the georgetown herald wednesday evening aug 29 1956 page 6 3cabs3 reliable drivers radio equipped glen taxi tr 72432 planning a trip be sure to consider this while youre away the lug gage clothing sports equip ment and other belongings you take with you roy be lost stolen or destroyed when travelling you need personal effects policy ask us about this broad where veryougo protec tion john r barber insurance and travel agency john r barber fratniaiijctrtay hill street triangle 73521 the john cordaros holiday in ontarios northland speed and safety is our game so we have won a lot of fame ask anybody about us folks know thai we deli ver the goods on time and at the right cost fs movers gord fricker norm snyder tr 72581tr 72210 local and long distance moving there- protective fifloohti carrier any housewife would hive tboofht of it but credit r to tbebuikxnoftheusnavji nighty new carrier u s s raster f or oslnt ahnbdnmn toll to keep thdr product fresh during conttruction ship rat an wooden block which fceorb a tot of moisture to protect their costly steel teffl from rust and corrosion airing the ltcnooth conttractkx pe riod the navy simply covered the mocks wkh ordinary boose- bold 1 60 this brainwave was natonl for a mariqe buflder be oowndtyi ba feaee shiny skoncorrodini alnmiooa is wucty for supenttwsineft u- boats and other taxrtw lup- after attending the jehovah witness assembly in north bay recently mr and mrs john cordaro continued on a motor trip to the sudbury district and algonquin park mrs cor daro gives some impressions of her trip below copper cliff august 7th assemblies all over we decided to do a little sight seeing and visit our friends in sudbury and copper clifl taking no 17 highway to wards sturgeon falls we passed through many small villages on our way there is a good highway all the way to copper cliff and the traffic ts not so heavy after leav mg north bay which allowed us to enjoy the drive much better we stopped at a little roadside re freshment stand and m conversa tion with the owner john told him that he was paying a visit to sud bury and copper cliff after nearly 40 years absence he told john you wont like it now its all rocks but we decided rocks or no rocks we were still going to pay that visit so on again but we were not prepared for rocks on such a gigan tic scale it was late afternoon when we reached the outskirts of copper cliff what a surprise rocks and more rocks as far as the eye could set just bare rocks bleak and black not a bird or insect m sight we stopped the car and stepped out for a look around everythng seemed still and quiet except for the few cars on the road it looked desolate beyond anything i have ever seen it was as if some giant hand had wiped off all sign of vegetation we wondered what could have been the cause of all this and our thoughts turned first to atomic bombs and then to arm ageddon would all the earth look like this after armageddon it gave us a queer feeling of something we could not under stand then once again we resumed our way to our friends mr and mrs angello cundan yes they were home and very much surprised to see us as we had not told them of our visit after a bountiful sup per prepared by mrs undan and her daughter josephine m cun dan toot us out to see hi garden i wondered how her could be jny vegetation right in copper cliff with all these desolate looking rocks around mr cundan told us that people spent a fortune in try ing to keep these beauty spots 1 noticed that nearly half of his jar den was covered by big sheet of cloth also that of his neighbours he told us that when there is n east wind it blows the sulphur smoke from the mines tha w and everything it touches die i noticed even some of the trees loo ked rusty when thc had been tou ched with the smoke wc wanted to sleep in our car as usua it s quilt comfortable but mr cundan insisted that we stay with them he told us that cver window and door must be closed tightly whin the wind is in the east and one whiff of those fumes is all anyone would need to make him run this then was the insuer to all those bleak looking rocks around copper cliff no wonder that ihty have to cover their vei tables to save them from ruin n i i won dered at the patience of the peo pie of copper cliff and their pride in doing so much to keep this place so nice after a good night s rest we went for a drive through the town aind around the mines they have a modern school here and a high school and in spite of the drawbacks regarding sulphur smoke a very lovely park the grass is neatly cut tike the very best of lawns flowers here and there some shady t and even benches its hard to believe that this little beauty spot on ex ist and is a mute tribute to he love and pride some good people have in he place they call home it iiire made me ashamel of our own park in georgetown and iook ing at this one i don t wonder that newcomers comment an the condi tion of ours what happi ncl to our parks commission did they all die or is it that we have been so busy expanding in other ways that we have had no time or money to take care of our park george town has always been one of the best little towns in ontario has grown pretty fast in these last few years and we are proud of it the park can be made beautiful too with a little effort from tht right people next we passed under long clcva ted pipes which seemed to stretch right across one section of the town mr cundan told u ihat there are two mines one of which is the international nickel refin cry and that the ore travels with water through these pipes from one plant to another every little while we could here what sounded like a small explosion he cxplai ncd it was gs i believe gordon atcott lived up a1juuinum com any gp v canada ltd alcalo one of the gate keepers i learned that they are not in full produc tion yet but they expect to prjd uce 12 to 14 hundred ton every 24 hours and they produce enppc nickel gold and platinum there are several huge chimney stacks which belch forth black smoke one of these stacks is 615 feet high next we went through the mine fields all rocks and huge piles of slag from the mines mr cundan told us that in the past the slag was just left there but the government insists that where the ore is removed it must be fil led in again and this makes it much safer for the workers as there is not so much danger of a cave in as we looked on all this mountain of rock and slag 1 won dered if sodom and gomorrah looked like this after god had ral ncd down fire and brimstone on it because of its wickedness gent sis chapter 19 if suphur a can cause this desolation how easy it would be for god to wipe us all out some scoff at the bible but thinking people know it is true and live tn fear and love of the great creator of this universe when we remember hurricane ha zel and the havoc it caused with loss of life it should make us real ize that god is all powerful and the day of wrath will come as a thief in the night armageddon mat thew 24 now back to the house where wl bade farewell to our friends and copper cliff i have always wan ted to pay a visit to algonqu n park so we consulted our maps and decided to pay a visit iherc even if it was a long way around we took no 69 highway and tra veiled down to no 532 highway it huntsville the road was good but oh those curves first a curve to the right then one to the left oh my shattered nerves beware you speeders if you take that road we finally made it to hunstvillc there are many little places where ou can buy souvenirs and postcards all along the way we stopped at one of these for refreshments etc and souvenir hunting before leav ing to continue our drive we ask ed for washrooms oh yes in the rear we followed a little narrow path and instead of the usual signs ladies and gmts we read doe and buck now on our way atain and sion we came to the park here we bad to obtain a permit to enter the park the entrance is verv posinj but i was disappoiiili d with the park itself the highway jots right through it and thi re are what is known as trails here ou leave the car and travel b 1 foot stumbling over roots and dead j trees etc not beinj a er lood walker i did not last lonj at thi- and we returned to our car disap pointed since we hid nol seen anv deer or wild life of any km i however further alum the ro- 1 wc came upon several cars art sure enough there wire 2 dt r which the people wire ft iiri so i delved into mv box of sidi wafers iml we trud tur hand al feeding the deir also we found if yon stand quiti still and hold out the soda waf r they will come right up lo ou and take it from vour hand it wa quite a thrill for anyone who lovi the animals thtv arc mich hea i tiful creatures as usual m thoughts turned once aeain to bi ble prophesy isaiah 65 verse 25 tells us that the wolf and ik lamb shall feed together and the lion shall eat straw like the bul lock and isaiah verse 7 says the wolf also shall dwell with thi lamb and the leopard shall lu down with the kid and thi cal and the young lion and the filling together and a little child sh 1 lead them what a worderful thing to look forward lo if i gies us such pleasure to feec the drer now how wonderful it will bi when all these animas become tame and wc can caress them all just as wc do our domestic pels our next point of interest was oastlcr s lake this is one of the many camps run by the govern ment but this one was special it was a trailer camp and picnic grounds combined you won t find it on the map but it is a place well worth searching for you pa at the gate 75c per night or s4 00 per week it s really beautiful and safe for children boating and picnics it s open from 7 a m to 10 p m the only draw back the water is not too good we took al ong some gallon jars and fetched drinking water from the town the park keepers tell us that they drink the water but knowing the hazards of mpure water i prefer mine from the towns for drinking next day wc decided to make for home by way of lindsay so our next stop was at this town which is a very nice place to live wc shopped around a little and drove around the town i nearly caught in wrong way traffic there is a railway that goes right thru the town and a road for right hand farewell party for mrs stanley wrloht neighbours and friends on os- trander blvd met at the home of mr and mrs harry moss ostran der blvd to honour mrs stanley wright who has moved to acton from georgetown there were twenty ladies present at the sur prise party they spent the even mg chatting and playing court whist mrs dick riddall won the prize for the whist during the evening mrs wright was presen ted with a large brass plaque as a remembrance from her friends and neighbours who will miss her very much a delicious luncheon was served to conclude a very pleasant evening mr wright a member of the canadian national railways was transfered to acton some time ago and has been commuting but ihey have purchased a home in aeton and will reside there er where the rest of the afternoon was spent children were treated to sandwiches and freshle before leaving for home about 5 o clolk the winners of the races wro each received a prize were as fol lows children 16 years bobby roughley and teddy clark tied girls 78 jean fin boys 78 john clark girls 911 heather clark boys 911 alex ecclcs boys 11 15 alex eccles wheelbarrow race jack scholtz and peter marks limehouse institute picnic at waterfalls the monthly regular meeting of the limehouse w 1 took the form of a picnic at waterfalls play grounds on wednesday august 15 it was an ideal day and both ladies and children enjoyed the after noon lunch was called for 1 30 and after a wonderful meal and a rest the children lined up for rac- ctc before going into the wat this is the fastest trip we have ever taken we covered neiry thousand miles i wish w could have been driving at a much slow er rate and so enjoyed the beauti ful scenery so much more at 50 miles an hour one hardly gets a passing glimpse of our god given heritage i was driving when the speed limit was only 25 and it was so much more enjoyable to day they tell us we crawl at forty miles an hour wc oldsters have paid our share of taxes to build these highways and wc should be allowed to travel at a speed most comfortable to us let the speed ers have a road of their own and when they get tired of that then build them helicopters so they can fly guess i belong to the horse and buggy days don t know how we shall make out when wc go to california but that s our next goal kay cordaro ps will tell you all about the lemon and orange groves when we visit our friends at fl cajon california travel agent editor at quebec conventions travel agent john r barber and his wife attended the convention of canadian passenger and ticket agents last week they were at the manior riche lieu murray bay quebec this week herald editor walter biehn and his wife are at the same hotel attending the convention of the cnnadian weekly newspapers association they preceded the convention with a boat trip from montreal city up the sagucnay river to bagotvflle stopping at murray bay on the return trip insurance travel real estate walter t evans co 1 dq triangle 72512 mill street serving your community for over 30 yeara plumbing new bathrooms installed or remodelled ken charlie nash mcdo well water syatema repairi of all kindt 5 kino street east triangla 72842 construction equipment cranes shovels dw 21 earth movers bulldozers road graders available with operators for all types of excavating grading for sale crushed stone pit run gravel sand fill for information call alrex contracting limited triangle 72286 there for some time and he should traffic and left hand traffic be able to tell a very interesting story about copper cliff as we were there for such a short time i could not begin to give all the de tails but la conversation with side of the railway which i did not notice we backed out of there in a hurry our trip nearly ended we cut over to uxbridge and markruun arthur scott motors ltd al ouf lph strut whmoitown tmanab 71151