Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 26, 1955, p. 1

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the georgetown herald eighteen pages georgetown oat wecucawky evening october 26th 1965 first section what council did rescind gasoline bylaw garages can stay open by a recorded vote five la fa xsour and lour against council rescin ded the ty law governing he closing hours for the tale of gasoline in serv lee stations in georgetown at tail monday night i meeting fred harrison and al zeravlev pre sented a atroag plea for action on their petition to repeal the by law which had been signed by rjddall mo tors harrison oarage ilouskjll s ca rage lincoln motors and ilody repair and doug woods for his sunoco serv ice station it was before the council for the third time last monday night and since there are 12 gasoline outlets ib town including bob lane who had notified the petitioners of his inten lion to discontinue his gas selling lie esse the petition represented better than the 33 and one tfilrd per rent majority required to be in agreement before council can deal with the re pealing of a by law there waa a lengthy debate on the merits of repealing the by law in re sponse to fred harrisons appeal that the rescinding gave garage operators a chance to operate their business in the most profitable way that is to say when the business is there he claimed the original by law regulat ing closing hours was passed in 1048 and outdated now mr al zrravlev who built his garage on what was at that time outside the town limits sta ted that when he was incorporated in the town and therefore restricted in hia hours of gasoline sales his busin ess revenue took a cut of 50 per cent cr d sargent said that he was frankly undecided becsuse it wit bu personal opinion that so per cent of the garage operators should be in fa vour of the change deputy reeve al norton aaid he had been making some inquiries and learned that there were do restrictions on hours of gasoline aale in brampton and that there are restrictions in hsmilton however he felt that the by law should be rrpesl ed because he pointed out there was bo delegation from those who did not sign the petition if the other aide had been interested theyd be st council with the deputation dep reeve norton said that he himself had to buy a lot of gas out of town be cause of the by law restriction and felt the local operators were losing business because of their hours of sale another point ill favour of re pealing the by law he felt waa that longer hours of sale might necessit te hiring another man to keep the as stations open and that in turn would create more jobs for men in town cr noble ssid his msin concern was what the public would want the council to do in this respect he poin ted out that l is much essier to re peal a bylaw than to put one into force again since the by law was in fore when mr harrison started his business and the majority of opera tors were not in favour and also since he had never heard any complaints from the public in respect to the hours of tsle for gssollne he eotdd not be in favour of the repeal of the fay law cr gray wondered why the matter eouldnt be threshed out among the garage operators themselves through their association however he voiced his support of mr harrisons petition cr mecilvray he believed the majority of garage operators wished the by law to remain in force and therefore eouldnt support the motion to rescind it he called for a recorded vote on the issue reeve stan allen stated that he be lleved it a necessity to keep service stations open longer hours the pub lic wants it reeve allen said further i believe if the motion is defeated it will drive gasoline business out of town we owe it to the business men on the highway especially who lose by the closing hours bylaw to repeal il mayor armstrong although i am sympathetic to the repeal of the by law in order to let people make mon ey as they see fit yet it is the duty of council to try to interpret the wish es of the majority i am sorry the petition does not represent 80 per cent or over of tho businessmen in volved if it had i would certainly vote for the repeal of the bylaw since however the petition does not i signify the wish of the majority we lwould be asking tor trouble if we al- inowed the bylaw lo be repealed i i believe that aometime in the future 1 you will be able to get t so per cent wajorlty to sign such a petition therefore i have to be opposed to the motion at the present time the recorded vote showed norton tjrtale gray sargent and allen in favour of repealing the bylaw and armstrong meguvrey lyon and no- l ble l gafast t its james goodlet was appointed i till the vacancy on the high school rlet board created by the resigns- i of dr j b wfine tpswsed thai counctt the weather ur editor the minimum temperature in the low- twrntie this week finished off ths garden but yun t ft aire to see ihr tuiuhinr t last ovtr the week end km batktn dste mss mm rala october 17 47 37 jo october 18 s2 41 02 october 10 54 32 trace october 20 91 m 11 october 21 40 41 otace october 22 si 22 y october 23 02 23 31 average 54 33 74 dean harley 75 was fire escape inventor a lifelong resident of georgetown dean stanley harlry 75 died thurs day october 20th at st joseph hos pital gudph mr harley the ton of the late j c harley and the former tlua johnson was born at the har ley home on john street and hu re sided on john street for hia own life time during the tint world war ilr nartey operated a restaurant on uain street where mcsamara jeweller la now located after the death of hia father he took over hu fathers bus i ness the harley cartage lister mr harley was employed at creel man a knitting machine co when it wu in operation here of late yean he had worked at manufacturing hia own in vention the harley fire escape mr harley was an adherent of the kirst baptist church a member of ilranch 120 canadian legion and of the spanish american wax veterans camp s3 in toronto ur harley had served in the philippines in the span ish american war from ibm to 1001 in addition to his wife who was formerly bertha follet ur harley leaves eight children douglas of ten nessee raymond gordon brock bruce all of georgetown jean ur don hancock glen williams bessie mrs d adams wetland and ter- rance at school there is only one sister still living mrs steve clancy mabel of vancouver bc a brother fred of georgetown and a sister mr albert bailey also of georgetown pre deceased him also surviving mr harley are thirteen grandchildren rev alfred barker of first baptist church assisted by rev john ostrom clinton the former minister at first baptist church conducted the funeral service at the mcclure funeral home at 2 oclock monday afternoon pallbearers were messrs arthur mcguigan ted rodgers herbert liar low henry shepherd sam tennant and fred armstrong interment was in greenwood cemetery what council bld nominations december 1 elections set for dec 12 threeyear0id badly injured in sunday afternoon accident ln sick childrens hoipttal toron to in crilifal condition is three year old llrndnk oostexloo 47 uain st south after utng run over by a car here early sunday afternoon the car involved in the unfortunate acculrnt was driven by j tune h cook aired 18 who resides at 147 kli xabeth street brampton ur cook was driving south on uain street when he failed to see the small child run out in front of his car the child was knocked down and the ear passed completely over him he suffered a broken leg internal injuries and se vere hesd injuries dr c v wu llams attended him st the scene of the accident and rushed him to guetph general hospital he was moved al most immediately from there to the sick children s hospital in toronto constable forrest inch is making the investigation the injured child is the son of a newly arrived dutch family who mo ved here just a week ago they have one other child a seven year old boy mr uostrrloo is employed at cooks ville and commutes every day 3 a goudy 04orfxsuwn signing the register in st george s anglican church are mr and mr george mitchell who are living at 29 henry street cloverdale mr mitchell and hu bride manna muriel p id we 1 1 are recent newcomers from camborne england and he is employed with delrex develop rrventj stewarttown happy birthdsy to fsythe mcewrn who will be 13 yesrs old next mondsy the 31st of october the junior w a meeting was held last monday grctta kocstag chose just as i am for the opening hymn and lead in the worship service the 3rd verse of i im so glad that jesus loves me was sung and memorized the thursday pledge was presented by incka koeslsg the school at vil lage island and all saints hospital aklavic the new verse lor roll cell to be memorized wsa be strong and of good courage be not afraid neith er be thou dismayed for the lord thy god is with thee whithersoever thou goeat scrap books were msde in the busy period meeting closed with the vesper hymn and the grace in unl- son the wa meeting was held at mrs bllzarda home last thursdsy with a quilting st johna guild meeting was held last week to finish plana for the baz aar and aale of home baking for satur day november 5th in the esquealng township hsll mr r r dally and stephen were visitors with mrs mary bally last sat urday a congregational meeting was held after church sunday to discuss the possibilityof a sunday school room pallbearer at funeral of aunt walter blehn was in chcaley yester day where ho was a pallbearer it tho funeral of his aunt miss belle elliot 70 who died on saturday miss euiot was a daughter of john h nd mary colvllle elliot and was lifelong resident of the community where her father wasthe first settler and developed a town by subdividing and building houses she is survived by two listen mrs c e blehn ches- ley and mrt sidney van camp tor onto 1- social and personal mrs frank binale of lindsay is vla- lllng this week in tow ur eugene mltrengs from chic sgo 111 spent s weeks vscstlon with mr snd mrs al zrrsvlrv mr and mrs j b lake of powas- ssn were visitors on saturday with mr and mrs a 11 feller mrs harold mcclure was in ilif fslo n y lsst week visiting with her sisters and brother mrs robert inncs of santa crux california was a visitor tods with mr and mrs walter blehn mr and mrs harold cleave spent the weekend at the home of mr and mrs ed eyres in buffalo n y mrs w bothsm of aurora and her three daughters spent thursdsy with her sister mrs e hsrris ontario st mrs ivs nicholson and miss edna harrop toronto spent the weekend st the home of their cousins mr and mrs percy leslie mr douglas norman is sailing this weekend for a visit to his home in lngland mr norman who has been stsylng at the home of mr and mrs william honey for the past year was employed by harry logan mrs w j brown miss islay brown and mr earl slubba of caledon spent sunday and mr and mrs harold p macgilllvrsy of lansing spent tuea days with the mcgilvrays at 8 gualph street home for a holiday weekend from royal military college kingston where they are third year students were george mcclure with his par rnta mr and mrs harold mcclure and bill hughes with his parenta mr and mrs ivan copley norval mr and mrs james evans and mrs prank have had as their guests this week mr snd mrs w anderson guelph mr and mrs hume of car- lyle sask mr and mrs wm bullard dr and mrs mcdonald kilbride mrs dr clarke of peterboro mrs russell varian and mrs sig varian of palo alto calif were en tertained at luncheon by mrs rpaul corbell and mrs c w camaham at mrs cornells home last friday mrs fred mcnslly and mrs psul barber are holidaying in detroit mi chigan with mrs mcnallya brother in jaw mrs ernest bedell this week on sunday october 23rd tony mc- aulcy aon of mr and mrs kevin mc aulcy queen street celebrated hta fourth birthday with a party his guests were bonnie dunlop katrlna koire nancy maaternian alex ord bruce smart michael masterman and gerhard flachner engagements the engagement is announced of kathleen joan cox daughter of tho late mr and mrs joseph cox of geor getown to wilbur cerlyle moddlson son of mr and mrs john moddlson of cheltenham the marriage will take plaee in st georges anglican church on saturday november- the twelfth at three oclock hospitalized a week with accident injuries jaek lteelarett returned home from itftapuel on saturday where he had been a patient since being injured in s motor accident in toronto on octo ber 14th with his father alex marlsrrn hi was driving across s street when their car was struck in the rcsr door und swung around b a truck both men were thrown from lh car and mr mactsrcn sho spent a few dajs in hospital jsck who wji pinned under the csr was more srr iously injured he hsd frsctured ribs and a cut in his csr which required 27 stitches to close crurch group sponsors heme freeier display a good sttendsnee was on hand in st johns united church hall on monday night october 17th when the friendship circle of st johns church sponsored a demonstration of international harvester home freez ers and refrigerators the demon stration was arranged through the lo cal international harveater dealers archdekin snd moloy in addition to the demonstration a number of roasts of beef chickens ice cream cakes and pies were given aw ay in a number of draws visited georgetown for rebekah work several members of verdun rebe- kah lodge attended the funeral mon day of the late mrs r lewis of mys tic link lodge toronto mrs lewis hall visited georgetown many llmea as a member of the centre district installing ataff before her illness she had been confined to her bed for three years prior to her death and her courage and cheerfulness will al ways be remembered by her many friends iode helps raise 1 200 for bund highlight of the october meeting of the countras of strathmore chap ter lodk held monday night octo ber 17th st the home of mrs percy 1cslie was the report of the treasur rr mrs ieslle clark that to date 1200 47 had been rslsed for the can adisn nstionsl institute for the blind in georgetown and glen williams do- nstions were received in a house to house canvass by iode members and a committee of men in gden williams about 22 members were present st the meeting to donste 10 to the st john ambulsnce brlgsde snd 10 snd wreath to the legion poppy fund clothing was brought to the meet ing for the chsptcr s adopted school in llshburton mrs richsrd crichton and mrs jsmes alcorn are packing thr balr plans were also msde for the sending of the snnual christmas parcel to the haliburton school in lieu of a fund raising project for the fall members are to give 2 00 ta lent money to the chapter treasury a committee wss formed to collect it as follows mrs percy saxe mrs rob ert jones mrs albert kershaw mrs jack armstrong mrs james f evans mrs e e hall mrs william clark mrs alistsir msclntosh mrs richard crichton and mrs william hamilton an sppllcstion for membership was received and passed from mrs sam uel reid four membera of the chapter reg ent ruth evans mrs bert gihner mrs ed wilson and mrs robert jones attended the semiannual con ference of the iode held in ottawa last week hostesses assisting mrs leslie in serving tea and refreshments includ ed mrs richard crichton mrs jack armstrong mrs jack hart miss hilda erwln mrs robert reichardt mrs w e reynolds and mrs e e hall the nomination meeting has been set fur thursday evening december 1st at the public library with th municipal election to be held on dee- embrr 12th at mondays council meeting councillors were in full aj reement that at the time of the elec tion the question should also be put lo the electors as to whether or not they fsvour nstursl gas for george town whirb would be supplied at no expense to the municipality that la lo say the cost of replacing any pave ment or roads disturbed by the instal ling of gas pipe lines is to be borne by the gas company not the town the following potling booths were established and returning officers and poll clerks appointed ward 1a over cnr tracks at- mrs maynards house dros mrs msynard and sam harrison poll clerks mrs t olden and mrs g porter wsrd iii si the fire hall dros alex mccurober graham porter poll clerks mrs w kir big and mrs jack cunningham ward ii a college view at mr w knglebys home dros jsmes losllgan mrs doug marshall poll clerks mr w engleby and mrs har vey copland ward 1111 north side of king and queen sta at mr t grievea bouse ultoi mr t grleee and mrs rupert llesumont poll clerks alice trean- or snd urrt weston ward 1ic at walter cummers house duo w g marshall and wal ter cummer poll clerks mrs l fal low and a ii feller ward 111 a normandy blvd dist nrtl st gerald wilcoxs house dros mrs m timbers mrs john l barber poll clerks mrs k kidd and mrs j v hltney wsrd mid st municipal build ing dro s george arnold and mrs frsnk petch poll clerks joseph arm strong and flonie alcott ward iiic at public library droa mrs a w gilmer fred mc nslly poll clerks may langan and mamie campbell st johns young people al kitchener conference six members of the ypu of st john s united church attended the 23rd annual convention in kitchener last weekend they were carole sed don gail king marilyn souther tom forgrave bill whitney and doug wrlgglesworth 11 waa a aucceesful weekend with the theme hu word for our world and information garnered will be us ed at the weekly meetings of the local group plana were made for a halloween party next monday at which there wil be square dancing games snd lunch arthur paine dies mrs pattons father a former resident mr arthur paine died thu week ur paine wu the father of mrs jamea patton who formerly lived on mark et street and ha just recently mov ed to waterloo with the harley kay- m ireland plant mr paine lived with the pattons for a number of years and will be remembered by many in town civic government men attend varian plant official opening retires from position in buffalo hospital varian associates of csnada will be a aclf sufficient company mainly atsffed by canadlsns aald dr rus sell varian speaking at the official opening of georgetowna newest in dustry on friday local councillors civic officials and representatives of other industrial firms joined visitors from the ameri can parent company in palo alto cal- mlss jean adams who left town in 10211 to train in the e j meyer mem orial hospital aa a nurse hasretired ifornls and the government in lour- from her dutiea in thia buffalo hoapl- tal she received her rn in 1631 and since then has worked continuously with atudent nurses previous to her hospitsl career miaa adams taufiht school in town for a brief period she had returned to town to live with her mother mrs annie adams snd sister mrs c junkln at 31 church street miss adama was honoured by hos pital associates in buffalo before she loft the nurses farewell gift was a watch and student nurses presented a purse while miss anna j gaw dir ector of nurses gave her a corsage its a wonderful job it was so 25 years ago and its even more so to day she commented when leaving stressing the opportunities for nurses in public health mental health indus tries and the military leivieej ing the plant and viewing the klystron tube which wtf be manufactured for csnadian and us customers the factory la the first of its kind in can- ads and marks an important atcp in the growth of canadas electronic in dustry dr varian spoke o fine electronics industry as a second industrial revol ution and explained why it is occur ring in america which ir still a fron tier country where people are riot tied to old traditions and class systems and men with initiative can succeed no matter what strata of society they are born into mayor jack armstrong expressed interest of residents in haying a fine new industry locate here and offered the help of the town council wherever possible california and before that served five years as manager of electronics res earch at sandia corporation albuque rque new mexico b ii brecken- rldge assistant treasurer waa appoin ted business manager and assistant secretary paul i corbell is sales manager and other key technical positions are fil led by personnel on loan from the parent company until canadian re placements are trained in the highly speciallxed field of klystron develop ment and manufacture it ia planned that management and operating functions of varian assoc iates of canada ltd will be assumed by air allcanadian ataff after the completion of the necessary training program located on a ten acre site at 48 riv er drive the new 10000 square foot plant has provision for expansion to several times this area architects for the luilldlng were gordon s ad- amson and associates of toronto and the building contractor was hcnally construction georgetown the new company is a subsidiary of adrian associates of palo a1w calif ornia only 7 years eld the parent company is now one of the worlds tjtajdgbwhwity swim- public scltocculdraii wul a m xiirbvjmehshla waumo wi uv whv wa wusu m at a directors meeting earlier in largest in its field it was founded by the day c wcarnahan manager of russell and sigurd yarlais who plonv the new plant was appointed vice pre- eered the klystron in 18s8 at stanford aidant and general manager of th university the varian nama is wtde-

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