Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 30, 1955, p. 15

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see e come in call or write automatic control juat act tht therrnattc tcmpratur and ian control on your mono gram oil lltatcr lor tht tmpraturc you like enjoy automatic wen lha entire heating tea notice to all electors of the town of georgetown on monday december 12th 1b53 at the next ensuing municipal election pursuant to bylaw no 4553 passed by the municipal council on monday november 14th 1055 you will be ail ed to vote on the following question are you in livour of the distrib ution of natural gas in the town of georgetown at no coat to the municipality noyici 1 the torefolng is a correct stata- ment of the question being uutimjt- ted to the electors of the town of georgetown 2 the vote on the foregoing ques tion will be taken on the 12th day of ueceteber 1655 at the following pla ces ward 1a at the residence of mrs maynard arietta street ward ib at the fire hall cuejph st ward 2a sialic residence of mr cyril kngleby john street ward 211 at the residence of mr thomas tirieve queen street ward 2c at the residence of mr wslter cummer king street ward 3a at the residence of mr gerard wurus guelph street wsid ail at the municipal liuilding main street north and ward sc at the 1ublic library church street 3 the 12th day of december 1055 at the hour of 8 uf the clock in the fore noon st the office of the town clerk in the town hsl l appointed as the time snd plsce for the appointment of persons to sttend at the polling pla res snd st the final summing up of the votes by the town clerk if all of whlch the electors of the town of georgetown sre required to take notice ratk1 at georgetown this hlh dsy of november 1055 john d kk1xy town clerk thompsons hardware bathrooms inttallad and ftepalrt air conditioning and forced air heating oil burners and service main street south trisnol 72971 tofceltuct and ymm farm news before a new tclctcopctypc stretcher made of nylon and aluminum was adopted by the canadian armed lorccs it got the works they jumped on it dropped rocks on it tossed jl out of aircraft and army lorries from it in ice buried it in mud and sand they finally gave up and placed the order its lightness and compactness makes this rugged stretcher ft natural for everything from northern airrescue work to the needs of hospital police civil defence and other authorities another job for canadas aluminum and the men who world wonders with it aluminum company of canada ltd alcam building sand concrete gravel road gravel fill atop soil tom haines gl wililami 33lq2 dr pattertona speech delight farm audience j e w keen interest was shown in the fourth of the series of twelve agricul- tursl meetings being sponsored by the llslton soil snd crop improvement as- locistion the topic was the kcnn- omics of karm mechanization and the discussion leader was that walk ing encyclopedia dr h 1 pattcnon director of the farm economics branch toronto wc will not attempt to reproduce the valuable information dr patterson contributed in his in troductory remarks he pointed out that between 1041 and 1051 the aver age investment in farm machinery across ontario big farms little farms etc jumped from an average of 853 to 52070 per farm it was further poi nted out that in that same period in halton the average investment in farm machinery jumped from 1070 to 3380 he also pointed out that farm wages in that lame period had gone up four fold gasoline and oil up 68 per cent farm machinery up 80 per cent etc during that same period dr patterson stated the aver aged sire of our farm in ontario had increased from 125 acres to 130 acres we were impfessed also when wc heard that acording to census figurei wc had 35000 tractors in 1041 and that by 1051 there were 105000 lrac- tors just how many we have in on tario today is difficult to state but we understand that since 1051 deal ers have been selling from 13 to 18 thousand per year tho trend stated dr patterson la to larger tractors lie referred to three men he knew per sonally in alberta when dr patter- aon visited their farm some years ago he found the three of them jointly without other help were operating 4800 acres here three 85 hp cater pillar tractors were available in addition ho pointed out they had selfpropelled combines in his opin ion they were doing a pretty good job with their weeds under control keeping in mind the scarcity and the high cost of labour dr patterson sta ted land which didnt lend itself to large equipment is at a serious ditnd- vantage i to illustrate hia point he said that the cost of operating a 1500 forage harvester varies from 545 per hour when operated only 30 hours per year to 223 per hour when operated 00 hours annually the speaker alio went into the field of barn mechanisation illustrating his statements by inform- ation gained through he medium of dairy hord improvement association in ontario fl could tell you of two farms in hilton each with 18 cowi stated dr patterson where the one operator la taking three times u lone to do his chores aj the other dotft forgevne added the taviuk of ve notice to ail electors of the town of georgetown qualified to vote on money bylaws on mondsy december 12th 1055 at the nest ensuing municipal election you will be ssked to vote for or sg slnst the following money bylaws bylaw no ss5j corporslien ef the tswn georgetown a hylsw for the cslsblishmcnl of s fund smounting to one thou- ssnd five hundred dollars 1500 snnuatly for the support and aid of the georgetown linens hand whkkkas pursuant to by law no 55 52 the municipal corporation of the town of georgetown has submit ted to the kleclors of the town of georgetown qusllfied to vote on mo ney bylsws scoording to the lsst re vised voters list the following ques tion are you for or against a ryi jw for the establishment of a fund am ounting to the levy of one thou- ssnd five hundred dollsrs 1500 snnuslly for the support and aid of the georgetown citizens bsnd and whkileas at the voting there were votes in fsvour of this hyiaw and votes against this bylaw now therefore the municipal council of the corporation of the town of georgetown enacts as follows 1 tbst for the year 1050 and there after a fund shall be established legion notes w lh curic the regular monthly meeting was held last thursday evening with 1st vice prtideat jim yates in the chair in the absence of the president liar- vey garvin in their respective chairs were the treasurer wallace thomp son and secretary bob uuir the various reports were given in cluding that of the entertainment com mittee by karm mcdonald bingo by alex taylor and sick by un t f grieve the financial statement was given by the treasurer also a report on the remembrance week-end- mrs t k grieve gave her report on the poppy day campaign results which were very good indeed and were received by a hearty vote of thsnks a 23 donation was given to ijie boys band for their services on anmsure day it was decided to dis pense with the regular december mee ting an adjournment fur the even inu wai moved the entertainment chairman aery- rd hut dog to thoie present a tone meeting waa held a week j hu sunday in the legion at uakville with a good representation present it wan called for the purpose uf hold ing an election uf officers to fill the poitof zone commapder recently va rated by the new dulrict commander hugh umb after general buinesa the office were declared vacant and nominations were called fur with can didates from port credit uiltun and georgetown running for the office xt clark of georgetown wai elwrted on the first ballot aa sone tumman- der u hunter was elected deputy the oaltville branch served lunch at the conclusion of the meeting the new tone secretary wai appointed br ing mark ha ii timbera uf georgetown jingle belli jingle belli ut our way of tayintf dont forget the chriitniaa tree on thuradary evening iecrmber 22nd at 700 pm in the le gion auditorium for all children un der 11 yean of the branch irti see a real big turnout fur this affair and incidentally charlie ruuld still use a few volunteers for the evening how attout if page thi tfmtgrrown ummjdjo wdjaeday eve november ibm igmgiummmf lift best winter tire ever thats what our customers say about suburbanite snowice tires by goodvear superb sroerlen thru deep mow on treacherous curves up steep hills end driveways away from slippery curbs its leaps and bounds ahead of other winter tires ahd amr rooi cam lr for a pair today too roa rn4 -hfom-uom- or ousairr georgetown tire and battery 6 george st tr 73290 round thi rooms wc hrsr thst henry shepherd hss competition in the branch now as our leading ser- grantmajor seems he comes in one recent saturday night sn dlhere wn a mrinhcr holding- drill in the msin room downstairs henry said he wss iloink sll right too except he figured it was a little thick when he insisted everybody til to sttentlon and march to the bar is that right lord the grim reaper has certainly been taking a toll from hranch 120 with a large number of members snd thoie connected with the brsnch parsing on we hear johnny walsh ripcetr to see something interesting in thia comer and was very disappointed whrn it didnt appear so was si never mind john well keep it in mind and sec if we cant do better neit time the boys were out in full force after the deer last week end from whsl we gsther to go into the huh wss like taking your life in jour handt with the number of hunt ers about soon cornea the usual new yesrs party this year held on the friday before we understand htat the executive are arranging for a little entrrtainment as well thla year o you had belter look forward to a hig rvening an dalso to getting there early or you might have trouble find ing a seat ounting to a levy not o exceed one thousand five hundred dollars 1500 annually for the auppnrt and aid of the georgetown citizens hand 2 that the amount which the said band ahall require out of the said fund shall be paid annually to the aaid band prior to the 31st day of decem ber in each year upon resolution of the council bylaw read a first and second time this uth day of november 1055 john t apmstkong msyor john d keily clerk notice 1 the foregoing is a true copy of a proposed bylaw 2 if the assent of the electors of the town of georgetown is obtained to the foregoing proposed bylaw it will be taken into consideration by the council of the town of george town after the expiration of one month from the date of its first pub lication 3 the foregoing bylaw was first eubllshcd on the 10th day of novcm- er 1055 4 any tenant who desires to vote on tbe foregoing proposed bylaw must deliver to the town clerk not ister than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote the declaration provided for by subsection s of section 376 of the municipal act 5 the vote on the foregoing propo sed bylaw will be taken on the 12th day of december 1055 at the follow ing places ward 1a at the residence of mrs maynard arietta street ward ib at the fire hall guelph street ward 3a at the residence of mr cyril englcby john street ward 2b at the residence of mr thomas grieve queen street ward 2c at the residence of walter gumraer king street ward 3a at the residence of mr gerard wilcox quelph street ward sb at the municipal build ing main street north and ward sc at the public library on church street 6 the 12th day of december 1055 at the hour of 0 of the clock in the forenoon at the office of the town clerk in the town hall is appointed u the time and ulaee for the appoint ment of persona to attend at the poll ing places and at the flnartumrolng upof the vote by the town clerk of all of which the electors ot the town w georgetown are required to take notice 7 bated at geavtttown thl 14th day to give your g room these are smartly styled well made companion pieces whojeliv- ino room com alive and give you the perfect family gift too wide choice of fabrics and colors lvtetlures will allow you c sjtkoo or your old chesterfield j davenport or day bed on a new chesterfield ssmssssssssslssssssssssssssssssssssssss a large beautiful selection including sectional pieces in all the new colours and coverings people who hesitate to buy unlets they can afford the finest will find thia tale to be the opportunity they have been waiting for the same quality merchandise mcclures is famous for is marked down from regular prices we make no special purchases for sale purposes only nal prices higher to make markdowns look bigger you get guaranteed quality ay we never quote orioi- harold c mcclure ltd t

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