Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 1, 1956, p. 1

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the georgetown herald twilvt pages wednesday evening august lit 1956 first section georgetowns community swimming pool opens sunday oac grad weds in guelph r m kennedy guelph mr and mrs arthur jqhnson who were married in st james anglican church guelph are living in toronto where he has star ted work with canada packers a 56 graduate of the ontario agricultural college he is the son of mr and mrs a r h john son r r 2 georgetown his bride barbara may nickason 5 the daughter of mr and mrs lawrence nickason guelph school tenders too high revise high school plans hopes to have the new 8room addition to georgetown high school in operation by the year end were dashed when tenders were opened at a sehool board meeting at stew arttown the four tenders received were so much higher than the amount of money available for the addit ion that they were discarded north halton high school board which administers school affairs decided to alter specifications and call for tenders acain at a later date pro bably in september representatives of tin archil ects john b parkin associates were present and were instructed to return the bid bonds or certified cheques to the four tenderers to tal amount available for purchase of land buildings fees and equip ment is 175 000 which has been approved by the five municipalities concerned georgetown acton mil ton tsqutsing and ft assagawcy a some s15000 has alrtady been spent for additional land at the site tht dipt if rdueation has at reed to share an expenditure up to 160 000 the local high school will oper ate under extremely crowded con ditions for the next term and it is not expected that the addition will be ready now until september 57 one grade 9 class will be shifted to acton and daily transportation provided as one measure to over come overcrowding there two new teachers were enlaced for acton high school at the meet mrs alex orr has been entaeed at a salary of 4200 and mrs w williams a specialist m commcr cial will receive 4300 name delrex road after ontario mp stan hall halton s provincial go vernmenl member has had a street in the delrcx subdivision named after him hall road an extension of the 10th line joins a list of streets na med after former majors and reeves and members of the 1955 council who were in office when delrex became part of georgetown what council did deny permission for new highway service station what council did what council did tenders called for highway paving culmination of an extensive 1m provement program on no 7 high way through town came monday at council meeting when tenders were called for paving the bumpy road through town work is now being completed on sidewalks on both sides of the highway which will also be widen ed when paving is done paving tenders have also been asked for elm street and chapel street east and tenders for a san itary sewer extension on elm st which will serve the smith and stone plant council reviewed financial mat tera when finance minister gar field mcgilvray presented a six month comparison of expenditure and budget figures harry verhay presented a plan by which he would dedicate land for a 50 foot road into property he owns back of mountamview road where two houses have been built council will contact him to sec what can be done about increasing this to the regulation 66 ft solicitor george hewson discus sed the town s case against subdiv ider finlay munro who has been threatened with court action unless he installs storm sewers in the swanek subdivision before august 20th no answer has been received from a letter sent to mr munro and mr hewson was asked to again write asking for an immediate re ply terra cotta institute at stratford festival the shakespearian festival was the much anticipated destination for thirty two terra cotta wi mem bcrs and their friends last wed nesday july 25th as the bus left the union prcsbtenan church for stratford the group arrived in stratford in time for lunch which they had in the main park near the tented the atre wherein the plajs are prescn ted the ladies made a brief tour of the scenic city arriving back at the theatre in time to view the mat ince performance of the merry wives of windsor which b all re- poru was very much enjoyed at the completion of the play the wx dined at leiler s a well known restaurant in shakespeare town before returning home by bus those making the trip and at tending the festival were mrs verne thompson mrs clarence anderson mrs henry downey betty jean anderson claire brad ley mrs hugh clark mrs donald clark mrs arthur mckane mrs frraser macdonald mrs starrct leslie eleanor macdonald mrs ii puckering ann puckering mrs icslielcam i lorcnee wright mrs wilfrid leslie mrs jack mcdon aid mrs lloyd cnchlon mrs g smithson mrs clarence lyons mrs jpscph eason mrs fred sharp mrs clure dolson mrs g dixon mrs n little mrs mcgee mrs frank petch mrs albert dol son mrs frank dolson mrs jack clark mrs nelson downey and mrs harold irwin limehouse mrs grazely mrb wilfred and mr and mrs gowans of torjiilo with mr and mrs mills on thuis day mr and mrs lowden and daugh ters of windsor with miss ivens and mrs newton on sunday mr and mrs foster of baden with the james nobles this week shirley mcallister nancy and jackie timleck of georgetown arc with margo ruddcll mrs charles jones dixie glo na and marsha are at blue valley ranch this week miss dons collyer and mrs mun die spent last week at their cottage on the fourth line the e w karns spent a few days this week with mr wm karn at ormsby lt col and mrs bourne holi dayed in algonquin park last week mr and mrs ron mootc and children are holidaying wi h his parents at kcnora the walter i inhams spent a ew days at magnctcwan this week the j e roughlcys and his m ther from edmonton spent holidays at rice lake returning through the u s early next week peter glynn has been holidaying at ancaster mr and mrs ray cohoon and children left for calgary 01 sun day where they lived for a few years previous to the last one spent on the farm here with his patents the quibclls have returned from ten das holidays in algon quin park margo ruddell has been holiday lng at malton mrs ftc brown has recently taken 1 course in art in toronto sponsored by the dept of educa tion council on monday endorsed a decision of georgetown planning board to bar a service station at the rexway drive highway eor ner but left an opening for par ties interested to reappnnch the board and council g sutherland 184 guelph st with mr hurley of the mccoll t rontcnac oil co asked council to okay a building permit which to date has been refused for a ser vice station mr hurley explained that his company has optioned mr suther land s propcrt and the adjoining property owned by bert colman with the proviso that a permit can be secured the company would replace the present houses of the two owners with a modern service station mr sutherland had prcvioush obtained council permission to move his house lo the rear of his lot facing it on prince charles drive mayor armstrong explained that the planning board is trying to suit the greatest number of people and it would appear that a number of residents prefer the area to remain residential there arc twelve such properties which would be affec ted on the two streets he said asked by mr hurlej if an ex pression from these home owners were favourable to the company locating what council s feelings would be council wai in agreement with the mayor that both planning board and council might be more favourable also deputy reeve douglas sargent pointed out that the area is 100 per cent residential from windsor road to rexway asked by cr harry hale if there have been ob jections to a commercial building mr sargent said he had heard none personally but understood some had been heard by the plan ning board mr sutherland said an adverse decision leaves him in a difficult position he has made plans to move his house which will cost him 4 0000 and the lot fronting the highway he feels will be un saleable for a house he pointed out a service station and an optic lan across the road a barber shop on the street behind and an in creased highway speed limit as factors which arc making the area suitable only fur commercial build ing cr hale said a lot of stores have already been built and council has okayed another commercial estab lishment at the normandy blvd corner if residents arc not opposed to the service station he couldn i sec holding up a permit cr mcgilvray suggested that the request be sent back to the planning board for further con deration if no 7 is- zoned com mcreially he said residents might like it as their propcrtlv would be more valuable and for the town tax coffers when such building takes place cr sykes opined that the area is tending more and more towards being commercial but if a reappli cation can be made he would vote for the turndown for the time be- i ing council was reminded by the mi yor that a similar request from two residents further down the highway alir hrs been turned down reecntly solicitor george hewson was as ked to approach the ietrafina co with a proposal to exchange land fronting their service station on mountamview and the highway m exchange for the 800 cost of mov infc their station after building had been started the land is needed for a wid n ing of the public right of way the company which moved the build ink farther back on the lot a few months ago has billed the town for this ctnt i possible flasher lights which iwould warn highway traffic when j the fire engines enter the hiehwa from the fire hall were discussed but decision deferred until another year as it was fell this years bud get could not ctnsidtr them cr hale sujttsttd a checker board where ontario street dead ends at college and cr gray roads chairman was asked to investigate mr gray was also asked to prepare a cost report in installation of the street sien names the usual 250 grant was made to esqucsing agricultural society which operates the towns fall fair when treasurer p v cleave ap peared to request it five new employees join town staff five new town employees who have been hired in recent months had their positions confirmed by a council motion at monday s meet ing mrs bernard kemp is part time stenographer in the engineers of fice ken gregory and william ru thit are on the town works staff duncan macmillan and herbert telfcr are shift workers at the wa terworks plant a letter from brampton lawyers prouse and maekie acknowledged the town s action in promising a storm sewer to relieve a bad drain age condition on main st n the town is threatened with a law suit which may be withdrawn when the storm sewer is installed however council was reminded that remuneration for damage tail sed to date is still expected on the rtcommtndalkin of tnci nter doufjas wilson that roads in the sunbeam and itomanin subdivi sions now meet town requirements council accepted them as town reads ind ri turned bonds held tor their completion to tht contractors cr waller gray said the road committee has nude a further sm vey of sidewalks and is iomu lo fix broken walk in a few more sit tions f town on suggestion if tht mivor he also said his committee will invts tiiate surfacing on younj and charles strtet where thtit has betn heavv traffic since a stop sin was moved at tht corner of charles and church an infraction of tht buiulinf bv law has occurred on norton crts cent and a letter from w 11 carr land survtyor said that an error on the part of one of his surveying staff had led to a house under con struction being placed a foot and the weather mr editor one improvement in this week s summary is the clear ram column those last few mornings in the low 50 s and down to 47 makes one think of fall weather lrn batkin date max mm rain mon july 23 75 60 tuts july 24 78 58 wed july 25 79 62 thurs july 26 73 52 fn july 27 84 54 sat july 28 73 50 sun july 29 68 47 average 76 55 nil fund campaign still seeks 11000 more social and personal mrs ired lunn of r r 4 en 1 tained at a miscellaneous shower for pearl morris prior to her mar nagt to alan taylor on voadi july 23rd in st pauls anglican church norval a half too close to the propertv it council agreed to waive the in fractu n in the lilht of the explan ation with cr alfred sykes a hold t mr svken said violations have lone far inoujh and he thought the builder should hi fined the s50 set by by law furthermore i think the fine should be r used to s500 mr sv kes said pointing out that it would he possible for someone to deliber ately contravene building restric tion and be willing lo pay s50 to do it solicitor gcorfet hewson was asked to report next monday on his success in purchasing property nee ded for the maple avenue exten sion the town is offennr 5c a square foot to owners of land abut ting the new road where fill will be placed for a bridge although some 11 000 still re mains to be raised before george town s new community swimming pool is financed officials of the swimming pool committee have de cided to open it this sunday for the balance of the summer public response to a second fund campaign has been so encouraging that the committee is confident the balance of the money will be av ailable before summer ends meanwhile the pool will be oper ated on a fee basis with a 15c charge for children week days and 25c saturdays and sundays adults will pay 25c and 50c for the same periods whether the pool can be kept open continuously from 10 a m to 9 p m as hoped for will depend on the availability of life guards two qualified full time guards and six assistants are required to date donations of over 38000 have been made in cash and pledg es to the pool much of the credit for this fine addition to the dis tncts recreational facilities is due the lions club who sparked the initial organization and contn buted the building site behind the arena as well as a substantial cash donation to start things off while a number of club members arc ac live on the committee directorate il is not strictly a lions club activ itv and they have been joined by many other public spirited citizens in the task of raising money and directing construction of the pool so far the new pool has been us ed only once an open house was held the last sunday in june when litration plant and premises were open for inspection as well as swimming allowed in the pool the pool when sufficient money is raised will be turned over to the town and will be public property under jurisdiction of a recreation committee to be appointed in the future of the 50 000 cost price over 38000 has been subscribed j in cash and pledges to date post office cracks down on hospital house raffle glen williams lady injured in motor accident an accident at hungry hollow last monday july 30th involving two cars and two pedestrians wis the cause of numerous bruises and a possible broken collarbone auf fered by a girl passenger in the south bound auto the first car was travelling south on the 9th xinc at 40 mph at about 6 00 pm and on approa ching the crest of the steep hungry hollow incline the driver spotted two youths walking towards the highway on the west side of the travelled portion of the road at approximately the same time a second car proceeding north on the same road was quickly ap proaching the two youths from the rear the driver of auto number two in an attempt to avoid hitting the pair swerved sharply tu tht con tre of the road and in braking too fast went into a skid the driver of the oncoming car number 2 was unable to manoeuvre ins auto out of the way as the first vehicle turned sideways scraped car 2 and plunged into the west ditch a passenger in the south bound car 1 illian ross was thrown out of the left rear door onto the road injuring her left shoulder officers nelson trafford and ted scott investigated the accident ballinafad enrolment 61 at vacation school sixtyone children were enrolled at the anual vacation mble school held here last week those assum tog the duties of leadership of the various groups were mr alan nee- ion shirley kirkwood beth mc- entry bonnie cotton marjone gibson of ballinafad mrs john jackson of melville helen allen see parliament bldgs on trip to ottawa mr and mrs ken mcdonald and catharine arc holidaying at was aga beach this week mr and mrs curly wheeler al an and susan enjoyed a trip to ot tawa last week a visit lo the par liament buildings was a highlight of their visit they came home by the northern route through algon quin park mr and mrs roy puckering bn an and linda spent last week at wasaga beach while there they visited her sister mrs ed hill who is holidaying at thunder bay this week mrs hill has her mother mrs dave stamp from the glen visiting with her for a few days sorry to hear that 6yearold bob by baker is in toronto general hospital following an operation yesterday we wish him a speedy recovery on sunday mrs willis young jean and mrs william hadley had a pleasant drive to camp ipper wash they visited fred young who is at cadet camp there and also the provincial park and mrs turner of churchill on friday evening a splendid program was given by the children consist ing of chorus action songs recita tions and a worship service led by mervin white jean lawr and jim gilpin certificates for attendance and satisfactory work were given to fifty five children there was a display of handicraft acomplishcd through the week cookies and freshie were served to close a busy and helpful week the afternoon auxiliary met in the church for their july meeting hymn 249 and prayer by the presi dent miss hills opened the met ing the scripture study was led by mrs warnc and passages were read which mentioned the disciple andrew a humble fisherman with no great qualities of leadership andrew represents ordinary people who labour faithfully in the back ground the topic was read by miss hilts and told of the many dtf ferent nationalities of students studying in our colleges and abo described different church services held at summer reiorts ail pre- ent took part in a bible quiz anj the meeting closed with singing hymn 264 and prayer abrupt termination of a raffle on a new house being conducted by georgetown hospital associa tion came this week after the as sociations mailing privileges were cancelled thbombshcll came on fridav july 20th mayor jack armstrong went to the post office for his mail to find only a letter from ottawa instruct mg him that his mail had been set zed and forwarded to postal head quarters mayor armstrong had signed for the town a letter which accompanied books of draw tickets sent to an extensive mailing list of former georgetown residents mailing privileges were also de nied to mrs william b hamilton whose name appeared on the let ter as secretary of the ticket com mittee and the association itself which had been using a post of fice box to receive returns from the ticket sale an emergency meeting of the hospital committee was called and after contacting the post office department at ottawa it was de cided the only course open was to abandon the draw mailing privi leges were restored with the pro viso that any more ticket money coming by mail would be offered back to the buyers the association meanwhile will continue collecting funds to build a hospital in town planned in the near future arc tag days m acton and georgetown which will be con ducted by the legion ladies while a fashion show is also in the off lng as another fund raising endea vor over 3 000 had been received in ticket sales until the post office department stepped in the com mittee intends to contact all purch asers offering to return their mon ey but is hopeful that most will decide to leave their money as a donation the 12 000 sixroom bungalow at the corner of prince charles and rexway drive was donated to the association by delrcx develop ments it will now be sold and pro ceeds used for the hospital a prepared statement was issued to the press yesterday by officials of the hospital association it says the dominion government pos tal department has seen fit to pro hibit the use of the malls by the georgetown hospital association so long as the draw for the rex heslop house was being carried on since this would mean that a number of tickets for which mon ey had been paid would not be in eluded in the draw the association has abandoned the enterprise the postal authorities have consequent ly restored mailing privileges to the association the association still firmly in tends to continue collecting funds and build a hospital in george- all persons holding tickets and money are now able to return the same to the georgetown hospital association and this should be done immediately the association will then contact all purchasers and ascertain whether they wish the return of thctr money or are willing to treat their contribution as a charitable donation it is hoped that most ticket buy crs will leave their money with the association the unfortunate termination of the draw has been a disappoint ment to the hospital association and it is thought the citizens of georgetown alike nevertheless the house will be sold and the pro ceeds together with the monies from the draw which remain in the committees hands will give the hospital building fund a good start the association trusts that it will have the continued confidence and cooperation of the citizens of georgetown in the future fund rai sing activities which are planned engagements mr and mrs allan clements of bronte street milton announce the engagement of their daughter vina morea to william james doh- erty son of mr and hrs james doherty hewson crescent george town the marriage will take place on saturday september the first at three 0 clock in st john s united church milton broken arm for town employee ken gregory a member of the town works staff was injured in an accident last week he was working on a truck un loading pipe when the load hif ted and his arm was broken by a heavy pipe correction in an item in last weeks herald which listed the two local bank staffs three names were omitted bob burke had his name left off the bank of commerce staff while don dirstein and clarence knight should have been on that of the royal bank of canada

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