented b principal c a wood of milton were hetty anderson mil ton intermediate girls ruth landa- 1m rough of acton junior girls l anodwell hrin bantam girls bill skll- ling acton and d phoenix erin tied for senior bos frank cooper acton intermediate boys jim kerr milton bantams boys a 1 connection that the canadas oldest largest and most copied food plan the- magic pantry food plan approved by better business bureau government inspected highest quality meats fish poultry vegetables fruits and juices satisfaction or replacement guarantee for information telephone or write ted darlington tttlanal 73204 georgetown

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