Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 19, 1955, p. 1

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v georgetown heraij eli chtcen pages georgetown ontario wedaseacfcy october 19th 195s first section swim pool seeks 50000 i payroll general canvass canadas plowing champions the 30000 community swimming pool fund is launched in earneat this week- smith and stone employees are be ing asked for pledge donations which wui be collected under a payroll ded uction plan while officials of provin cial and alliance paper nulls are coop erating in a somewhat similar plsn where donations will be accepted weekly by a member of the staff smaller industrie are eipeeted to adopt plans like these also while the householders not employed in indus try will be approached in a house to house canvass the swimming pool is being widely publicised in newspaper advertise ments posters and a streamer which will hang above main street local and district organizations have pledged full support and have sent representatives to aeveral meet ings of the committee lira wesley fieblg la campaign secretary and han dles campaign details in an office ab ove meclures store the ewtmmlng pool committee la headed by dick licata with jack gun nlng aa secretary and bankers dob darou and jack hart treasurers don barrager la campaign chairman working with a urge committee un ion officials fred tucker jack tim- leek tom illll and alex hendry are in charge of the payroll deduction plan assisting mr barrager in the section for businessmen and contrac tors are urate alcott dr jack kerby graham fsmell and william itenally jim jones with a committee now being chosen is in charge of the gen eral canvass special names commit tee which will contact industry man agement la in charge of alex uaelar- en jack gunning john gunn and ha rold hcclure the weather ur editor this weeks summary showi quit wet week the rainfall of 100 ioeht much more thin half tba veraj to tal fur the month of october th tv- crage this week axe 7 tad ft degrm rettwcuvrly above the normal octo ber svrraias rrn batktc date max utn heln oct 10 7s 44 oct 11 77 43 oct 12 71 43 oct is 58 43 os oct 14 m 40 21 oct is 64 43 i7 oct ib so 40 a4 average m 43 ih county ccfer meet at stan allen home helton ccf aaaociatiea held its first meeting of the season on the evening of october 13th at the home of stan allen river drive urs uarjorte ihnney a long time member of the county smmltlon and now chairman of organisation for the province outlined a detailed plan for organisation to be carried out in the months ahead a report on the last provincial elec tion in which ifr allen waa the par tys candidate waa made and mem bers noted with aatlafsctlon the pro gress they had made plans for a christmas party were discussed snd before lesvlng for their different sec tions of the riding those attending en joyed sandwiches and coffee provided by mrs allen what council did romanin gets okay for new apartment joyce hevitt prftsujeiit business womens club monday evening as the ueglnbon house the georgetown business and professional womens club held their first dinner meeting thirtyfive sal down to dinner special guests of the evening were mrs cecil china mesn- bershipchalrman of the national fed eration and miss lilas trout former provincial treasurer both of brent ton letters of greeting were rend from the president and vibe president of the parent body both mrs chinn and miaa trout nd dreesed the meeting and explained va rious aapecta of the eluv they tnld of the thinga the club nu done and hoped to do by the combined efforts of women of some of the very won derful womess who were members their addressee certainly inspired use members the georgetown branch waa the seventy sixth branch organised la canada there are thlrtyeeven char ter members in the georgetown branch mrs chinn snd miss trout install ed the eiecutive into their various of fices in s most impressive service and also took the pledge of all the char ter members a short business meeting was held following the instauslion prelects were discussed snd it is the sincere hope of ell the members inst the club will be of service to the municipality in the various projects for the happi ness and wellbeing and progress of georgetown officers of the organisation are president joyce nevitt 1st vice president msrioa robinson 2nd vice president mrs arthur suddaby rec ording secretary isobel dobson cor responding secretary helen mcgul treasurer mrs art scott program chairman mra ii j newman mem bership chairman marian robinson flublinty chairman mrs aileen brsd- mey ways and means committee mrs elisabeth uecree social convener urs msrion barber fellowship con vener mrs arthur suddsby emblem chsirmsn mrs waller itigg issuing of a building permit to rom anin broa conatruction company for a 13sulte spartment building on prince charles drive appears to meet with no objection from the town coun cil roy wsrwick whose home on that street will be beelde the apartment appeared at mondays meeting for a eecond time to make a strong plea for conaideration of reaidenta whom he aaid bought buifgslows in that dis trict with no knowledge that an ap artment waa contemplated last week issue of s permit wss de layed after mr warwick addressed council until solicitor george ilew- aon could be consulted monday cr doug sargent reported that mr hewsons opinion is that the town csnnot prevent the snartment erection aa there are no zoning regu lations in force msyor armstrong concurred in this view ssylng thst even though roro- anlns had in their original submis sion indicsted an intention to build only single family dwellings existing bylsws prevent nothing from being built in town fsctories stores ap artments garages or snythlng else which meet building bylaw specifica tions can be erected in any location he aaid a zoning bylaw la in process of preparation he continued a plan ning consultant hsd been engaged a year ago but has not yet submitted a report he could promise no fast action because after such a report a planning board would have to be established and all details of a zon ing bylaw ironed out in council mr warwick made a stirring plea for action in his case i came to georgetown to get sway from noisy city streets snd apart ments he said and now i find a 13 family building planned 23 feet from my house he said there is no adequate play area other than the streets for chil dren who will live in the building and the apartment would not bo a de sirable addition to the neighbourhood several councillors expressed agree ment with him reciting other cases in town where undesirable buildings had been erected but again pointing r out councils impotence to deal with the question the mayor suggested that neigh bor approach mr romanin with an offer to buy the land j request for a culvert under his driveway on mala street south by ernest ball was referred to the road committee for decision e e regret waa expressed 7t resignation ront the ugh school district board of dr x b kline i member alnee the town joined the district no aucces- yso wig named to fill his unexpired rev russell self tells of missions members of knox presbyterian church st their anniversary service on sunday hsd the privilege of hear ing about india firsthand from rev russell self a young missionary home on furlough from his post st jhansi in that country mr self is not a complete stranger to georgetown either for he has visi ted at norval when his brother rev leonard self now of midland was minister of the nofval and union churches in the morning he told his listeners that god blesses us not for our own selfish purposes but that his way and laving grace may be known to all nations he used many illustrations from his life in indls to point up his sermon eighty per cent of the people there go to bed hungry if they had a bed he said and this fact is startling when one realizes that indias population equals that of north and south amer ica and africa combined t a great deal of food and crops ae consumed or destroyed by animals recorded as sacred so the solution is not basically free wheat but rather a real and living faith in christ which will break through disbelief he oid mr self also had a story for the children about snakes in india which he related to the gospel his evening message centred ar ound the fact that we in the western world may have our idols too pride jealousy hatred money which can only be destroyed by gods living grace rev alex caldcr conducted the ser vice and mrs edgar gowland led the choir in special anthems prepared for the anniversary anna spltxer waa morning soloist and edgar gowland in the evening at both service a mixed quartette sang mrs william cromar mrs victor torrance dick packer snd edgar gowland illness fatal for alliance employee a member of the auisnce paper mills office staff for three years el eanor grace warren 23 died sudden ly in guelph general hospital oo thursday miss wsrren whose msrrisge to gordon apperlay toronto hsd been plsnned isst spring developed a ser ious illness in msy she wss in hospi tal for several weeks then wss abl- to return home but bad never regain ed her health she was bom in chinguacousy town ship and spent her girlhood in charl ton in northern ontario where her parenta moved when she wss a young ster she sttended savard consoli dated school and high school in eng- lehart she waa a member of the church of christ surviving are her parenta mr and mrs frank warren of charlton and eleven brothers snd sisters murray in north dakota leland and harold of windsor gerald dorothy john 4nd roaaleemra brock miller of geor getown jamea aubrey elds and het ty of charlton the funeral service on ssturdsy st the harold c mcclurc funeral home wss conducted by mr george snure of desmsville six brothers leland harold gerald john jamea and aub rey were pallbearers interment was in greenwood cemetery georgetown van der vliet picture featured in star weekly first in a series of original oil paintings by jordanua van der vliet of terra cotta and toronto appears in the rotogravure section of this weeks edition of the toronto star weekly the paintings all depleting famil iar scenes around the terra cotta district will appear from time to time iri the 8tar weekly which has purch ased reproduction rights from mr van der vliet wellknown in canada as an arua winner of canadas tea plewtag trepny far ike second tints in three years is bob timbers center m ef stouffvlue oe timbers who waa canadian champion la ims wea the ease silver plow at the international plowing match near leamlne- lea onl again last week runnerup waa jerry ferguson left a ef croten out edwin mickey demman h ef portage is prairie man came third end will travel to england with timbers nest year to compete for the world title demman rather than ferguson quslifled for the trip becsuse no province la permitted more than one man on the twoman overseas team social and personal georgetown leads football league georgetown high school were spar ked to their second win in league com petition by dave hart who turnod in an eleven point performance in the downing of milton 110 on thursday georgetown opened strongly in the first quarter with the break in the game coming on a ullton kick which was blocked recovered for ghs byott deep in milton territory from there pete hart hit brother dave with a paas for the major the elected pass on tho convert was foiled when the two men in the clear the ball hit the crossbar the half closed with georgetown again threatening to score milton spurred on by their big gun thompson came back strongly but the chs defensive team held them firm then with five minutes rem aining a high milton anap on 3rd down put georgetown in a position to score and dave hart on a handoft romped around left end for the touch downc rii convert attempt was good incidentals general improvement on play sandy mackenxle atood out with bis kicking and tackling per- formance next game today at ac ton v georgetown 2 0 16 0 mrs a r vannalter durham st la spending two weeks with her sis ter mra fred lint duonville mr and mrs ellis uambletoo and daughter natalie of orangeville visi ted with mr snd mrs psttenden wil liam street over the weekend mr and mra j t may markdalr have been visiting with mr and mrs mel mccuilough acton miss dorothy mectnley of presrott arval thanksgiving holidays with her cousin myma crawford normandy blvd mrs j andrrson cornwall is viv iting this week at the home of her niece mr and mrs jsrk hart dur ham street mr and mrs gilbert smith ami on knc tif orillia spent the weekend uith hu parents mr sod mrs george bmith main street mr clarence llses aradem rd attended the internatlonsl plowing match in ivcamlnglon ss representat ive for the womens institute mrs a m grsndy of oltervllle with her sister mrs k hillier snd niece miss msrgsret hillier visited with friends in town on saturday- mrs william frank and mr and mrs james f evans snd fsmlly visi ted the willism dullsrdi in kilbride on sundsy snd sttended the church anniverssry home for the weekend with her parents mr and mra john bell mari lyn bell brought as her guest a fellow student at the university of western ontario miss malvta mott mr and mrs art scott sre spending a few dsys this week st the king ed- wsrd hotel toronto where they are attending the ontario coach operat ors association convention mrs a gilmer mrs edwin wilson mrs r jones and miss ruth evana are attending the provincial conven tion of the iode being held at the chateau 1aurier ottawa thursdsy fridsy and saturday of thla week dr fred hutt his dsughter marga ret ann and mias margaret price ith aca ny were here for the weekend visiting with dr hutta mother mra 11 l hutt and with mr and mrs gor don hutt friends in town were sorry to hear of the death yestcrdsy of mrs rob ert westfall of brampton mra west- fsll was the motherolken westfall who is married to a former george town girl peggy taylor daughter of mr and mrs alex tsylor lynda dawn daughter of mr and mrs don arthurs 22 george street celebrated her tenth birthday octo ber 13th with a party and had aa her guests karen reeves etta hulme marlene armstrong ann lorraine no ble bcttysue johnson margaret mur ray elaine robertson helen kllng- bell and hor cousin georglna rlddall to celebrate her 7th birthday shar on marlene daughter of mr and mrs goorge puckering sarah street en- tertalnod at an afternoon party hor guests were mary harlow brenda tii- aard judy mcrae suzanne kidd and her little brother robert also pres ent were mr and mrs thomas hous ton toronto and her grandmother mra e puckering terrst cotta mr and mrs dick licata have ret urned from i raotbt trip south tak ing 18 daye travelled as far as florida where they stayed at miami vlalted cyprus gardens and v other florida tourist attractions mr licata wss particularly interested in lecing mr chuck hyckle of kitchener spent the weekend with mr snd mrs bill jamea main street mr and mrs edgar scott guelpb street had as their guests thanksgiv ing week mrs scotts lister urs al bert shepherd of lschule quebec and a cousin miss lillie robinson of montres during their stay they visi ted niagara kails toronto guelph and langstaft celebrating her tenth birthday on october 8th jeeelyn daughter ef mr and mrs john bell hsd s party at her home on main street south guests were sharon sweezie karen reave betty snd unds carey ann lor raine noble llesther arnold mary jcsn tuckrr jane mcnally jsnet chamberlain kits timmi and tamels turnbull boys band first public appearance monday evening more thai two hundred barents and teachers assem bled in wriggleaworth school to hear and witness snd exceptionally good program kenneth r harrison music direc tor for local schools conducted a class demonstration in music assist ing him were the pupils of attea haul halls grade 4 class from the school following brief toneup exercises use clsss ssng severs previously learned songs they also revealed e good grssp of severs sightsinging exerel- sea a highlight of the evening was the first public appearance of the geor getown boys band a group which will form georgetown cltuent band of the future harold henry gave a brief resume of the bands activities since its begtaalag in april and use good fortune of having lorne scots bandmsster alf perrott aa feeder a man whose bands hsve always main tained a high record of achievement among other lome scote who des erve mention for their interest and time devoted to the boys are arthur herbert joe wllrox norman long ed peters snd km forgrsve mr henry principal of chapel street school also deserved credit for his llason work with the various people concerned the thirty five boys almost the same group which started in february put on e fine performance they have been regular in attendance and have paid dose attention to instruc tion and practiced faithfully their program included two selec tions by the entire group a cornet duet by robert wriggleaworth and billy wheeler clarinet solo by rob bie armstrong accompanied by his mother urs fred armstrong trom bone and euphonium duet by bob hutchinson snd john cummins and a flute solo by peter glynn mrs tl c wrtgglesworth wss seeompantst for three of the specisl numbers with such a splendid performance in its opening concert georgetown snd district msy anticipate hearing from them frequently in future john r barber retired command ing officer ef the lome scots spoke briefly on civil defence and showed two appropriate firms refreshments were served after the program silverwood halloween party wiu aid swimming pool the october meeting of the silver- woods w i was held st the home of mrs george henderson president mrs ii msrchington resd her report of the srea convention held in guelph a week ago mrs r it corbett hsd a report from the district directors meeting held in milton a halloween party was planned to be held in the stone school proceeds going to help out the georgetown community swimming pool fund two isyettes ere almost completed to be given to the childrens aid in- milton snd further work is started on ano ther good warm old clothing is to be collected to be sent to korea mra d williamson took cbsrge ot the home economics snd health por tion of the meeting much interest was shown in the recipes which esch member gave as her roll call then for the program these recipes were writ ten down by each member mrs george henderson gave a short paper on the province of the month quebec and quoting an old chinese proverb to the effect thst one picture is worth a thousand words she passed many beautiful pictures snd folders showing the beauties of quebec mrs em batkln gave aeveral excerpts from an old book dated 18ts entitled thinga a lady would like to know aome very amualng and some very useful a pleasant social hour fol lowed the meeting mrs marchlngton and mra bert corbett assisted urs george henderson several of the neighbours were aw ay for thanksgiving weekend those who were home entertained friends from the city the glorious weather will long be remembered mr frank marchlngton of ottawa is visiting with his brother mr harry marchlngton several people from the district have gone to toronto to hear billy graham apeak mr and mrs wm reld have retur ned from a visit out west a 700 damage as trucks collide a panel truck owned by bucks fine food and driven by jim buck recei ved 700 damage when it waa in col lision with a truck driven by walter ieshyk toronto the accident occur red on ewins street where ilewaon creshcent intersects no one was in jured constable cliff found invest- bated the accident occurred last wednesday at noon yestcrdsy at 230 p m there was a minor accident on the hlshway involv ing two trucks ralph palmer ennla- killen was entering the hlshway at msple avenue and his vehicle colli ded with a dclrcx truck driven by peter schel oakvillc there was 100 d image to each truck constable for rest inch investisated at c sou 15 sing council antishooting bylaw fails to get support a y lsw moved by councillors george currje and spencer wilson at the eaqueslng council meeting on monday was aimed at prohibiting the dischsrgc of guns or other flroarma in the township a recorded vote wss demanded on this contentious issue and with three other members opposed reeve wilf rid bird deputy reeve walter lin- ham and councillor campbell sinclair the third reading of iha bylaw was voted down sunday practice for intermediate hockey obaerve youth sunday st georges anglican sundsy waa youth sunday in the anglican church of canada and st georges aypa had a banner day commencing at eight oclock with a corporate communion and breakfast where special intention wss made for the provincial conference in the afternoon the helton dean cry local council met in the pariah rooms with members from oakvllle acton and milton present miss shir ley savin of oakviuc president of the deanery council was in the chair plana were made for a hay ride at milton on the 29th ot the month and future work in the church ws rllswie aed sunday school by post and a quiet day were items of interest the local branch served a buffet supper at five oclock and the young pooplo conducted the service ef even song those taking part in- the ler- vlee were dan uartln and john don- ertyv bryan hyatt and olenna doherty read the scripture lessons brock first intermediate hockey practice bradtey wai crucifeand donna ben- la scheduled for sunday morning at nett and jean penrlee were the aldeaw 10 ajn men hie officers of theloclatabch thrice is going in this week and were duly installed into their office will be ready for sunday player with by the rector attar they haa affirmed intermediate experience overage ju thelrpledge the new ceeutiva uinta rtiw

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