Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 7, 1955, p. 14

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jt thb oeobcrrown herald wednesday evg december 7 lb55 page 8 uittlt3cenutd fountain rol for as tittle as gsn tibui aa aja imrliat f tthii thru othir er moous at jotllj0 and f 17so kentners drug store 11 main lire til 7um these men flew with andy mynarski by jun kally told to jatk brkkaneun in the winnipeg tr praia jun kally form gaorglown midanl n rita ton of town clark john d end mn kelly monuments ft amp ton monument worta daalgm aubmlttad tamatary altering corner posts and markers a ool disjiay in stock wm c allan prop 44 queen st west brampton shop m10j phones re 313 rep tom nicol phone brampton 03w 01 were 16 a ecwtewci i you should heed j 1 oj billgarbutt 0 sarak street ft triangle 75658 travel notes tca from toronto to bermuda 127 return to nassau 152 return john r barber travel advisor john il barber agrncy insurance travel triwsl 73521 mill street jim kelly all canada mnemun the act of perfcuoal hejxmn ltd to iht pos humous award of the ctjru lruvs how ounjt and mnifcvi trd j his own chawe of mrs l on a dark pijthl over arnbxai in a van at it nipt to rescue in frird nd ertw male as thtir ijrutstir iwiuur ulun txl to the ground in flames ot liappened short 1 after midrmht the date was juue 13 v hun of tcr art de hrrnt of montrtal and lit crew rrr on inn uvti ixtu ntrd france ihe tartel mbri a they approached to it t u tin lr bomb toad something hit iht in 1 n iht hard the 1 sullnd di rot hit from the guns of a rtnan fi uhlrr a junkers k8 uilmili onds the wtie afire- and falling the pilott navigator enunttr air ujinbt r and wireless operator headetl fur ihv forward m huh 1 he mid upper gunner fit aded the t tht r way it was andy mnrski a he tot let to jump he looked toward the tail and law rtar unni r 1 at hrophy of iort arthur strugglm to turn his turret into position so he foul 1 itt out it wouldn t budie wnartkl for tot his own dash for iaftl and head eel bark toward his friend lie foukht his wa toward itrophy and began tearing at tht turret fikhtmij against tht prtsturc of the plummrtinif aircraft fiuhlintf at a i nit the twisted metal that jammed the turret ftifhtln against time but when the burninii iancaittr was a scant fiw thousand f 1 1 from the ground jlrophs was still trippnl h in ally as thi mrond tirki t rlinthil aaa and at the urun of tht trap prd kunm r tnjrvki truivhd tiark ihrmikh tht lnin li tin imh tutth at the last intnl hi urrnd and salutid hi frit nd then juinpid mnjrki didn t km it lot h tfun his rlothi s and his pjtjthutt utn afire lit dropptm hkt a mom sib survived but what about thr rtst of the crw all survived all hut servant itov vtkars the rnkinnr who lists in the nitrd kingdom will 1m- in uinniptg thurda r vt n pat hroph walk rtl awav from the wreck unhurt iron icallv even though the frrnird ef forts of his friend failtd to frrr him from tht turrit it was the turrit that saved ilmph s life when the plane crashed inti th cround the rrar turrt t broke opt n and hrophj was thrown clear lie run found his cap hinj nrarb the in rinrer sjl v ikars of the kar and air itomber st jack irida of port arthur hottr tartdrrt tafrty tint wrrr taken prisoner they upent the dura lion in prisont rof war camps the pilot hymn offm rs art d brrync the navigator rlvmk ofli cer hob ilotlir of ocean i- alls 11 l and the u irelra operator arrant officer jim kelly of georgetown on tano and now innlprn all landed safely and urrc helped b the rrtnch undcrjjround i first heard the story when i ran across jim kelly at a heavy convers inn unit in yorkshire i d heard that hed been shot down and later that he d esc a pet i but i hadn t seen htm for several years after wed slapped each other on the back for a while and bought each other beers jim wan dered back to my quarters he perch ed on the end of my bunk and told me what had happened that nicht ov er cambral this was his story jim kalls own story i landed in- a brain field and just sat there for a while about half an hour i suess it had all happened so fast i was still bit confused i rolised myself finally and began to empty my pockets and bury the con tents in the field i wasnt wearing a revolver most of us didnt in those days in the distance i could see am iens in flames the bombs were still bursting and the searchtlfihts were still tryinfl to pick out bombers over on my left arras was burning too it looked different from the ground nots comparod fcuddtnly 1 rinmberei my ea ion tactics and rralmj id biur not bang around hurt too lont 1 buried my prthute under winlrtci and ban to crawl arroahwd and into another fit id thetjontt be- iidt tht rojd for ku hour ano half tht ll i ht ard wililtonr coining n io ved batk lito a trui field to wait sho4vtr it w wasnt carrin a tun aryfnidii i wear a ht lint t so 1 ihuglttt 1 d ukt a rbanct and uivusti iitc 1 pukrd up a fink and raltd out luikilv it lutned out to 1m hi b hjimih in navitati i uld iiuike ut hi fetur s in tht ht from am it in whuh was illll lurrinik 18 itulrs away s e w ere pi rll lad to si i arti othi r and altt r wt d compact- nutis vr t ilt dtiwn tht road to ward the dark part of the sky abu4 f i in the trior nink we rea t ht a illp t a ainst the rml wt- ran acrus thr road and hid in a small woods at the other hide of the vtllki- it was cold and damp under the trees arid our ttattle drest and fljink swtaters wt ren t quite enough to keep ut warm u e felt the cold right throukh u but we setttetl down to prepare as imhi wr could for our sta in rranct ui cut off all bad kt s and rank idi ntifn a jun but tut kid htm awa in cast wt wt n taki n thi jtrrn jtnd h i 1o prnvi wt win not hpi s lliu wi ihukil n our tsiapi kit holt ukid ii on his i scapt kit but his idt nllf ii jtion taj s j ki ii mt fur m mi trutu t rt jsm ht it itn in ht jiitij his liu clt pump i lul m tjpt kit complete in i 1m h n ik iihuf mp hmh nd i i it jn ru mi v nm i hoct luti liar t h bis i lot f nnlt nsid milk thut hi 1 irokcn ml pn nl mi r thi n i f tin kit fill a sj jiii m v mpivit i u j u i arinv mv d t ii v in i i rs fnrtun iti il w i i i js it tumid out lilt tho movivt u r waited till tlark in hopes of lo catink ourselscs hut didn t dare ven tun out ni xt dav ai we continued to huddle in the uooda we saw srveial erman soldur pass on motorcycles both tf in were impressed by how mucjxijitv resemhlttl the popular hoi koffl virsion in fart ue t ii haitll t accepted the fact that wt were ih kind ent mv lines it was too much like the mov les around dusk vve saw rome jl bf s tjkr off and as wr contjnurd to crouch in the uootk for fivetlas and n ii his u r found this i a rikular routine just be fore dark i ach even inr off the d go wefmwt hovfffwwft weary and bit cireltvs from hunger because on the fifth tlav we vverr surprised h a ptasint woman ut irud to talk to ht r using our phrase hooks she told us that we wire near verennes that there were no germans billeted in the town she rrned nervom as we talked to her and e didn t lose much time getting awa from us hiddan in barn we talked it over and decided to wait till dark to slip auay hut be fore the day was ocr the woman came hack with beer and black bread a 17 year old boy was with her the bread was hardly palatable as it had been made with wine instead of yeast uine and the sweepings of the local flour mill the y east factory had been bombed by the british and wine wat the best substitute available the boy couldnt speak english ei thcr but with the phrase book we learned that they wanted us to stay put the woman came back later with the boys and led us to an isola ted barn a bit apart from the town it turned out that this barn was a safe place to hide as it was owned by the towns quisling we hid in the hay german search in the morning our friends came back again with a razor cold water but no soap we noticed that the ra zor was american we must have been a bit delirious then because at tb sujht of the razor we jumped up and ran out into the town banging on doors searching for its owner the poor people who answered their doors slammed them again in terror once they saw we were allied invaders we cornered one poor soul on the street and began peppering him with ques tions in english just then a german staff car sped through the village we werent not iced for some strange reason but it sobered us up but quick we dashed back lo the barn we still hadn t ac cepted thr idea that we were in france in the air force thtre isnh the personal contact with the enemy that the army has we take off each night from the same airfield and come back to the same fit-lcf- before morning the idea of actually bring in and walking about in a foreign land couldn t stern to penetrate ciejr confused brains in the barn we curled up in tfm hiy again for another nijm rtt that night the germans carried out a ruutlne st arch of the district because they d found our buried parachutes wt dug deep and waited and hoped t lit y sluek their bayonets fajtu the hy and tht ir hlg black mma tamp- ei across the floor so close vt could have grabbed tht in but tht didn t see us in thr rw it artult brtdie and kelly are iilltel by suspicious undt r ground leadt n seek more support or chamber will fold th future of the chamber of torn mi rce drpt nl on murt coop ration and more intrrtkt from a larttr iroup of people particularly tnt rchants ac cording to james ljnton who has brn a mainstay of the organisation for the past few years ur union who recently resigned from active participation in chamber affairs spoke quite strongly at a mee ting in the municipal huilding v ed nt sdav wht n officials gathered to dis ruai the future there lb a real pei sibilil that thi hiiilx r of lorn nit rti mill distmiid unltss more wor kirik mt minis in hi taid irtsidint john luiin and sttntar barbs wus who conducted tht mi t tinj anuoumt d that in january tht it would be a public meeting to discuss the matter furthi r a speak ir from tht ontario he adtjuarti r will be jswnl to attend a brikhttr suit of the met ting vtas nttt ndanrt of ktviral merchants who clicn 1 to work together fur a in i f i kit n tvi n ram of t hrivtmas die ojtin in thi dounlown busintss jr a tit harntx r made a v doni turn towards such decorating lay away plan a small deposit will hold aviything fot you uhtu wasi come and make your selection for baby gifts chltbmfrs gifts ladies hose lingerie blouses and skirts gloves socks and handkerchiefs fo dad childrens snow suits and 3piece hat and coat sets girls dresses 6 moolht lo 13 yun y slcl yairgling and gift card from our comput uuctisn of coutts christmas cards it a pleasure lo ttrve you al 164 goelph street triangl 72125 var24 we have what you need in lumber and builders supplies frame sub door lucky no 782 if hold w thb mnttbwr calls rtthy 4ay mwy will rwelv a mtava trii teuda oatarta f it aajiiinlml looking for something different glvo an extontlen telephone all wrapped up and ready for tha chrittftics troo 1 i i- 1 n iiiik ln in i jih mi i v iiti i in ik pi ii ii il ll i lim in i lijvnvmf i tin tin mi nt nn i vl iiii ii n ii ihiiiir llnainr llic i in i luitnl itt mi titintinas iliv anil ml i ili nili ni ili jui v tin nrtunl ii ti il hi i m il ami rr i l in in i ii mdirl lln irrnc will ic tlf nltrarmrly mlrr ill clin-lma- lnrp ran lir nnli rnl iruni iin iu ii iiiimnrni ollur wi ill iin inpr lo rnnnrrt il at pur cnnrnirnc vm mil ia for ll nnw or r ill lull ou niuntli l inmilli a pifl miu can liu to uit our kklrt uxik wr mipiil one car s n-nu- n a ulral pift i jk lll ran pu i up mhii ptfl hrajipril tflcplionr al our musinc- otlur or c hill lie pleasej to drlirr it for ou gift trlrplionr arc aailalir al the atandanl rate of 1 l a month in the mallrr centre and 1 25 in the larger plui the usual jj 00 uutallatian charge hquirr about cvloumi telephones aow aivulabu ut lor llet green ami red at an additional colour charge and to eiy to orcjwr just givo uj o call this is the pack of mm for mmtlly card ivan to lim kally by mi undareffouhd it mm him th mm of ran aa lyu iuhv of cattle and raaidam of amlamt kvaal hbag was ehihgad rot his oi nil ioou roa iuhu s wowshor thi bill tiliifhonl company of canada a v o la il- rtriuillv 11 y ljriultet1umi- 1

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