Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 16, 1955, p. 2

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r tuk boqwtmni hrxald wadzteaday evening no loth ims page 2 le usmi plaque made by wedknown ftaftsnun a atesnorul puaile la hoaour of ukaam who hd given their lives in two world wart and liar in korea wi unveiled last friday evemnx at the man who made it u well known for jtl taieot in m airing this type of plaque and the one in the tgioa hall is certainly a tnbuu to his eraft- maiuhip his name is robert piktv and he u employed at the canadian reform school at guelph u u is- etructor a veteran of service with the navy duhng world war n he be came member of the staff at the guelph trsiiunc school thortly alter the war before that he had his own business maklns various articles such as the one in the legion hall as a hobby one of bu beat known works is a replica of a wayside tonne in france that tundrto the legion aud i tori tun in guelph tile ceorifetowji- plaflue is appro n mately nvevenjc square built on ply wood and finished in what appears to be marble a light grry in colour it blends perfectly to the back of the stage two bronxe swordf which are not ready as yet will be placed as marker above the inscripuua on eith er side this is a beautiful work and must be men to be appreciated any one u rordiall invited to drop in ajul see it harold cymcclure represents afds a release from the associated kun era director wrrr with head quarters in st louis mo in ex plaining the puproir and benefit of membership in th ir organization an nounrch thar1hr llanild c mcclurr funeral ilitmr 34 kdith street repre sent the urbanization n georuetown akds a the ortcanizatlon li known is an international organization with a mrmtm nhip of inorr thsn 1800 lead ing fun ral firm only outtandink funeral homi throughout the umte1 states and canada are invited to rarm bership prof rational standing in the rommunit buinca policies and ser vice records must be outstanding for selection and sustained membrnhip which represents a high honour in the funeral service field the basic purpose of the akds or sanitation ts to assure high atandards of service at reasonable cost on those cases where death takes place away from home membership in the org anixation enable a firm to give the community better and broader sct vice because of its affiliations with responsible funeral firm in all parts of the country tells of missionary home life in india sirs w e gill speak in lo mem hers of the womans association and womans missionary socirtv of oral united church wmnr1a afternoon told of her life in indii in a mimon arya home she spok- of tie ccnttnuin d r ate problems ff indis 400 million people uhosc flsr reliun do the roaksos and rcuul all progress and make con monism s promises sound ligc a call to frdom mr gor don miller was hosivs faftm mcws halton juniors rebate andpublkspk many haltott folk missed a real treat last friday evening at the uutoa high school it waa the occasion of the an nual halton junior farmers inter club bebaung and public speaking competitions while the crowd was disappointing the talent displayed was outstanding all four dubs acton norvaj hilton and palermo partici pated in the debating the subject was reaolved that a policy designed to encourage the establishment of lar ger farms would be in the heet inter ecu of ontario tanners the first debate brought together barbara taker and george greenlees of the mil ton club who had the affirmative against norms n bird and bui wilson of norvsl who had the negative here the judges decision went to the affirmative or hilton club in the second debate on the same topi- kathleen stanley and uae sprowl up held the affirmative for acton while the palermo debaters lloyd vivian and hoy kurd had the neagtive in this case the judges decision went to the negative or palermo club the judges by the way were k- w kos ter principal of atillon public school c a wood principal of ill i ton high school and george k- kltiott also of all hon the judges had the eitra task of selecting the four best debet era of the evening and their selection was as follows hoy kord gfcorrv greenlee uae sprowl and uoyd vivian these four young men two of them upholding the affirmative and the other two the negative will mert four debaters from wsterloo county rumour has it that the two debate wilt take place on november 30th with halton negative team meet ing the waterloo affirmative team in halton while heltons affirmative tt am will journey to waterloo county on the same evening to met the waterloo negative team public speakars the programme presided over b trbhn w picket of halton juniors also brought out three contestants in the public peak ing competition the lirst fcpeaker sjhia shepherd of the pal einio club took as her topic famous women of the past and present while in her impromptu effort she took as her tubject an historical in cident mac sprowl of acton who was the eeond speaker apoke on real ltrilain and the irish llcpus- lic in hn prepared address in his impromptu effort hia topic was m hobby photography the final apea ker was hill kelly of the milton club who poke on peaceful coexistence kor hi impromtu effort he too aelec ted my hobby public speaking that the competitors were all ver close is borne out by the fact that in both debates and also in the publv speaking competition the award were made on a split decision of the judging panel however to return to the public speaking competition the judge award beer was to hill kell who will represent halton junior in the provincial competition in toron to early in the vear instrumental by miss ruth wilson of norval and wnr helpful suggestions to the com pctitors b george k kltiott rounds d out a programme of which halton jun lors may well be very proud advertise in the herald regular ly for best results s a mr milk shipper bulk milk pickup is in the news these days should the situation confront you in juture youll want to know what features to look for in choosing a bulk cooler v we invite you to inspect theunico the most complete line of bulk coolers wed nov 23 at trafalgar hall or thurs nov 24 at georgetown coop jj bf both meetings at 800 pm s m m meet norm memurchy of united cooporeilvw of ontario m who will answer questions andjflv details en tfca unico informative films on built- coaling pj plan to attend halton cooperative supplies pee deuveffy route days 7r2271 m notice to all elector f the town of csorsetowa oa monday december 12th ims at the next ensuing municipal election euant to bylaw no 6653 passed be municipal council oa monday tmber mth ims you will ba ask ed to vote on use following question are you in favour of the distrib ution of natural as in the town of georgetown at no cost to the municipality monce 1 the foregoing is a correct state ment of the question being submit ted to the electors of the town of georgetown 2 the vote on the foregoing ques tion will be taken on the 12th day of december 1045 at the following pis ces ward 1a at the residence of mrs marnard arietta street ward ib at the fire hall guelph st- ward 2a at the residence of mr cyril icrfgleby john street ward zb at the residence of ur thomas grieve queen street ward 2c at the residence of mr walter gummrr king street ward sa at the residence of mr gerard wilcox guelph street ward sb at the municipal building main street north and ward sc at the public llbtary church street 3 the 12th day of december 1055 at the hour of 0 of the clock in the fore noon at the office of the town clerk in the town hall u appointed as the time and place for the sppointmrnt of persons lo attend at the polling pis cr snd st the final summing up of the votrs by the town clerk of all of which the rlectors of the town of georgetown arc required to take notice datrd at georgetown this 14th day of november 10o5 john i kruxy town clerk notice to all electors of the town of georgetown qualified to vote on money bylaws on mondsy december 12th 1b5j at the next ensuing municipal election uu will be asked to vole for or ag ainst the following money by laws bylaw no sss1 corporation of tha town of caroetwn a 11 law for the establishment of a fund amounting to one thou unci five hundred dollars 15001 snnualjv for the support snd aid of the grorkrtuwn citizens hand wiikrkas pursuant to h law no 53 52 the municipal corporation of the town of georgetown ha submit trd to the klrotors of the town of georgetown qualified to vote on mo ney by laws sccording to th last re vised oters list the following ques tion are you for or against a 11 law for the ctabltshmrnt of a fund am ountlng to the levy of one thou sand five hundred tlollsrs 1500 annually for the support anil aid of the georgetown citizens hand am u1ikiikas at the otin there were otes in favour of this h iaw and vutrs against this h liw now thkkfhorh thk munlt llai council ok tiik corporation oh tiik town of ikohgktown knacts as follows 1 that for the year 1050 and there- after a fund shall be established am ounting to a levy not to exceed one thousand five hundred dollars 1500 snnuslly for the support snd aid of ihe georgetown citizens hand 2 that the amount which the said hand shall require out of the said fund shall be paid annually lo the said band prior to the 31st day of decern her in each year upon resolution of the council lt law read a first and second time this 14th day of november 1053 john t armstrong mayor john d kklly clerk notice 1 the foregoing la a true copy of a proposed hy law 2 if the assent of the electors of the town of georgetown is obtained to the foregoing proposed by law it will be taken into consideration by the council of the town of george town after the hhspiration of one month from the date of its first pub- ilcation 3 the foregoing ry law waa first published on the 16th day of novcm ber 1053 r 4 any tenant who desires to vote on the foregoing proposed bylaw must deliver to the town clerk not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote the declaration provided for by auhaection 3 or section 37s or the municipal act 3 the vote on the foregoing propo sed bv law will be taken on the 12th day of december 1053 at the follow ing places- ward 1a at the reaidence of mrs maynard arietta street ward ib at the fire hall guelph street ward 2a at the reaidence of mr cyril engleby john street ward 2b at the reaidence of mr thomas grieve queen street ward ac at the residence or walter gummer king street ward 3a at the residence or mr gerard wilcox cuelphsireet ward sb at the municipal build ing main streetnorth and ward sc at the public library on church street the 12ut day of december 1088 at the hour of 0 or the clock in the forenoon al the office of the town clerk in the town hall la appointed as the time ajutylbee for the appoint- ment or persona to attend at the poll- ins place and at the final aummlng up of the votes by the town deekv of all i of which the electors of the town of georgetown are required to take notice i john d ataoxv town 37c iga table rite quality cuar twj i lb pkgs pujtt lard canada packers margarine 1 lb pkg mar6ene 3k red glace 8 oz- pkg cherries 29c glace cut mixed b ox pkg fruit 21c ill i i i i 1 lb pkg 27c glace cut mixed 16 ox pkg peel 32c glace ncs 4 ox pkg- pineapple 19c canada packes ntwdomtsttc shortening robin hood wlfite 13 as pkg cake mix 25c five roses all purjose hour jj 37e sugaruk thompson raisins 23c grade a fresh eviscerated 4 lb average boiling fowl 47c enjoy an extra portion of your favourite rut thiuckuxgicd oh tk1ple brkastkd cut up frying chickens lb 45c marle leak mindless side swiftb mac ft cheese or bacon i ib ikg 63c i dutch loaf lb 39c monarch self saucing sponge puddings ox pkgs 2 for 37c iga choice red pitted cherries 13 ox tins 2 tins 35c iga choice ungradfd peas 20 ox tins 2 for 29c saiada brown iaiim tea hslf ib pkg 59c its national apple week eat an apple a davi ontario fancy wiclntosh 6 l boikel apples tjtjv t crup drren pawal ljit at iks oranges 39c celery 2 for 33c florida juice filled size doz freshly cut no 1 prince edward isl no 1 10 mushrooms 49c potatoes 29c bag igas new super value xmas premiums 9 piece ccrweovcmirfft all cnuin luther r spurn pistols studded hal star belt 2 studded leather cuffs cwbey bandana laathar tis clip 2 spurs now only bd riding hood doll all rubber body com- plstly unbrsaksbl 35 inchn tsll washabl hair roaud right into the soft vinyl head eyas close as she stps cries mama complete with polkadot drass rstd csp and head panties and baskt save up to so exclusive ioa premium offers with each 3 00 purchase krafts salad dressing miracle whip 16 ox jar 39c ijncoin choice fruit for salad 15 oz ttni 2 for 39c intkriake white cross toilet tissue 2 rolls 21c iga paste floor wax 1 lb tin 39c tf i m mle leaf 20c off sale i liquid detergent giant 24 oz tin 63c v frozen food features pictsweet mixed 11 ox pkgs vegetables pictsweet french style green beans fe 23c 10 ox pkf 23c farm news farming a way of life or business i jt winter the junior farmers of ontario in their intercounty debating league debated resolved that farm ing today should be considered aa a buaineas and not as a way of life un doubtedly much might be said on both aides of the question however in tills brief article we do not intend tn uphold the merits of either aide of the queation but we were interested to note in a recent issue of farm bus iness an article entitled the uae of capital on ontario farms by p w wright or the dept or economics at the ont agricultural college at the outset prof wright states com mercial farming has for number of years been developing into the cate gory of big private bualneea the rea- aons for the change are many apd in clude such things u higher land val ue improved nracticea extensive mechanisation and more atringent market requlrementi distribution of farm capital at the beginning of thia century investment in land end bulldiajfa rep- resented u much mm per cent of the total capital in the farm ntslneas of the reituslnlhtf m per eentuve- atock investment wpreaented abbot 13 per cent and farm machinery the other five per cent as we study ihe grsph which accompanies tho article we note thia pattern in the distribu tion of ihe farm capital remained pret ty much on thia basis until 1041 in the decade which followed 1041 1031 there is a big change in tho pic ture the major changea have been in increased numbers and quality of live stock per farm and a great in- creaae in mechanization dy 1031 the inveatment in land and buildings had dropped below so per cent and the balance of the capital inveatment was in livestock and machinery just how the distribution la today in 1053 we do not know in any event the sit uation in halton and the immediate district surrounding toronto and ham ilton would not give us a true picture tor ontario fixed and variable bxpansss this change in tho intensity of far ming may also be seen in the chang ing of rarm expenses in 1026 fixed expenses that is taxes interest tn in debtedness and depreciation represen- led so per cent of the farm expenses by ibm the fixed expense had drop ped to approximately 20 per cent of the total expenses and the variable expenses rant hind labour feed and seeds rpalrazrtulser pa xete now rreavabsd naartrb eeiu t the totalxnf crease in the proportion in variable expensea emphasises the current trend toward greater production investment for worker in aericulfure and industry current investment figures for these wellrun commerclsl farms show im almost uniform figure of 20000 per man thia controls with many industrial farms having capital invest ment of about 3000 per worker or less it is perhapa unnecessary to point out that if it were necessary for the young farm operator to aenja quire tho full amount or even a large part of the aura required in farming before atartng in farming there would be few if any new farmers ballinafad mr alex mitchell had the misfor tune to be involved in a ear i on his way north to hunt deer be wat badly cut about the head aast i first aldtrtatment jiad to w home toe s weplil snbljap

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