the georgetown herald fourteen pages georgetown ontario wednesday august 15th 1956 first section bad crash at limehouse sends six to hospital the intersection of the sixth lidc and the limehouse road was the scene of a serious accident ist saturday august 11th involving a pick up truck and a late model car the car a 1955 pontiac driven by kees van licr age 23 of 34 john st last georgetown was proceeding west towards lime house at about 2 pm when a light truck travelling north on the bui line entered the intersection at tht same time as the van lier car the truck driven by bruce mc- clure age 32 of r r 3 george town struck the car broadside the impact rolled the van lier car over twice and hurled it into tin ditch where it came to rest on its roof passengers in the wrecked car miraculously came out alive alice gibbs age 17 of glen willums suffered head injuries and slight concussion her sister gtci age 6 received lacerations to her head and shoulders mr van lier suf fered a broken arm and numerous bruises mr mcclure climbed from his truek with nothing worse than a violent shake up his son don was cut about the head and back two other passengers in th truck gordon v ingfidd age 25 r r 3 georgetown and mike buckley ege 25 were more seriously hurt mr buckley received chest and back lnju ics plus several head cuts while mr wingficld sulteied deep face iterations aril gashes in both knees all the injured were treated at the scene bj dr alan thompsi chiropractor and bride plan valve turning ceremony tuesday gas line completed evalonne smith carl deforest village wedding standards of white gladioli and chrysanthemums and white rotes decorated st john s anglican church sttwarttown for tht mar nagt of lvalortnc rosalie smith daughter of mr and mrs cecil earl tetrault dc partner in georgetown chiropractic clinic stewarttown to ralph car j ci u l j i j ii i ru u t lisle dtrortst son of mr and mrs married marie elzabeth maynard in oakwood united church tor d of a rev onto recently she is the daughter of mr and mrs h l maynard j h maxwell officiated at tht mar swift current sask and he is the son of mr and mrs r tetrault naicam sask what council did munro refuses sewers council ponders suit mcclurcs ambulance rushe 1 up truck tht most seriously injured passen gers of the van lier car to the guelph general hospital a rum lev ambulance from acton trans ported the injured from the pick natt on wednesday august im at thrtt otlock mrs lrntst price was tht organist the bride who was civen in mar damage to the truck amounted to almost 300 tht 1955 1ontiac was completed wrecked opp officers howard gunn and george moore investigate tht at cidtnt we have had word from tin lay munro that he intends to do nothing about storm sewers in the swanek subdivision was solicitor john ord s report to council mon day concerning this contentious question mr ord said tint mr munro claims the town said services would be installed and he will sue the town if they are not provided mr ord advised council to pro ceed with any action thej vish he promised a full study of the town s case against munro before next monday s meeting mayor armstrong said that dit ches installed by swanek brothers are temporarily working but cros ion is taking place and m somt lo cations the ditches are so deep they create a traffic hazard sew ers are tht only solution the may or said but they will not be a per feet answer for there will still be the weather mr editor summer is more than half over now and the weather still keeps well below the 90s however this weeks average is almost normal average for the month of august rrn uatkm mm rain 12 date max b mon aug 6 70 tues aug 7 77 wed aug 8 82 thurs aug 9 81 fn aug 10 76 sat aug 11 79 sun aug 12 79 average 78 nage bv her father was gowned in a floor length gown fashioned wth draimge trouble in future on new industry may locate in the old lower mill rumours that a new industry may locate in the old lower mill of provincial paper on river drive were confirmed on mpnday when mayor armstrong mentioned it at a council meeting a large firm is considering pur thasing the building owned b w b ackerman toronto and would emplov as man as 200 peo ple if their plans materialize while details are still hush hush it is known that the com pany is negotiating through the duffy real estate firm which nan died the delrex purchases and that officials have visited the plant to look it over the maor said that tht com pany if it locates would wish its industrial assesment to be credited to delrex which is tied up in an agreement to provide a 40 per cent industrial assessment as it devel ops council decided as future policy i that a letter from anv new induus try indicating to which subdiusion it credits its georgetown entry would be in order the old paper mill building has had a varied existence since prov incial ceased papermaking activi ties here in 1949 empty for some time the prop erty was purchased by mr acker man who set up a furniture manu factunng firm and a chemical company which he later moved to an outof town location at present part of the building contains woodwav manufacturing which moved here from wood bridge after hurrican hazel the empty section has been used as storage by dciiavilland aircraft and later by hi 1 itc furniture a new firm which closed down ur lier this year what council dtd a bodice of chantilly lace over sat a fitted jacket with peter pan collar and lily point sleeves the bouffant skirt was of nlon tullt with late inserts over satin her finder tip veil of tulle illusion with iridescent sequins fell from a corontt headdress of lace with iridescent sequins and pearls her bouquet was of white roses with chrysantheumums she wore the tift of the groom a gold cross lois btssev was maid of honour gowned in lilac tulle over taffeta floor length with matching head dress of lilac ftitrs she carried a bouquet of yellow rosea jn 1 unh mt mon harley lowe named fifth town constable completing tht roster of rtorge ing the road completed b septcm towns 5man police force harlej iher mr ord has instructed lo of lowe 29 of toronto was hind on for 8c to all owner monday by council as a probation agreement is reachc i ary constable dav to cimmmct txprup mr lowt was one of if applic proceedings ants for the position six of whom were interviewed mondaj the o ft 160 ib r rronte funeral for is a mtivt of bridgetown s hcrc he has sirvul as a eonma i rgy attllur page 65 ble polict chief and also coiinlv constable during the four vear pi pour local tudiis attended tht nod 1947 51 he worked for lf smct m bnmlt lmli i i two vears with the pinkerton dit church las wnk for he ective agency in toronto then joi i ii i w ned an ex pinkerton man in ano ther agency where ht has been employed lo tin present the local police font now in eludes chief ro halev torpm il jim bilsborrow iiid t oiisi ihh s nelson trafford ted sto t and lowe ruby ttnnant niece of the bride that thev h as a bridesmaid in a floor length s wtrs in some properties which are btlow road level wcvc refused sidewalks to one ubdivision because we couldn i spend anv more monev this jtar said cr irwin noble if the dit ches arc working perhaps it would be bitter to leave storm sewers until next ear if we can gtt our money hack from munro it will lit ill right said the mavor howevei tht ques tion is not whether we will sin but first whether we will install tht sewers sam rcid president of vdlev hill ratcpiyors reminded council extensive damage truck hits station a dump truck swerved out of control at dtrry wtst tuesday august 7th sheared off a gositne pump and light standard then crashed through the plate glass window of the white rose station damage to the station was cstima ted at 4000 and 100 damaged the truck which was driven by osyt kawun 40 of rverson ave tor onlo kawun told the police the truck went out of control as it pro cetdtd north on o 10 highway when ht applied the brakes no ont was injured fortunate but a dl man bob simson of ontario strttt had to slay and guard the station all night after a day s work ht his bttn employed at tht sta tion for stvtral months had decided to instal the f munro had not own of jdlow tulle with match done so b august 1st ing headdress of jtllow flowers tht condition wouldn t exist if tiler flowers were pink roses council haunt let munro come anne deforest sister of thc a bond and do as ht wi groom was also a bridismucl gow ed said the ruffled prtsident ycvt hashed this ovtr many timts and unless you have some thing new to contnbult wt rt not going over the same ground all over a din said the mavor htcvc alltn said that if storm stwtrs art installed council will havt tht tlovtrdale subdivison af ttr them loo ht wants them but wants assurantt that munro will bt the bill paver natural gas will be available to householders and industry locally after next tuesday morning a valve turning ceremony is planned by united suburban gas co on tuesday morning at 1130 on the 8th line on lower main street when company officials will be joined by mtmbers of the town and township councils and officials of the two municipalities and rep rtstntatives of leading industries ontario fuel board chairman a r crozicr is also expected to be a tutst at the ceremony which will be followtd by a luncheon at north halton golf and country club the ceremony will culminate ma ny months of negotiation and con struction by united suburban to bring natural gas to this district a similar ceremony was held in milton last week and acton will be next in line tht natural gas which will be used m milton comes from weils along the gulf coast of texas and louisiana eventually this gas will be replaced with canadian gas from alberta brought east by trans canada pipelines limited the source of this gas and united suburban s contract for its purch asc insures an adequa e supply for many many years i ven under the most severed weather condit ions this basic supply of gas will be augmented by local natural gts obtained from the wells of anth ony oil and gas explo ition com pany the transmission and distnbu tion system bringing gas to milton costing abolt half a million dol lars has been designed and con structed using uptodate engineer ing and the most modern ontruc tion methods to assure adequate and safe service for every uie of this fuel once the valves are turned on next procedure for the company is to start setting meters and hoiking up equipment in homes and indus try to the system this work will start immcdiavely and within a short time this new to georgetown fuel will be in jse in a number of homes ncd in floor length trten tullt ov er taffeta with matching headdress of trttn futturs ikr bouquet was pink roses susan smith meet of the bruit was the flowir firl dnssed in a floor length pink tullt over uffi tn hir hmldnss was fishiontd of pink tulle with pearls and rhine stones shi carrud a bouquet of pink rosis mil snl pe is thi brides dtlmdanls all wore her tift of ptarl necklace and earrings hartley deforest acted what council did abc gets highway contract carr associates waterworks ancona club picnic at sunset farm members of the ncona met at the home of mr corev hcmngton sunse and mrs firm il council discussed replacing the present front door of the munici pal building with a modtrn alum inum and glass door which would complement the extensive rcnova tions underway jatk tost 72 utlph st cum paimd that thi town has bun taking soil off his proprrlv whili removing soil from land purchas ed from him by the hith school board enfjnur wilson ixpltncil lint stakes hid bun phi id n rontons h through i inn pos i on of sur ve fiuuris whin mr tost drtw it to his attention tht trror hatl been corrttttd he ml mr tost asked further what jaulhoritv tht enejneer on prnali properi inrt arthur pat i who died at his home in bcamsvillt on august 3rd thtv wirt mrs r c adams mrs charles junkin and miss jian adams all relativts of mr pafe s wife and mrs hona nodwcll mr page was a native of loftu england where ht was born in 1891 he came to canada in 1914 and served ippointmenls n blcnhtim belmont thamtsvilli fxcter owen sound and bronte in 1922 ht mimed miss fa grngan of brampton who rtsidcd in gtorgt town for a tnnt writ n she was a girl and her father was associatid in business here with the later ii c adams she sur vices with one son dr john patt brockvilk mr pake was burud in brampton ccmeterv i was of vellow roses on their re- groomsman for his brother harold urn mr an mrs deforest will dirortst jr a brother of the it in stewarttown the bride is groom and rov smith brother of i the bride wtre ushtrs mrs smith rtcuvul for hir i daughter in lsquesmt communitj hall in a grtj nlon lact gown oi cr pink tafftta with pink accessor lies and a corsagi of pink rosts i for their honevmoon in north ern ontario tht brute chost a driss of white and mauve mlon with i white shortie coat and white and 1 mauve accessorus hir corsage emplovtd at the georgetown h tiro lleetric commission and the room at smith and stone guests attended from giortc town acton toronto noranda qutbec sl marys scarboro and milton heights l nfortunattlv due to lack of spact itvcral news items wtre itft ovtr till next issue including the limehouse news armstrong brothers construe i tion brampton was awarded a s42 479 paving tender by council monday bulk of the job will be resurfac ing of the highway through town plus paving on ewing and chapel streets the tender was lowest of two re ccived a new local firm w h carr associates received the job of in stalling watermains on a number of streets including john mountain view albert and main north freelton farmer teacher bride gravel skid causes 200 damage to car ballinafad on sunilav aujim j tioncd cult in of a new watirwj members attended from imdon ihrnuh hi propirlv ind wlat kitchener and stratford the men procedure hi should follow for spent the afternoon discussing thtir anconas and various othrr irndsl jj was tolcl hv thi mavor thnl while the ladies rclaxi il on tht ihrre had been anv trtspassinp lawn evtrvune enjojed a pitnit t wjs wll no pirmission of tht supper council if thtrt art daiijp- tht proper procedure is for a damage rljini to be filed with council an 1 it would be de tutl please note there was an error in an advertisement last week giv ing details of cancellation of the hospital association draw the uncorrected ad was in serted by mistake in this is sue but was later noticed corrections have been made and the proper ad ap pears on page 6 is section cr liter grav s rodd commit lee was asked to rrport on the sit uation at the next meetinr an accidtnt on the 11th hm neir terra cotta last wtdnesdi whal august 8th was tht cnist of s2110 l1 k damage to a car owned bv thomjs so l c1 dil n mr dillon who just recently bought tht mdrtin sute on thi 9th line wis driving south on the 11th line at iboul 1 a m when tht accident occurred while roundin i cu c immrd iatc preceding t h crossing mr dillon- car ski idrd on tht gravel and swerved sharph nm the east ditch the momentum of th ut that lne mfi car cirnt t u o a hich bank on the other side of in ditch and across the tracks when it came to an abrupt stop against a large sign post mr dillon and his son patrick who was a passenger in the car st the time were uninjured solicitor john ord discussed ac quisition of land along the maple venue extension needed when fill will be placed for a bridre one property owner has asked 8c a mr and mrs brace rarley dav square foot one has indicated for id linda and heather returned anv fair payment and another has home thursday august 16tb from come to no decision a three day vacation at wasaga because of the urcency of ba beach on georgian bay the tender price of 3828 was lowest of five tenders received council expressed surprise that george currie a property owner on main street north has refused an easement through his property for a storm sewer without rcceiv ing payment for it the sewer is planned to relieve a bad drainage condition for which adjacent owner bob wyatt has threatened a damage action mr curries property is also subject to flooding and he has complained also according to coun cillors council instructed the clerk to write lawyer maurice mandcrson who represents owners of the iga store pointing out the future ad vantages to their store in comply ing with provisions of the proposed zoning b law which denies permis sion to extend their building to the rear propertj line the store is threatening legal action if a building permit is held up any longer council feels that a future serv ice road will avoid any problems of parking and delivery such as exist in the downtown commercial tnct j llndsaj strwtnllle orville rasberry freelton farmer and his bride mary jennings pose with their wedding party on the steps of ballinafad un church mrs rasberry who is the daughter of mr and mrs george jennings r r 1 georgelown is a 1956 graduate of toronto teachers college and will teach at fairview school lowville next term pictured left to right faary ann maxwell george town irene small kentlworth mr and mrs rasberry with flower girl loree rasberry in front groomsman ewan rasberry and ushers allan jennings and lloyd rasberry guides at camp eight members of the george town girl guide troops are attrn ding the hamilton district camp doe lake near burk s f us mrs bob wvatt main street n is in charge of the guides she is taking the place of the area cam mlssioncr mrs wood guides at tending arc dawn fiebi margaret eason marv lawson amanda shaw gail parker nancy jamie- son barbara kinrade and june lyon social and personal the guest lis it terra cotta inn recently includes many george town diners among them were mrs a r vanoatter mr and mrs arthur speight mr a crichton mr j s crichton mr brencen ridge and party mr and mrs car- nahan and party dr beer and party