vl t aoer04jtowh hamauj tfiiilncilsj zsrening nov ma u69 page 8 brllcaularoikg pianist i teadtar uojw mala st suh to 778 margaret bradley harding paniir studio main st til 7 3203 tcier south arc you a recent ariival in georgetown silvers welcomes you and respert fully solicit your patronage if you arc accustomed to wide telethons usually found in city stores you will enoy thopfiing at silvers establish ed over 29 years silver s is one of the largest stores in rural ontario devoted to telling quality clothing eavestrougjong plumbing heating don houston tr 72506 monuments brampton monument works dealons submit tad cemetery letter no cernar potts and marker a good display in stock wm c allan prop j ouaan st west brampton shop 1410j phones rat 313 rep tom ntcol phone brampton 603w travel notes tca family plan gives new low rates fob plane trip to england avallablt november lit every booking is advised m niagara falls weekend includes two nights and four meals at the sheraton brock hotel 1950 par parson no room charge for children under 1 4 accompanied by adults john r barber travel aa johw jg barm aokncy csfiniavm itilmitlrniait iffkfei high t ates published by students of georgetown high school volume 4 no z wednesday eveninc nov 9 lmfl georgetown ontahio acton footballer trimmed 16 to zero by frank cmalll georgetown played host to actod thursday october 27th in a game that was played in tunny weather be fore a good crowd at the fairground from the ride which acton rtcci td the acton line crumbled undr vtrong leorgetown pressure the re ult being a fumble un iu own twenty the hs offense then went into high tear the ball after sureeaaive tarry ing by scott mackenzie and l hart who fumbled as he was going over was pounced oh by tutu dobbic fur pay dirt the convert by ddve hart w food sum in the first quarter fvte hart hit ioug itichardson for a fifty yard gain thu started auotht r march and the quarterback ajtin seeing hi chard tvon out in the open fired one to hiiu fur the major tlie elixted pa on the coimrt failed hie wore r maincd unchanged until the fourth quart t r acton bgminint to settle down ami eeirgetown fre ejucntl imiiiih out the regular with the ir secernd string tht n hichardon as in the second td again started the march with j fine catrh and dave hart who turn e1 in a fine running display galloped for the final score of the game incidentals itichardson pi a eel a tint bam having a hand in two of the three touchdowns the two convert attempts that failed were pas acs which raise the question why pas on the convert when dave hart ii so successful at kicking hrem nothing but guoel words for the sec ond stringers who spelled off the r gulars as a defensive unit threi acton players were given the boot when the arrived half an hour lac for game lime later told to hand in uniform good news for fans and pi a en alike 12 pair of pants to ar five soon will be roal blue with scarlet strip down sldi s news was received november 3rd that acton had forfeited their games against ircs ton and milton iteawn they claimed th e coutdn t fit id a earn in juries te etc did anune mention school spirit league standings editorial marilyn sevtw in our last edition we spoke about wuhinje lo change the general opin ion of a high school teenager that our word have had tome effect u al ready becoming apparent some very ambitious plans devtl oped in the past few wetks a bax aar has been planned by studtnu of grade 12 thu bazaar will help to counteract the slump of trhool social activity at the end of the football sea son lhe whole school lias taken up the idea with enthusiasm and every one will have a share in the project u are all working to make it a auc rj because wo want to keep the school spirit alive i he bazaar u tntmly a student project one of our lesson in living g v m a 4 0 3 2 2 3 1 5 a its 0 8 2f 48 4 g 2 choir report by judy mccumber to the music lovers who read the herald for our high school music en dcaour as jou all know mr ken harrison is our choir leader and a very able one indeed the time for the kiuanis muic fe stival is here again and some of our very good singers have ccn chosen to compete namely girls solo jean kngleh narbara iusty claire tlradlc manln lies lop hettv jean anderson triple trio joan cummins man ln heslop june allen sheila carncj manjn souther margaret mckarlane jean knglcb claire itradle and dawn kir big duct lcanne darou and sandra scott itojs solo mike armstrong pete darlington these oung people will travel to guelph in the early part of this month and bring credit to our dear old school we have as usual a very good choir and i am glad to report not only have we girls in the choir but also are fav oured with some very fine masculine voices all eyes front girls knough for this week so until neat i say in the words of our new song come then and sing all our cares away junior complaint dept by jim gill fire escape the fire escape of honm no 11 the old science lab coca down to the roof of the boiler room if there should be a fire on the lower floor and a grade were in room 11 it would have to troop down to the boiler room roof where there is no ladder to pet off so the roof eventually is covered with kids something then goes wrong in the boiler room and it explodes what happens then to the kids on its roof and on the stairs leading down from room 11 it needs little imagination to sea what could re ult and furth er what happens to somo of the kids farther up the stair who werent r hurt do they so hack- up the stair and watt for fire ladders to reach them while inside the school is a bur ning inferno will they be able to be saved the answer to these question may save many lives tub stairs the wooden stairs in the old part of the school aravla places very worn and have ar hollow centre gave they been there since the school was built back in 1b87t xjouh you think that they have been there tony mmght is not t2 year of good jwnrice with thou sands of feet haviromned ca them i tlfflilinnft urtii ijrtwiisss humour in uniform by k scott our dajs a week rncd the girls tunics four days a week was torture the bus should be in short ants one girl said and i don t stc any with them on the arguimnt was on the case in imiint 1 unics vt rsus skirts and blouses tunica save your rlothts one parent said but the girls like to wear pretty prints o attract the ma culine ee un the other hand tunics are serviceable for 1 t for instance one girl fell in the mud plaing vol itvhall this was not serious for a tunic will clian where a skirt or dress won t the regulation tunic length is six to eight inches above the knee or at fingertip length any longer and they bag and look terrible one parent who didn t like them said his daughter looked like a horse with white feet on going to a private school you would be in a midd 00 per cent of the time so girls don t look to glum vtear our tunics four davs a week save our clothes for sundays and par ties and there are alwas muscular malis at the party too the girus sports s scott volte ball and basketball pi tice la fast coming lo an end because of the vmathtr in the week ant jd hire will te inter grade plavoda 1 am being ably helped by donna ben net in ollchaii there has been some suggestions of getting sweaters and bars for the school he have acquired one suea tr on approval it is blur with a reel georgetown high written on it hach day this week a different girl has worn it opinions to be n pea ted in the next issue the bars have basketball vollebail kpccdhali and names of olhcr activi ties printed on them mcmlnni of winning teams and those who show outstanding ability in other work will 1m given these bars i think that the bars will promote more enthusiasm in the school itesults in voile hall 9a vs dc 21 12 some of the plavcrs in this game showed excellent promise and ma be included in the team to go to gin iph the voile ball and hask rt hall practice is fast coming to an end because of the weather bazaar planned for december by daveut wrllwm a new idea has come from the friuuul minds of tome o our uppex school students a bazaar when wndsesday december 7th where at the huih school time from 3 30 p in to 030 p m why to provide funds for future student council activities how students are cooperating in bringing food and other articles fur sale 1arrnu and friends of the school will be very welcome another hew venture which has come through the student council is the selling of t linstma cards these will be in the achool colours op the outside red and blue and will be inscribed with the school crest and the inside with a verse the cards vsill sell for 1 00 a dozen 7 he student council lias be n hi1 to another football delegation acton on thursda october 27lh progress by terry mar lay i hear that the old fashioned road out in front of the high school on which two cars could hardly pass without crashing is being replaced by a highway un which six cars can collide at one time this is just an other example of the progress which is being seen ever where it is but a few weeks ago that a list of rules stating what would not hc tolerated by the staff was issued a to each georgetown high school student this sheet contained an endless cpl umn of dos and donu faces whit en el and diiplaed shock and horror discipline no longer the plajful throwing of ink bottle at mi mbers of the staff and the word spread that anyone en tiring the school after 4 pm would be counted as late a handful of lads not know ing the meaning of fear it has more than three let ter marched straight lo the office in order to ask that the pressure to be taken off it seems that before re aching the office traces of disunity were observed a reliable source in forms us that one of the bo s of the courageous little group thought to encourage his comrade by snapping ti ii them all ou know sam it shouldn t take long sam taking it the wrong a quipped back ill tell them all we both know it should not take any longer their purpose was forgotten in the mild skirmish that followed and they never did reach their destination the rule s rt ill t and mr roberts do you like enfiaakd maybe you do or may be you dont- well if you are in between you will just hit it off fine with air roberts he has a quiet and unobatrusive way of tallinf you about food old england and of his new home canada ur roberts was born in the coun ty of yorkshire near the great wool len manufacturus town of leeds at- tendiaf local schools he received bis senior certificate from cleekkeaton high schoolhe then embarked hu profession teaching attending manchester university for four years he then travelled around teaching at grammar schools such as cj liners king edward iv and otherz gram mar school is not a public school ttut a high school a little fancier name than ours he recalls with pride and with a spirit of the old guard how tht r isle teachers would challenge tht boys of the trhool to a socrer or rugger fnauh and believe it or not they always won never lost a jimr to the bos ye ur the leathers wre rough and rtady never having been to america le fore he crosed in the rar hm 12 t n ao exchange program of teachers to the state of virginia usa ijkinj what he saw he decided he would like to live in america so in the sum iner of ta cruised for canada he is not alone though as his wife is with him and he u hoping to have his 11 ir old sun who at present is in a t warding school in hog land come over next summer mr koljert like sroru but as age comes on he just dtxsnt fe as nun hie so he has turned to the piano and aecerding lo reports can roll out some merry melodies illuahtngly he remembers he tried the trumpet but he disturbed the alley cats so much that after hr had turned in all puffed out the cats kept him awake howling a few renditions of their own finally it boiled down to the point either the cats or the trumpet went the trumpet went he couldnt catch the cats at present mr roberts is an assor ted teacher touching on math his tury and knglish from tirades 0 to 12 although he majors in history w e of the paper and students of the school welcome him he has utrpped right in to help all he can and is now consulting editor of this paper he also expresses a desire to tec a glee cluh or similar organizations welcome mr itoberts mij our stav be pleasant around wheat yon need thisi ohdttv ate joettmweeat lis twsrher and ose yer til i si tans daasdatea what tea the tinlfleane of tfc ehmsl and bow vy crada 11 far grada u last tuesday uornlaat thferaojiasvlia ilihilcaislit anprias for those students who busy tliuinnli after four trying lo jlnusy hat locks en bo 11 any time niht school siwhtujwi ytu- httlrlflilng cay school pull ar part tupe diaoanu court rmttr caorua special courses arrals- eed to nut the individual needs of the student free catalogue phone wrjte or visit brampton suslnaas ccjlaga ii main st s ewawbha ilia building sand concrete gravel road gravel fill top soil tom haines glen williams trtangle 73302 bennetts beat humour has it that a certain 4th form student may be going back with a second form student hutch iide on october 31st celeb rated his birthday docs this make him 20 or 2 grade 12 chemistry class learned a new nord equation fusion plus diffusion confusion dear lovers of ford cars here is a little statement made which should help our morale a certain teacher was heard to remark ford cars are like straight pins they are always have youi esso oil burner air conditionino unit insiallad now 25 down 5 years to pay 1st instalment in september bill sproule 4 elizabeth street hampton phone 1877 reverse charges diogenes by ben hast after lunch as the bottles arc put away and desks arranged in neat straight rows a general commotion arises gaining momentum as the stu dents cluster to hash over teachei a boobs or the latest explosion in the lab and then an electrifying clanging a breaking of ranks a mad stampede for jackets and athletic equipment is drawn as at 12 15 and 13 seconds the school is sealed many never make it but arc trapped inside it is throughout this that jim just average sits glassy eyed hands folded over opened tests but he does not study rather ho contemplates wheth er lo chew the fat with a friend or to slip out of the window and play football it is not only the hum and bun but also the psychological deter rent which prevents him from memor izing bu bist wei cine bulmo or the theorum of pythagoras an average of one hour la usually sufficient to complete any homework assignments leaving the evening tree the exercise loft till nightfall often clashes with other plana and so is left undone it is for this reason that many wish for a separate noon study room isola ted from all disturbing factors with those around who can help you with a difficult question a students atmos phere conducive to study which la not found even in the home it over for a time but please dont take too long n gyunasnni why isnt it herer where u it how loneuhaa it beau put offt ad these questions and many tuorwhsve been asked but are th any results none that can be seen physical training la compulsory in public and high echootav but when thvwiaiher la uav tuitajde foutisooxaitluiea the eapmjshawialbg not weve proud to show you our oil storage tanks and invite you to see them for yourself across from our king street office 20000 gallon storage capacity and our green and lemon truck always available to bring you on the spot fuel oil service and of course were in the coal business too w h kentner son triangle 72bs1 brings us to your door wtmldfetig call tr 73271 tr 72674 concrete work footings cellar floors sidewalks block work brick laying for your construction needs carpentry homes garages kitchens bathrooms remodeling modernizing r- mcnally gprtifc usarv j ii