Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 29, 1956, p. 1

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the georgetown herald fourteen pages georgetown ont wednesday february 29th 1956 first section united suburb g gets georgetown gas franchise storm icy roads make many motor accidents social and personal to youth killed in norval car plunge opp constables howard gunn and george moore had a busy weekend when icy roads caused a rash of acci dents in esquesing friday at 630 pm mr anne post r h 1 muton had stopped to turn into a farm lane on highway no 25 ivt miles south of milton frank kirkland muton travelling south behind mr post was unable to stop skidded into the post car- and straddled the highway robert coul ter glen williams who was driving north hit the kirkland car there was 400 total damage cst gunn in vestigated two hours later cst gunn was cal led to the 7th line north of stewart- town where another accident cau sed 235 damage a car driven by mrs kathleen walker erin was stal led on an icy hill ernest mcencry ballinafad travelling the opposite way skidded into mrs wakers car cs moore investigated two accid ents the owt day when stormy wea ther still prevailed at 650 pm on highway 7 half a mile east of acton john ware es quesing skidded into the rear of a car driven by james gibb toronto both were travelling east and there was a total of 350 damage just after midnight there was an other accident on the highway west of acton bill leslie local roxy the atre man was returning home to rock- wood when a car driven by eugene vulemaire r r 1 acfon skidded and sideswiped mr leslies car damage was 425 early monday evening two toronto ladies were injured when their cur went into a skid at mcculloughs cor ner and struck a tree the driver miss alison pearson suffered abrasions on the forehead and a bruised knee her passenger muriel mason had deep lacerations on the forehead fractured ribs and shock they were treated at the scene by dr alistair macintosh and taken to guelphgeneral hospital by mcciures ambulance there was 500 damageto the car the weather mr editor variety is the word that descri bes the weather of the past week ab out the only thing missing was the predicted thunderstorm the snow recorded in this weeks summary brought the total snowfall for febru ary to 22 inches and is 7 inches ab ove normal average for the month ern batkin date max mln 1 rain and snow mon feb 20 30 15 s2u tues feb 21 20 11 wed feb 22 20 4 tburs feb 23 25 5 fit feb 24 42 3 sat feb 25 45 25 r32 s2 sun feb 26 26 12 flurries average 30 9 r32 s4k mr and mrs fred mcauley toronto were weekend visitors with mr and mrs tom vansickler shelley st mr chuck- hyckie of kitchener visi ted over the weekend with mr and mrs bill james mr and mrs wm t sinclair mr and mrs campbell sinclair and carl left monday for a motor trip south which will take them to florida succcessful music students in the royal conservatory of music examin ations held in guelph recently were marilyn wilson grade 6 piano joan harrop grade 2 theory 1st class hon ours they are pupils of mrs r h wright charles street mrs george herrington spent the weekend in willowdale with mr and mrs bruce kennedy it being lynnes fourth birthday and she also had her uncle and aunt mr and mrs leonard knell of toronto for dinner and a very pleasant evening on sunday bobby rundle sor of mr and mrs bruce rundle 0 ewing street cele- a tragic accident on icy norval hill at midnight saturday snuffed out the life of a young toronto resident while two companions in the car es caped without a scratch reginald northcott 22 humber blvd mt dennis william prender- gast 20 keele st toronto and billy munroe 20 humber blvd mt den nis were proceeding towards toronto after attending a dance in the geor getown arena as the car driven by northcott rounded the curve at the top of the highway hill approaching norval the driver veered right to avoid an on coming car skidded on a patch of ice and fishtailed down the bill back wards on the north side of the road until it was stopped by a hydro pole munroe who was riding in the front on the right side of the car was thrown between the windshield and steering wheel and died instantly from loss of blood caused by a deep group playoffs start saturday georgetown raiders expect to start the group playoffs here this satur day oakville and stouffvtllc tied 2all in the semifinals play their deciding game thursday georgetown will he paired with the winner for group honours and unless these teams tie their thursday game the winner will appear on georgetown ice saturday raiders won an exhibition game in fort erie saturday by a 106 score ken nash scintillated with 4 goals and fred lawrence played an execp- tinalb good game in goal brated his sixth birthday on saturday facial cutb the car was y wre with a party his guests were charles ed boyle michael and judy ryall robert d j- h chamberlain coroner and jepson farley helfant john camp- dr alistair macintosh were called to bell mark irwin and bobbys sisters thc beenc opp constable howard jeanotte and joan little valerie ireland daughter of mr and mrs john ireland main st n is celebrating her fourth birthday today she has invited to her party kathy and darrl chamberlain mary stockley cheryl vanwyck her cous in stephen mason and her brother john gunn investigated the accident the accident victim was the son of mrs hilda munroe and the late wilf red munroe he is survived by his mother and five brothers and sisters mrs e cordcll mrs l wilson wil fred harold and albert the funeral service was held yes terday in toronto with interment in prospect cemetery anniversary mr and mrs waller cummer will be at home 16 king street east on saturday march the third from three to five and from seven to nine on the ocasion of their fiftieth wedding an niversary limehouse march came in like a lion last weekend which should mean bet ter weather ahead clubwomen get charter many visitors present monday evening february 27 was a most important one for thc george town business and professional wom ens club it was their charter night the dinner meeting was held in st johns united church hall and cater ed to by the friendship circle the tables were beautifully decorated in the cuib colours yellow daffodils and fern with a centrepiece of yellow tu lips given thc club by norton floral the chamber of commerce expressed their congratulations by sending a large bouquet of yellow roses many letters and telegrams of congratula tions were read from out of town clubs and a letter was received from the members of georgetown lions club mrs florence chinn brampton na tional membership chairman presen ted thc charter to marion robinson first vice president who was in thc chair due to thc illness of thc presi dent joyce nevitt mrs maudie baylay provincial 1st vice president spoke on the emblem of the club giving thc meaning of each part of it it was a most inspira tional talk and gave those present a clear understanding of the aims and ambitions of the club she was thank ed by ailecn bradley mrs pearl barber normandy blvd played during dinner and sandra scott daughter of mr and mrs art scott sang two solos the music ad ded much to the pleasure of the din ner there were 96 dinner guests other honoured guests were miss joan wilson president of the guelph club mrs pearl kcrson president of north toronto club miss ruth roth- roy president of thc weston club mrs margaret ashdown president of the toronto cluh miss dorothy poin- ton chairman of the business and pro fessional clubs of toronto mrs viola mccreight regional adviser from stouffville miss jean wilson presi dent of the brampton club several members from these clubs were also present as well as thc heads of thc various women organizations of town mrs helen dewar court stenographer 38 yean halton county court stenographer for 38 years mrs helen dewar 80 retired today and is looking forward to a vacation in florida a native of gananoque she started her position illness accidents for several residents mrs wiley who has been with mrs sinclair spent last week with her daughter at burlington the brings familj visited in turonto on sunday mr and mrs campbell sinclair and carl and mr and mrs w t sinclair left on monday for a holjdaj in flori da mrs shelbourne eileen and diannc and mr thornton visited at willow- dale on sunday we regret several ill in our com munity mr douglas scott returned home fimn guelph general hospital on monday following an operation for hernia last week mr s kirkpatrick hope to hac his knee cast removed on friday mrs joseph rice had an appendec tomy in st josephs guelph last week mrs wilfred wilson fell on friday evenings ice and suffered a badly fractured ankle so spent the last few fractured ankle so spent thc last few mr george yco returned monday from another operation on his hand in toronto general easter seal dinner launches campaign georgetowns easter seal campaign was launched last night when the rot ary club promoted a public dinner in the legion auditorium attended by 175 people they saw a coloured movie of thc wonderful work done for handicapped children at the lakcshore swimming club and gus ryder and cliff lums- den were here in person to comment as the films were shown and to ans wer questions in an open forum per iod which followed president john gunn was chairman and introduced the distinguished visi ters and their wives as well as other head table guests stan hall mip and mrs halt warden and mrs stan alen mr and mrs trevor jones guelph and mr and mi dick shearly mr shcarh is campaign chairman for eas ter seals ralph irscl played for a singsong led by ern hyde and steamer etnmer- soii and cuthberts orchestra from hrnmpton provided dinner music there were many outof town guests who came from brampton new toron to milton acton orangculle bolton guelph and toronto the seal campaign is the first maj or effort of the jear old rotary club in former years milton rotarians con ducted the campaign in town save your waste paper and maga zines for thc nexj boy scout collec tion a week from saturday your con tributions help the boys go to camp valuable truck tire found by provincials a aluable truck tire on a wheel was found on no 7 highway at crew- sons corners last thursday it is be ing held in the milton opp office the tire is a dunlop 12 ply cuts ribbon to opehtchurch hall firemens auxiliary euchre party hosts the woman auxiliary of the fire men held a very pleasant euchre par ty on tuesday evening in the club rooms of the fire hall mr clarence carey won the first prize mrs albert henaey second and mrs norman sny der third prize mr allen bush mil ton won the prize for the lone hands bob bofield received the consolation prise loach was served after cards by the auxiliary night school exhibits interesting colourful an exhibition of work from the georgetown night school classes drew over 300 people to the new knox church hall friday occurring during a severe ice storm some outoftown students were prevented from bring ing in their work but there were en ough displayed by town people to make an interesting and colourful show during the evening keith barber night school committee chairman wel comed those present enrolment this year he said was thc largest yet and he thanked all those cooperating to make the school a success he intro duced mayor jack armstrong who said he was particularly pleased tvith thc amount of work displayed and was reminded of a meeting held three years ago at the home of mr and mrs h j newman where plans for such a school were first discussed the millinery display was centred in the large hall and hats small and large added gay splashes of colour each one an expression of individual- ity paintings from the three art classes occupied thc stage end of the hall over 75 paintings snow scenes still life and landscapes made a diversif ied exhibit flanking the sidewalls were tailor ing dressmaking beginners sewing and rug making an attractive display ot thc tailoring class showed some suiting material draped over a jutty and the progressive steps of making a suit blouses jumpers dresses a pleated tartan skirt and an attractive turquoise duster coat were featured in dressmaking and the beginners sewing had smart tailored blouses and skirts hostess aprons and the new shortic pyjamas a modern touch this year was an electronics display with several in struments loaned bysmith and stone to show what this class had been stu dying a vacuum tube voltmeter a multimeter and a low frequency sig nal generator being indicated by a cathode ray oscilloscope were some of the wonders of modern science which caught the eye typing samples were posted on the wall nearby from that class thc rugs were attractive both hoo ked and braided rugs were shown also mats made from old nylon stock ings crocheted with bright cotton arn in the sunday school room thc in- tenor decorating exhibit was set up on the stage colourful drapery mat erial scatter rugs and cushions the soft glow of light from the modern lamps on the furniture formed thc focal point for the other class work in this room thc furniture was dis played through courtesy of mcclurc home furnishings coffee tobies and a step table were displayed by the carpentry class with samples of various joints and tools used the knowledge of which is the forerunner of the finished article furniture leiinishing and upholst ery a combined class gave some idea of the amount of time and work spent on rejuvenating old pieces of furnit ure several chairs were displayed with various seat coverings one of petitpoint and another of deer hide an end table with a smooth walnut finish was also featured thc aluminum etching class had a wonderful showing trays various shapes and sizes copper plaques and one large copper tray were also exhi bited from this class the leather class had an impressive array of handbags key cases and wal lets nicely tooled some fairly plain others with more intricate patterns coffee served by the ladies of knox church added a final touch to a plea sant evening for visitors united suburban gas company li mited expects to be distributing nat ural gas in georgetown milton and acton by july 1st this year monday the company was granted a certificate of convenience and neces sity by the ontario fuel board grant ing this right to the company one of three which had applied to the board the company has contracted to pur chase the natural gas produced in this area by anthony gas and oil explorations ltd to supply these markets the anthony company headed by anthony seynuck acton was a com petitor in asking for the convenience certificate at a hearing held in acton last week at which both companies stated their reasons for wishing a fran chise to be granted both companies had been given approval by the nec essary bylaws by the 3 town coun cils prior to the hearing a third company halton natural gas which actually was the first to approach georgetown with a gas dis tribution proposal withdrew their ap plication several weeks ago when they learned that anticipated supplies which they would have purchased are not available the suburban company will imme diately proceed to lay the necessary transmission and distribution mains to supply natural gas to consumers in the three north halton towns resi dents of georgetown will be kept in formed through newspaper advertise ments and news stories of the prog ress of the project stone school votes jain area setup at a special meeting of the rate payers of s s no 16 esquesing last wednesday evening in thc school a large majority supported the motion that they join esquesing school area no 1 the motion was made by bert corbctt and seconded by john emb erton george henderson was appointed chairman for the meeting and mrs john glynn secretary tt4 htlon gewfrtomn when mjts hugh clatk berwick hall eldest member of knox presbyterian chun congregation cut this huge purple ribbon on a recent sunday morning the new church hall was officially opened left to right in the picture are rev alex calder dr j b skene former moderator who preached at the dedication mrs dark and alex hume clerk of session knox church choir has turkey dinner last thursday evening knox church choir their minister rev and mrs alex calder and several guests en joyed a turkey dinner in thc sundsy school room thc turkey for the oc casion was donated by mr ed god- land husband of the choir leader and organist and the members themselv es supplied the rest of the dinner af ter dinner choir practice was held lucky draw plymouth goes to toronto lady mrs lorna minion 374 annette st toronto is driving a new plymouth today her winning ticket was drawn by mayor jack armstrong friday when the junior hockey club lucky draw took place at the arena the draw was one feature of an ev ening which included a pccwee ho ckey game as well as a game between the juniors and thc 1948 intermediate raider champions thc old timers gave the younger lads a lesson in stick handling and took a 140 win art murdock mur ray ezard and eddie binsell returned to town for the game to join del beaumont earl emond scotty patter son ken nash rene martin jack kemshead leigh bradbury nick fer- rl and junior beaumont stroke fatal for mrs w c cunningham mrs william c cunningham 74 died on friday at the georgetown rest home where she had been a patient since suffering a stroke two weeks before a resident of georgetown since her marriage she was the former edith a thompson and was born on the 6th line esquesing where her father far med her parents were the hate george c and gcorgina standish thompson she attended stewarttown school mrs cunningham was a member of knox presbyterian church and be longed to the main circle of the wa she was also a member of the corner club a group of neighbours in the chapel street district surviving are her husband one son jack of town a sister mrs richard macnamara wilhelmina toronto and three grandchildren she was pre deceased by two sons george who died when he was 4 years old and baby clifford two sisters bertha and mrs james reid died several years ago rev alex calder conducted the fu neral service on monday at the har old c mcclurc funeral homo he was assisted by her nephew canon minto swan ot kingston interment was in greenwood cemetery georgetown pallbearers were gilbert cunningham robert w cunningham norval wilf red thompson hornby frank thomp son milton gordon macnamara tor onto and walter winlaw bcechvillc georgetown community swimming pool donation list previously acknowledged 2853016 ladies aux can legion cartings brewery william holmes 100 00 5000 700 2868716 dynamite stolen on february 20th david green the manager of milton brick reported the theft of 100 sticks of dynamite aid three rolls of attaching wire from the clay pit at the plant hilton opp detachment is lavestu sting the robbery

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