Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 25, 1956, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixteen pages georgetown ont wednesday evening april 25 1956 first section what council did name appointees to new planning board georgetown planning board came into being on monday when council made seven appointments to this new group which will have the job of advising council on a zoning plan the board will examine a suggested plan by town planning consultants presented to council several weeks ago then submit their recommenda turns for council decision named to the board for 3 year terms are claude kentner coal and fuel oil merchant and harold bair stow general manager of delrcx de velopments edwin wilson smith it stone engineer and bob mcmcnemy jr union leader at smith stone mayor jack armstrong deputy reeve doug sargent and councillor irwin noble were appointed for 1 year terms in voting against mr bairstow s ap pointment cr leroy dale said there is nothing personal in his belief that mr bairstow should not be a plann ing board member mr dale said that as mr bair stow has a direct interest in delrex whose plans may conflict with those of the rest of the town it would be difficult to expect him to make im partial decisions a 400 grant was made to george towns civil defence committee expenses up to 70 will be paid to the deputy fire chief to attend a training school this spring council decided to proceed with seeding about a third of the infield at the park staying within a 400 budget set last week with hopes that future councils will continue a pro gram of improvements a letter from canadian national railways relayed appreciation of the work of pc clifford found in chasing men suspected of an attempted break in at the express office his arrival on the scene avoided what might have been a robbery council was notified of a meeting of the county consultative committee on high school education in milton on may 9th and was asked to sub mit a brief if they so desired to this open meeting councillors agreed with the major when he said the town hoped to get expert opinion from the committee and is rather in the position of ask ing their advice than in offering any social and personal mr herb besscy of toronto was in town on monday to attend the funeral of the late mrs j n o neill mrs lillian scott of detroit spent last week with her brother and hi wife mr and mrs arthur herbert of guelph street sunday visitors at the home of mr and mrs a pattenden william st were mr and mrs ellis hambleton and daughter natalie of orangcville mr and mrs richard miller of shelley street had as their weekend guests dr and mrs m c edsall and mr and mrs roy poulter of wheat ley rev george and mrs pearce o burford were visitors with mr and mrs i m bennett during the week also visiting the same home were miss m z bennett and mr t ben nett of acton mrs mabel maynard mrs james boyle mrs elizabeth carney and mrs bernard armstrong attended the funeral in st anthonys church toronto fridy of mrs patrick bol gcr a former resident of george town eighteen year old myrna ford of sarnia formerly of georgetown took part in the peel county music com petitions saturday evening winning two silver and two gold medals in the senior dramatic class this makes 21 medals in all that myrna has won myrna was a weekend guest of miss dorothy stone guests present at the collier fel kcr wedding in glen williams last saturday included rev and mrs f j dunlop mrs henry sanderson mr robert sanderson and mrs viola perry all of toronto rev and mrs w e gill norvai mr and mrs wil liam finnamorc norvai mr and mrs harold bennett miss dorothy warren mr and mrs charles laws patsy and reggie all of georgetown mrs john wagstaffc mr and mrs joseph eason mr and mrs jack addy mr donald felkcr mr gwald felker mr and mrs george eason and daughter evelyn all of glen williams mr and mrs amos fuller ton ustowel mr and mrs frank smith liitowel mr and mrs oscar felkcr gorrie mr and mrs wil liam felkcr gorrie mr jamei ro berts acton mr and hn harold townsley acton mn owens mssslcs acton miss donna bennett george town mr thomas hamilton james collier and mrs james collier st all of georgetown ballinafad maltby family move to belwood a pleasant social gathering was held at the home of mr and mrs bert mcmenemy tuesday evening when friends and neighbours met to make a presentation and bid fare well to mr and mrs del maltby and family games of euchre and enb- bage were enjoyed during the even ing bert mcmenemy then spoke a few words stating that the maltby family had always been good neigh hours ready to give a helping hand ind will be very much missed in the community jerry fraser on be half of the gathering presented them with a tn light lamp and smoke stand with lighter del replied thanking the people for their gifts and good wishes a bountiful lunch was served by the hostess assisted by other ladies mr and mrs malt by are living on their new fjrm home near bel i wood the young peoples group met at the home of smith griffin sunday evening bonnie cotton led in the worship service a question and answer period was led bv shirley kirkwood this was followed by an interesting discussion mrs griffin served a delicious lunch at the close of the meeting mr jim kirkwood jr was in charge of our service hire sund morning and spoke on the theme of jesus words to peter do ou loe me feed my sheep he told sumi thing of his experience on the mission field in saskatchewan last summer ind of his plans for continued service there this year what council did interest revives in horticultural society rebirth of georgetown hortieultur al society seems a certainty after a meeting held m the public library last tuesday the society inactive since 1942 will soon be canvassing for member ships and expects to have a good re sponse particularly in the new town subdivisions whose residents will be gardenconscious as they landscape their properties for the first time a m nielsen president of the old organization was chairman at tuesdays meeting six people were chosen as a nominating committee to suggest a slate of officers at the next meeting committee members are mr nielsen e b swackhamer nor man bird ernest ball mrs wesley fiebig and mrs albert pattenden it was reported that the organiz ation has a substantial fund balance on hand from previous years at the time the organization was last operating two members of the executive have died h l hutt who was vicepresident and mrs j b mackenzie who was treasurer mrs nellie gardiner secretary acted in this capacity on tuesday anthony will supply gas to united suburban anthony gas oil explorations ltd has signed a contract for sale of their natural gas to united subur ban with delivery to begin july 1st this year the company is moving in several new drilling rigs and setting up new drillnng locutions and the future of the company beaded by anthony seynuck acton looks very bright according to a press release from head office m acton this week officials and stockholders says a company director were jubilant as workmen drilled in a new natural gas welt on the fnglish farm out side of acton farmers for miles around were startled by the roar of the escaping gas trenton time pay sand has been the object of search for many years in this area as it is a very lone lived producing gas sand drillers estimate that the well may produce over one million cubic feet per day after fraclunzing and acidizing this is the result of 25 years of hard work and effort on the part of tony seynuck acton farmer who is the discoverer of the natural gas wells in this area what council did reverse decision on highway buildings three teams tied in industrial bowling three teams were tied last week in the industrial bowling league to furnish some excitement as the sea son nears its end silvers and pro vineial pulled up even with ander sons and tjch hjs 134 points closely giouptd behind are i egi n no 1 128 kentners 127 firemen 122 and legion no 2 120 charlie dav had the week s hit tnplt 783 and jim hiddltston hith v nilt 319 in the cwnl f i lie at the end of the refill r season thi team with highest total pins for tin last nielit will be declared the winner decide to fence sewerage property damage b juveniles and the pos sibihty of accident which could in volve the town in a lawsuit will force council to fence in the entire sewage disposal plant property on lower mam street the action advocated last year by excouncillor thos l lyons was taken at mondays council meeting fencing will cost an estimated 2850 major armstrong said he had visit ed the plant on sunday and saw several youngsters playing in an area where they could get into serious trouble engineer douglas wilson reported that a fuel oil tank had been punc tureti and oil set on fire by teenagers and a fire had been avoided only be cause the fire chief happened to be close by and extinguished the fire proctor rcdfern laughhn were engaged as consulting engineers to design a new sewage plant which will someday be located in the delrex area this is on the understanding that no fee will be paid to the firm until construction commences on such a project council approved plans submitted by w ii carr for sewers and water lines in delrex cr hale explained that this is a private project which cost te town no monej but ap proval was needed in order lo have it submitted to queen s park the town engineer has okaved the plans he said preparation of a b law was order ed which will provide storm sewers on the highway from durham st to the delrex boundary the scout ladies auxiliary was livcn permission to hold a bushel of pennies drive on may 4 and 5 on recommendation of solicitor george hewson any applications for permits which the building inspector feels may contravene the proposed zoning by law will be turned over to the planning board for study council s planning committee will meanwhile study the building bylaw with a view to needed amendments cr mcgilvray was supported by cr hale in voting against the motion saying that he could sec no reason to stall potential builders when the town has never had restrictions last member of mcdonald family duncan mcdonald the last member of the duncan mcdonald family of ballinafad passed away after a slight stroke on friday april 20th in tus caluosa alabama he had lived in the south since he was a youne man loing io carbon hill alabama with three of his bro thers where they operated a coal mine for some lime his brolher john mcdomld returned to eorge town and for many years operated whit is now the ii kentner son coal business mr mcdonald was a frequent visi tor m town in past years visiting with his sister the late mrs freure ind his nieces mrs harold cleave and mrs a c mcmurchy of hutton ville mr and mrs cleave spent se veral days at mr mcdonalds home with him on their recent visit to the south he is survived by his wife ind two sons owen and duncan all of tuscaloosa he was in his nine tieth year provincial employees attend canteen dance a number of provincial paper em ployees went home with valuable prizes from the annual dance friday which is sponsored by the canteen fund at the mill the party was held in the arena rose room with al kuhn s orchestra from kitchener providing the music george barber acted as emcee and the party was arranged by a commit lee including ivan crabtree ross duncan george sargent mrs george barber mrs jack cuthbert rocco i orusso and trevor williams spot dance winners included mr and mrs art stamp fred hodder and mrs alva grieve jim costigan and pauline hernngton prizes and iheir winners g e mix er h mulder mirror m mcdonough coffee table brock miller ge fry ing pan norman marehment suit case tom wylit tnlifcht w poun dtr table lamps rocco lorusso don booth airfoam pillows clarence carey woollen blankets mrs agnes poulstrup douglas cole storage has sock bob tost kitchen utensils jim dobbic bith scales helen mic donald pair of sheets dick packer boudoir lamps rupert beaumont sanican terry brush 10 vouchers mrs steve fmmcrson poul poulsen s5 00 vouchers janice bradley jack 1 outh george smith william camp bell llovd boyd george barber farm union local elects officers i tst fndiv evening the members of local no 138 of the ontario far mer s lnion met in the peacock school to hear an address by sim bowman editor of the ontario union farmer the members found this address most informative during the busin portion of the meeting a new slate of officers was elected for the 1950 1957 season mr elwood snow is president lloyd marshall vicepresident mrsl frank smith secretary the three directors are legislative fred boyd recreation irnii mcfnery publicity mrs el wood snow monday evening april 23rd sever il members of the local farmers un ion visited the fergus branch to hear an address by mr joe phelps who is a past president of the saska tchewan farmers union and who is a member of the farmer labour un ion economic advisory board young georgetown soldier artillery trade training jim jones president georgetown lions club new officers of georgetown lions club have been chosen and will be inducted at a meeting in may to serve the next years term officers were all chosen by accla mation when a nominating committee presented their report at last tucs day s dinner meeting at the mcgibbon house a humorous race for the of flee of tail twister between ivan crab- tree and walker cleave concluded when mr crabtree bowed to mr cleave s campaign and withdrew his name from the contest jim jones succeeds harold mcciure as club president also serving on the executive will be dick riddall 1st vicepresident ab tennant 2nd vicepresident er nic alcott 3rd vice pros clarcnc kennedy secretary john elliott treasurer walker cleave tail twis ter john bennett lion tamer direc tors vern kirbv jim cleave chic jewell dick miller bulletin editor cliff found three new members were initiated at the meeting al curne roy smith and rex cock dick miller who re cently came to town from wheatlcy as royal bank manager also joined the club on transfer from the club in that town george winnett oakvillc chairman of zone 6 north officiated at the im tiation he is a candidate for deputy district governor this year another candidate howard clauson mt hope chairman of zone 6 south also at tended the meeting to seek support in the elections 50th anniversary mr and mrs allan w norton will be at home to their friends and neighbours at their home in lime- house on wednesday may 2nd from 2 to 9 p m on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary decision on two proposed commer cial buildings on the highway was reversed at mondays council meet ing a building which will entail an addition to the present tom mcbride house at the normandy blvd en trance previously turned down for the reason that it would contravene the maximum lot space allowed in the building by law was okayed when wm f hunter submitted an amend ed plan which is acceptable a 50 x 40 block of stores which itichard vandenburg plans to buifd on the site of his present home far ther east on the highway okayed last week ran into a snag when mr van denburg explained that council had misunderstood an arrangement with neighbouring property owner fred ross about a right of way drive on mr ross property mr ross would allow a rightof way for a set term but is unwilling to deed this land to the town said mr vandenburg he was advised to re examine his plans and present them again to the planning committee mr hunter appeared to argue his case for a commercial building which had met with some council op position deputy reeve doug sargent was supported by reeve allen and cr sykcs in his claim that a building so close to the highway would harm the appearance of no 7 which otherwise will have buildings set much farther back however mayor armstrong pointed out that there is no regulation governing this and there could be no reason to refuse a permit when the building by law is adhered to mr hunter agreed to deed at no cost a small portion of his land at the edward st approach to no 7 so the road could reach the high way at a better angle than at present cr mcgilvray asked for a recorded vote and mr hunter s proposal pass ed by a slim majority the reeve deputy and crs noble and sykcs voted against it douglas wright president of swanek ratepayers asked what pro gress is being made on putting the subdivision roads in shape he was told by the town engineer that the town is putting pressure on swanek bros to complete them and he be lieves action will be taken in the near future a tricky drainage problem on maple ave e was brought up by james mcllwrath when he appeared in answer to a letter sent by the council which complained that he was blocking the natural drainage course from the road mr mcllwrath said that if the drain is clear he gets water from all di rcctions on his property and has a permanent lake which makes the land unusable mayor armstrong said council has every sympathy with the problem but that the delrex property is blocking what used to be a natural water course the town must demand that the drainage take place on the mc hwrath property and he in turn would have to approach delrcx with a similar request an offer to purchase a lot adjoin ing his property for 100 was received from a mcnab street csidcnt coun cil asked the town solicitor to find out who owns the land as it is regis tercd in someone s name though no taxes have been paid on it for sever al years rotarians donate 500 to community swim pool a local young man bill darby is ona of a group of apprentice soldiers training as trades men at manitoba camp shilo every year a few hundred men are introduced to the regular army m this way here artillery tradesmen arc getting their start on the road to a pension by age 41 getting a lesson on the 105 mm gun are left to right cunt clayton beaverton robert thomason clinton sgt clare mccormidc and bill darby georgetown canadian army photo a surprise feature of a dinner dance saturday at which rotarians entertained members of the lions club was presentation of a 500 cheque for ihe community swimming pool from the rotary club the substantial contribution was received by dick licata for the swimming pool committee from john lunn retiring rotary president who complimented the lions on sparking this important addition to communi ty recreation the party at north halton golf country club was attended by some forty members of the two local service clubs and their ladies each lady was presented with a carnation and rosebud corsage and joe march ments orchestra played for dancing after dinner john gunn was chairman and other head table guests included present and incoming officers of the clubs and their wives harold mcciure jim jones and dick riddall of the lions dick shearly and bud bishop of rotary a toast to the ladles by harold mc ciure was replied to by mrs gunn don barrager was sons leader and bob tracey played the piano during dinner and also accompanied the singsong there were a number of lucky door prizes and winners in- jim eluded harold mcciure mrs jones and mrs rex heslop the entire party was invited ar terwards to mr and mrs heslop s home where the evening was topped off with a swim in their pool reports break in at boat company jack gilmorc st catharines man who is taking over operation of the former dolphin craft fibreglas boat works on john st reported to police that the premises had been entered on monday mr gilmorc left the building late sunday evening and on returning monday evening discovered the rear door open everything seemed to be in place and mr gilmore could find nothing missing chamber of commerce plans shopping aid plans were discussed at i meeting of the chamber of commerce last night in the municipal building to sponsor a local shopping campaign several suggestions have been made as to the best way to boost georgetown business and it was de cided to make a canvass of merchants this week to get opinions before ac tion it finalised

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