Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 12, 1955, p. 1

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the georgetown herald fourteen pages georgetown ontario wednesday october 12 1955 first section what council wo four new poll booths over 2700 voters over s700 men nd women are elt- i rible to vote in the december muni- i uleetiou thia year according to mayor jack armstrong who reviewed voting arrangement at lail night council meeting there wil be 8 poling aubdivuiona thia year doubling thoae of former yean wards 2 and 3 have been aplit into three subdivision each and ward 1 wo have twr yheer are 114 voters in ward 1 thoae who live south of the cnr traeka will vote at the fire hall while thoae in the northern part of the ward will have a more convenient location to be theses later ward 2 largest with 1083 eotera will have last yesrs two aubdivuiona increased to three the college view district will nae cyril englebys house aa a voting place south of the cnr track and north of king street and queen street will vote at the thomaa grieve home the rest of the ward which stretchee weat to the highway will form the new subdivision hheer are 039 voters in ward 3 which will also have three polling booths the district east of ilatn and north of uaple will vote at the municipal building the park dist rict weat of main wil vote at the pun- lie library third section of the ward eompriaing the normandy sunbeam and delrex areas will vate at a loca tion to be decided hiring of tom schenk aa a member her of the town worka ataif was con firmed by council tenders were advertiaed for install ing sewers in the llewson subdivision and from delrex to the sewage dispo- council will amend the building by- sal plant law to allow buildings on s corner lot to be 23 feet from one boundary and 10 feet fro mtbe other up to the present there has been some confus ion over a clause which atatea out i if a house fronts on the flankage aide it can be 10 feet from the street boundary but otherwise it must he 13 feet mayor armstrong read a letter rhich was compoaed by the adminis- tratldn committee to be sent to a du- eharged town employee who had re quested an explanation the cornlt tee met with the town foreman and engineer and explained in the etter the reasons for his discharge robbery charge for men apprehended after chase two toronto men were apprehea- ded by combined action of a merch ant a garageman and local police when they attempted to steal a mantel radio from the wlgo television store saturday afternoon store proprietor morris gouedket- ting served the men when the purch ased a piece of wire which they aaid was to fix an electric range after they left the store he noticed the ra dio missing and ran after them atop- ping them serosa the street in front of livingstones bakery one man had a radio under his coat and mr goudeketting obtained this hack before the men started to run up main street hill fred mavea who noticed the commotion from his gar age jumped into a truck and gave chase catching one man at the top of the hill meanwhile constable jim buaborrow who had been notified of the robbery proceeded up cross st and caught the other man oa the highway the men who are brothers were lodged in hilton jail and wiu be charged in court next wednesday with theft the weather ur editor the perfrct weather ever the holi day weekend seemed like just recom pense for the namber of dull and wet days and the first hard frost we had during the past week era batkln dale has min haia october 3 m jb october 4 78 39 october 3 87 47 1 28 october 77 31 06 october 7 73 34 13 october 8 ss 43 03 october 0 88 33 average as 132 mrs hyitun silver vuitj in israel urs llyman silver is at present away on an interesting trip visiting with relatives in isrse the former georgetown lady now a toronto resident sailed from new york city on the s3 jerusalem an israeli steamship on august 31st af ter being driven to new york by her aon sid she arrived in israel in roid- srptrmbcr mrs silver intends to spend a eou- pie of months in the east and gee aa much of this historic country aa poa- sible she is slaying in jerusalem with her brolherin law mr m ore per and hia family mr orapers wife was a sister of mr llyman silver norval harveat home service norvej united church the norval united church harvest home service sunday morning was well sttended flowers fruit vegetables and aut umn leaves decorated the church and the choir directed by miss kay coombs gave a magnificent rendi tion of the metrical version of psalm ms ye heavens on high rrsise yc the lord the theme of thanksgiving to god predominated the thought of the ser vice the scripture lesson was s psalm in which david opens his whole life to gods influence and finds sat isfaction and overflowing thankful ness thus pointing to a real experi ence of thanksgiving the offertory recslled noshs deliverance from the flood and his service of thsnksgiving afterwards rev w e gill in his sermon re viewed national causes for thsnksgiv ing it was seen thst we can have reasons for thanksgiving but fsil to hsve the spirit an essential condi tion for the joyous heart ia to be in good relation to god those who have surrendered their lives to his service sre released and happy people he stressed sacrificial aervice as the way to the kingdom of god the choir met after church and ar ranged to go wednesday evening to the billy graham meeting in toronto they also agreed happily to accept an invitation to a halloween party with the glen united couples club at norval and at the glen williams and home churches which are part of the pastoral charge the people were urged to listen to the current united church broadcasts dramatiz ing various aspects of the churchs work they are heard in thia diatriet saturday evenings at 81s over ckey toronto and sunday eveninga at 1013 over cknx wingham at home church it was announced that a service of holy baptism is planned next sunday at glen williams the electric or gan refused to function and the choir and congregation sang the loved thanksgiving hymns without accomp animent births burns mr and mrs robert burns are happy te announce the birth of their daughter leslie ann at si a j josephs hospital guelph on mp- i tember 28th 1033 hancock mr and mrs donald hancock jean harley are happy to announce the birth of a son john- u dean at the guelph general hospi- ul september 28th 1935 jabvte mr- and mrs don jirvie are happy to announce the birth of their daughter debra lee on octo ber 8th at st josephs hospital i tlossop bruce and louise uossop nee oliver are happy to announce tsuybirth of their wee daughter at guelph general hospital sunday october 0th mother and baby going fine rwbjght lenora and wan wright announce the birth ofa sob douglas at st joaephamospilal jj y social and personal hblake i mr y h blake and linda of goder- jch spent thanksgiving with ur and mrs prank wilson of ashgrove mr and mrs- clare keith and bob by of seaforth spent the weekend with mrs ed hill mr and mrs will mino lynda and janice were holiday visitor with rel atives in london and c ur and mrs wesley kieblg and family motored to ogdrnsburgh ny over the weekend allan darby of the hank of com- vnrrce staff at simcoe speot the week end in town with bis mother mrs edith morris windsor was a holiday visitor in town with mrs wil itam oatrander emery street ur and mrs keith maedonald were guests at the iloddenshsw wedding in hamilton on saturday ur and urs j 11 beatty and fam ily applewood acres spent thanks giving with urs uarthe e kennedy church street ur and urs t j fisher charles street spent a few days last week in ixindon visiting with ur and urs john wilson urs k gallaway sarnia spent the holiday weekend with her sister mrs chas watson and uiss lillian wat son uain street mr and urs don oliphant of pick ering were guests of ur and urs ted darlington over the holidsy week end ur snd mrs s r tllden jr of ottawa spent the weekend in town with ur and urs t ferguson msr ket street ur and urs uert hurley pcnt the weekend with their daughter and her family mr and urs james clark of new toronto ur and urs gunthrr frey of one wa and ur ernst frey munich ger- msny were weekend visitors with ur and mrs e it robinson james st miss sybil howorth toronto was a holiday weekend gueat with her niece uiss dorothy stone check ijne frcd lee former proprietor of the golden gate cafe and now a resident of port hope was a viaitor in town on thanksgiving dsy mr snd urs ljndssy uerrer kan- iu city were visitors one day last week with her sister mrs wilfrid ford and ur kord at their home on uaple avenue weekend guests with rowena and wilms stull at elmarch farm were misses dorothy avison snd csthie wylie of toronto and kathleen wylie of campbell river vancouver island mr snd urs armsnd swackhamer and jimmy were here from ottawa to spend the holiday weekend with his parents mr and mrs e b swackha mer and her sister miss hilda erwin ur and urs doug wilson shelley street had as thanksgiving guests mrs wilsons mother and grandmoth er mrs william dryden and mrs fred hinks of montreal pq mr and mrs douglas latimer tor onto were weekend visitors in town mr lalimrr is spending this year with a toronto law firm and will return to osgoode hall next year for hia final term as a law student mr and mrs wm nurtrnshaw snd mrs burtrnshawa sister mrs ivy bridges of hamilton spent the holi day weekend with another sister anil her husband mr and mrs p j bryan in cleveland ohio visitors over the holiday weekend with mr and mrs j r mcgiuivray of mountainview road were miss lcra barry rn ottawa mr aylmer barry pickering and uiss fern macgllll- vray of toronto mr and mra bruce kennedy and daughters cheryl and lynn called on mrs george herrington sunday they motored to the forks of the cre dit to see the beautiful autumn scen ery stewarttown happy birthday to lillian lawson- who will be nine years old monday october 17th mrs poole of toronto was a guest over the holiday with mr and mrs sanford mr and mra ed sanford and bill spent the holiday at waubashene mrs c blizzard and mrs aliley at tended thewa annual deanery mee ting at lowviue last saturday junior wa meeting was held on monday afternoon of last week at mrs sallys home susan smith chose holy holy holy for the opening hymn and conducted the worship ser vice the wednesday pledge was re membered st bikes hoipjtsl heb ron palestine quilt blocks were made in the busy period meeting closed with he vesper hymn and the grace in unison congratulations to mr and aba brlggs lit the birth of baby daugh- mr and urs scott y patterson flew to new york during the world series to take ia a number of the game on thsnkagiving sunday at 400 oclock at knox presbyterian churrb rev alex calder efcristened baby brenda lee daughter of ur and lira john uuckarl charles street sunday callers with urs annie ad am church street were urs artav vr page bronte and dr and urs john page toronto ur and sirs ii j kill buffalo ny spent a recent weekend with uri adams and her daughters celebrating her ninth birthday er ica daughter of mr and urs stan wade charles street anteruined at a sunday afternoon party her guests were cail walker ann lorraine no ble judy ryall helen klingbetl di ane and iclaine greenwood and an drea kevin and graham lloyd from newmarket mr and urs davtd curry jr and family of penstang spent the week end at the home of mr currys broth er mr and urs ernie curry ur and urs krnie currys son ted has retur ned home from guelph hospital where he underwent an emergency appendectomy last week mary jane daughter of ur and urs john ucclure who was two years old october 7th celebrated with a party at her home on king street those attending were her small cous ins wilms kccles lynda and dill hutchinson and arthur steeds also present were uiss jean ectles brant- ford uisses agnes uary and lalay ucclure urs clare hutchinson of cheltenham ur and urs r steeds orangeville uiss anna uae hutchin son toronto urs fred lyons snd urs delbert arnott slreetsvillc guests attending the amos ixwins wedding which took place saturday september 24th at first baptist church were mr gordon amos of brampton ur and urs alex fergus on rarrie ur and urs s mcmur rsy ur snd mrs c storey ur snd mrs j bruce bel fountain ur snd mrs v amos mr and mrs ray pink- new terra cotu betty zluo urs writers lloyd uiller terra cotta mr and mm jim iowin mr and mr d mciioupau dous snd dick fines knn mr ales a mot codrington mis- fvclvn chsttrn mr and mm g hattcti mr snd mm bill chattrn mr george chattrn onllia mr and mr hon latimrr li mr house mr ami mr v aikcns hcspclcr kay foster jean jackson mr and mrs t hamilton mr and mm j cuthbert mr and mr j edwards mr and mrs t miller georgetown mr and mrs a startrlt mr and mm harry press wood mm youttg mr and mm j norton glen williams shirley gras- by dale sedore mr and mrs v barnes norval erin lions car goes to caledon resident many gcorect owner who bought tickets at georgetown fair on a car being raffled by rrin lions club will be disappointed this week the draw was made at erin fair on monday and the winning ticket no 1s00a was held by a caledon dis trict resident w s howard r r 2 caledon the club thanks those who bought tickets and helped this fundraising event georgetown n gs tire ont lacrosse champs lorne scots band enjoyed at fair it is always nice to pass along com pliments one of the highlights of the wood bridge fair recently was the playing of the lome scots band their selection of music and its rendi tion was excellent and several people at the fair have commented otrit lions halloween dance oct 2fl hard times winners what couatc oio cetmul approves union gas franchise third such eompaay to request a natural gas distribution irarwhisa in ueorgetewn union gas was given in itial approval with two readings of a bylaw similar u tnoaa already read or llaltoa natural gas and anthony gas and oil lawyer john evans and ranipany manager t 1 itnckard wbo had vtal- ted couaril last week returned main last aitbl to present the bylet mayor armstrong objected to the word produce in the bylaw and alter lengthy discussion thia wae qualified by adding a clsuse interpret ing the meaning as adding propane gas to the lines in ease of an emerg- enry ahortage rather than any thought of the company manufacturing gas in town tiuring the diacuaaion it waa learn ed that the ontario fuel board might interpret a ratepayers vole thia year as asking for opinion on which coro- psny people want to aerve them mayor armstrong ssld the vote in his opinion should be on whether georgetown people want natural gaa and that deciaion on which companies will be granted franchises would be made later by the council the fuel- board will be contacted about thia a s300 grant waa made to the nfjg lacrosse team in recognition of the ontario championship won last week the public school board asked the council to arrange for transfer of the deed to land being granted in the delrex subdivision for a new public achool the land given to the town by the delrex firm is east of llrxway ulvd the ontario municipal board gave notice of a public hearing which will be held in town later thia month to decide on councils request to lane debentures for a m2800 addition to the municipal building final reading was given to a bor rowing bylaw for 32000 for the 2- room addition to wriggleaworth school initial readings were given lo a uaooo debenture by law to pay for a variety of civic services includ ing the landfill machine sidewalks pavcimnt sewers and water ballinafad ontario eluuaplons far tfce- taemul time in three years georgetown ncs finished their season la a blase of glory wednesday defeating hunts- ville here in the sixth game of tbek series georgetown won 4 ifuf to x tbe nigs are intermediate b prov incial champions as a result of their win the game tike all others with the nor therners wss close sad exciting huntsvtlle retained a lead most wsy through the game until the lo period georgetown pulled out all the stops and banged in four goals for s final score of m joe caruso who scored george towns last goal had an exceptionally good night he got the first 3 local goals one in the 1st sad two in the second g evans and bennett each scored and illuson tallied two visiting scorers were payne saew- den uacdonald recollect and aat- eliffe mrs clifford reid hostess to instrrute the womens institute meeting was held at the home of mrs clifford rcid last wrdnrsday with a good attend ance of members who answered roll rail with why i am proud to be a canadian citizen mrs a mcknery and mrs j xlc- knery reported on the guelph con vention and mrs tom gibson on the district annual at xlilton mrs gibson aa convener on citizen ihkp railed on mrs itobcrt ucenery for current evrnts mrs mauric ba ker prepared a splendid paper on the motto if you want to set the world rirht itart with yourself mrs f j shortill sang s solo and a paper ln the meaning of citizen- hliip waa given by mrs gibson lunch was served by the hostess and her as sistants mrs n sinclair mrs r b klrkwood and mrs william kirkwood what council did prince charles resident objects to apartment strong objections from roy war wick a iri nee charles drive resi dent were mads to council last night to a proposed apartment building oa the street which would b erected by llo mania bros mr warwick carried s copy of tha sept 28th herald which quoted cr ioug sargent aa saying that be had cheeked with residents and found no objections to an apartment in what has been a restricted singledwelling subdivision 1 for one strongly object snd so do other neighbours i have talked to said mr warwick asking council to reconsider the permission given to the contracting firm checking with building inspector douglas wilson and finding that no permit has yet been issued for the apartment cr mcgilvray suggested that it be delayed cr sargent aaid he had apparently not checked far enough and thst be had no intention of granting some thing which would not find favour with people who had purchased hom es in the subdivision mayor armstrong aaid there is s legal point whether roman in broth ers could be stopped from building an apartment even though the company had so agreed when there arc no zoning provisions in the towns building bylsw the planning committee was delegated to take the matter up with the town solicitor and the building inspector was instructed to withold issuing a permit in the meantime the poppy fund committee was gi- permission to hold a tag day on saturday november 5th town engineer douglas wilson was granted a 25 monthly car allowance j armstrongs garage was given per mission to remove four trees on town property in front of the highwsy prop erly which the firm has purchased from thomas warnca a garage on the property of sam harrison which was made unusable by the opening of henry street will be moved at town expense to face on henry bill hardman c4or4owt prizewwlrwft at ike hard tlmat dan bald byclub mjdtown irjr pdd fellow hall uwd ttftw inoefujlty lit titctiwmar umkhouse wi president move mrs sanford successor with two members of the womens institute moving from the community others were appointed to take their place as officers at thursdays meet inc at the home of mrs e karn the president mrs ii smith is now living near bramqton and mrs ed sanford will step up from vice president to complete the year mrs charles jones has moved to wood- bridge and mrs ralph turner will replace her as roll call convener butter seems to be the favourite cure for bumps and bruises according to roll call which asked for siicces- lions the ladies were delighted to hear a letter from john honor one ft a family to whom the wl sent parcels during the war years it was a warm letter of thanks and surely conveyed the appreciation for the gifts john is a sailor and expects to be in mon treal october 11th mrs paul spltxer was appointed to the bazaar committee it was deci ded to drop the girls club for this year as there are not enough girls in this age group the district director mrs a j smethurst gave a report of a milton meetifig and mrs ssnford and urs frank brown reported on the guelph convention anleuuui tea hour followed the scout news saturday waa apple day in town an annual event when scouts and cubs bave this novel form of taf day to raise funds for their summer camp they had a hood reception and collect uona were very food thank yon georgetown for your good turn last wednesday the first scouters meeting wss held in acton scout but for north hslton diatriet only four scouters attended from town and wa hone to aee more out for the next one which will be at erin on november 2 scouters csn get s lot of training to pass on at these meetings several patrol leaders took advan tage of the- good thanksgiving week end weather some went camping others took hikes reports are good ao pjla lctls hsve more the scouting theme for 1658 s con servation scouts will be getting lec tures en this subject and mx has announced a new badge win be issued several of our scouts have ptanted trees for conservation la recent years but that is just one part of the theme learn more about conservation and be one of the first to get your badge good scouting mr ho hajtri if tl today mr ed harris ontario street b fv ebratlnf his slat urfhday today weutaunmaha tjadtau growe lt harris trlswawhh and his

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