Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 15, 1956, p. 12

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening feb 15th 19 page 2 what to do i where to go building sand concrete gravel road gravel fill top soil tom haines glen william triangle 73302 travel notes book now tor easter in new york by air or train all expense tours except meals from 35 00 john r barber travel advisor john r barber agency insurance travel tringl 73521 mill street lucky no 745 if holder of thu number call with 7 days they will receive a return trip to london ontario or its equivalent flowers for all occasions wedding work corsages a specialty cut flowers and funeral designs we wire flowers rosedole floral 32 albert st tr 72952 buy the best buy bh paints for listing beauty sold by twins woodworking umehouse tr 72162 manufacturers of sash frames screens doors insld and out trim door hardware roor tilt open evenings tas all day saturdays tm pj this sunday this will be the first sunday of the annual exhibition of the ontario soc iety of artists which takes place at the toronto art gallery 317 duntias west at the corner of bever ley all hit panttnts and sculpture displayed in the show have been crea ted by ontario people -t- many of them already well known in the field of art and with the show there is an unsigned painting competition prizes will be jiiven for correctly rta ming the artists twenty unsigned c invites will be shown and the pub lic will be invited to guess who pain ted them the unsigned painting competi tion was originated because some people felt that too much attention was piid to the works of established artists and too little to lesser known painters so it was decided that sev tral paintings should be shown with no signatures enabling novices to compete with well known artists pain tings will be judged by dons he carthy william winter clecve home and several other recognized canadian artists and critics the annual show by the ontario so ciety of artists has become the social event of the art year people come from everywhere to see it why don t you plan to attend we re sure you 11 enjoy it and you may be one of the prizewinners the gallery opens at 130 pm sundays and is free to the public after visiting the art gallery why not treit the family to sunday dinner out we suggest scon s on bloor street just two doors west of yongc here von ma enjoy food from scott s delicious french buffet or table ser ice the atmosphere is delightful and the prices ver reasonable din ncr is served from 4 9pm on sun davs and you can ri serve a table by calling wainut 24320 thats all for this sundav we hope you have i very picas int time and watch for our article next week when well hive more suggestions for plac es to lo and things to do on sundav afternoon in toronto farm news norval acton juniors elect new officers jew hilton juniors arc really busy- this v is part of tht ir program list wck mond iy nitht saw milton and pali i mo clush m the first of their hotkey plavoh scries tuesdav eveninc was counlv board night when president john v pitkit and his fellow officers we re initntinj or compli tinf phns foi various activities then on wed nesdaj night acton ind orval clubs held their respective innual meet ings at four other centres members of drama casts were holding dress re hcarsdls preparatory to their halton juniors annual drama festival which was held at oakville on friday evening just what they did in their spare time we are not sure but here are the new officers elected at acton and norval acton junior farmers president jackie marshall vice president wm price secretary treasurer calvin sprowl directors sandy buchanan jackie black don matthews and paul lawson junior institute president kath een stanley vice president doris thompson secretary treasurer mild red watson directors ida matthews betty anderson norval junior farmers president cliff mcdonald vice president flmcr bird secretary jamie cunningham treasurer bui wilson directors earl wilson herb wilson howson buddell and d bailey ontario fuel board in the matter of the municipal franchises act chapter 249 r s o 1950 section 8 as amended and in the matter of applications by anthony gas st oil exploration company ltd for certificates of pub lic convenience and necessity to con struct works and to supply natural gaa to the inhabitants of the undermen tioncd municipalities corporation of the town of acton corporation of the town of milton corporation of the town of georgetown notice of hearing ontario fuel board hereby appoints monday the 20th day of february 1956 at 2 30 o clock in the afternoon at the municipal hall acton ontario for the hearing of the above applies tions and all persons interested there in copies of the respective tppllcat ions may be inspected and further particulars obtained at the office of the clerks of each of the above mun icipalities the applicant the solid ton for the applicant messrs arm strong a charron 23 melinda street toronto ontario or at the office of the ontario fuel board 600 univer sity avenue toronto ontario dated at toronto this 8th day of february ibm ontario fuil board a l crosier chairman w r howard cottunlaakmer 319 w p watson address- highlight ontario soil crop convention j e w the highlight of the day and a half we spent at the 1956 ontario soil and crop four day convention was in our opinion the address by w p watson ontario s livestock commissioner as usual mr watson spoke on the ag neultural outlook for 1956 here is a digest of mr watsons outstanding address in 1055 canadians exported more imported more produced more con sumed more earned more spent moie and saved more than in any previous year although all classes of soeiety shared in this record per formance they did not share equally in the rewards derived therefrom the total amount received from the sale of farm products was slightly higher in 1055 than in 1954 but the net farm income was lower because costs whieh have been steadily rising since 1951 reached a new peak last year with few exceptions prices of farm products were about the same as dur tng the previous year exports of wheat cattle beef pork and cheese were lower in fact with the exception of wheat mounted to a very small percentage of the total production of these products thus tht greater part of canada s revenue from exports was derived from such non farm products as basemetals lumber chemicals ir on ore and newsprint this decline in the export of agricultural products is a natural consequence to the ex pansion which has taken place in can ada during the postwar years in 1045 this country had a population of 12 1 million people 10 years jatcr the population has increased to 15 6 mil lion an increase of 30 per cent dm inr the sjme decade there mi- no significint change in the number of eatlle or hfs heme the produe tun of animal products his not kept pite with tht rise in popul ition a sit uition whieh plans li stink pro hie ers in iho position of bung les de pendent upon export markets f r their returns despite the fact thit the human no pulation his meie ised the aim unt f wluit consumed remains fairl e n slant il ut no million bushels pt r eir c m idi ins hue be n in the hilnt if spmlmi aluut 5 p r cent if their minims m foil st it i lies will prob hi ueil tint tliy sptnt about the sum peretn i m lti5 but that moie t f the t t 1 spmt en items tint u consul i d to le iiimirus according to most prognostic itors ihi present wave of prnspiulv is hkeh ti c ntnuit throughout lo vw himcs are hunt built in liijc numbers it am industn il concerns arc men isine their capacity nnd pub lie w rks the most notable one heme the st i awrenee s iwi ire under construction in this period of inter natioml tension there is a keen de mind for cinadi s nickel copper ur inium and iron ore while exports of lumber and newsprint appear likely to continue at a hith rate with can ada s labour force fully employed at hifh wales live stock produeers cm expect a strong domestic demand for their products however the actual strength of that market will depend upon the answer to the following question will the demand be great enough to absorb all that is produced an analysis of production prospects should provide a clue to the nnswer cattle according to present pros pects cattle marketings will be high er in 1956 than in 1955 that forecast is predicated on the knowledge that the cattle population is higher and that more cattle were purchased for further feeding canadians could ab sorb these extra cattle if other classes of meat were in normal or below nor mal supply however all indications point to the fact that beef will receive plenty of competition for the consum ers dollar from other classes of meat particularly pork hogs recent surveys indicate that there was an increase of 13 per cent in the number of sows which far rowed between june 1st and nov 30 1955 over the same period in the pre vious year these pigs should be mar ketcd between december 1 1955 and may 31st 1956 marketings are there fore likely to average 120 000 per week during these months in mr watson s opinion it is reasonable to assume that marketings will be at least normal during the last half of the year and that marketings for the 12 months will exceed those of 1955 dairy products although the hu man population has increased by 30 per cent in the past ten years milk production has only increased by two per cent however there has been a significant switch in the form in which milk is marketed fluid milk consuptntion has registered a substan tial increase and accounts for over 30 per cent of the total the con st ruction of new towns in our hintcr lands has opened up new niarkcts for processed milk consumption of but tcr has remained fairly constant ab out 310 million pounds per year as a result of these adjustments less milk has been available for cheese the production of which has declined to about 80 million pounds per year a very small quantity when compared with wartime production domestic consumption of cheese per capita has increased materially hence practic ally all of our production is now be ing consumed at home prices 1 respects all indications point to the tact that the 1956 meat supply will be in excess of the needs for our normal requirements conse quently prices for livestock will ap proximate those prevailing in the uni ted states or in the case of bogs the floor price if it is higher than the american price fiawilin and amer icans are nmmmtf son god mgn meat due to this remarkable increase in consumption there are no embar rassing surpluses of meat in storage consequently prices should strength en as soon as supplies begin to ease off a situation that is bound to develop sometime in 1956 and now for a final word about the dairy situation the support price policy for butter is subject to review annually the present arrangement ex pirlng on april 30th inasmuch as the government has not announced its intentions no one can predict the price of any dairy product with any degree of accuracy produeers should bear in mind that canada may be an expensive country in which to produce dairy products but the price of dairy products is higher in canada than in any other country in the world with tho poa siblc exception of the united states prices cannot go much higher with out incurring the risks of imports even if the support price is maintain ed at the present level producers have a responsibility to do everything within their power to promote an in crease in consumption in other words the government should not be expected to carry the whole load mr watson concluded his address by suggesting that we make 1956 a do it yourself year in agriculture what is it milk births sstih increase peel memorial hospital if the first month of the year may be taken as a sound criterion the re cord of 1167 births in 1955 at peel memorial hospital is going to be shattered in the current year in january the report shows a total of 91 births as compared to 82 for the same month last year increase of nine or more than 10 per cent after finishing slightly ahead of the girls in 1955 the boys have tal en a substantial lead of nine in the first lap of the annual baby derby the male births bemt 50 and the fenuhs 41 in jinuary last year there were 4u irls and only jb boys born at peel mi mortal iwin bns wire born to mr and mrs ross dowill of terra cotta on t inu iry 2nd this was the only mul tiple birth durint the month lis alwavs intirisiine to look our the bnths record d to learn the id drisses of r i tbi wide are i tun m ii pital s hire s the e t ti la n foi ian i ir shown i nh is f m vhith tlu motlu i mi t ii in 1 hineujcouy ice unti i for jl cr over one thir f the t t il shuts v hi cor 1 mi ml uoodbn 1m each district th nine icustraliuns emu next malton 5 bolton albion ind cooksvillc 4 each incjcwood an i terra cotta 3 each kn williams i ind one fi i ah of hie following milk buu rates eager inspection from youngsters in jacaleapa honduras to whom it has always been a rarity but every sat urday now is milk drinking time for them since the un chil drens fund unicef began a special program last june aimed at preschool children this is the age group hardest hit by under nourishment from the areas standard black bean and tortilla diet unicef has supplied milk to honduras since 1950 and with uns food and agriculture organization has helped the government set up feeding programs which reach 45000 children of all ages georgetown collision service maple avenue west at 7th line georgetown 24hour towing service triangle 73790 places dixit 1 one branch i akc shoie siimmcrville mimieo j line hi isi cul i r oe miph t drine ton ricky 1 it id west i oil usa with in ixln day in leb it will lu intenstint to sec whether this h ip ear dav will be an eventful one at your hospital unprejudiced it s not much use going to the meetinj if youie prejudiced i m not prejudiced 1 m going with an unbiased and open mind to what im convinced will be absolutely rub bish call tr 73271 tr 72674 for your construction needs concrete work footings sidewalks cellar floors block work brick laying carpentry homes kitchens garages bathrooms remodeling modernizing mcnally construction elgin street near cnr station ask about the convenient fuel oil payment plans bill bailey the oil man georgetown tr 72888 brampton 1215 a134vs oadiw i r n d

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