Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 12, 1955, p. 12

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w twi oiowurrowm herald f wedneaday eveaiuc october is ims pages bruce harding pianist 1 teacher trf t1578 margaret bradley harding pimt jeeclter shxlle main seulh tk 7s30s monuments brampton mejiumem work dl0m tubmlhed cmury lettering crnr pot end merher a cood dlilljvv in stock wm c auan prep u oueen st whi brunelen utsp mtoj pfcenet rm jij rep tom nlcol phene brampton 403 w flowers for every o c c a s io n detlgn work specialty plowert by wire anywhere in the world norton floral triajtfll 735w geeroatown have your esso oil burner aib conditioning unit inttalud now 25 down s ytin is py 111 inttalmenl in september bill sproule 4 elizabeth street hampton phone 1177 revert cherget christopher columbus city and a trip up the mountain j buy the best buy bh paints for letting beauty told by twins woodworking umehouse tr 72162 manufacturers of sash frames screens doors intltla and out trim hardware class evenings mr and mrs jehn irur see rfclt wk uttta0 in c end lhr ha u wh frf uau ht mtieriesl ijhh k4rs ut wis i- venice genoa italy we arrived at genoa and started out to look for a hotel but every hotel reported fulf up this u a shipping port and 12million people had enter ed in one day there were thousands of inert leaving uext day for other countries now it u four o clock and in oux search for a hotel we came across the shipping office of the home line and since our purposemor vuiing here was to see about our passage horne we were glad we had found it we had taken passage home on the queen kredencka of naples but dis covered our cabin on the return trip wu not nearly so nice as the on w had on the homeric going over to our satisfaction we found that there were only two cabins left on the liom cue and onr wai a1q7 which wa the one we had coming over so the tnly difference ts that instead of sailing from naples we have to go all the way back to 1e havre by train ve told the agent at the home lines our troubles in not netting a hotel and he kindly phoned for reservations tor us to a very good place city hotel so here we are today we went on a sight seeing tour in one part of the city it a very btautiful crtmlery it is divided ino 3 parts catholic proltstant and a place for the poor i never saw so much pur while marble graves are very close together and on every iravi were lowin outside the galea re stalls all along the way wht re those visiting may purchase flower and candlta t tc then thire u a large building somt thing like i prv rm nadi tin re art graves under foot evtry inch of the way and huge raonu menu with ihur backs to the wall i have mvtr sten any like it each rep resents sumtthing there was one that was the picture of an old woman about the i aim tjpe a que n victoria only this was a poor woman she work til all hir life to pay for that monument her husband was a dnn ki r so ihr refused to have him bur led with htr sayint she wanted to be alone it is beautifully portraed with tht shawl around her shouldirs then our guide lold us she had it made and paid for during her life but only lived in months after it was paid for another historic spot was ihe home of christopher columbus the home he lived in la still preserved all rov ered with ivy and weeds it stands riaht in the middle of the city then wc were taken to enoa a highest sky scraper 32 or 35 stories hikh it is the tallest in all italy our kuidc was sur prised to learn the havi one in nrw york 102 stones hikh at the top is a restaurant complete with orchestra here ve sat for a drink and looked out over the city i forgot to tell you that at that ceme tery they have family homes for ihe dead that is only for the rich r rom the cemetery you can see them all up the hillside they look tike small churches with spires just like a church nest we were taken to the cathed ral over the entrance hung two ra ther faded red curtains which w pushed aside to enter our guide took us to one place after another where altars had been set up some with candles burning however 1 was struck once again with the em ptiness of the nave of the church onl a few chairs or benches before one of the many altars then to my sur prise i heard a bell and a procession of about five or six priests entered from a sldr door they paid no atten hon to the sightseer but started their service at the rear of the chanctl tomorrow we go for a tour of the riviera am beginning to pick up a little italian dear mi tor have rovertd a lot of ground incu my last littir i told you wt win go ing on an iituraion down the illvm ru wt uft cenoa at ojn tht morning fur the most tuautiful drive i havu rvi r had sly only complaint if any was that our sight smug bus traw lltd loo fast s4vfiil liinis i tritd to tup tun tin 1m nitty of tin pit turn ihu w saw bul hit bpiid of the inis wa loo fast jhl wt nllier iruvillid paid tin spot j wuiitid to shoot or wit w rviit around a tormr and it wun gout 1 did kt u fi w shots if thiy don t in j u i u livy looking ui ihun iho roads am not so smooth lute u u uritidu jifni ilkt haul in knp tji um t ru sti u ly wi hlnppid ut ifiiin mo whlili in u intl fuhiiig villnu i hit tniiin alitil is on tin t dge of tin wall r wt wi nt down u narrow stret t inn d willi k lulls whi re one could buy snuvi nlm and cards u it wus a viry prltly spot next wo went to llapptllu where wc had lunch at the savoi ho tel if anyone had ever told me i would cat octopus i would novcr hi lteve them but to my surprise when r ordered mixed little fislv4hey brought us a variety oflhtlo fishes and among them tiny octopus at first i did not littvtho thought of est ing thero and chanced with john but when he ate his with relish i decided to try one they were goodl next wo went to the top of the mountain i shall never forget thkt ride it wound around in serpentine fashion i think we went only a few bus lengths in one direction with the high ubuatalu on me side and the sides en the other then around hope you oldmt miss get ung out to see the rair the park looked so pretty with the maples turning crimson and gold they made colourful backdrop for one of the highlights tn the life of our small town or our notaotraall town now according to the latest ce sua figures the sun beat down with a welcome warmth aa we waited in the crisp october air or the kid tut to gft on aod off the rides on the midway and after a walk up the sha ded path to the grandstand we were glad to be lisrk in the s unfit midway- section again and grateful too for the warmth of the hshibil hall v learning from experience howdif firult it is to appreciate the hall ex hibiu on lair day when the excite mcnl of the merry goround and he trtats beckon the children we wi nt out on iriday nikht to have a really kuod took and it wk well worth while f i dont think the hall has ever looked nicer the flowers fruit and vrjniwh were a iu hi to b hold with no frost to kpoil them they were at their best 1 te never sei n such enormous pump kins anil canteluupes the fluwtrs wire plrntiful and beautiful i thoukhl thr arrangement of alters in a hasktt of a hollowed out hubbard quah was original and very effect iw th n in the same section you could hardly hi lp noticing a ium plant 111 wakcr was four f i arrost at the tup a at the end of the all of fluwtrs thin was anolhir flo wer displa this time on a liiilt made h the llatlinafad u i it ua appbued with flowers of the tiff i rmt pnmncrs i hadn t realized b fore how ignorant i was of the pro incul rmbltms i know our own tril hum of coursi but i didn t rememtn r ihjt finish olumhia has iokuood for its finllim saskatchewan the iraine i ll nova scotia the may hmer qui lxc the wild iris i r i the iady slipprr alberta the wild it ivr manitoba the v lid crocus new brunswick the violet and newfound land the titcher ilant did you s another display that caupht our eye was so years of aeh levement arranged by the silver wood v i it was a display of a bridi s koing away ensemble and several other antiques of half a century ao iookink st the elaborate cinnamon coloured coat black ostrich boa an 1 high button shoes i thought the title of the display very aptly chosen per haps 50 years hence iho our achiivt menta won t look so chic either the school sections were excel lent too it seemed to me there wia a larger variety of collections than uvial the paper serviette collection was something a little different nlio collections of tiny match boxes bottle caps and shells and it roe almost without a ing how delectable the domestic set encc entries looked along with ev eryone else i think the big entry of pics made by ihe little boys appealed to us in more ways than one they certainly looked good the little klrls entered a lot of delicious looking fudge too talking alout plei however re minds me of a recipe 1 read recently in a supplementary recipe sheet put out by the conservator of brampton it was for a butter pecan pie and all thi ingredients necessary wt re lifted including a baked pie shell the firm sentence of the method said to com bine all the ingredients except the pit shtll well honmtly f to oo back to ihe fair for a minute i noticed how many fund raising lcal if forts tin re had tarmarktd tht ir prori eds for the ornmunily swimming rtind ramp iiikn ii was goitd to set the commit in ju1 fitting things ri wily oranu id till nit hint mrs w r it big vu lot iu ii hi i nt is now ni ting as sic n ury for tin i umpiilkii i si e a kood stall him in i n madi ui th prtllmln uiy lunilsi uping around ihn pool 0 just to prove that mi nwr know whut fai n ui iiihl ifftdn llu pi inli i woiil noiiitlimis tins wi utildtonk down on tin rund vn hud tiuvillid at unit a i thought wu sun ly iuiihi di ivo i ikht off into space at luht wi nuihiit the top j 000 ft nt above ni u ii vi 1 mountains all uiouiid us hire tht re wn unit u fiist class restaurant toduy wo stood on iho tirrucoil top of iho rulm und gui d on just anothi r suiuplu of iho destruction left by the wur ihn onto beautiful murhlu terrace that so many enjoyed is no more only a dilapidated too room just below tho top remains for us to take a cup of tos then down- those serpontlno roads again i wondered many times whllo on tho train how tho pooplo ever reached the top of tho hills now i know that many of the terraces that i saw from the train sro actually roads thst run parallel with each othor but about twenty fqet above each other tomorrow we leavo for venice its a nine hour trip by train all night but i must sea venice even though it la bo far out of our way i haye dreamediof riding in ajrondola ever psrtieaawrty of course when it is pnn ted la the herald mrs john bell told us of s pleasant surprise her par ents ur and airs charles snelgrovc toronto received recently as a result of a little news item which sppeared in the herald a parcel arrived for mr and mrs snelgrove in the mail which when opened proved to be a nice set of lin en sheet and pillow slips from dominion textiles ltd montreal a little note with the gift congratulated the snelgrove who are eel bsting their soth wedding anniversary this year apparently someone connected with the firm had noticed a newt item in the herald concerning a fsnfily gs utenag at the home of ur and ur bell here to celebrate the aomver tary since the dominion textile firm u celebrating jts fiftieth anniversary this year as a good will gesture they are sending gifts of linen to cotiplrs who are celebrating their soth wed ding anniversary 9 enjoyed a dftlvb to see the leave on the weekend uut do you know that some of the p ret tin t and most vivid maples arc right hwe in town ltade me all the more wishful that some public spirited groutfs get together in the various nrwsubdivuions as friend editor has already suggested to plant and care for trees along the boulevards and just as a purely personal opinion i think our hard maples arc pretty hard to brat after discussing such lofty topics it serins too had to end the column on a lowly plane to wit bufs jtut i wonder what kind they are tho othrr day a neighbor of ours had thr wh u hide of their brick housr covered with tin in i vi- kirn them aroun 1 our house too and b ard othtrs in i iwn complain atxiut them the re atiout an inch long with n invirtid orange on thiir win and the flv thy hiir 0 lcs and antennar do any n know what thry art leslie souther get ss silver awards viilliam irslie son of itox thra tre owner hill and mrs ieslir and a firm ear enkneerink student at the i nitrrsit of toronto has bern iwir ded a smith stonr scholarship the second such award since the ifcal firm inaiikurated the award thrrr jnn k it has a potrntial vi lue of 4100 and is k in annual in stalments of 150 during the oniversi ty course the tcbolarship first won h mlink berg now in hu third ear at varsity last jrar there wi no winner u illiam has already tern given a dominion provincial bursary to help hltn on his way to an engineering dt gree anothrr engine ring student n souther won the ii silver memorial award this vcar rjtabluhrd by cloth ing merchant sid silver in memory of his father llyman silver this is an n nual 150 award to a deserving stud ent mr silver also contributes aw ards to the public schools honouring top students in grade fi lwybfgr gjigft irxaiawtu oar loam i as m 122 jiaai4r foryokrlmsibiduusi xumatst1ilu reruxmall kkw ttt hi v m vut urn hiuuuihw w j i m uubijicmii kjiti sic ja- uhcod k mjw i i h ulju ub vttmt mite e l uaituutltnoa finance co u main s1kkt mouth omawkton kw pber ox liaiilmitlnri at ohm cvswioi i atmhwukew hiomi fotvmmimo houh ua ji u iub l ih imm t day or night booth taxi now at vout utvicf in oiorcctown prompt courteous sate 1 triangle 72596 bill booth 8 sarah st plumbing and heating ucensed piumurs cebtifieo lennox dealers ted tom hicken and clapham tbianpu 7 3170 triangle 73737 service clubs have joint ladies night ninety four lions and rota n art and their ladies enjoyed a roast turkey dinner at north halton golf and coun try club last wednesday night as wellus entertainment by master of ce rt monies billy meek nancy mcoiaij acrordionist and an acrobatic dancer jim jones was chairman for tho dinner and called on mayor jack armstrong to say grace uon harold mrt lure spoke a few words on behalf of the 1 ions and presented the prcni dent of the rotary club with a years supply of serviettts rotarlan james ititchie replied to i ion mcciure ex pressing the appreciation of the rot ary club rotarian steamer fmmer son proposed a toast to the ladies to which 1 tonness hcanor dunning re plied jim ritchie proposed a vote of thanks to ray whltmee and his staff who had catered for the dinner dancing in music by dons hulls orchestra followed the dinner and t ntt rtainment hamilton construction i60gueiph streft tr 73480 homes oaiaoes concrett work industrial requirements renovations building supplies every building need thy our sma1 i adi kt pagki georgetown collision service v maple avenue west at 7lh line georgetown 24hour towing service triangle 73790 were proud to show you our oil storage tanks and invite you to see them for yourself across from our king street office v gallon storage capacity qnd our green and lemon truck always available to bring you on the spot fuel oil service and of course were in the coal business too ii a i a iwulftttft lj

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