Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 26, 1955, p. 14

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r trir obokgvtown hwlald wedftmday evening october so lflos tage8 high tales published by students of georgetown high school volume 4 no 1 wednesday evening october m 1055 georgetown ontario barry timleck oc of cadet corp oae again tha khaki uniforms are fjum out of storage uus the cadet spirit u starting to ill the old hallow ed kails of chs tha first ye cadets are buiy try- taf to copy the officer drew and look at amarl u double 1 see that there are allil a few cadets who inn it that they hava preach origin by the way thay war their berets the cadets have a kood year ahead of them with advanced court in ai- uls tactics and weapons long with the general military training the gut raquirea every cadet to be prof- iciest in the handling of tntnea grea- adaa rlflea brens and ttcas and rock- t isunrhers as well as knowledge of map using military law fundamrn tali and tactics the cadet program la supervised by tha cadet service of canada oflficers attached to the corps they are chief instructor captain a c iruuar i j a teeter and u ii armitronfi the cadet officers and nco s do the in struct in ji in most casern the cadet cumnundinjt oltucr ihu year u major it tlmleck with the sacond in command to be selected from the rintint lieutenants at pre sent the htutrnanu are 14 m lam bert u t canham lt g s pence lt u ohrien it t darllni and agt d tarter and sjft d vyriucuvs worth the rank of wo 2 is proudly filled by company acrueant major lens j spelbal vollevbil are sport for girls ghs hai final surrccdio in k t tintf the othrr laikt halt standard up it was certainly appreciated by the sports enthukiats thr grade nine girls are a croup of keen sports remain after school to learn some t f the fundamental rules and try their hand at them lp to date thcr- have been minor hruiici but no major catastrophes vollebatl is briniplaed and i are coing to have ome grand puen in the near future miss pierrey the head of the i t department hopes to send a team to guellph in the spring the way things are shaping up i think we shall make it our future play plans fur the um ter season are speed ball this is new to the girls thats all from the sports depart menl s scott firemen visit school for fire prevention the week of october 0th to the fif teenth was fire prevention week in canada young and old alike were as ked to take special precaution and to correct all fire hazards at home or at their place of business fire depart ments all over canada did their ut most through this week to check all public buildings such as schools the atres arenas and shopping renins ob thursday october 13th the gur getown fire dept made their chia on georgetown high school lt was one forty five when thc i r i ved the students were unaware of what uv taking puce th n aiiut tu v cluck the fir signal sounded and thf student filed out in in order iy fiuduun according to riports from fin chief v illiam jlvde we wire out in good time and without pjnjc or contusion av w all know the latter l i bir factor in tht number of deaths cauid hv firts todav aflir all the excileim nt wju over fin men gae a demuiniriuon on the inhalatur and on tin qua lung fur rescuing drown ing iitim in addition different me thodi- of extinguishing a blaze wire shown this was all very interesting to us and will be helpful in cans of emergent in the future bob hill editorial marilyn saotkse f very thing items to be happening right now but the most important event to us who are on tha staff of the paper is the start of another sea son for high tale wa who hava la ken over the task of editing the pan- er are beginning to appreciate a lit tle of the work and energy that has gone into high tales in the past four years our appreciation also extendi to mr illrhn whorls cooperating so wonderfully with us m providing this valuable space our intention this year u not mere ly i j fill space but to give really in tereating reports oil the upa and the downs of student life in high school criticism wilrdrfinitely be welcomed particularly if it u constructive not only from fellow students but from anyone who takes the time to read high tales to many the con ceptioo of a teenagers education ig that one goes to arhool to major in the three r s racing rustling and rack eting we would like through our paper to confound such a view and show readers that our main purpose in trhikol u the study of the three is listening learning and living a teachers day our teachers are fine they look fresh feel spirited and are gay dot listen friend you may wonder who that staggering teetotaller may be around thernd of the year who wan dered by you in the hall with a starry gaze well to give you a few facts that put her or him that way no wonder a teacher is tired ut the end of the day for during that period her heart beats more than 120000 times not including a few extra accel erations when she catches a few of her students jumping from the sec ond storey window just to get the day off she breathes 23040 times regularly and her blood travels 170 million miles with an extra million mora or leu during pt period de creed by a progressive principal she eats more than two pounds for din ner at the hotel and imbibes several gnitti of awpbrlfi as a chaser h y00 wwdi which are l upwards of 16000 i the slightest at- tawvett million iftd much twojuev and from f attends harry greig heads the student council o wriofll worth the student council is a group of students elected by their respective room to represent them at the mr i ings of the bod one loy and one ktrl are chosen from each room some activities of the student council an the arrjncincnt of dances for students it feeds imting football tram and d legation takes care of lranmrtition to and from the arimi garncn or field meet where alls stu ltnls are participating it hus unif onus for the football tam it arran gi s educational trips for middle and upp r it hool cljhst i it cooperjtt s with the jttudint councils of other himils eg the tudnt councils of the schools in the football league com hintd to hu a trophy which i the coeed prize of all the football tt ams a question which ma be asked la wh re does the student council let its funds to do all thcc things it si in student council ticket to each student it charge admission to the dances and sells soft drinks it char gis for transportation to the various events the profit from these charges adds up to a sum sufficient to handle all expenses with usually a reason able balance on the right side of the ledger already this ear the student coun cil has done several things lt has entertained and fad ricmond hill and preston high school teams and delegations it has thrown and ini tiatton party for first form at the end of initiation week it sold ticket to the rod feather games and arranged transportation student council members for the 103556 school ear are president harry greig secretsry- tteas claire rradley rooms reps grade xiii ii greig l darou grade xii b crawford b anderson spec ial commercial b tracey c bradley grade xi d wngglesworth j pen- nce grade xa p armstrong g smith grade xb b hill a humph reys grade ixa f harrison k scott grade ixb p kason u scott grade ixc c gibbs i packard or other he hair grows 017 inchen but she has no time for a permanent ind she moves 750 major muscles not counting the scowl muscles darted at tin aforesaid 30 students jt isnt as bad as it sounds how ever brciusc during the day she puts forth an amount of tact and under standing immeasurable in cubic mea surement she offers more than a ftw pounds of sensibility and con sideration which arc not susceptible to quantitative analysis she gains new insights of friendship and vision she adds a bit to the sum of know ledge through which 30 humsn souls may grow in understanding and com petency and she gains an uplift of spirit that tells her or him she is doing a bit toward the achievement of a better america and a happier world eleven reporters produce high tales with the pausing of another year many changes have taken place in the staff of high tales former report ers hava graduated and their place have been taken by younger membtra we begin this year well with a full staff of ii reporters our grade 13 report u beind hand led by two of its class members gerry saott and leanne darou from grade 12 comes terry harley moved up a year but still providing us with some good laughs grade 11 is brought in to tha saws by their reporter doug wriggles worth another veteran iu11 mar dm an is here again bringing us the cadet news sn new reporters this yesr are jim it from grade 10 carolyn hiehn our 1st year reporter judy uccumber who brings us news of our songbirds the choir and sandra scott who is report ing the girls p t events bob heu under the pen name of uacbeth does nothing but complain the gportj department is ably handled by frank neil a newcomer to georgetown but an old hand st the reporting gamr for he has written for the brampton paper lastly to nuke sure the reporters meet their deadir is ours truly the editor flowers for eve ry o c c a s i on dlon work a specialty flowora by wire anywher in thf world norton floral expect figure skating enrolment to top 100 sixty tun younf people rgiatered on saturday for figure akating daaaej which die board of parka nubafe- ment will aponsor at the arena thia winter the board baa engaged david hath- ewson formerly of vancouver bc and western canada free akatfng champion to teach cuuea which will culminated in an ice review at the end of the aeason there u keen uitereat in thu recre ational activity which haa been absent frum town for aeveral yean at one time the recreation commission had a i successful year of figure iriig in struction aid produced an ice show which was one of the beat entertain menls ever seen in town children as young as three years have been enrolled in the classes further regiatralions are still being taken and these who wish informa tion may phone tr 7 2522 the fee for the season which wtll have about twenty lessons is quite reasonable t8 00 for children up to 10 years f 10 for those up to twelve end 1j for thoae over 12 claases will start early in november ur lfatbewsfb has a successful re cord aa a teaeer and producer last yrar he produced ice reviews in auis top tarry sound end orlllla diogenes t last we have a school basketball court agstnbut basketball as played on it is full of haianti the surface it grass and mud or else just mud and there ii a r at harard from the cars vhu h are parktd right up against the tourt ni 1 for toth hjsk i u would b a h 1p also it s iun to us that prohahlv th prt 4 nt vulnvbil courts would mak j khhx baski thall court since there is hard pljin nurfjce whuh cimm he painted u ith the line necessary for i tniii titiv e hakthall the pn it nt arrangement of using nxks to anchor the volleyball stand irtls makes it impossible for the nets to bo light ned properl 1 h an p rnianentt at half mast so to spt ak the regulation height of the tut should 7fi fine tdhnioues can only in dew opd under proper came conditions we should like to see these condi lions corrected the board has kind ly provided us with a new basketball several tollevballs and good nets it would not be a big job to bring the courts tn a standard that would prov ide i ports conscious students with the opportunity to take a full part in basketball and vollrv ball ai they should be played three down three to go by frank oneill lleoregtovsn swamped acton 250 by putting over touchdowns in the first second and fourth quarters to retain their unbeaten untied unscored aq ainst record ghs started gathering realestate fast by going ahead 60 in the first minute of play dave hart showing everone how it should be done gal loped over for the first of his two tds daves convert attempt was good this seemed to give everyone a spark and a scoring rash followed in which dave hart collected his sec ond major booted a couple of singles and mackenzie auo hoofed one then pete hart broke into the scoring col umn on o pass interception and puck ering in the fourth quarter nailed an acton player in the end zone for a rouge pete hart on taking to the air fired a long one that found doug richard son on his lonesome out in the flat he went over for the score his first of the season and the last of the game incidentals rcte hart fired two t dr pames and went over for one the line consisting of grieg dob- hie hardman puckering and richard son played exceptionally well acton was in g h territory only once in gsmc next game at preston who were surprisingly upset by the up and coming milton team leaoue standings p w i f a pu g 3 3 0 41 a m 3 1 2 18 21 2 p 3 1 2 15 21 2 a 3 i- 2 is 47 2 peter pruneau masffftlnt stucco work frm mrbma4 new or repair s5 ortteito si tit 7iln tv on the tepee as written in july 1055 issue of itadio age from smoke signals to television signals is a long step forward but chief white uflls of the iroquois tribe at caughnawaga quebec nude the transition withnu trouble st nil two years sgo the chief whose le gal name is stanley my low collect j enough wampum to buy his rca vic tor television set a twenty inch model called the shelby the flickering magic of the white man provided good i ntertainnunt for white kagle his wife and five daughters as they wat cheil the programs from cbmt and c ii lt montreal then wcrd was received that tv stations had openede at burjttun vermont and plattahurg new york bung a curious fi how the chit f he gan sicking a place to rntt an out door antenna so that he could recuve the mori distant amcncm talioiis now man moons ago h f hue r agtt had gont ino tht fu st and had cut a numtx r of stout jp n s stripping tht branches r mi the voung trees ht lashed thrtu tog the r in his front vard in the shp a cone forty fret high thin h pei it d the thick white bark from tht trunks of many birth tires and cow red tht framework with the bark to form a huge tepee it stood for man seas mi b the highua a landmark for mot orists driving to and from caughna vsaga ixktking for a nlace to erect his an tenna chief white faglrs gaic fell on the top of the tepee standing only as few ards from his house since the chief among other things is a skilled bridge worker it was a simple matter for him to scale the tepee and fasten the antenna in place chief white eagle born and educa ted in caughnawaga says he is able to trace his ancestry to the first iro quois settlers at the indian reserve in the reserve im one of the few remaining pure hloodcd indians in caughnawaga he states my forefathers came from new york and pennsylvania to the jesuit mission here chief white eagle is multl vocation al he can turn his hand to almost anything apart from being a bridge worker he also prepares secret in dian herbal medicine he is a profes sional wrestler indian souvenir mak er and well known lecturer on indian folk lore and too he is probably the first indian to place a tv aerial on his genuine birch bark wigwam as a result when night comes on ind the lire burns low and the wind sii jcross lie narsbiands that stretch hehind tle house chief white eilc and hi family sit befr re their set enjoying deep image television at its best while outside the lonely te pee reaches up into teo iky to bring in the signal far many miles away plumbing and heating licensed kumbets c e tt t i h e 0 ienn ox dealers jd tom hicken and clapham tbjsngb 73170 yhunaui 73737 georgetown collision service mam avenue west st 7th unf oeoiioetovvn 24hour towing service triangle 73790 hamilton construction i60ouelph street tr 73480 homes oaraocs concrete work industrial requirements renovations building supplies every building need oriental and domestic rug cleaning repairing and weaving mothproofing alterations spot tinting sizing of soft wrinkling rugs power vacuuming of underfelt storage work done by armenian craftsmen in our spacious rug cleaning plant broadloom shampooing in your home office or store sj attk 1 1 j isj complete selection all binding and fringing installation of wall to wall braadloom free positively the best bargain offered anywhere our decorator consultant will call with 150 samplos no obligation easy budget terms regular pickup and delivery sorvica taj mahal rug co 42 forsythe street s oakville opan bvsnlngt victor 46151 ravsrss chaross schaduu for ims susan exhiibtlon georgetown 11 rich mond hill 0 league home team ht visiting team vt georgetown s preston 0 georgetown 11 milton 0 acton 0 georgetown 29 oct 24 preston vs georgetown oct 27 georgetown va acton nov 3 milton vi georgetown were proud to show you our oil storage tanks and invite you to see them for yourself across from our king street office 20000 gallon storage capacity and our green and lemon truck always available to bring you on the spot fuel oil service and of course were in the coal business too w h kcntner son titait 4si i 1111 iitihahmifwiiir lil m ai ml ilwii jkmis asi j airiattoab

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