Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 7, 1955, p. 6

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thlmoomtowm herald wednesday evog december 7 ims page 0 the georgetown herald serving the eommuuitle of geotceyown gun williams nofcval umehouse hornby stfwajotown iuuinajfad ashguovt hrm cotta walter c felelln iubluher and editor subscription rate s3 00 a year single copies 8c eaxh advevusjjije rate quoted on application stam garfield l ucguvray corey hi rnngton jr mrs ailen bradley tbe herald if printed each wednesday io the office at 22 uain georgetown member of the canadian weekly newspaper aioctafion arid the ontario o vision of the cwna i eshe m clark dave ilutingi bob haskrvill ken cowell authorized aa second tlau mail putt office dept ottawa some good signs a healthy interest in tho town i municipal ohoci we shown thursday when for the first tmr in h lory the public library auditorium was taxed to oui oi more than ca jadty by rvooayer it was not particularly a critical rrowd and wh le questions were asv r they wore io the mo part tn tibte atd perl me it end allow- j sensible an wen in turn by various c unol membmi a further sign that rnunic pal mlrcit is alive is rvidenttd in the r of ardidjtts offer nq their services in next monday s etcciioni a total of 10 mm who fool they have a contribution to make and who are willing to give their t me and talents to the ob not all will be successful there are only ten positions to bo filled arid seven men will bo left behind when the returns are tallied perhaps some present councillors will be unseated at least ono will with reeve and deputy reeve seeking th same office it they are it s tho democratic way and anyone who seeks public office must be prepared both deserve yes vote two important by law are in tho funds of the voters for ratif icai on next monday and in both caves wo fetl that yti ihould be the anvm1 only one will cot money a 1500 yearly grant to gturgi to n c t n band cannot b y vi n i y council without the a s n of qualified property owm r in case there n tor tm or in anyone i m nd tr c t en band is r ot tr e ion scots which hai army backing and which rm i certain county grants as well as some financial a d from the army authorities tho band which is oikmg for a grant is better known at present as tho boys banc and is tomposed of an eager group of youngsters and an active execu tivo who feel that tho town s musical future is much dependent on keeping the group going i i i livil oping musical skill among youngsters who will be th bandsmen of tomorrow anyone who has had any connection wilh bands will know that it costs money to operato a successful one the boys have raised certain funds by lag days and simitar event but-the- executive feel that mini mum of 1500 yearly is needed to help meet ost of dont be too tough insistence of merchants in demanding enforcement of the two iwjur parking bylaw downtown will vc hope be taken with a good measure of judgment b council and the police force it is a case where prosecution can easily become persecution if enforcement becomes too rigid and such action would work to tho detriment of the very part ics who ask it downtown merchants arc rightly concerned about a shortage of parking facilities which are often taken pot pourri if the herald is somewhat late this week there is a reason for the first time in this newpoper s his tory production has exceeded 20 pages and at time of writing we have signed off taking apy more adver tisements at the 24 page mark we are flattered that so many advertisers think well of the paper and we hope their returns in shoppers are many fold the herald staff has worked several hours of overtime to assemble such a large mass of advertising and news into interesting readable form wo hope you enjoy it we caught it before many papers were out but those who read in tho social columns about sandra scott celebrating her 21st birthday were misinformed it was her lh sandra was worried that people would think she had spent a long time in high school pa and ma were wondering what those who know they recently marked their 20th anniversary would think sorry folks we have a couple of new com muters from rockwood these days roxy theatre for failure or success elections are not always won by the best quah bed candidates there are elerncnts of personal popu lanty public issues which become beclouded and a myriad of tangible and intangible factors which affect the peoples croie of their representatives no one can disagree that a benevolent dictator hip is tho ixril form ot government buf no ono liv mg m a democracy would want to change our demo cratic elections tor any such for benevolont dictators have a fiabit of being succeeded by tyrants what we can hope on monday is that voters do oriie advance stud to determine who they think can ix t do a b j ob ahead of guiding municipal affairs in a bu y work filled year which 1v56 is lxund to le with a further hope that wc can trust the major ity opinion to bo right and that next year s council will be composed of the isrst 0- s hie n m w tti lh hirking ami critical interest of th pcopli they will be n pre nt ny for the next y v n truction purchase of n us and ot certain of tho lar ger instrument we are sol dly b h n then and i ope j lyers w 1 cooper itc w th them it n iti r il ga i i imsh bylaw s son eir lsf kjim tor it will it i in fo inancial drain on the it jn ipjl ty now or in future c u t i hij not yet decided to award a franchise to my ofii or more compin i s three ore seek j uch j im ire i ng yivi n cons dcra on at tr e t r i t me mondiy vote n not for giving such ranch e to any om i cm but rather to first determine if citizens v vil r itural rjas to be available the other deer oi w ii on e later j while many wilt not be personally interested tl tit tated i y ever il count i n c mix rs in i n tf il f wl o i c uld ki ow thit nitural cjas will t a locn to lncour kj nq new i dustry in tic future a j r n re a on for vol ng i i i if hi n it vi tti t o tax r loney involved we certan ly have nothm j io il c and nil to gam up by non shoppers and on occasion by merchants themselves it is to repeated offenders and those who leave tfieir cars for hours on end absorbing scarce parking space that we hope enforcement is beamed we should hate to think that a shopper particu larly one from outof town would bo nicked a dollar for an extra few minutes over the limit he mightn t come back man bill leslie comes to town daily from his new home there bringing son alex to high school next week they will be pined by lcanno darou who intends to finish her high school course here mr and mrs rex heslop and thoir children marilyn and rex jr have now moved into their new home in del rex the children have been attending school hore since the fall term opened mr and mrs george kovacs and fam ily rccentlyvioved from byron street to hillsburg voters on monday who own property in moro than one ward will have more than ono vote on tho band money by law such voters however have only ono vote for candidates and the natural gas by law a christmas atmosphere is bocoming evident and more and more merchants plan their seasonal decora tjons both downtown and in the georgoview area christmas lighting trees and gay merchandise dis plays tell us that the big day is coming closer warden shannon advocates system of county plaining s an incredible industrial future for halton and the neceuity of punnux on a county level rather than by mun- icipaljtiea were important point in the retirement speech of warden ro bert shannon burlington when he entertained county official at his dinner thursday ur shannon who was host at this annual event at the brant inn said that in his five years as a county odua nllor population has double and that county aueumenl has alsnfoiihld to the present 01 nullum he forecas another doubling within ten year halton is one of the last undevcl oped places in tbe industrial belt of the future he d indicating that proper planning now would be of in estimable future benefit le men tinned that such public service as duration and sewerage could be more efficiently hsndled on a county level j rl ndiratrd county council would next year be considering such pooling til rt source j krvtrwidg county affairs thi year hi mentioned turn improvrnunu as tfaa new 100 000 reentry office ami a 91ctq0fi0 addition to the r ntrnnial utmiiur luli pltttiiwd mil muiii new school tor rrurdttt fumnn nt oakwiu ant i clout 1 rua1 iu ilh whirh allount jl min t of jm rinam nt tp4- urfrini at nuu plares n halton hun s k warn mli r gc hdro mcr chairnun and f urmt r mtnutrr of planning ind dm lopmrnt pkr alutii thr fcimr linr jh tht tinlin mrtirjlin the n for an a planninu ritbr ban ritnmunil htim sijii altin rtrc town in toasting tin uardin prist ntnl turn willi a hit of tuna from his council rullrasurs hubert marshall traful iar nim unswi nil a toast to rutin cil projkjmd b juiir n itobin mr wirrimlir j liitoflurid l i lod hiiikli ii and thankid by id i v wilfn i i mi j iijimtk n it i jij vv is i ti iirriun jt i in dinni r jtid ijor smilh i xti nd d i mi rmtinp from tur hnj ii a ojst lo patt uar dins li ijui a h ishi r was answered i jo tin tlljir forrni r hurlintun hi utio note d proud i hat fivi i u irl ris jll j i i ti in out tn wiri n m nt dm in r kin vts from i orj i toun and ukj iruludid knvi man mini dip ut it i ml in norti n s rfrid itird in 1 dli r i inh tin r iu ii i i pot f i mpii vin n un i ii rk ilh on d ans slnl hi nmll ml md m in hill mii w j i h tmpsliiri f r mi r rount vhi riff an 1 i u ir fis haroldlii oritoun j j s ill tin in i ri i i i rm i i sin and rorji uiiu ksik forums urge farmer keep detailed accounts mrs m j brown why keep- farm accounts tho national farm rj lo forum topic for notembe 38tn aroused good discus- sidr u biff businew and f artrfers must f ouow good business me- dalo keep aeoount oi receipts and i j ho may have a worldtfk 7 tof yrx lfmches ot ts hulg in halton couny sugetcd a simple cp sily understood system of bookkeep ing might be used and mentioned tho ontario form accounts book or some thing similar for this purpose all groups stressed the importance of koeping all bills and receipts on tile tho forums felt there are many ad vantages in keeping these records making income tax returns deciding which branches of farming were mak ing a profit or loss it also gives far mers a better credit standing if time and circumstances permit shop and save with your friendly georgetown merchants these stores are brimful of real buys warning 2h0ur parking restrictions on main mill and wttuyan stcetc now strictly enforced monday tuesday wednesday saturday 9am to 6pm thursdays 9am to 12 noon fridays 9am lo 9pm more complete detailed farm records of various farm activities would sivo an inventory which would bo helpful in case of tiro or dcath they would provide a working knowlcdga of tho best producing animals poultry etc they would also help in making fut ure plans and clvo interesting rec ords to which to refer in coming years inb limemouse smethurits moving to niagara falls mr anil mra j a oelhurst and sun john prtstntl of islington i ul sot n in tint to niaira 1 1 1 is imtd his molht r in ri ot vinil i irs m riivnn mil juhn ur i student tt ach rs art ntalionrd at s s no 0 with mr john allen this week wl wjcuiuc mr jind mn uri ind two ions to our neighbour hood thr recently hac lived at in kl wchmi mr and mrs apple lein of toronto vlaltcd the maccuswohhs recentl teachers and pupils are practicing fur school and sunday school con- 1 ts 1j sports calendar intermediate hockey friday dec 9th milton vt georgetown raiders b 30 pm 50c and 25c skating every saturday afternoon and t evening georgetown arena ft it pays tq shop for quality you win find nothing but highest quality footwear in silvers shoe department com in and sic our ntw abrivais or suppers a glfl suggestion of considerable merit directory frank petch i 1 i sm al cliunmjt prompt srvu io hui 413 tllunil 7 21ha foritlown dr j burns milne whi suiukn iiay tr 7 2h71 am 0tor 23 p 114 u nieuen dc nx of chiropractic and naturopathy ii nuns m liumhi thuradaya lady attendant ilph si orgtowd tklamlr 7 jg12 dr john r kerby lkctici- of lrstisth kay trianllc 7 3m1 main sin t ticork tnttn lever hoskin charftrvd accountants succeor to jenkins hardy km 4 0131 1805 mitropohtan illdff 44 victoria sl toronto c w sayers dvm ktmunau1as dutll slrnt opposito artnstrunk darac jt1l j 741 j s m faibish ro optometrist mcnaraara jewellers croatown dale bennett daxrljtcri and solicitors ieroy dale q c sybh bennett qc mp tom van sickleb trlansle 733si mill stmt georfetowa l pays you to buy or sell through j a willoughby son umltcd rraltors city and country nomas farma and small acraaajat industrial a buainati propartlaa your iocal itrpreacntativea tom hewson tr 7mm walter fioler drampton 395 r 4 iiu 1301 8 kclinton ave e head olticp toronto hewson 0rd barristers and solicitors 39 main stmt south ucsldc knox church george c hewson john d orp tpjanol 7234s monuments pollock ts campbell dsalons on roquatt inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 208 62 water street north g a l t maurice e manderton bjl banister solicitor and notary public tr 72484 office 4 main st s georgetown w h carr prefaaslanal englnaar a ontario land surveyor gooreotowa ontario residence 81 prince charles dr office guelph street telephone tr 73300 radio repairing we specialize in thi work 37 years aiparlanea j sanford son trlanjie 7j4u kf i mnruia comay umtrid s the twlmmlns pool campaign u till ob and very domtlon large or mall will be appreciated so if you havent donated u yet why not get around to it now tt wul ba appmelav tad for expert eye car eensult o t walker oprowatrw 3 main st north over abeuaoruf i phoaerotffcal houoi a

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