Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 9, 1955, p. 11

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georgetown collision service make avemut west at 7th lime oeotoetown 24hour toyyng service tricmgle 73790 he arrived refreshebf by bus wouldn i younioy landing on of thoie big fellowt out of tha eo u hondilyt ihot i wt how you faal liar o rattlul bui ip to your fovoril rewwt florida minor villon 11 daya- 13913 rram tonnlo mtutn falt koki too idovbla 6 hoh bghhsawtg i 7 maolt alk yaor agent talalu at ihli r etkar pmhsoa taoet low round trip paris ios angeies 91 65 61 85 48 90 miami ticket and infarmatlan corner cupboard trisngte 73051 herald advertising brings resultsll editors note w 7 barne of gait ont a put president of the ontario plowmens association and manager of the can adian plorwiaie team at tke third an nual world plowin uatcb to swed en ha sent home on the spot reports oi hi trip with teajn members joe tran of claremont oct and ivan uo laughhn of stouffvilua ont here u the first of his import ijverpool we never knew we had o many frtroda in eastern canada un til thortly before we sit out un the first irtf of our journey from toronto to montreal perhaps i should explain that by we 1 in 4 an our party of five joe tran who won the 14 canadian plowing rhampioiuhip at hallantree ont ivan uclauihltn who also tjual ifird fur the trip by finuhintf second mrs mclaughlin mrs uarrie and myself who was luck enough to be apihitnted team managt r th first indication was a most en juysblc luncheon given for us by i in prial oil which ui sporuorini the team t trip to the world plowing matrh 1 he luncheon uu hild in toronto and we met many friends there new and old next at cm on station we met a party of york county council niemtu rs and tht ir wivis who wire jukt riturn inu from a cans dian iood iloads association con vention at ilanff one of my plow lu 1 ran men ivan mc iauuhlin who is rec of whitchurch and a mrmbcr of the county council of course knew them all many relative hut the moat surprising encounters we had came after we were on our way to montreal we thought it would be an uneventful trip but joe tran aeemed to have at least one re lative and usually several wait lnjj at eery stop on the way we kid ded joe a lot about having so many relative all over the country hut the is your battery weak why worry buy a new 1955 royal crown guaranteed 4 years as low as a45 8 exchange installed free call georgetown tire battery tricmgle 73290 6 george street v w c bawie boxes of chdeobtea cake and other things they brought as irt weri most acceptable to the rest of us as well u joe at belleville mr rime and i got a special surprise for we wve greet ed by our daughter and sun and six of our grand ciuldfen we arrive in montreal and were half way to uie dock lu catch the km pre of scjland when j d thomas who was leaking the trip as president of ihe world plowing organisation misled his cane and declare he had left it in the station vte had one of our taxis turn back and after i had trarctied all over the railway station fur the cane mr ihumas found he bad be n kitting on it all the timr tour ship aboard hhip ltan joe and i left the imlufc to handle the unpacking in the robins and ui began a tour of lb ehrl suddt nly uw number of the crew members pointing m indl to a man who was kimmini in the water imk1i a hot anchored mar by we wire told he had junied out of a win dow more than forty fiet above the witer after swimming aruund for a while he climbed a rope taddi r thrown him by some sailors on tht loat hut no mont r wat he on the toat than he dived in a tain we fig ured tht re mint har turn khik a icr ui for him to kolxr up on r turning to our ralun i was plrasid to rrrtiw a tetigram from ine of our popular ola directors ho- 1m rt ainpbtll wishing our uam iv ery succes in sweden the first day on the tinpres was quite an tvtnt for the whole part tecause uith the eruption of j d thomas none of u had iwr uin on an oci an iinr b fort narrow squeak the weather was pbasantly warm and tht colouring of the maple on the river banks wire marvelous a the ship steamed under the bridge at quebec the crowd on the top deck hi id its bnath because it looked a if the mail and funmt would be swept off hut we sailed through all right with what looked to be only a foot or two clearance to spare on the second diy we awoke to find the waves splashing high over the decks and the passengers walking around like drunken sailor the ua ter in the ships swimming pool apl shed over the side and sometimes ev en splattered the ceiling we deel ded to postpone our early morning dip although one bathing iwauty fe rn ed to be enjoying herself in rough water many passengers turned up for ttu breakfast but left in a hurry for the rail that was the morning i discovered t could still run a hundred yards in ii seconds flat the third and fourth days nut kan mclaughlin wprc cvcn wmsc am wc figured hurricane lone must be following us across the ocean spatial treat ii was not until the fifth day that we were back to normal and able to take our meals by thi time most of the officers and first class passengers v new the purpose of our trip and it dinner that evening wc were served baked alaska a special ice cream treat not shared by the other pasien era later that evening the captain gic o party which i m sorry to say end ed with a minor disaster just when tho party got into full swing the hip lurched violently to the port side and the 25 couples who were dancing at the time loat their balance and slid to one side of the room when order was restored a lady from new zeal and was found to be unconscious and several other people were badly shaken up and bruised the following day a sunday wa at tended shipboard church services and saw a movie that night s leaping warrior the trip up the clydo the next day was by far the most pleasant part u the ocean journey such places as ail- sa craig or paddya peak that moun tain of solid granite which la tho source of curling atones used through- put the world came to view on the south bank of the clyde the sleep ing warrior a row of bills resembl ing an armoured warrior lying on the ground made a splendid background for some pictures we took on deck at greenock we saw a number of foreign freighters anchored in mid stream and mrs barrle and i remem bered that it was from south of here at ayrshire that our ancestors had come to canada 12a years ago our ancestors of course made j ho trip in s sailing vssel and im told it took thom six weeks during which they suffered iu sorts of privations and discomforts and there we were after mauntf tho game journey but in the opposite direction in one week with all the comforts of a modem ho tel even h the hotel did heave and rock considerably at times soon we were- preparing to dlsem- ttobeftaitlimturi r minister attend town aiounty confefenias two district ministers rev ken neth richardson and rev janus max well attended the town and country conference st grand valley and arth ur last tuesday attenders at this annual event reg istered in the morning at st al baas church grand valley for a service of the holy communion at which rev h pomtt was celebrant addresses on the church and agriculture were given by professor n high guelph oac and rev norman green beams- ville a tour of the countryside was led by tbeounty agricultural representa tive mr d black grace church arthur was host for supper and evensoqg to terminate a successful conference rev c n p blagrave expressed his appreciation to those who assisted in the day long conference and made it a worthwhile study th okmorrown heeald wednesday evening nov tth 1066 page 3 wms ofrclals met at bethel united a llahon prebytenal ctiunal meeting of the w otiun s missiunify society was hrld at bethel united hurrh on tuesday novemtmr 11 in tht wjtt of tht pritidint un a i ums was jn th chair a hearty welcome was exundetl i the dele lates by mrs cor hrownndge on txhdlf of the bethel auxiliary ihr inurmtik worship service was ably rindurud by th teor fluwn auxiliary the tht mr tx ing tht slew ardhip of timr am 1 alt nt thi wh followed with a literature review by the ittt raturt m r un mis 1 laavtr mr lxaver sutcd that tht bible was not twin read by as many peopli lodsy as at the time of th h formation sh tuletel that j pcc il timt im st t apart t at h day fur thr rtadint f a frw paiiau frum thi lllblc ihc mt that the study took should 1m umii uh imi i us ms sibli at tht monthly mt tints of the auxilunt and for rt ading dt asurt sh sukkftd the purchase of stvirat ixhtks and ht p which she brit fly nvitwtd this was followed by an open discussion on whais our iroblnr htaded by mrs it it t hraith thi e probli ins were varitd and in eluded such subjects as how can one intt rest niw canadians in wms work how can prestnt mt mix r 1m made more active the question of mission circles and how to interest younjt women ixtwrt n the age of 18 and 25 the problt m of financing to meet the ytars allocation and the m lection of offictrs hach problem was discussed briefly and several dclrgatca told of their exptnence in meeting the respective situations an exctllent luncheon wa pros id ed by thr ladies of bethel united church during the afternoon an in spiring devotional wa prcarntcd by the ashgrovc auxiliary the theme be ing the power of prayer the music for the day was in charge of the ac ton auxiliary and the helen blair i- v ening auxiliary and the solos added greatly to the enjoyment of the mitt infi the guest apealrer was mrs a r raham mr graham gave a mott interesting talk on her life as the wife of a missionary and as a nurse working among the outcast groups in central india leg of the journey to london need less to say both joe and ivan were pleased at hc prospect of getting ihclr feel on o solid ground ajair neat wkour fllom to sweden grace baptist church in geeraetewn odd fellows hell sunday school 3 00pm our drivers will pick up child rcn and deliver them home ag ain after trlanglc 7 2700 evening service 7pm bruce penny pastor anglican parish st georges tiuntty xxm sumday nov 13 bam holy communion corporate aypa 0 45 a m church school all department 11am mattlna remembrance service 1230 am community act of remembrance at the cenotaph 3pm holy confirmation instruction younl people group 7 pm evenidng followed by r tcffuutcohhrmatlon instruction st aldans glervwiluams 030 a m holy communion 0j0 am mattlni 1040 am church school buy the best buy b h paints a fer lasting beauty sold by twins woodworking timehouse tr 72162 manufacturer of sash frames scrums doobs intlda and out tim door hardware floor the glass open evenings till 9pm and all day saturday flowers for every occasion sign work a specialty klowi r by w ire anywhere in the world norton floral triangle 73st2 geerpetewn cvootocysci mz straws show wwicw way the wind blows straw hatt show that it does wiring commercial and damaahe matty pumps liberal tradelna mumii covmtrcial domtst c be al tv pumps 24 hour service mill street tr72901 m speci low sail farel to thi royal agricultural winter fair toronto nov 1 119 pari and omihaip rot thi round tup bead fajnfnotl0tli19di lad natunt lean turoelo not later than mldnlf ht november 30th

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