Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 2, 1956, p. 1

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the georgetown herald eighteen pages georgetown ont wednesday evening may 2 19s6 first section orenda walkout includes several georgetown men funeral today for what council did orange lodge head rey insurance program for all municipal buildings queens scouts will receive certificates two local queen s scouts who at tained this high honour recently will he among a group who will receive their certificates at an investiture ceremony in niagara falls this friday night bill farmer and bob tracej with thur parents mr and mrs john tar mer and mr and mrs lew lraeey will attend the big evening the boys join a select group who hae qualified which include such other georgetown scouts as ross mcgilvra don and jack hunt stone who were georgetown s first queen scouts invested on coronation day fortytwo ladies at golf opening the ladies of north halton golf l countrv club had perfect wcathir or their first tame of the season and cverone enjoed it thorough the fact that there were several new members out for the first lime m ide il even more enjoyable fort two members teed off for monkcv golf the i a clock draw was won b mrs stan finl iv mrs i ennarc ward and mrs john bill with a scoie of 73 the 5 30 driw bv jean m ickenzic mis ted i enn ing and jov i aird with a 11 mrs jack gordon of alton won i prize for bunt the bravest mlfir mrs bob i mi and mrs frtvor wil hams for nivir hiv ine olfcd bifon dinner was served at 7 o clock id fort the hdis mr russell kcllv the new club pro presenile thi prizes to the winners mrs j ii chamberlain the president wis in tht chair for i short business nuctins mrs chamberlain ilso show id two films from her collection on how to plav golf 2700 employees at malton s orenda lngincs plant walked olt their jobs today in a dispute oer job assign ments the men members of the muchin ists union attended a meeting in crang plaza auditorium north york at which a negotiating committee was appointed to interview management tonight to attempt a settlement of differences the walkout was effected by issu ante of personal passes signed by their foremen and union members clai mthis is then neht within thur contract and dues not constitute a strike workers will report for work to morrow morning aicordine to a iota rcsidtnt one of sevtial georgetown ers who work at the plant unless othirwise notified unless the job assignment question is settled be fore then they will aeain stage a pass walkout and another nnss meetinj ccording to i daily newspaper re port todav the protest is over job i dilation and the classific uion of jobs which creaks diffumt pjj rilis a man on one miihinc for instinct is an operator with a certain rati of p iv a in in mod around to scvu il miliums should it a machinist witli i hilhir pa rate it is claimed j ni mm this diti pi a pr 4 pr 25 pr it f 27 pr 28 pr 19 m mm 10 i reception present purse to departing rc pastor members of holj cross kc church said goodbve to their paslttr of lif teen years father vincent morgan on sunday when he sanl his last mass in the morning special devotions were held in the evening followed bv solemn benediction of the blessed sacrament rather morgan as cele brant was assisted by rev 1 to j mcbnde hamilton a former local pastor as deacon and rev a callag han rockwood subdeacon father morgan will continue in acton as pastor of st joseph s church while father anselm spaeey will become first pastor of holy cross parish which has grown to that sta tus assisting in the sanctuary sunday evening were rev p lardie milton rev r macdougall sj of st stanis laus novitiate guelph very rev rr thomas van laer d d custos pro vincial of the english speaking capu chin fathers in canada and rev anselm space afterwards parishioners assembled in the parish hall for a reception and presentation martin cummins e pressed the feelings of those present in a tangible way by presenting a purse to fr morgan while chairman joseph gibbons called on sev eral present for parting words besides the visiting clergymen others were called on to speak these included mavor jack armstrong who said that not only would he be miss ed by his church people but by many friends outside of his church as well waller bichn and harold mcciurc who have become personal friends through business associations epokc in the same vein ladies of the parish provided a buffet lunch while those present had an opportunity to personally say goodbye to fr morgan mrs wil iiam carney and mrs james boyle poured tea rotary minstrels members of the cist of tht l bama jubikt minstrtl show wtrt t n ttrtaincd b torcuown rot irv club on saturdav tht group had dinni r it soi th hilton g ilf clnh with john gunn atlinc is ch nrm in and i xpressuil thanks to thib members md othirs who combined to prestnt a success fill cntirtiinmcnt mrs del irtnth who was pianist was presented with flowers john bolt showed coloured sinks of the show which he hid liken ind a singsong was led hy lrn hyde anrl steamer b mmerson a combo composed of cast and club members provided instrumental numbers george glassford bill carr keith barber ralph urseji and dr j ii chamberlain ltmehouse family dinner for golden wedding mr and mrs a norton wi rt guests of honour at a family dinner at tht pints stont y cret k on sundav in recognition of their old den wedding anniversarv mr anil mrs urn mitchell long time neigh bours were also guests mr and mrs chas james and chil dren were guests at the mcdougall mcandrew wedding in christ church cathedral hamilton ind the rt cep tion in the roumanian hill aflti wards on saturdiy we extend sympathy to the kirk patnek and turner families in tht death of james kirkpatnck after a long severe illness first baptist church rev a j barker b a b d 10 00 am church school 11 00 am morning worship ind communion nursery for young children at 11 00 7 00 p m r vening service explains organization for civil defence ll col john r barber explained how halton civil defence organization would work in case of disaster when he addressed fellow members of the rotary club at their monday dinner meeting at faimcw inn he also introduced e l miller of the western bntish american group of insurance companies who made a donation to the easter seal campaign the campaign has exceeded its 1500 objective and returns are still com ing in it was reported plans for harness racing at the park on june 2nd are well under way an improved program over last year is anticipated with larger purses and more entries the club has also volunteered to look after a parade on may 21st for the hospital committee program at last week s dinner j h william son explained the work of ftobicoke safety council especially the cam paign in the schools where a marked decrease in accidents has been noted since its inception a film showed how highway accidents could be prevented rotanans e r reed and john robson milton and charles wenner guelph were guests as well as two local men val stein and william ktn rade itthir vinttnt morm officiated for the last turn as p istor of llolj cross re i hurt n on sun i ij jnd wis prist nle with i purse b panshiotii rs i i social hour h h follt wed tvuuiil litntditti i the weather mr editor something seems to hav c wnn willi tht we uhu i iti 1 iiil pnl ifls then vv rt 1 dis with rain but b the end of tin f month ilk tempt riliire w is up 1 77 dilru s its time i took a hand in it again m i llie vve itliti m y ijnprovi i rn ijalkin united church plans anniversary services hij si mus in the iuol nuv il tinnitus wiiluli iwn in of lb 111 hi h i ii willi ii n n hum ii s 1 in i 11 glm willi mis i willi im o hi f svstun i mini colli m f tht t nik i d nhir i nj lion mult r tin din 1 n ir sclii nk in mi 1 1th m lit til in t nlu i ml i c i b the hi thn t inn this it tin ii i 1 h nirs ind run lift sim n u miv 27th annmrsji strvicis in burn plinntd for horni eliuith on mav 20 ind i or ral on luni 10th tht list nrnw rs ir of ihiiith utn n prominent orangeman and valued member of georgetown fire department harvey lusty 46 of 41 ontano street was buried in greenwood cemetery this afternoon following funeral service at the liar old c mcciurc funeral home he died in guelph general hospi tal early sunday morning where he had been a patient for several weeks after becoming ill in january the town fire truck banked with flowirs headed the funeral cortege and firemen in their dress uniforms attended the service in a troup thiy also paraded to the funeral home last nilht to pay thur rtspcets mr i ust who was the son of the late mr and mrs milton i usty was born it rockwood near hamilton but hail spent most ot ins life in georgetown and stcwarttown hit family moved to stcwarttown when he was a ounjsltr and he attended school there he moved with his family to dundalk but returned here in his teens worked for a time with alf i hompson thi n had his own tiutkint business sintc 1941 ht had bun employ id it smith stont woikine in the turnint dtpirt mtnl hi was instrummt il in retire mi m loyal orange i dtc 68 it sliw arltovvn two yiars ago and tlcvotul muih of his energy to lodle iffairs he was mister of tin lodjf it thi time of his death he was intirtstcd in show poultn and w is i number of georgetown halton uinty i oultry assouition lit ilso injov id sports plivinj soflball with sunt i s stone tt mis ind bowline in the indiistn il lroup surviving irt his wift i ris ho us two d iiithtus mis loiu nil f june and barbara a lj inds n bih rut hiothtr clunent 1 ustv i f thn williams and sisttr mvrlli mrs ustin cornu bilfounlnn hiv lex caldir md it v lfn 1 bukii emdutlidthf him r il strvui m 1 iiu nihi rs of i ot d t ndmtut hi orinki suviu it tht mviside imibi in is wtrt three lodu mini hi rs j ii k imkmson ml smith nd wilhmi hulls ind thru in mm biff will i in ihdi riiputv htk liu r w ind i in nee spmu gi ge if immts s iturd iv in pool tund ish tl the bushel s rritliv ind tht swimnnni social and personal mrs meow in dr m ii irviv ind mrs 1nnk ii irvtj of ktthemr li ive by pi iru tonight foi iistuu to attend tht funeral of thur brothir a ii irviv who dud sod iknlj and will be interred in thi mossc jaw ctmettrv rndav mr and mrs gr ill un port r john strut hivi had thtir sisttrinhw mrs i ew is portt r and hi r d nilh tcr colktn usilini with thi m from toronto prior to their moving to gravmhurst when thtj art goinf into business in the ilocky crest itt staurant barhira kinrade dnilhter of mr ind mrs willnm kinr ulr ostrin der blvtl mirkid her 14th birthdiv with a supper partv it her home on wedncsdav april 18th guests in hided judy bonathin jill kcntner juni ijon carolyn bit hn margaret ason shann harley and i inda kor zack jinc mcnally daughter of mr and mrs willnm mcn ill 39 market st marked her 1th hirthd ij with a partv on mondaj april 30th friends in vitcd were janet and blaki chamber lain douglas goodlet tony frost gail cunningham 1allj i ince janit armstrong jane tllison joceln bell and her brothirs john and di vi d gail stigger diuthter of mr ind mrs idward slilltr 55 king street celebrated her 10th birthday with a party at her home on fnthv april 27th guests prestnt included car roll tarnell dianne hutchison phil lippine macdonald janice mino iii ban i awson bettvsut johnson riv trlv ann lohnson andrew diwhurst and her brothir george mr and mrs t beenev were very proud and hipp to hit their riiugh ttr theresa sisttr ste thercse at tendinc mass on sundi in holy cross hurth sister thcresc and her compmion sister marj mona of i orclta abhey obtained special per mission to come to the last mass celebrated hy father morgan at holy cross as their parish priest mr and mrt alin hives mount dennis and their famih entertained mr and mrs eammanuel lorusso of victoria street to a fimil partv over the week end on the occasion of their forty fifth wedding anniver sary members of the family present were mr and mrs m lorusso geor getown mr and mrs a mcconkcy oshawa mr and mrs austin jack line toronto their sons and daugh ten and grandchildren and a cousin mr frank lorusso of toronto mr and mrs lorusso received several lovely gifts from their family mis orit iitrnnlton n tm nt d list wtdmsdiv from a ten d n hob div in koihisttr tw wk ind wtllsvilk nuv xurk with hu unci s miss irtni 1orlriu munlotk st spent the wukind at miami bi ich i ike simcot with mr and mrs it dunham and mr ind mrs jimis clark who havi just rtturntd from i trip to tht south bobby cunningham who w as three years old ricentlv had a birth d ij party his guests were barbara ind i inda daws his cousins parry st imp billy brian and i irrj cunn ingham and his brother ricky miss gwvneth mcgowan spent sun dav with her parents mr and mrs w a mcgowin ostrander blvd prior to leaving for a months vaca hon with a friend from monlrt il they are leaving saturday via tca to spend a month in germany ind switzerhnd kelly robinson son of mr and mrs charles robinson main street south i c unrated his first birthday on mon div by having a party his little quests wltc roxannc swcezie sharon burg brian and barrv james mary and teddy davis shirley murray sus in stamp and connie bombolt sweeping chinges in insurance on public buildings administered by the council were made on monday when council he ird a lengthy report sub mitted by e l millar speaking for the western british american insur anec group council endorsed his proposal and will place the business through lot il agents walter t lvans co and the john r barber agency mr barber and james f i- vans accom panied mr miller to the meeting to help explain details of the new set up i he approximate 120 000 valua tion piacetl on buildings includes ma jor dims of sfil 000 on the muniu pd buildint and 40 000 on the fire hall savings in premiums hive been tf fectctl through coinsurance and by taking i 3 vlar policy split into an nuil pav mints total cost of the polity which will eventually replace a number of separate policies placed it v anous times on town buidings will be only slightly higher than the present insuranie premiums a kputition from hc rotary club john gunn jim hilehu ind ralph uistl iskul that el ly be added to thi pnk i act track prior to the har ncss mtit in june i hi property loinmittee ind town engineer wt n deliatid to ste what tan bi done to improve the track riihi d initinbiirl un itislitd in the stiunbhiil is found u mil ft tin meet c of siuri it rcqiusl ipprov il foi torts whuh he pi ins to iph st in siau his phn hit hlotk last week when it until h id misintirpnlul i f a rilhl of w iy for hu u mijjihi or i red ross prol tti pro irt mr v nidi nburi ml hi now plans to diop oni stun from the buildinj whuh wi u i h iv a rear entrance w iv fur tin lime hcml tti sattsfv council demands he was told to sun nut this ti ihi ntw pi inn i m btnrd whih r lfitd svkcs said that h thought the applicant should luvt sitisfution soon is his pi ins hive bit n si ilkd so many times mi hi ss w pusint to tell toun ul tint hi dies not biliee a service roid it tin rt ir of his proputv when ht also plans i store building is s nsible it prismt while he thinks all highway frontage will be comiiicruil eventually there is still n side nil il property whose owners could not he expected to deed land foi mieh i ro id he s iid riv bert asked iain about optn ini chtrrv st and wis told b tr w uttr grav that he expects to pri sent such a motion it the next coun ul nicelint aux miclarcn the towns rcpri sontativt on cn till vallev conservi tion authontv gave a report on what the lulhonlj is trying to accomplish asked about repair work on the papcrmill dam he said he would in vestigatc and sec what could be done to preserve it mavor armstrong mentioned pos sible parksites above the dam and on the old hvdro dvnamo properties james mcbnde swanek subdivi sion resident asked council if they could not take action to help resi dints caught in the middle of a con tractor controversy while road con dit ions are deplorable mavor armstrong said council is most sympathetic and is doing its best for an early solution though powerless to have town men work on roads which are still private property fngineer douglas wilson said he un derstaiids grading will take place this week and there should be some im provement after this duties explained to altar guild members well over a hundred members of the niagara diocean altar guild were guests of the daughters of the church in st george s parish room last tuosday evening the guild brought with them examples of the very beautiful painstaking work they do making and embroidering altar linens and church vestments it was the occasion of their re tjonal meeting and members were present from anglican churches in hamilton niagara i alls aldershot stoncy creek oakville burlington ryckmin s corners orangeville an caster bronte hornby and glen wl hams and norval the president miss kay donkin of burlington pre sided introducing various guild of ficials and visiting clergy rev ken ncth richardson extended a warm wekome to all uev john anderson cftaplain of the guild from the church of the redeemer stoney creek was the special speaker for the evening he ihose duties of mtar guilds as his subject rev anderson pointed out that members of altar guilds in per forming thur duties should regard thur services in the church as an nt of worship and privilege mis orinan pickett of stoney trtck rmbiojdory convener for the guild lac a t ilk on church linens thui t irt and use mrs ron ed w irds extended a vole of thanks to the altar guild on behalf of the eilitown ind glen williams la ills social half h im nts followed the ur with refresh conclusion of the stewarttown the junior a meeting was held it mrs baily s home ruth atkinson chose jesus loves me for the open in hymn and conducted the worship service tht 4lh verse of christ the i ord is risen today was sung and numonzed judv walker read the minutes of tht last meeting we had a storj from the junior living mes sit scrap books were made in the busv period the meeting closed with the vesper hymn and the grace in unison the w meeting was held last ihursday at mrs blizard s home sci vices at st johns church next sundav will be holy communion at 1 10 i m and a special rogation con ducted h the men of the parish at 7 jo p m the w i meeting will be held on wulncsdiv evening may 9th engagements mr i eonard mino announces the tnjitement of his daughter mary utanor mino to robert thomas krcdav son of mr and mrs albert tercday of london ont the mam ite will take place in glen williams united church on saturday june the sixteenth mr william brown huttonville announces the engagement of his voungest daughter soma sarah to kenneth eric adcock of woodbndge the marriage will take place in hut tonville united church at eight p m on may the eleventh mr and mrs joseph hohman of gait announce the engagement of their daughter barbara ann to ron aid orbey herrington son of mr and mrs orbey herrington georgetown the marriage will take place may 26th 1956 in st patricks rectory gait at 4 30 pm for best results try a herald adlet next week provincial debating champions halton junior farmers debating team won the provincial competition against carleton one of the highlights of the untor farmers conference at guelph oac members of the team display the silver trays presented to them as winners left to right george greenlees rr 3 campbeltville mac sprowl r r 4 acton lloyd vivian burlington and roy ford r r 1 milton junior farmer news photo

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