Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 13, 1956, p. 1

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the georgetown herald eighteen pages georgetown ont wednesday evening june 13 1956 first section what council did residents protest and trees may be saved a save the trees campaign by residents of main street north met with some success at council meeting monday when the wert promised that everj consideration would be gi ven before five large maples are top pled in a sidewalk straightening cam gram a petition was received suncd b some 25 residents on both sides of the highway alarmed by report in last weeks herald that the trees would be removed the trees in front of the residence of hiss farmer are m direct pith of e new sidewalk planned because of highway widening petitioners found considcuhle sup port among council members cr alfred sykes said he would like to see the trees stav even if it meant circling the sidewalk around them he said and the sidewalk must he cur ved in to the bridge approach reeve stan allen expressed thi same opinion though he is worried that it will be dangerous to have a highuav sidewalk running eirectl along the roadwaj tin r is not room to instal the sidewalk insult the tree line as porches and steps of residcn ces are too close crs grav and mcgi ra said thit in the past trees have h en remoed perhaps sometimes unnecessarily and that because of past ir stakes there is no reason to keip up a tree slaugh tenng program cr leroj dale said that when he first stepped off the train 42 tars ago to settle in georgetown th vista gertrude mary winfield lengthy illness fatal gertrude mary winfield 55 died in guelph general hospital june 7lh af ter a lengthy illness mrs winfield a former glen wil liams resident was a native 01 eng land she first lived m campbell villc after coming to this country and after her husbands death moved to glen williams she late lived in rockwood and had been a resident of guelph for several years surviving are five children gordon fncker nerval joyce mrs ah in cartlcdge montreal donald win field w inmpeg albert and john win field guelph her mother mrs jes sie allen died in milton on easter sunda she also leaves four grand children and seven sisters mrs mar garct stover and mrs olive fetter o milton mrs alice howard campbell ville winnie of toronto apd hic sisters in england capt fisher of the salvation arm conducted the funeral service in cuelph on monday and interment u in woodlawn cemetery there of trees from the station pi ufi rm stayed in his mind and that he ha ted to denude the ti wn of things which ake a lifetime to grow mayor armstrong said count il should decide on some definite pol icy for the future and that when trees must be removed there should be a tree planting replacement system or the town would eventually be a bar ren desert the road committee will consult with the town engineer before any action is taken mrs joe emmcrson one of the sig nirs of the petition was at the meet ine arid also complained of the dust ruisance in the neighbourhood were almost swamped by a dust nuisance which has been tcttin worse and worse for three years she taid cr mcgilvray v ho lives in the simt neighbourhood backed hir up but pointed out the impossibilitv of oilmt when new sidewalks won 1 be idid and tho highway resurfaced all that can be done is to use cilcium he dust was also llojd fosters eom plaint mr foster said he hoped he would have a more satisfactory answer than last ear for a dust road on moun tainvicw i haven t opened mj windows for two weeks he said and 1 wont put m another summer like last vear he was told that the road is koing to be surface treated this car for a permanent solution and that a prime coat of oil will be torn on this week to be followed by chipped k one and tar cr sykes said that calcium had been sprinkled that afternoon and that if there is still dust more will be put on cr gray who is road chair man promised to look over the situ ation the next morning and do his best to overcome the nuisance funeral service here for mrs james ruddell on monday june 4th mrs james i ruddell died suddenly in hospital at montreal mrs ruddell was the former june blake daughter of the late mr blake and mrs l berry of london fnfjand she was married to james kuddell of georgetown nine jears ato on the 24th of may in lon don the had met while james was serving overseas with the rcap he came back to canada at the end of the war and attended queens lniver sit for a year before returning to england to be married and bring nib bride to canada while he was finishing his fngin cerinl and physics course mr end mrs ruddell lived in kingston dur ine whieh time mrs ruddep worked as a eourl stenographer after mr ruddell received his ligrce he was chosen to eo on the research dcf ensc board of canada and stationed at greenwood s their next move was to halifax with the rcn wheie mrs ruddell worked with the cancer society during the time they lived there their next transfer was to the rcar station at si hubert t the time of her deilh mr and mrs rut dell were nuking their home at st bruno quebec the funeral service was held at the harold l mellure funeral home last thursday afternoon june 7th rev alex calder of knox prcsbyteiun church took the service the pall bearers were fred ruddell newton ruddell william corley kenneth kirkwood and william richmond and dermot campbell both of toronto i host carrying the flowers included j ek ruimiil frank ruddell mac al ander george henderson joh l grav of port credit jim macdonald of toronto and frit sgt jim brown montreal interment took plate in greenwood cemeterj besides hir husband mrs ruddell haves her sister in law jean ruddell two aunts lsabclle and margaret moore all of georgetown and her mother stepfather and two half sis ttrs in england milton youth dies 1 injured hungry hollow car plunge gait outplayed but tie locals in soccer the boyle return from south america america mr and mrs w lliam ipeni boyle arrived home by plane this week from south america and are back at 8 parkview blvd afl an ab sence of eight mon hs mrs boyle accompan d her hus band to south america h re he wus doing reesarch work w tii lundberg explorations thtv made their head quarters in caracas venezuela trav elling to different parts of th eoun try at various times georgetown jets 3 galt green whites 3 saturdav s soccer score in alt t nt means eave a true impressi m f the game plav started at 3 p m as sihnlulcd undir ven hot conditions jimm cnchton open 1 llu sc r me with two well liken l ils fir georgetown ont aflir d ut i nmn utcs of phv and tin other i in mitts later thi hall it this ij was ik n j dislnliiled fini en to t nd w tli out muh avail to either s de whin a 1 nj i ill came from the ill tie f tnci to the centre forward wh pre m ptk flicked it into the gcortalown and this tame vv i ne exceptun lini mmteith andrew nolan frrtddv 1 liii pete sehippir deserves full tr 1 it f r thi r eff rl jets still bmst an unbroken recor i md should draw a good crowd to set thtir ntxt h me eani at urgclown pirk whith will ik plived at i pm saturdav june 10th against milton georgetown community swimming pool net joal was wavi 1 i 1 il the reftrit disri ion and aw irded all although thi bv the linism yarded ins dee the goal farlv in the second jimmv t rich ton scored his third later gait sco red from i peniltv and w th nlv minutis 1 1 j ill j iw i i trivial pi mil through whieii th set red another goal the jet deft net has ik in on f the main reasons fc r re tint vicli rus ukn whdjad j2 390 8i 500 00 what council did council concerned as waterworks cost rises criticism was expressed by two council members monday of mount ing costs of the new waterworks sys tern originally estimated to cost 5265 000 by phillips and roberts consult ing engineers it is now believed the finished svstem which includes a new deep well reservoir and waterworks building may cost over 300 000 at any rate it will cost more than the 285000 debenture issue and extra funds will have to be borrowed to pa for it too many things were not mclu ded in the original estimate aid the reeve stan allen water chairman commenting when council rassfd an 850 expenditure for a vacuum puirp and valves recommended b mr rob erts he also criticized cornsh con strution for not finish ng off roads properl where cuts had been nnit to a watcrlints maor armstrong said he is c ncer ncd in getting the job finished i nd the plant in operation the reeve was instructed to meet with mr roberts and get both a complete da c and a final price figure a 6 inch mam will be constructed on kennedy street and the road will be opened from arietta to cheir where some new homes are being built coit estimates for the job are 91790 expense ap to 05 will be allowed for twi school fin men to attend a tra at hamilton a request by pat vance to purclnsc some townowned property hi hind his churchill crescent home was lur ned over to the property ccmmiuc for investigation represented by lawyer miuricc manderson mr milltr temple rtad was granted permission to build two houses on property which doe not meet building b law rcnuirimtits the houses will have frontage of in iv 4 74 feet instead of the jl foot minimum required hut othi twist meet al specifications jim mccaig complained tin road cuts being made for gas mvall tions arc settling and that the bumps are hard en tires he alo comphmed ibout a cut on water street mad b thr bell telephone co thc road committee was asked to eheck while mr mccaig was told that it is impossible to repavc until the dug up ground is compacted ballinafad farmers union has euchre in school the firniers union held quite successful tuthrt saturday nifht in tht school prize winners for the li dies were mrs cnpps and mrs 11 hilts and cam mcenery and grant wright for the gents congratulations and best wishes to mr and mrs grant htmbruff net ruth marshall who were married on saturdav june 9th mrs wm cassidy is a patient in guelph general hospital where shi has underwent major surgery t join in wishing her a speedy recover mrs cliff grace is recuperating from an operation in a toronto hospi tal brother dies at powassan mr ard mrs sand mcdonald mi and mrs john crawford of toronto attended the funeral of mrs mcdon aids brother norman crawford of powassan on june flth mr craw ford was known to the music world as red crawford chool paper staff hat tour of herald members of the edi ornl stiff of hilh tilts a ciorjetown ii jh school publicition whuh appear hi monthlv in the herald ended thoi cir last week with a tour of tht newspiptr hop thiv wrro shown how i n wspapcr is produced viewinr thi hnoljpe ma thim printing press an 1 to ur s well as the commercial pr nlmg mi chmcrv which turns out i vanet ot printed products afterwards editor man n souther entertained al a buffet suj per it pine acres the home of her parents mr and mrs robert souther members of the group included doiifc wngglrsworth drank o neil birrv timleck michael o brien ter rv harlc sandra scott haren scott i canne darou gerald scott donna bennett bob hess and mr damon roberts staff advisor to the students injuries suffered in a wild car plunge down a steep embankment at hungry hollow brought death t few hours later to a youne mipon man dnvini on the 9th line towards no 7 early sunday evening a car opera ted by dieter clacr 23 of 8 martin street milton went out of contro as it started down a steep hill into the river valley and came to rest it the foot of the hill 300 feet from wheie at esquesing council advance tax payment time to october 1 5th the weather mr editor at last with 4 days in a row with temperature readings over 80 1 must be that summer has arrived ern bitkn rain 05 date max mm mon junt 4 55 49 tuts june 5 09 49 wtd junt 6 77 41 thun junt 7 82 50 in june 8 82 57 sat june y 85 55 sun junt 10 85 02 avirabt 7b 52 chamber of commerce plans shopping guide a georgetown shoppers guide is in its initial stages of preparation b the chamber of commerce compilation of the guide is under the direction of al norton and jim aleorn of the chamber and business men who wish to advertise can con tact these men or the herald office the guide will consist of merchmts business firms or people offering ser vices of every tvpc operating such businesses within the town limits a 3 00 fee is charged for listing business name address and phont jnd a 5 00 fee if an advertiser des iris an extra line specifying his pro ducts or services it will be possible to have more thin one listtne for a ptrson who hindlts sev ral tpts of i roduits r services ihe luule will also eonta n infi rm ition about locil ciuc service and organizations tsquesing township councrl held two meetings this month one on june 4lh and another on june 6th a by law was introduced to e ilarge the township school area to take in the stone school ratepayers in the school seetion voted some time ag 1 to join the area and the tiansfcr will take place effectively janmrv 1 ntxt vear tax payment date was changed from now on taxes will become due october 15th each vear instead of dc ctmber 15th a discount will be al lowed if paid by septcmhcr 1st the distance at whuh a gasoline pump or service island ma be loca ted from i road allowance in the township was set at 20 feet and fuiure installations of this mture will luve to conform to th s ruling john currie and l th rnlon recei ved 30 each for foxes destroyed un dtr tht countv b law sheep claims totalled 84 s30 to donald i indsay for a sheep and lamb and 54 to w a cook for 3 lamb de stroyed by dogs n a stark receiv ed 16 for 4 trips as valuator it went into a skid a passenger norman malyk 22 of 358 mairi st milton was thrown 30 feet after the cor stopped and sufer cd terrible injuries he died in hos pital in brampton at 1130 am mon day morning without regaining con sciousncss claer was also hospitalized with a broken right arm his 1949 plymouth coupe was completely demolished the car swearved into the right ditch turned upside dowt and end overend in its plunge it cleared a 4 foot wire fence took haik off two trees fifteen feet from the ground completely obliterated a laige cldar tree and landed upside down at the foot of the valley p c forrest inch of the town pol ce force was called to the scene and dr j h chamberlain treated the injur ed men before they were removed by ambulance to brampton the accident victim was the son of mr and mrs daniel malyk residents of milton for a year and he also leaves one brother arthur both hr and the driver were employees of on tario steel products the funeral service was held this afternoon at the mcnab and son fun oral chapel milton ch0rley nursery school closing graduation ccremon for mini hi rs of horltv park nurser school took pi act n ti nth when some six members of mrs marjorj newmans sthiol enduatid complete with mor tir boards and tipes thin wis in extillmt number of pirmls and ollurs inurestid prcstnt ti set thi children ve an excellent program of dincts and songs includ lnt ami nu olhtrs a retting gooil ivimnt uobliv shiflo i khvthm band the sulor s hornpipe hieh land mint md minuit as will as i numbir of solos at the i nd of the evtninj diplomas hand midi in ii j newman hus i md of the ttachtr were prcscnttd ti the si jriduaus mrs newman was presented with i bem t if ul bouquet of flowers b her upils childnn enrolled in the nurstrv sthiol this tar included david clark blake chamberlain donald macintosh douglas goodlet 1 tdiannt and calhj beer frances mccracken andrea smith paul sanderson dannv dew dmise brscl teresa cwizdala lvle winfield bill calder win first lacrosse game last night georgetown ngs starttd their winning wavs last night at dundas winning 166 for their first in four starts widdis beaumont mccandless and caruso shared in the scoring org last wednesday the team dropped an 188 game in owen sound fading in the last period after making a good showing with a short handed team glen williams scouts honour guard at leaders wedding a son of mrs win cosburn glen williams was married june 2nd in st stephen s united church toron to relatives from the glen attending the cosburn robinson wedding were hus mother mrs wm cosburn a sis ttr mrs llsie baxter mr and mrs bav robsun and bos a guard of honour was formed b a group of bov scouts of which he is the scout mastir the wedding reception was hi id in clarendon hall mr and mrs arthur beaumont and rev and mrs kenneth richardson attended thi closing ciremon of i mildreds collect on thursdav afer noon judith beaumont has complcl til her junior matricuhtion and is spending her summer vacation it hi r home hen the closing sor in was held in st thomas churcii the awards were presented lo he pupils in the pirish hill of un ehurth the sisters of the chirth strvul ifltrnoon tea to their guests in the lvmnasium the home and school association htld in afternoon lei and bake sale in st albans parish hall tucs la if u rnoon domtions from maccor tinck s drue store georgetown the maple i eaf dairy salesman and j e browns bakers salesman and all the members were ippreciated the soe lal committee plinned the afternoon with tht proceeds to be used to de fra the cost of a banquet to bp given on irida evening june 22nd to the graduating class of cradc 8 dennis hancock son of mr and mrs herb hancock who was 14 on tuesday june 5th celebrated his birthday with a party saturday even ing following a ball game ra es and contests they all enjojed a bonfin hot dogs cake and ice cream the halincc of the evening was spen in dancing those attending wlc car ol barth bryan puckering penr norton robert matthews carol sv mons i ornc thompson june mccow an walter dixon marlcnc kemshcid roland hancock wane bingham in i dennis brothers clarence and k i nelh must find canvassers or pool stays closed something new something new in next week s her aid sec if ou can notice a change in a last ditch effort to hive the communit swimming pool open with in the ntxt few weeks committee dir cctors hive called a public meeting next monda evening in the rcna rose room those who have served is canvis sers already and those who wish to volunteer their services in this capc ola berg passes university course ola berg received word cslc dav that he had passed his second car course in maths and phvsies at the universit of toronto his brother ell ing had also passed his third car en gineering course at the same univer bit ilv are particularlv invited to attend as well as anvonc who cin b helpful with ideas for raising the ia000 needed to complete the pool meanwhile as georgetown swelters in in earl summer heat spell a swimming pool in which some s32 000 has been invested b generous suppor ters must stand emptv pending rus ing of the extra monc needed for plumbing and electrical work there is no need to wait for a cm vasscr to call at vour home i hose making their first donation or these who may wish to add to what they have already given may do so at cith er of the local banks the money is needed immediatel or there will be no swimming in georgetown this sea son s0cialpers0nal mr and mrs lloyd sweezie and boxanna 34 park avenue spent the weekend with mr and mrs robert sweezie in livonia city michigan mr and mrs walter gray church street and mr and mr- a patten den william street attended the fu neral of one of their old neighbditrs mrs roy smith on sunday in or angeville mrs eileen schrag montreal mn gordon pass preston and mrs wil liam mcclements toronto daughters of mrs william bullivant charles street spent a few days here last week mr and mrs william anderson of guelph dr and mrs thomas pndham of st marys were guests of mr and mrs james f evans and mrs wil ham frank over the weekend miss eva ellison from ramsey the isle of man is visiting for a ew weeks at the home of mr ind mrs sam penrice albert street mis el hson sailed aboard the ss vcrnia from the isle ramsey is mrs pen rice s home town mrs william frank of mam street attended the kennedy twenty fifth n union at godench recently mrs i ranks grandmother was a member of the kennedy famik nearly a hundred of the clan attended karen daughter of mr and mrs bob reichardt 4 john st e had a partv on friday to celebrated her 8th birthdav her guests were rena hall i intia wood linda and bonnie saun tiers jill runham valeric kitchen mar hall elizabeth hay heather barber mary harlow debbie hyde sharon puckering miss lois niven assisted karen s mother in ser ng the guests engagements mr ind mrs clarence spence col lege street announce the engage ment of their daughter marjone ir ene to george emerson dixon son of mr and mrs george dixon r r 3 brampton the marriage to take plicc m st johns united church on saturdav june 30th at 3 00 pm mr and mrs sid morm it r 4 announce the engagement of their oungost daughter pearl elizabeth to alan stewart taylor son if mr and mrs g taylor york england the marriage to take place in jul mary beckett nursing grad hamilton gen mar beckett oungest daughter of mr and mrs thomas beckett of un tario street graduated from the ha milton general hospital school of nurses on wednesday june 6th this sixtj sixth graduation exercise was held in the cathedral scottish rite club king street west at queen st hamilton at 2 30 pm a tccepl on was held in the club after tht gradu ation ceremonies mary s parente mr and mrs thomas beckett her aunt mrs george beckct ontario street and her sister of h imilton mrs james torswlck alt attended the graduation philip wade attends st andrews closing phillip wade accompanied by his mother mrs stan wade of charies street attended prize giving at st andrew s college aurora on friday june 8th phillip was presented with his colours for cricket and basketball and received honourable mention for academic studies the prizes were presented by sir douglu copland governor general of australia

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