Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 2, 1955, p. 6

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thi oboftmtowm hwaid wednesday eva november 1 1698 page the georgetown herald serving the communities of georgetown oun wiluams nofeval umehouse hotnby stfwarttown eulluhafad ashgrove terra cotta walter c bie11n publisher tnd lditor garfield l ucguvray 1lic u clark corey lit rrington jr dave hastings mrs allecn bradley hub ilaskervilie subscription rate 3 00 a year single copies 8c each advertising kates quoted on application tbe ilerald at printed each wednesday in tbe office at 22 uai st georgetown authorized as second tlass mail iost office oept ottawa member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario o vision of the c w na poppy day and remembrance 5bc this saturday people all over canada will be wearing poppies as a ngn of remembrance for those wftote live wece sfortenei by war who set sail for a foreign thore to defend our country and make pot iible the wonderful life whtch we enjoy in canada to day the poppy li nol of ly a remembrance of trkie who d cd ii has a i vmg t gn f cance for funds derived from the poppy day collrtt or are used lo provide a st tarter on the total level for war veterans wk rioad a hllprg hand adn ih trat on of the fund totally though a f oppy fund comn iiiic with mrs thomas gritvt as rt tary treasufer is capable arvd fast when needed dough legion mcrbeis ay o large part in poppy fur 1 at i v t s a d is not reslr cted to mem three hundred craftsmen tl rrr hundred people legan to learn now crafts or brush up on old ones last night when the public yind high schools were open for the first of a series of night school classes in crafts the enrolment this year surpassed all expects tions and it is a iromcndous thing when one realizes that o rr any ntn and women at irucfl sted n learn ing a var tity of th ngs from m ilinery to electronics painting to welding the clasm prov de a secondary purpo c also of having newcomer mctt and mingle w th older resid ents and the r 10c al advantages will be in many caes as great as ihcir cultural ones there are many people responsible for this night school opportunity safety to the fore advance reports of a special film devil takes us at the roxy this week make it a must for those inter csted in safety chief roy haley is cooperating wilh theatre man ager bill leslie in this feature of safety week and has promised to give a short talk to children at the satur day matinee safety particularly in the handling of automo biles is becoming more and more important these days and there ts a group of teenagers in town who could also benefit by learning some of the rules of dri vino monday night while we sat reporting council meeting we wero struck by the variety of noises on main street cars were racing by every few minutes horns sounding and some particularly annoying back bers of this organization any war veteran can bene fit and no bona fide request is rujusod the saturday poppy day js somewhat farther removed this year from the remembrance celebration which comet a week later on sunday your financial help saturd w bo apprcoa ted and utiens afe reminded afo to keep their pop pies to wear at the remembrance service at the evito toph the next week this year the committee i a- arrived at a happy olut on to a tim ng factor wh ch has interfered in past years with attendance the ervite is planned for 12 30 p m on sunday wl tn people con go d redly to the cenotaph from the r var ous church rvices it is en pected that th s ytor rtiun tioi cc day w i et new retord for atlr r dance makr a po nt to be therel among those who have sjm nt ni my hours in pre piration are chairnnn barber vice chairman larry maughan secretary sh rley muckart treasurer jean ruddell application ecrelary mr w c reynolds and publicity chairman rcemiry jor fan these with the school principals j l lamlert harold henry and wil ham kinrade and the valuable hi lp of lloyd mm ah all d strict repreenlat ve for the commun ty program branch of the oept of eciu al on arc some of those who miki thr night choot xj s bin thee attinding will be injoyng their tue d y evenings and those who are not taking courses can look forward lo a public viewing in the spring of the products a d skills which the courses will produce fires came through the nighl air every now and then there was nothing you could put your finger on most of the cars were proceeding under the speed lim t but there are times when it is as dangerous to drive down main street al 30 miles an hour as it is to reach 100 on a highway it isn t so many years since we were f teenager ourselves and doing plenty of driving we did a few cray things too perhaps but we did have some re spect for laws and common sense present day young people must have too and if they don t the law must step in and teach them how safety week would be a good time for some new resolutions on the part of the young drivers who think cars have close connections with jet propulsion twin suterdjes buried at strathray mrs dougal mcmurphy who for tbe past four years lias made her home with her sister mrs john edge in her apartment on llain street col- lapsed and died early last monday evening october 24th as a result of an attack of coronary thrombosis sbe bad lust reached her sisters apart meal when she was stricken mrs llclfurphy was the former ca therine martin daughter of tbe late mr and mrs john martin of scotland sbe lived in scotland until she was twenty one when she and her identi cal twin sister csms to canada in 1013 sbe was married to oougal mrmurphy and they lived on a farm just outside london ontario all their married life uillil four years ago when mrshcllurphy came to live to oeorgttowp with her sister mrs ucuurphy i busand predeceased her in 1047 she was s member of the presbyterian church and of tnt can sdiaa legion w a mrs mrmurphy leaves three sons and one daughter ijoujst john and virilism all of the lruton dirfrirt and afffir mrs jo ph mcpermld of stratford a son martin waj killed overseas in world war u and anoth er ion archie was killed i a motor accident ten years ago only lurvivinff member of mrs memurehya immediate family is her identical twin sister mrs john edge of georgetown there are eight grand children surviving mrs atcmorphy rev j e ostrom a former bap tist church minister here was in charge of 4hs funeral service held thursday october 27th at tbe desv ulngs funeral home la stratfcroy in terment took place in poplar bill cemetery pot pourri death of mrs j b mackenzie has removed one of georgetown s senior citizens who served george town well publicly and privately she will be partic ularly remembered by those who lived in town in the depression years when she served on a reljef com mittee which aided those in noftd through no faulf of their own and there are several who got a helping hand ust when things soemod toughest no one can ever estimate the future benefits of help at the right time and in the right manner and mrs macken ztes help often behind the scenes will remain a monument in the minds of those who received it raspbernos in october are not common and people have been remarking on a couple of branches clipped from a bush at cedar vale school by e b swackhamar which were exhibited in the herald window the absence of frost so late in the season has accounted for many fruit and vegetable oddities as well as provid ing beautiful flower gardens well beyond any year we can remember proposed now lighting down town is being tested by the hydro commission with erection of a high pole at the church street corner in which a couple of different type bulbs are being tried those attending tho official opening of vanan associates plant would be interested to know that the catering arrangements were in the hands of mrs bet ty farrar whose terra cotta inn has a fine reputation throughout the province an r r 4 resident com plains of garbage being dumped on the roadside near their farm defacing he landscape and contrary to township laws which forbid sgch practices a word to the wise may save a fine at a later date for esquesing council took action recently in a similar case the name of mrs jim emmerson margaret st was omit ted fast week from a list of canvassers for the blind campaign open night georgetown arena next wednesday nov 9th 730 pm everything free skating with music pop popcorn artinvitation to everyone in town and district to inspect the arena and see the many changes and the redecorating which make it one of the finest arou5 in ontarioi j common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are aullim nuiiir ixluw thr inwcdiinu in our pre uripuuim arc iht reull of many rm o frytarch by chi inula and riintuu your imosmciaf kluilitl a lon time to 1m abli to vfrnlt jour inscription vr your i iiarmaruu ha i to attend a colli m of harm cy and pa a provincial rxam ination to provt that wi have the nreifcsary knowlrtlh 1 pound them in our prescription department we rarry thinrfld of diffi n nl mrdiclnrs to be utih to ku u exactly wrut our 1 hm mil hpecifus your physician can phone triangle 73692 when you need a medicine lick up our priicripuon if ihoppint niatr m or hi u di liwr it promptly without exlra charge a kreal many pcopk entrust u with the rcaponaibil lly of fillinjf their prescriptions may wr compound ours maccormacks drug store main st georgetown prescription chemists quotation by thomas llallbur ton 17061893 copyriliht 1055 11w1 sports calendar intermediate hockey friday delhi vt georgetown raiders 9 00 p m 50 and 25c free open nite georgetown arena next wed nov 9th skating popcorn pop everything freal everybody walwmal have a care free winter with oil heat we can install a guaranteed warm air oil furnace in your home for as low as 2600 per month no money down for free estimates call tr 73849 anytime west end hardware building supply iv miles wist of georgetown on no 7 highway directory frank petch uu nsl- u auction- 1 jl prompt service io hoi 413 tiuinili 7 2804 georgetown dr j burns milne drntai sbllorun x ilav mill strict dr john r kerby i kactlcr or ir ntistky x ilay tnisntlc 73641 miln street jftorfictown am c w sayers dvm vrtr kinah1an guclph street oppusltc armslronfi s garage t1v 7 2741 s m faibish ro optometrist mcnaunara jawellen gaarsatwn dale benneh barristers and solicitors ieroy dale q c sybil bennett q c mp tom van srckler triangle 73381 mill street georfetown hews0n 0rd barristers and solicitors 39 main street soutn llcslde knos church oeorge c hewson john d ord trisnal 7334 maurice e manrlerson barrister solicitor and notary public to 73484 office 4 main st s georgetown w h carr prafeulenil engineer a ontsrle land surveyor georgetown ontario residence si prince charles dr office gueloh street telephone tr ts300 juunwim eompany umitid okay municipal building meetlnj here on friday tbe onta rio municipal board approved the towncduncus plan or a 42000 reno vation and addition to tbe municipal building the hearing was necessary before further plana could to ahead far the work architect a w hall brampton wilt be presenting hut plans and in a week or two nielten dc nd doctor of chiropractic and nftturopjthy 11 o u it s 2 3 p m closed thursdays ldy ahvndant 1g4 oudph st georgetown titian le 7 3c12 lever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jenlona a hardy km 40131 1803 metropolitan bids 44 victoria st toronto it pays you to buy or sell through j a willoutrhby sons limited realtors city and country hemes farms and small acreagaa industrial a business prepertlas your local representatives tom hewson tr 734h waltsb fidtir brampton ms r 4 iiu 13301 0 eslinton ave e head office toronto monuments pollock campbell deslons en request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 2048 s3 water street north g a lt radio repairing we apeciajjxe n thia work 37 years eiperlenee j sanforcl son trlansie 73413 for expert eyfe car a t walker jatalnstncai1 crrer absila drag i r-

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