Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 2, 1955, p. 1

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iehe georgetown herald twenty pages ln qiymf etown ont wednesday evening november 2nd 1955 first section what council did stone talks plastic plant addition the smith and stone management lkfij aertously consider mif an addition tp the plastic plant which would in crease floor apace ld tde buildum by quarter the addition to the plant which waa constructed in ltl would bum h to within 10 fret of ontario street to cover the entire area between lhi atreet and victoria uonday nljfht the town council okayed any such addition which inijiht tamuct with building setback from the atreet line aa detailed in the ton bmldntf by law there u doubt that the by law an piled to industrial plants but if it doe oruncil will put no stumblinie block in the way of georgetown lar geart industry councillon tn fact expressed thnr satisfaction with pro greas of a town industry and are hope ful that the addition will to ahead ai contemplated it wai infractions night u council dealt with several requests by build era and subojvideri to overlook lim ita on house already constructed ct doug sarfient and itecve stan alien who have consistently opposed granting such concessions stood alone aa each case came to a vote surveyor w ii carr appeared to aay that he was responsible for an error in a cranbrook construction house on prince charles drive which placed the house fl inches over the limit at front and rear lawyer tom van sickler reprcsen ted mcnally construction in askini an okay for houses on orchard hlvd and parkview which do not strictly conform to the by law because of a traffic circle in the subdivision kd llusxkinski of sylvan homes bull dine tn delrex explained that his company builds a different type of house with carport contained in the house and asked clarification ab out howvthts effects the distance a house must be from the property jine reeve allen expressed disgust with councils policy of overlooking tnfrac lions council exerts no control over where houses are built he said and we just waste time talking about it infractions never come to light un til houses are built and then count il does nothing about it if wed got tough months ago wp wouldnt have trouble now no by law is intended to be en forced to the letter said mayor arm strong compared to th number of houses being built there i a very amall percentage of infractions the by law serve a useful purpose rnd we are having no more trouble than other growing municipalities mrs j r lindsay 84 iii for many years following a lone illnc during which she had been faithfully nursed by her daughter mrs alvin mcdon aid mrs j it iimlsay 04 died on saturday october 22nd at the mcdon ald homr 22 queen street mrs undsay had been a resident of this district since her marriage to james rutherford lindsay when they settled on the lindsay homestead on no 7 highway which has been in the family name for a hundred years al though she lived quietly and because of poor hearing was unable to take an active part in community activities she was an avid reader and a good conversationalist she took a particu lar interest in compiling historical ria ta about her family formcrly jcssto elizabeth cowan she was the daughter of dr samuel cowan and helen rose and was born in iurrlston the family later moved to wolfe island near kingston and ahe was a resident there when she married mr lindsay she lived on the farm after hia death in 1035 until 1043 when she moved to georgetown to live with her daughter surviving are seven children cow an kc nellie mrs alvin mcdon ald and hugh of georgetown jessie mrs ii c dobbie of lakevlew james of millbum nj bertrand of carleton place and john of hamilton a daughterdied in infancy she had is grandchildren and 5 greatgrand children rev alex colder conducted the funeral service at the mcdonald resi dence on october 23th and she was buried in umehouse cemetery pall bearers were gcorgo henderson george burt jdhn dcvereaux wray bessey calvin miller and harold cleave diocesan organist plans olen visit rev harold thomuson of st lukes anglican church hamilton di ocesan organist will be the guest of the glen williams choir in st al- bans church monday evening ncv- ember tth j v a thoniaason will speak on mu- v ale and u place in the church a the weather mr editor the snow flumes we had earl n the wwk did not amount to much but it is a sure sign that winter is ap proaching krn i lurkjn ptr ui min lljin klulr 24 47 35 10 october 2a 45 24 flume xtotxt 211 so 3j october 27 u7 24 otluurr 2h bu 2d oetober 29 is 31 2h ortotur iii stall il 35 j7 average s7 30 75 les dickenson new odd fellows grand on monday evening october 31st albert haines of urampton ddgu of credit district no 33 and his instal ling team insuucd the officers of otfl vfmnly ion lodge no 100 iook georgeown it was a closed meeting with ap proximately go odd fellows from hrampton milton and eorgetown at tending afte rthe meeting the bre thren adjourned downstairs for delic norval ious hot roast beef sandwiches pre pared by the lunch committee the new officers for the 10wm term are n ieslie dickenson vg corey h hernngton us al kdmunda fs rod king treasurer harold crawford warden c a grant con w thomp son ius t ii unities iss chas gibhs chaplain ken gregory lng jack presswood 11sng krcd john son pc itsvg brock hradley ivg frank hoblnson ig mel tamblyn og ho wiggins jig james collier mr sam walker retiring after 24 consecutive years as treasurer was congratulated for his fine work and valuable service to odd fellowship b the ddgm albert haines 50001in watches stoeti at barbers buutest robbery to occur in geor getown since the beaumool knitting mill break ins occurred this morning at lurbers gift shop j when mr and mrs paid barber came to work they found the door of their shop jimmied and were horrif ied to discover their entire stock of watches missing from the case they had stocked a targe number of watcb- ft for the christmas trad and the ho odd watches removed represents a value of over 15000 the merchan die was not insored 1olire chief hoy haloy waa called to investigate and investigation v be ing made locally while circulars have been tssued to other police depart ments detailing serial nam wo ot the loot r the robbery occurred sometime af ter lam for mr liar be r in the store al uiat tune and found etr thing in order conscious of the value of goods carried the llarbers re al was watchful of robbrriea and in fact at the christmas season mr liar bcr usually sleeps at the store for sev ral weeks to protect the premises it is the sicond time in recent years out lurber has been victimised pre smash grab thief removed several watches from a window dis pla and although he was seen mak ing his getaway no trace was ever found of the thief fabricating plant scouts town location an american metal fabricating firm u considering locating in town accor ding to cr doug sargent who men tinned this al council meeting mon day bf the firm would only be interval in a ueorgetown location if and when natural gas is available said ur siar gtnt who has bwn in touch with offi cuu the company at present has one canadian branch what coomcil did saturday birthday george dollop is 95 oldest resident of the district george gullop norval will be receiv ing congratulations saturday when he celebrates his 05th birthday mr oilop whose tulip garden is one of he villages attractions as well as the handsome shaped evergreens uhich grace the front grounds of his home will not be able to receive cal lers a umial saturday owing to ill nesi hi large circle of friends wish him a happy birthday on this memorable day hockey season opens friday delhi opposes raiders here georrctown haulers open ihcir in trrmcdlalc hockey season friday with an exhibition came here with delhi lait seasons it semi finalists the wmtors suffered the same fate as raiders losing 4 games to hucko mc donalds sundndgc heavers the knda game is a tuneup for the new look haiders who open their schedule against brampton in town tuesda november 8lh with a very strong league lined up it looks like an interesting season for fans newmarket slouflvillc oak mile hrampton milton and haiders ing haiders hac several new fares in the lineup jack rhodes is back af tcr a 6 year absence and is vying with krcddie lawrence for the goal keep ing job two newcomers are ilill chard and frank ptashink both for mer scottish league players and for the last two years with ncmarkct ke nior hs hhodes played senior against them with stouffville last year haul ers are also dickering with a defence man from the same league to bolster this department bramptons entry has lined up a strong club with five ex seniors as a nucleus and several former milton stars back with their home town they arc going to be hard to beat all last year raiders arc baft try ing for positions seotty tattcrson is coaching and with the new additions to go alone with such stars as nick fcrri dlakc inglis ken nash harv ey chappel they should give the oth er clubs a tough battle a good crowd friday will show the team george town is behind them right from the start game time la 0 p m david hastings is new herald staffer newest member of the herald staff ia david hastings who arrived from fertile bc three weeks ago mr hastings is a native of dunn- ville where his father was publisher charge youth after halloween fracas terra cotta had more than its share of excitement on halloween when 3 young men from georgetown ere atcd a disturbance which landed one of the party in hrampton jail for tne night hrampton opp officer ii j fan- was called by irate residents when the party carried their pranks too far and tore down a fence and ripped off a gate before the eyes of an elder ly resident one of the men is allcg ed to have assaulted a terra cotta res ident one of several who rcmonslra ted with hiro and several charges may be laid according to opp officers who are still investigating the disturbance klscwhcre in the district things were close to normal one of the quietest and most or derly towns in the district is the comment of georegtown police chief roy haley who had his 3 man staff on duty all evening one young man was apprehended for using abusive language and creat ing a small disturbance in front of the police office late in the evening main street windows were soaped a small english car on queen street lifted onto the sidewalk and a dairy wagon appeared mysteriously in front of a main street store along with oth er pranks to show the halloween spi rit in town the young fry were out in full force for trick or treat and house wives shelled out large quantities of candies apples and cookies to the cos tumed visitors capacity congregations hear pr w j johnston of trio dunnvlllo gazette a former -j- jpnnston capacity congregations filled johns united church on sunday hear an outstanding speaker dr georgetown man walter mcglivray was with that newspaper at one time he moved to toronto with his par ents mr and mrs f c hastings in 1040 graduated from jarvla colleg iate and then spent two years at vic toria college university of toronto he later graduated in the printing course t ryerson institute and wor ked for throe yean with tho fernle free press afterwards in pernio ho took in active part in eommonlty affairs ha was a mem ber of the kinsmen club a teacher tat the united church lunday school and played on the fertile united soccer team he also was assistant eubmu- ter and ataetnber oi the town drama maktaal bis home in town recently retired after serving as minister of egllnton united church toronto for a quarter century dr johnston is known as one of the most capable speakers in thochurch in the morning ho used the sec ret of a happy christian life as the basis of his sermon while in the evening he talked about fundamen tal necessities for living today rev morgan mefarlane pastor of the church assisted at both services leslie gillespie baritone a stud ent at the royal ocnjervatory of tor onto sang at both services and nor man laird directed the eholr in spe cial music prepared for the day alter the- evenolg service ur and mrs ate farune enterttjned the ehor attd 63000 in debentures sells well above par canon greene telu about coast musion on friday in it itortc n anglican ctiurrh canon alan grrinr yt th columbia cuat itiailun khuwtl auim- coloiiifd films depicting the life un thr writ coast and the arrvicr render ed to fiahinic and mintni hamlet and logging camps by nukmon ahipa service he laid include vkjrhip rntdicat and dental care and edurat tonal facilities canon n enr ad dreaa proved most tnteretint and was puortuauii by hi ready humour hia columbia muaion celebrates its golden jubilc this year and alms at replacing one of the ships that ha been in operation since 1100 a new columbia ia to be launched proba bly next year churchca from north halton were represented at the meeting rural dean jyi llaxwcll ei pressed apprer laoon eu the canon for his visit can on greene journeyed from here to torontu to dtthver a sermon at grace church which marks toe end oi his ontario tour and from there be re turned to hi ship in vancouver limjjhouse th v a sponsored a roast pork ilmnir at ha hall on wcdmfcday even im a good meal from pork hot veg tables and applesauce down to pie and rhetr was enjoyed somewhat over 30 wan trained from the event mr tingle of bradford malted hi toiikiiu thr k t c llrown recently miller san ford crlrbrated his thir tit nth birthday with a party on sat urds mr and mrs telford and mr and mrs ltlackluck of toronto were rce tnt ikitors with the james kindlas ho thompson of toronto preached at ijmrhouae un sunday while llev alex calder was away conducting an nirrsary services at norwich thr hall board are trying to get a crowd out for an important meeting n xt week delrex presents new house to open hospital campaign many subjects on lc of w agenda a number of important subjects came under discussion at the october meeting of the iocal council of worn en held at the home of mr jack kerr rmphasis was placed on the dower rights of women and the treat ment of sex perverts in addition to the actual treatment of perverts the iocsl council deemed it a necessity to have rpecial honsea to place them in until they are well enough to re turn to society the lroincial council of women showing a growing uneaines ah out the increasing number of strike and unemployment in ontario the ladien also dicuited wh surh a larc percentage of buttrr should be expor ted leaving a hnrtage for home con sumption m canada the care and washing of urlon sweaters u kivtn with the advice lhit determents should nut l used for this purpose and that the sweaters not be stretched in do ing l another important topic under dis cussitm was whether or not the death ponalts should tx abolished and the ladies expressed a unanimous opinion that it should the next meeting will be held at the home of mrs annie adams 31 church street hockey registration saturday morning sponsored will take registration for hockey by the canadian legion place this saturday morning in the lerton hall at 10 a m all lada in terested arc urged to register right awa remember the time 10 am in the legion hall georgetowns proposed niw hospl lal received a genrrous boost from ielrex developments last wednesday when k x ileslop presented one of the model homes in hi subdivision to the hospital committee for their fut urc disposal the 12000 house located on the southcast corner of hexway and prince charles drive was received by major jack armstrong representing the committee at a ceremony in which hon wm a good fellow minister of municipal affairs also participated it is planned to raffle the house at a later date an amazing example of what can 1m accomplished under free enter prise is the way mr good fellow de scribed the delrex project one of the largest planned communities every un dertaken in canada thr minister pointed out that muni cipal development is regulated bv the province delrrx involves more than provision of homes and industries he said and some of these like hospitals must be met by voluntary effort the anticipated development makes a ho pital greatly needed in the future and he is glad to see a start being made to raise the monev mr heslop 11 to be congratulated for his substantial con tribution he said mr goodfellow was introduced by stan hall mpp and ksquesinn heeve wilfrid bird also spoke briefly four members of the hospital committee were also on the platform john gunn george sivdl robert darou and den nev charles mr goodfellow toured the 1800 acre development afterwards he wis par ticnlarly impressed by progress of the industrial section a four hundred acre tract on the northern side of no 7 which has been graded serviced with water and sewers and provided with branch railway spurs a 63000 debenture issue for v georgetown bonds has been purchased by the canadian bank of commerce the banks tender of 102 57 was the highest of four received monday by council hid ranged from 08 57 and finance minister garfield ucgilvray spoke counnls pleasure in the banks faili in georgetowns future by their pur t base hamilton kxcavating guelph rec eived the contract for installing sew- rr lines from delrrx avenue to the disposal plant al a bid of 7642 it was the lowest of four tenders receiv ed student from grade 8 at wriggle worth school will br visiting council fur the next two iigular meetings as a lton in civic half the class will attend next mondays meeting and half the december meeting mentioning that a buaincutnxn had been complaining about merchants parking their own cars on main street to the detriment of shoppers cr wal ter gray said it was a matter which merchants could take up in their own organization and he felt it was not the bustnts of council mayor armstrong ssid the hytffo is planning to bring in an outside crew to catch up with installing several street lights which have been on order for some time there was a discussion about fenc ing the sewage disposal property and it is a likelihood thai next year this will have to be done both as a safety measure for children who play nrar- hv and as a precaution aaftinst dam- by and as a precaution against dam age to valuable equipment speaking of dissatisfaction with the cornish construction co in leaving work for the town staff to clean up after installing new watermalns dep uty reeve allan norton also com plai ned that citiirn sometimes interfere with public works which should be left to the judgment of the engineer and foreman he mentioned one case particularly where a tile drain had tcin install ol at a householders re quest which is not needed and salt trouble here could not be blamed on the contractor what council did gas station bylaw stands council turns down petition a lengthy battle by five local gar- agemen to abolish restricted hours for gasoline sale ended in defeat monday when council by a close 54 vote deci ded on the statua quo garages will thus continue to operate under a by law which sets closing hours dally and allows two to stay open sundays and eveninga each week thanking council or hearing the case fred harrison chief protagonist of the roove to rescind the byisw made a strong plea for consideration before the vote was taken he claim ed that his business was mainly tran sient highway traffic and that no gar age would be forced to stay open lon ger hours by any change in the law its not the last of it ill be back he promised as he left the fifth coun cil meeting which ha had attended in as many weeks with ju zeravlov of lincoln motors the vetoed petition was signed also by rtddall motors bouakuls garage and woods sunoco service nx the meeting brought a number ot other garagemen including gordon bowers fred alaveal gordon harley jack and art armstrong several ol them spoke pointing out that they representecruie majority and that they were satisfied with the by law as ft- standi last week a recorded vole law five wtincumeniwi apparently in favor iof tjurwtntlovrt cd a changed vote by cr waller gray who made no comment at mon days meeting proved the doctding factor when he lined up with mayor armstrong and crs lyons megilvray and noble against mr harrisons pet ition i believe we are placod here to legislate for the majority and i must oppose a petition aigncd by less than 60 per cent of garagemen said may or armstrong defending his position on the matter it another gas com pany locatea here as mr harrison in timated and algni auch a petition tjie mayor said he would bo inclined to vote for dropping the bylaw as the opposition would then havo a major ity reeve stan allen said be favoured the motion believing that longer hours could not hurt any business man who didnt stay open and that a certain amount of business is driven out of georgetown if gas stations on the highway are not open in the ev enings a 200 increase to 1q and 8 was voted for returning officers and poll clerks for municipal elections possibility el using liberties street signs tn plaee ot metal will be inves tigated when eniineer doigiu wu- son reported that signs ordered i grandson weds in toronto ceremony the marriage of kleanor kathleen toc daughter of mrs toyc and the latr iawrrnrc toc and john william onrill son of mr and mrs arol j oneill was solemnized in a double ring ceremony in windermere united church toronto with the hev rus sell obrien officiating the groom is krandson of mrs john oneill of town mis ruth watson played the organ and miss martha mcvicar sang three times during the ceremony o lord most holy before the bride entered the church and the iords prayer and the ionls my shepherd the bride wore long white brocaded satin trimmed with pearls and rhtne- stones and with a short train her fingertip veil was attached to a dutch cap also trimmed with pearls and rhincstoncs she carried a bouquet of white baby pom mums white dah lias and bronze rosea matron of honour mrs jean macey and brldcsmaida mrs elizabeth black and prances toyc wore similar gowns of apricot crystalcttc over yellow and matching pleated head bandeaux and carried cascades of yellow and bronze mums and rosea the bridea uncle douglas toye gave her in marriage david staples was groomsman david adams and jack jameson ushers the church was decorated with standards of white mums end gladioli palms fern and candelabra with white candles the brides mother received iso guests at the adam house wearing a dior blue gown with rose hst and accessories and a rose corsage the grooms mother also received wearing a gown of aqua nylon over taffeta with coral corsage ot rosebuds and coral hit and accessories the couple left for a motor trip north injured child shows great improvement critically injured when struck by a car a week ago sunday hendrik ooa- terloo is making good progress in toronto sick childrens hospital the 3yearold wu struck by a ear as he played in front ot hi home oil main street s and suffered a broken leg internal and head injuries the family had moved to town ust a weex before doctor jpre nosy hobejul of a earn- plete lyoovei for the yottnimtur

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