Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 23, 1955, p. 1

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the georgetown herald i eighteen pages georgetown oat wedttrauky evwsxiag nov 23 1955 first section at council wo forecast 8 000 deficit high school rugby champa w jl feasible deficit of 0000 on tha ear operation was revealed at tha 1 ajgadl meeting on monday when the i suncil reviewed in interim etatement fervnared by auditor il a lever the alalement li based on business transacted for a ten month period and mtlwllw of revenue and expen diture for the next two month mayor armstrong expressed the op inion that the statement is extreme if lanything and expenditure are eu mated at a maximum and income at a however there is no doubt that there wul be a deficit with to many unusual items of buslna i daring the yesr a change in policing system from opp to a local police force raised the budget by 6000 much of the in being due to purchase of a po- i ilea ear and equipment for the men there was a 2000 increase in gerb- ag eauectlon charges due to the fsst growth of the town and sewer and i water departments are also facing a i deficit be of rspid expansion there are compensating increases in i revenue estimates too as extra w000 will be collected in i taxes the provincial road subsidy will jttttp by w000 building permit fees i took a healthy 4000 jump over the i artlrrif and there was a sharp in in revenue from fine of tuno there la nothing to be ashsmed about in this statement said the ma i yor the deficits represent about 2 i bar cent of total revenue and in such i fast changing times if we com that i dee to h the budget we are doing well startler in the meeting there were i imppy amllas on councillors faces ss i they received a cheque for 30600 i from harold bstrstow general mana i gar of delrex developments it waa a to the town over and above the 1000 which the company paid in ta- i xaa designed to keep the tax rate sta ible this year as s joint benefit comp- any and town the money represented whst would bave been owing in taxe had the an aubdlvlslon land been valued industrial and realdentlal propar- ity rather than farm land a light was ordered installed al the henry and goelph street corner walter gray reported that all bt ordered this year will be instsl- llad by the yearend according to hy idro offldsls cr thos lyons said b considered street lighting poor in it nelghbuui hood and ithmght some extra light could bo ded along the street reeve stan allen outlined a con ation he had had with mr rob- consulting engineer on the new rlci system mr allen hsd dlssstlfsction with prog- i of cornish construction and had promised that the company lid be speeded up to complete in ation of the wster line mr editor this week i summary shows the aee- tunl lowest reading of eight degrees slso the first time the ground has been snow covered and the least am ount of sunshine fur sometime km belkin dale max mia bis mon nov 1 47 ss ture nov 15 m 23 b 40 wed nov is ss ii rb thursnov 17 32 14 8 h fri nov ii 3s 25 8 2vi sst nov ib s3 22 sun nov 20 32 b avrrag lew proprietor at golden gate mr and mrs j downle of st ca nee are the new owners of the en gate cafe which they punch i from mr and mrs cole mr and downle have been proprietors of cottage in st catharine for 1 four years but on driving thro jge they felt they would like i live here it seemed to be a progres i and friendly town they are originally from sudbury they operated a business for 1 years mr downle is a mem- of the masonic lodge and they i members of the anglican church i and mrs downle intend buying a be here re awarded prize increase iga tha georgetown iga store was aw- ded a 400 day clock as a prise for i greatest increase in sales during j past year at a banquet last week tha seaway hotel toronto the 800 guests attending mr and mrs bob caldwell williamson isabel smith and j and mrs fred briggs from theloe- i store- they enjoyed a turkey din- and heard roy wolfe present de ment and expansion plans which do a new warehouse in the com- year later there was a floor r and dancing it was the fifth an- i banquet mocval william george gollop oldest district resident oldest resident of this district william george gollop os died last tuesday at his home in norval his death followed by a few days that of another of georgetowns senior cltl irns mrs w d johnston who was 04 last january mr gollop had been blessed with s long active life and retained his full fscullirs and hi love of life right un til the isit ills death was hastened by the death of his only son george in january this year though mr gol lop hsd been confined to his room for the psst two months he wss sble to lit up end view from the window his beloved gsrden where he hsd spent so msny hour he wss particularly fond of tulips and glads and his gar den wss s beauty spot the carefully clipped evergreens st his home on the highway are a landmark to trav ellers son of ell and jane robertson gol lop he was hem in nerval hi father had emigrated from england and bis mother wa a member of a pioneer dis trict family he followed his fsthers trade of hamessmsking first in tor onto and then for several years in north bend nrbrasks retiring some s3 years sgo he returned to his nat- ive villsge to mske his home b mr gollop waa a member of the presbyterlsn church snd the george town mssonie lodge he wss a mem beror thenorval cemetery board he wss predeceased by his wife sarah cusick and their aon george he was the last member of the gollop fsmlly of eight predecessed are mary ann john mrs isabella webater ell dr ben mrs jennie blsck and rob ert brv g lockhsrt roysl was assis ted by rev j e msxwell in conduct ing the funeral service on frldsy in norval presbyterian church pall- besiers were walter pidler garfield mcclure will mcclure al fern george cusick of guelph and pete reid streetsville attending the service were several from outof town ottawa hanover guelph wetland dunnville toronto and neighbouring communities he was buried in hillcrest cemtery nor val sonnight lions clubbers of tba linns club bad a guests at tbebr dinner i at tba meglbbon bona last i and their tatter enjoyed saturday december 17th ii tha big day in georgetown when santa pays his annual visit parade float treats for tba kids plan to attend given horn and noveluea the evening wa arranged by enter- tainjttent cbalrsnaii jim jonas 114 president harold mcclure wag ehalr- sill haremaji aaorfauiwn georgetown high school i rugby team defeated in only one game look championship honours thtt year they were grouped in e league with milton aclon end preston in the picture ere front row left to right don puckering sandy mackenzie tom oobbie doug richardson dave hae peter hart harry greig terry harley percy moiiop back row coach j l tarriberl gerald scott norm lockhurtt bob he frank o neill laurie reed michael lambarf barry jeffrey brien hystt rodney hyde coach blair armttrong mining when the picture wti taken war michael obrien and gordon spence georgetown men help foil brampton robbery the alertness of two georgetown boya snd their two friend from bram pton saved the peoplea credit fuels from being robbed lsst sunday even ing the boys allen walker john doh- erty georgetown ronald payne and mike finnlgsn brampton were turn ing their csr at russells service sta lion when they happened to notice e nun jump over a counter in the peo ple credit fuels office the boys immcdistely notified the brsmpton police who upon investiga ting found that a hole had been blown in the safe and the robbers would have been swsy with the cash if they hadnt been interrupted by tha boys apparently they had gained acres to the office by forcing a window the brampton police are investigating it i thought that they hsd a car par ked at the cnr station snd hearing the boys car made off in a hurry leaving their tools behind them floats promise bigger lions santa parade some 20 floats have been promised by bierchsnts and businessmen for the santa claus parade which the li ons club will sponsor again this year a committee headed by cliff found is working hard on arrangementa to make this years parade something ipeclal there is a possibility thst cdltv might be interested in hoot ing a few scene for their news tele cast though definite arrangements have not yet been made the parade will leave lincoln mot- much longer the parade will form at lincoln motors at the old town li mits proceed up the highway to the cenotaph down main street to park avenue up to edith street and back to the mainmill corner the parade wil leave lincoln mot ors harp at 2j0 and 1 scheduled to arrive downtown at 3 pm on satur day december 17tb heart attack fatal for colin maneale a smith and stone employee jar ten years colin macneele so died suddenly at his home 30 ontario st on friday aurcumblng to a heart at tack a nauve of scotland he had lived in canada since he was five years old coming with his parents to winnipeg he wss residing st kapuskaslng when he joined the navy at the start of the war he eerved aboard hmcs mid land he came to georgetown after the war and had worked in the bike- lite department at the king street plsnt of smith snd stone he was a member of branch 120 canadian leg ion surviving are his wife nellie blod- gelt snd three children mrs j cow- ton msrjorle brampton ian snd lynn st home rev alex calder conducted the fu neral tervtce on monday at the har old c mcclure funeral home with in terment folloving in greenwood ce metery pallbearers were chsrlcs day rocco leratso robert mulr jack kerr herb harlow and ted ro gers sr a service wa conducted the ev ening before by president harvey gar vin and members of the branch 120 canadian legion john barnes 86 retired farmer a farmer in the georgetown and balunafad district for many years john barn 86 died at hi home in nerval on saturday he had been hi for sis weeks following e stroke mr barnes wss born on s fsnn at caledoa an dwaa the son of maymon and elisabeth wilson barne hi fa mily moved to georgetown district whea ha was a boy onto the farm last owned by russell hepburn which u now part of the delrex subdivision after his marriage to frances rud dell they farmed near balunafad then later moved four miles south of geor getown where his son frank now op erate the farm he retired and mo ved to nerval la 1030 ms barns was a number of tha old congregational church in george town and after union attended norval united church where he had eerved as treasurer elder and a member of the board of stewards st varioua timea his wife died in ims and a son gor don msny years ago surviving are his daughter bertha aon frank 7 grandchildren and one great grand daughter and two inters mrs if cunmnghsm rjusbeth of norval and mrs j n ruddell hannah tib line other members of a family of eleven are deceased rev w e gill conducted the fun eral service yesterday at the harold c mcclure funeral home in town with interment in hillcrest cemetery norval pallbearer were nephews frank newton and fred ruddell robert cunningham tansley barnes milton and john sutton hillsburgh richard miller new royal bank manager new manner of the roysl bsnk branch here rlrhsrd j miller arrived in town last weekend formerly ma nsger st wheatley he has succeeded bob darou who is now mansger at rockwood mr miller will be living in sun beam heights and his wife and fam ily expect to be joining him here the end of the month he is a native of rodney and dur ing his banking career has been in several towns snd cities including tor onto shelburne grimsby samia and ingersoll he has been manager at wheatley for three years ills wife msrjorle guthrie is s nstive of sarnia they have two chll dren richard jr 12 snd peggy 10 who will be attending grade 7 and grade 8 at wrlgglesworth school raiders win two oaks here friday five new club me tod during tha chairman geergw 1 ni ben were laltl with wane oekrltsa ax jbat esquesing population up bespite annexation loss despite annexation of a portion of the township and lot of some 170 people who now live in the town of georgetown and acton esquesing population showed a net increase of 81 in the last year figure compiled by assessment commissioner arthur benton reveal a total township population of 4847 the 1054 papulation was 4788 township clert k c lindsay say that the township ha grown by 1000 people over the last tea years children attend little helpers tea the mother and small children of st george enjoyed the annual little helper tea held last thursday af ternoon in tba sunday school room mr thomas warnai was ha charge of tba event afternoon tea and chocolate milk were served the guests by tba ladle pf tba wa under the eanvenershlp of mr sun walker alter which all tba uddleji received gift ach child bought lnhtemltavbax and ayirwjf3jfr the raiders chalked up two more wins last week invading oakvllle last wednesday they came home with s 63 victory in the oaks first home game of the current season the locals started out very fast run ning in four straight goals in the fin t period before oakvllle retaliated ron dixon opened the scoring at 4 08 then bui chard took over scoring two goals in ill minute frank ptaalnk scored the fourth at 1803 on a pass from chard before oakvllle found the range bill stewart scored at 10 08 and the raider skated off the ice with a neat 41 lead the second period waa very rough georgetown picking up seven penalt ies oakvllle turned on the pressure but could only pick up one tally by milne while the raiders went core- less in the 3rd period oskvlllo on a nice goal by ray patterson at the ten second mark made the score 43 from then on the raiders took over ferri scaring at 152 and ron dixon wrap ping it up with his second tally of the night at s 18 on friday night at home the raid ers made it three in a row with a dec islve 80 win over stouffvlue in a ve ry rugged encounter whllo the raid ers ran wild in tba first two periods scoring all of tba eight goals the score did not indicate the play jack rhodes played a great game getting hi first abutout junior beau mont and ron dixon scored two goal apiece while singles went to blake irkglis chard ptaihrak and pete bradldn the raiders play boat this friday night to tha oakvllle oaks list eets- ona league champions game tune la ais r data and dashes jack rhode celebrated us sttlr pjfjjayhhl es he can eclipse blake inglls 24 goals of last season bob lock hurst la a new addition to our equip ment staff but we might lose him if he trie to break up any more fights along the boards the opposition have failed to acore a goal on rhodes this season while the raiders hsve been at full strength if peter brsdkln doesnt get his gloves repaired soon the raiders sre going to have the only onehanded player in the league dominie con- tin last year with brampton regents practised with the team on sunday 4 but is a little behind tha rest of the boys in akatihg ken nash after a years absence is getting into condi tion hope to hsve him out frldsy night in three games bill chsrd hss picked up three goals and six as sists nick ferri hss four goats-jun- ior beaumont three dave voyce our 230pound defence- man may scare the opposition but he is also a haiard to our goalkeeper rhode complan that when ha 1 landing in front of him ho can only ee half the rink bui chard mis- sod the game in delhi reason hi wife airied in town saturday night if the mud gets any deeper in the swanek division wo might lose him for the season frank ptashlnk waa going to put on ashow for his rela tive from slmeoe who went to delhi to sea tha game but he broke hi skates in the first period and had to retire rene martin who injured hi shoulder in tba tint game of the season is coming along fine and will be returning to tha lineup shortly main line blocked stone car derailed toronto commuters returning eat tha s7 last night wear delayed thirty five minute by a partial rt h ik ati iria bridgewhich occurred earlier tha day a way freight waa switching and carload of too waa partially derail ed enough to block traffic both way on the londontoronto cnr aula line the incident occurred la tba early afternoon aad it took seese time te get equipment from mlmleo to right the car one freight train waa rerouted through milton during tha afternoon social and personal mr spencer kerly o s saskatchewan apent tuesday with mr snd mrs thomas lyons edith street mr and mrs jack cunning have re turned home fter motor trip aouth they ipenl a weekend in new york lily they continued on to florida where they itayed for a week at iasie- irillc mrs john cordsro mala street has as her guests this week her aon flight sergeant william preatoa mrs preston snd their three sons terry william and kenneth from clinton rcaf station mrs keith barber and daughter phyllis hsve been visiting with mrs barber parents mr and mrs u o webster in kuex and alio with mr snd mrs r g curtis jr mllford mlchlgsn on sunday rev morgan mcerlan officiated st the baptism of the in fant daughters of mr and mrs rob ert burns leslie ann and mr aad mrs charles f allen ann crabtree mrlani ann at st john a united church the many friend of isaac ben nett former ksquesing township clerk who had been very 111 in st josephs hospital guelph for the psst six weeks will be pleased to know thst he has returned home where be i improving slowly la health mr and mrs harold cole who sold their golden gate restaurant twilnea lsst weak to mr and mrs j downle of st- catharine left monday ea a motor trip they will visit first la new york city then intend to motor wcit aa far ss california dr and mrs george msvor andton david are visiting their uncle and aunt mr and mrs ian ritchie orch ard blvd en route to their home la aberdeen scotland from rochester new york where they hsve been laying for the past year they will ssil this week on the empress of scotland michael kelly son of mr sad mrs john d kelly albert street celebra ted hi 11th birthday by giving a the atre party on saturday november 10 ib guest were stanley mlckus bob by hyde linds hyde debbie hyde ole poulstrup fin poulitrup erie poulstrup douglas penriee and laird crawford on monday evening november 21 sandra scott daughter of mr and mrs art scott guelph street was gi ven e surprise party on her 18th birth- dsy by several of her girl friends at high school st her home the girls gsve sandra a lovely snorkel pen mr clara king branchton was visiting with members of her family over the weekend while she waa here she wss given a surprise birth day party by her family at the estam- inet burlington eighteen member of the family were present at dinner including a niece mrsil kenwells of buffalo ny a nephew mr win marshall cleveland ohio and mr and mrs bill htller from niagara falls ny mrs king was given a beautiful gift of luggage by the fam ily police chief loses baby granddaughter death of their granddaughter sad dened the home of police chief and mrs roy haley last week little valerie joan plater 5 months old was found dead in her crib by her parents mr and mrs andrew plater collingwood early friday mor ning the baby had had a bad cold and tha family had consulted tha doe- tor aeveral time that week they made her comfortable for tha night about 1 is am friday and were hor rified to find on looking in the crib a few hour later that she wu dead she leave besides her parents a sister andra aged s mr and mr haley were in colling wood on sunday to attend the funer al service won last ft 0 geotfkkemwwl ti brampton 11 a sbiwxmiu i 1 7 v time magazine pictures local man jim kmxy rarely does aonianne tram tows have their picture in a national majpv tiae and it was a thrill thl weak to open tune magsxlne and seejlmxas- agapjftwfc johalxkabrto which ojaaaa tha ajfrjsjnm ma trsss tkifa

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