Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 4, 1956, p. 1

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the georgetown herald fourteen pages georgetown ontario wednesday april 4th 1956 first section what council did municipal pay increases for several employees mr and mrs raymond elcstrom what council did georgetown s municipal wage bill was increased by approximately 3000 monday when the town council ap proved salary increases for a number of town employees assessment commissioner joseph gibbons received a 200 increase to make bis salary 3400 plus 250 car allowance office assistants clarence benham and clifford hibbert were each rais ed from 2500 to 3 000 while miss jessie leavitt and mrs thomas eason who also work in the clerks office will receive 37 50 weekly from now on in place of 35 00 james bilsborrow ended his six month probationary period as a pol ice constable and became a perman ent employee with salary of 3 000 in place of the former 2700 harold campbell assistant to the town engineer was increased 200 to 3 000 routine increases under the wage schedule for employees of the works staff raised one member to 1 27 per hour and others to 1 21 a 6c an hour raise in all cases town foreman alf collins received a 250 increase to make his salary 3750 the increases were proposed by the administration committee of council who explained that the increases were made to bring municipal salaries more m line with those in industry and in some cases to pay a living wage to staff members whose income has not been adequate for present day needs council by motion also set work ing hours in the town office as 9 to 5 daily and saturdays from 0 to 12 fur male members with female staffers not being required to work satu mornings one weeks vacation with pay was granted employees afttr 3 months service and two weeks with pay after a year a proposal by councillor alfred sykes for the police committee that policemen receive extra pay for wcr king on statutory holidays was with drawn when mr sykes and cr walter gray presented a motion they were asked to find out if this was the prac tice in other towns mayor armstrong echoed the feel ing ot a majority of council when he said that policemen are on salary and as such it is not customary for salar led employees to be paid for overtime he also pointed out that an extra pol iceman will soon be engaged and this should even out any need for long hours for the police department the mayor also argued stronglj ag amst a proposal by cr sykes that salary of a probationary policeman be automatically raised to 3000 after 6 months service in the case of cst bilsborrow he was in agreement but he said he would hesitate to bind future councils to a hard and fast procedure as pay in creases should be judged on merit finance chairman garfield mcgil vray pointed out the eventual need of a salary schedule for municipal em ployces so that there would be some rule to follow in granting pay mcrea ses there will have to be maximum sal ary limits established he said for the town cannot continualy review salaries if a man then reaches the maximum and is worth more money we cannot pay he will look for a bet tcr job elsewhere mr vandenburg who a few wctks ago requested permission to build a group of stores on his highway prop erty the whole frontage of his lot once again asked for a decision deputy reeve sargent whose ind us trial and planning committee had dc fcrred a decision until a zoning by law comes up asked mr vandenburg to review the possibility of having a laneway which would be helpful for fire protection mr vandenburg is to contact mr sargent s committee and it will come up before council again chrysler sale increase noted for 14th month chrysler of canada reports the 14th consecutive month of increased sales as compared with the same period of one year ago in february according to e c row president and general manager the registration of new chrysler bu it vehicles in canada increased by 10 1 percent over february 1955 this was tn contrast to an industry wide decline of eight per cent for the same period during the first two months of 1956 registration of new chrysler of canada motor ears showed an in crease of lper cent over the jan uary february period of 1955 this compares with a decrease of 43 per cent for the canadian industry as a whole during this same period registration of new plymouth dodge desoto and chrysler automob iles represented 348 per cent of all new ear sales in canada during the first two months of the current year patersonurquhart wedding in toronto rev j m boyd officiated at the wedding on thursday in earlscourt united church toronto of betty urquhart daughter of mr and mrs j r urquhart caledon east and aiister cumming paterson son of mrs a paterson 57 hewson crescent georgetown the church was decora ted with easter lilhea the bride wore a lace ballerina gown with high necked jacket and her mary queen of scots headdress of pearl sequins held a fingertip veil she carried red roses her brides maid elizabeth joan cathcart cale don east wore a pink lace ballerina gown with high necked fitted jack et the bride was given m marriage by her father and thomas drury downs view was groomsman mothers of the bridal pair received afterwards when guests attended a reception in caledon east community hall mrs urquhart wore a charcoal grey serge and corsage of yellow baby mums mrs paterson wore a pink lace dress and a corsage of yellow ba by mums movies were taken of the wedding and reception and m s mcleod caledon east piped for two little highland dancers linda mcnam ara and rosemary reese for a honeymoon trip to the states the bride wore an aqua suit tan ac cessones and a corsage of mauve or eh ids mr and mrs paterson will live in downsview would have been 100 in november mrs john gibbons who would have been one hundred years old had she lived until novemher died on march 23rd at the flynn nursint home she has been ill for ten years mrs gibbons the former sarah anne kennedy was the oldest living native of esquesing township she was born at limchouse and except for seven years in toronto had spent all her life in the acton district she married mr gibbons who died setr al years ago in georgetown in 1882 she was a member of st joseph s rc church acton and father v j morgan conducted requiem mass in the church on march 27th with inter ment following in dublin cemetery pallbearers were jim mulholland henry dcveau lawrence gibbon bill boyle and thomas kelly surviving are two daughters miss anne gibbons acton mrs huh campbell detroit michigan and one son joseph gibbons a former geor getown mayor and now assessment commissioner for the town silver wood weatherman still under the weather herald weatherman em batkin returned home last wednesday follow ing an operation in a toronto hospi tal but unfortunately suffered a re lapse saturday night and had to re turn to the hospital a good crowd turned out for the birthday party euchre held by silver wood women s institute on march 28 at the stone school 12 tables being played ladies prizes went to mrs somcrville and mrs ernie miller harding price had high score for the men with billy wilson second a lucky draw prize was won by mrs a mcclure refreshments were served by the institute ladies a w i euchre was held at the home of mrs harry marchington march 23 with five tables of cards mrs charles grcig and percy white won first pi zes consolations going to mrs frnic miller and edgar becney lunch was served by cohostesses mrs shier mrs williamson and mrs marching ton three injured in highway accident three toronto people were injured and two local young people suffered shock in a 2car collision on no 7 highway thursday night at 1 1 30 p m the accident occurred when a ear driven by peter pomeroy norval tra veiling south on maple avenue turn ed into the highway in front of a westbound car driven by robert barnard toronto the cars met and the toronto car skidded into the ditch three passengers were injured mrs robert barnard had a bruised thigh an 1 side lloyd bonham brui sed right la and muriel collins brul sed face and all suffered shock mr pomeroy and a passenger ton lee 7 normandy blvd also suffered shock the toronto car suffered 300 dam age and the pomeroy car f iso cst jim bilsborrow investigated the accld ent print ourles studio mr and mrs raymond ekstrom who were married in st john s united church on march 24th are living in toronto the bride is the daughter of mrs olive brown georgetown and the late charles weatherall social and personal mrs h m stewart of durham st has returned home after an an ex tended caribbean cruise mr and mrs don oliphant picker ing were week end guests with mr und mrs ted darlington mr joseph hall sr arrived home from florida this week after vacation ing there since the first of fcbiuary mrs h j newman and miss rose mary jordan entertained a few friends at the toronto skatinj club recently mrs jack saunders an 1 her moth erinlaw mrs b saunders flew to florida on monday to spend n week at st petersburg mrs r d sheloy birmingham michigan is spending a few days this week with her mother mrs john o ncill and aunt miss a coventry mrs j arnott early has returned from a vacation visit in barbados bwi she stajed at the marine ho tel miss mibcl chae was in onllia for easter weekend where she visited with her brother in law and sister mr and mrs william richardson mr and mrs rdward lucy gail and eddie of newmarket visited with their brother in law and sister mr and mrs george burt on roster sun day miss helen dcvercaiix is home from macdonald college quebec for the easter holiday with her parents mr and mrs harry dcvereaux of park view blvd margaret fason daughter of mr and mrs thomas pason byron stroct is spending the laster holidays with mr and mrs jim stone of the kins way toronto mr and mrs bert bingham and mrs william graham and mr and mrs wesley graham of new toronto were visitors with mr and mrs wil liam marshall faster sunday mr and mrs douglas wilson shel ley st had visitors from montreal for laster week end they were mrs wilsons mother mrs william dry den and grandmother mrs f hinks- mr and mrs william staines of montreal are visiting this week in norval with her parents mr and mrs a l carney while mr staines is on business at the avro aircraft plant miss marilyn bell entertained class mates at the university of western ontario mavaia mott and mary jane coombs for the easter weekend fit the home of her parents mr and mrs john bell main street south jane milne a student at the uni versity of western ontario london spent easter weekend with her par cnts dr and mrs j b milne her sister claudia is also home from hat crgal college for the holidays on thursday march 29th mr and mrs william marshall and mrs d ferguson all of town and mrs ed wheeler or hamilton were in sl cath anncs attending the funeral of mrs frank lundy a cousin of mrs mar shall mr and mrs bert hurley john st visited with their son and daughter mr ind mrs j clark and family in new toronto and mr and mrs h hurley and their family of toronto over the easter weekend mr and mrs cecil davidson albert street entertained at a combined eas ter and birthday dinner for mrs dav guests were mr and mrs john robin guests were mr and mrs joan robin son and misses carmen and mignofl telgraann of hilton mrs austin matthews of brantford spent faster at the home of mr and mrs fred armstrong mcnabb st mr and mrs arthur rcinhardt and children mary divid and mark of or illia were faster weekend visitors with mrs reinhardts parents mr and mrs m h moyer mountainvicw road miss joan norton rn from guelph central hospital daughter of mr jnd mrs l h norton academy road has just returned home from a motor trip to miami florida while visiting there she travelled by plane to cuba dawn fiebig is spending the fas ter holidays in port rthur with her aunt mil unele mr ind mrs r aquin and ttavne is in deep river with an aunt an i uncle mr and mrs d h tclart dawn and wayne are the th idrtn of mr and mrs wesley fie bie of victoria crescent sm ind mrs bruce collins and daughter patricia of cimp birdcn were wckcnd guests with his par cnts mr and mrs a collins guelph street mr and mrs collins daukh ter and her family mr and mrs george bmh karen collin and sus annc of waterloo were home with them for good friday mr and mrs john macdonald fro n rotterdam ilolhnd ore visiting with magistrate ind mrs k m i angdon mrs mai donald is mrs lanedon s sister and her husband is with the american embassy in rotterdam mr ind mr i ingclon have just returned after i holiday in florida on siturchv march 31st elspeth miunlnsh chufchtir of dr and mrs atisldir macintosh celebrated her sev cnth hirthdij with n partv her guests were christine firl fleanorc ross catharine ind deborah young jean anne and barbara inglis wendy marks judith calder and her brother donald mr and mrs fred m it hers bever h and sindra of callander were week end visitors at the home of mrs math ers sister mr and mrs dick riddall oslrander roulcvard another daugh ter of mr and mrs mathers jacque line wis an attendant in the wedding of marion dickson of fnn and lome vm wjck which took place in st georges anglican church on satur dav afternoon other callers at the home of mr and mrs riddall on sun day included mr and mrs reg hoare of acton and mr and mrs clarence white of brampton guests at the patersonurquhart wedding in toronto last week which was followed by a reception in cale don last community hall included mr and mrs j r urquhart miss e cathcart miss e j cathcart mr and mrs brockwell mr and mrs s mctaod mr and mrs reese mrs al well mr and mrs j perdue miss r reese miss l mcnamara caledon east mr david whyte mr and ms william paterson miss p simpsnn rev j m boyd mrs and miss dro dowski toronto carole mcmann mr r ferguson miss p forbes mr d gilchrist mr j forbes mr s estock mr t drury mr r drury mr and mrs d harvey downsview mr and mr w patterson caledon east mr and mrs j mcncally mr william shearer london miss e bracy of brampton miss c drayton mono rd mr and mrs l bronlzewski malton ind from georgetown mrs a pater son miss a paterson mlu a crich ton and mrs j crkhton all of 57 hewson crescent dog catcher oakville pound draw ire of two citizens georgetown s new dog tie up by law was on the agenda monday at council meeting with a letter of protest from one citizen whose dog had been pick ed up by the humane society truck and another ratepayer appearing in person to question conditions m the oakville pound and to ask an interpre tation of the law dr charles saycrs registered a strong protest by letter about his dog being picked up last week while it was in company of his young son he criticized the dog catcher and the lo cal policeman who had been in the truck when the incident occurred terming it a miscarriage of justice and asked that he be recompensed for a trip to oakville and the 2 00 fee levied dr sayers local veterinarian also questioned the need for a strict tie up law when use of satisfactory vaccine makes it a remote chance that rabies will spread to humans reeve stan allen who is chairman of the county rabies control commit tee disagreed with dr sayers and said he believes the tieup law is n most important part of rabies control you can t expect the dog catcher to know which dogs arc normally running at large and which might he out for just a few minutes be said 1 think dr sayers wrote the letter when he was a little hot under the collar and will realize that he was wrong however the reeve added if the dot was with a child and under con trol he shouldn t have been picked up mayor armstrong said two or three people who had seen the incident had phoned him and he had immediately glen williams hagersville police chief is visitor mr and mrs gerald moody randy and blair visited with his brother bev and family on easter sunday mr moody is head of police in hagcra ville mr and mrs george preston spent easter with their daughter mrs orval usher and mr usher at their home in woodbndgc mrs c w sandford richvale is visiting with her daughter mrs al hert i resswood for faster week mr and mrs jack fry had a cousin mrs kerns dobbiej towonto with them for easter week end mr and mrs william montgomery visited with her parents mr and mrs william remington at guilds for the holiday week end i loyd grozclle spent easter week end in callander with his parents mrs patricia miller and son paul were with her mother in brantford on sunday and paul remained with his kramlmolhcr for the easter holidays mrs rcf williams visited on sun day ond monday in toronto with her son in law and daughter mr and mrs frank knox faster sunday visitors with mrs l j norton were mr and mrs russell i itt and their twins and his parents mr and mrs fait of acton mr and mrs jim valanline and bill norton from town contacted the police office pc cliff found who had been with the dog catcher had told him the dog bared his teeth cr alfred sykes said the humane society had been hired to do a thank less job and that he could see no reason to follow the matter further we re bound to step on someone s toes said cr mcgilvray one thing t know you can walk downtown now and garbage cans aren t spilled all over like they used to be the letter was turned bver to the police committee who were asked to investigate a suggestion that strong uanguage had been used by authori ties when neighbours allegedly rem onstrated with those picking up the dog miss adelaide miller maple ave explained that she owns no dog but had accompanied a lady to oakville to claim her pet and wondered if council would approve of the condi tions at the pound it wasn t the happy spot you might expect to find man s best friend she said describing a muddy road into the property and difficulties in gain ing entrance as the dog catchers were both in court miss miller said the room was poor ly lighted that sanitary facilities were not of the best and she is con cerned that healthy dogs impounded may bring home diseases picked up at the pound she asked where dog owners stood in relation to the tieup law and whe ther it is necessary to have dogs on a leash in order to comply with the law mayor armstrong said he interprets the law as meaning that if a dog is on a persons own property it is un der control and that if a person has a dog under control by command while walking on the street a leash is not necessary pound conditions he said may pos sibly be different at present than they would be normally because there has been an influx of dog inmates and it is a question of using all the space available normally it must be different because the humane soc lety makes periodic inspections the urban board which initiated arrange ments with oakville should look into the complaint he said reeve allen said that the oakville humane society is subsidized by a la dy whp frequently visits the building and she would certainly not keep con tributing if conditions were poor the building is understaffed and the staff overworked he said at present a dog catcher has the same author ity as a provincial police officer and can pursue a dog off the street onto private property he said the main advantage of the law is to protect clean home dogs from mangy strays and dogs picked up are almost one hundred per cenl strays there will be a few unfortunate ca ses he said where a dog loose only a short time may be picked up but no system is perfect and there are bound to be such cases the urban board will certainly in vestigatc conditions at the pound the mayor reiterated and will also in vestigatc any case where dogs under control are picked up raiders lost to meaford second game here tonight mcaford knights took a game edge over georgetown raiders in their best of 7 scries saturday in mcaford it was a very close tame with knights notching the winning goal halfway through the last period while raid ers were shorthanded the teams play here tonight and again in georgetown on friday with the fourth in colhngwood saturday georgetown opened the scoring at 7 30 on a goal by blake inglis two minutes later ugo bolzon scored an other for the next ten minutes mea ford peppered rhodes in the george town net and seconds after martin drew a penalty for charging wheeler scored on a screen shot to end the period with raiders in front 2 1 the second period was a high scor ing affair raiders took a further lead at 32 seconds on another inglis goal mccallum got it back for mea ford and at 4 1 1 j mcdonald tied the score both were scored with brad kin sitting out a penalty after these two quick goals raid ers seemed to get a new lease on life chard and inglis his 3rd scored it seemed as if the period would end that way but don keith bad other ideas the exguelph junior rapped in two 40 seconds apart and the game was right back where it started mcaford took the lead for the first time in the 3rd bui mccomb scoring ferri came right back to tie it again the big break came a few minutes la ter when the referee gave beaumont a very cheap penalty mcdonald sco red the winner at 1441 all the raiders turned in a fine ef fort with blake inglis rhodes nash and varey being very effective flnt poriod 1 raiders b inglis varey 7 30 2 raiders bolzon irons chard 7 43 3 meaford wheeler mccomb lfl 40 second period 4 raiders b inglis dixon varey 0 32 5 mcaford mccallum c mcdonald 3 41 6 meaford j mcdonald c mcdonald 411 7 raiders chard 456 s raiders b inglis bradkin dixon 14 42 9 mcaford keith walmsleyl 1826 10 mcaford keith mccomb third period 1006 11 meaford mccomb keith 706 12 raiders fori bolzon 10 00 11 mcaford j mcdonald mccallum 14 41 social personal mr and mrs bui james miss joan harrison and mr jim costigan spent easter weekend in detroit michigan mrs c sargent charles street had as her easter weekend guests her daughter and family from wind sor mr ind mrs william ditchfield and sons douglas and bob mrs sar gent entertained at family dinner on easter sunday and her guests were mr and mrs george sargent and fa mily glen williams mr and lira douglas sargent and family george town and hiss c sue mr and mrs bernard cowtan and family from brampton mr and mrs w sargent hamilton and mr and miss lyn reid of sault ste marie

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