Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 19, 1956, p. 16

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening sept 19 1956 proposed zoning bylaw town of georgetown this is the fourth and final instalment of a series reproducing the proposed georgetown zoning by law in its entirety a rmtncted area zoning bylaw being by uw to reg ulate the use of land end the character location and un of buildings in the town of georg etown clothes cleaning agenms or press ing establishments confectionery stores custom dress making and millinery stores florist anil gift shops hotels and motels photog riphers printing shop publishing house shoe repair shops theatres tailor clothing and wc rtl shops undertdking establish 5 32 foi fraurn j irkint space for be accommodated in maimilm d signed capacilv of tht building 6 commeruji zones 1 gtntral provisions fall front yirds tht distinct from the front lot line of anv bull luibs omimimh ctnu ding for non residential purpose i 62213 iriml schools erected between existing buildings uhr rau pmalr mirm which are not more than ne hun t ehureh halls dree and fiftv 150 feel apart on f ls llbrint mus feet b where the side lot line abuts a residential open space or agri cultural zone the minimum side yard shall be fifty 50 feet c where the side lot line abuts a commercial zone the minimum side yard shall be twenty 20 feet 7 1 3 rear yards a the minimum rear yard in an industrial zone shall be twenty five 25 feet b where the rear lot line ab uts a residential open space or agricultural zone the minimum rear yard shall be fifty 50 feet c notwithstanding the provis nons of clauses a and b tht minimum bear yard shall bt one hundred 100 feet where the rear lot line abuts guilph street ng appa j hihwav no 7 establish 7 14 sitns which ut incidental ttssorv use ihe t th the same street frontage sime block shall conform ivi line esnhlishcd b tht buildint furthest fiom tht strc l line 1 2 accessor buildings a no acctssorv buildings shall hi erected on i corner lot bt all atccsson buildings sh ill tc of nnsonrv construction c all private and neighbour hood garages shall not exceed i miximum hi ijht of fifteen 151 fit t al societies one nts pub ganfits public par to the industn il or itee pp jking areas bowling alleys tin permitted shill bt allowed if at loaning plants using non combus jljehcd lo the building permitted libit cltinint solvents c ir salts 715 larknil adtquitt provis rooms and lots ion sli ill be made for off street c2212 itecrt itional iirks pukins of vehicles the open tion i playgrounds athletic tluhs siici il of which is incidental to tht u- li i ptiiiutted 7 1 b loadml adequate provi ion sh ill be made for off sire shipping loaclinj or unloading of toods warts or merchandise 7 1 7 aecesson usi s the folio art galleries fratirml socie 6 directional signs not more than twenty 20 sq ft in area and not more than fifteen 15 feet above the ground at the entrance to and exit from parking facilities 10 2 1 3 general no building or structure shall bt hereafter er ccted structurally altered enlar gcd or maintained except in ac cordance with the section on gen eral provisions section 10 1 and the following regulations 102 1 3 yard requirements in a public open space zone 01 no person shall within any pub lic open space zone 01 erect or use any building or structure other than a dwelling unless the follow ing requirements are complied with 1 minimum front yard depth 100 2 minimum side yard depth 100 3 minimum rear yard depth 100 10 2 2 private and semi private open spin zone 02 1022 1 permissive uses no building structure or land shiil be used and no building or strut turt sh ill be hereafter erected on iny lot in the private and semi invite open spaee one 02 ex tcpl fir ihe following uses 1 uses peunittcd in a public open spite ne 01 2 a ridio or television tran mission tower c retted ind used tits public munitipal i ro vmti il or dominion uvernmeni buildings fire halls point slat ions monuments rtst rooms j22 ttntral no building oi structure sh ill be hereafter iru led striicturalh altcrctl enlarge 1 or m nntaintil except ance with the section provisions stction b 11 the folli lations 62 23 lot cov r int re permitted f r anv cennnitrcial purpose ill iniliistrnl ones f ttmdirv established with dwillm- er dwillmus ef ithe ipprov il f the dtparlmiit of ir or either person er per llnllh under tlu ctmttcrus act implovcti for mainttninet 10222 central no building or slriuturt shill bt hirtifter ertc i i rst industiul one ml ltd stmcturalh alttrtd enlarged permissive ties shops i t maint imt d except in accord i with th th purpt st similar use operated for commer clal purposes together with park ing station accessory thereto 10232 accessory uses the following accessory uses are per mitted in a conservative zone 03 signs as permitted in section 102 1 1 of this bylaw 10233 general no building or structure shall be hereafter erec ted structurally altered enlarged or maintained except in accord ance with the section on general provisions section 10 1 and the following regulations 10234 lot frontage with mm imum lot frontage of 200 feet 102 3 5 lot area with minim urn lot area of 2 acres 10 2 3b huuit with mix mum height of thirty five feel ur two storeys above the norm 1 jrade it vel 10 23 7 inmt yird with mini mum fiont jard of 50 feet 10 23 8 suit yard with mini mum side jard width of 20 feet 10 23 0 hear yard with mini mum rear yard eiepth of 25 feet 11 1 agrtculttiril zone a 112 1 1crmissni uses no bu i dint strutturt or lanel shall be used ind no building or structure sh ill be ht rcaftcr ere ttcd struc turally altered enlarged or m nn lamed in in aejicultur it line a rxetpt for ihe follow int uses i leld crops truck iardenint he rry or bush crops flower tar demnc nursuns on hards com mi mat ljeenlimiscs a tarns up lints mushroom farms farms dt voted to the hatching raising and marketing of chickens turkevs or other poultry fowl rabbits fish or frogs farms or ranches for gra7 ing breeding raising or training horses or cattle riding stables or academies goat or cattle dairies the raising of sheep or goats the raising of swine dog kenm is or the breeding boarding or sale of dogs and cats animal hospitals such us es or enterprises as are customai il carried on in the field of gene ral agriculture which are no ob noxious or detrimental to the pub lie welfare one singlt family detachtel elwel ling 112 2 accessory uses iirkint and garigts as rtquireel for the atncultur il uses permitted 112 i general no buildinj or structure sh dl be hereafter er ecltd structurally altered cnluil eel or maintained exctpt in icioid antt with tht stitlon on gene r il provisions stction 10 1 anj the following regulations 112 4 1 ol area with a mini mum lot ire i of 5 icrts 1125 height with i miximum height of thnh five feet or two stones ibtivt nonml made i v zoning map next week the ilenld will pub lish the map which shows the on iiil which will tome into effect when the new zoninj bj law bt comes law ihlcpaytrs shoulel stu eh the map cartfullv to see how their district is zoned monuments designs submitted cemetery brampton monument works lettering corner posts ind marfctrt a good display in stock wm c allan prop 68 queen st west brampon shop 1410j phones res 313 rep tom nicol phone brampton 603w flowers for every occasion design work a specialty flowers b w irr anvwhere in the world norton floral tr 7 3582 georgetown lint rteii buildin 6 1 3 sins d not mon thin ent signshillht pt rmitttd on eich commercial estiblishmtnt and stith lns shall permn le the use con elutttd within the buildin ti which it is attathtd ind shill bt iltathtd flat atiinst tht wdll if tht buildmj b one ground or nif fa g mu shji ht follow int clause f m side irel shilt bt rtinred for dn hiul ed for non reside nlnl purji is shall not cotr more than it ir ttnt of the lot ma 62 2 4 ilcittit nm mum height of fort fivi 45 feel it i j nornnl iridt lttl bt permitted for ttneral idcrt in of a shopping centre if the lo n accord for the repnr asstmbh or mami antl wllh lnt section on gcnei il j i ccn ril faeturini of small goods and wares i rovisiems section 101 and the lumdnes printers clemers ind i following n millions ihtrs and storage wareheuses 1022 3 ud itequirements in v lnt h are not obneixious is tie fined a r in section i 7 2 12 nninl no buildint or true tun shill be he re if i r erec led siiutluralk ilti reel n larked ii m iinlainct t set pi in itcoid mee with the section on tmr i lro isi ms se ttion 7 1 7 i 1 see i nil lnduslnil ami i2 i 1 1 1 e runs- i all i cation and design for such sijji has been approved as pirt of tht lng reeteel design for suth shoppin tcntrt ust c service stitions shall be per int mittcd one ground or roof sitn for each street frontafce tht size and location of which is subject t 11 1 ipproval of the zoning admimstra rut turalk mini mi imlii hnn in a dcntral tomrmrtial 2 nt ii within i nc it2i where a side lot line of i lit bu leiini is the bound in between snd cm 7 11 e n mercial zont ind a rtsultntii structure sh i zone a tant iminj a rn nniiiuu ted slrutlurj wielth of twtntv 20i fett sh ill he ir mini me ti i first industn i 1 inanufactunni or itions which are nol tie fined in settion id struclures er i il no ahitlluil i ent r il d general advertising suns un u provided immtdiati mil billboards shall he ptrmitlttl r subject to the written apprmat of sucn suit lot line council and subject lo tht normal b j jr yar i i rt rwiiiin commercial zone c2 a ant front side anel rear artt retmirt int a minimum width of 1 me 201 feet sh ill he provided i requirements 621 neighbourhood commer rear of lots ind mki lam ual zone cd h t fi2 11 permissive i ses no tmn in addition to tht said lane building structure or land shall required a nin ar be used and no buildint or strur t 10 feet shill be tniintin d lure shall bt hereafter ended ckar of i nstructitn structuralh altered enlarftd or 2 parking lisladn ithl maintained in a neighbourhood tic and rt crtalienal fstibhsl commercial zone ci except for mints one spice per five se it or ihe following uses p r f p p b au omrn h 62111 neighbourhood store iri lt establish see definition 18 6 service stat jnns 6212 gentral no buildinc tr structure shall bt hereafter e ret ted structuralh altered enlarged tr maintained except in accord ance with tht section on ent ral provisions section 6 1i and tht following regulations 62 13 area a maximum rt of 2 0 acres 62 14 lot coverage a maximum lot coverage of 20 prr cent 62 15 hrilht maximuir height of thirtv five fttt tr two stones ahovt normal rarli level 62 1b front yard a minimum front vard of 50 fttt 62 17 side and rear yard where such vards irt abutlim street lint tht minimum tl st nrt letwetn the building in i ti trttt line shall bt if mhtrwist the rear vard shall bt if 62 18 landscaping where ihe sid dbuts id ne or ructtire sh ill bt hiri ifttr tree il slrutturallv dttre i enlarged in ml nit rl txtepl in ittorelance ih tht section em e ne r i i ro u ns set tion 7 1 7 4 1 iliirl industrial a nt mj hi 4 1 1 permissive i se s all us n ts jit iiiulttel in in olher indus the trill i ni and inv other industn il hill ipe ration which ire not ohnox rn urns as defined in section ji neludmf ciiiiimereial marries md jrd of contract rs v irds 74 12 c cneral no buildinj or structure shall be hcrtiftcr erec ted strucluraliv alterc d enlarged or mainlaintti exctpt in iccord ance with the section on dtnird i rovisuns section 7 1 i 8 transport ition one n 8 1 itrmiss vt t sis ne build 1 structure or i ind shill he usul r ind no hiiildinu er siriiduri sh dl 1 hernflir ere tied siriului illv ilteied eniired er in untamed in a transport ition z nt t txcepl i f ir the fi htmine usr ivtrns lsc permilted under the tr ins ii the itre s one j irkinj sp ite port ition act or in e the r st ilule ir ten people designed cij t l of ontarn or cm da tvirnin 4 funeral homes rjnt pari ni transpi rt ition optritiens i m ace per five se its in ihe clnpel entleel ith a minimum sfae for ten si rae md service one ss irs 9 11 ptrrnissivt t sis all iis s 5 bowlmt allt s j tire e p rkint permitted in inv industm zont md semi private open 02 in an open spice i one no pi rsi n shall erect or usi inv permitted buildint or st rue turt olher than a dwelling unless tilt pr visions of section 102 1 i ire complied with 10 2 i ti nstrv mon a ne 0j 102 1 linnissivt lsts no buildim si nit lure or hnd shall ht used in i nr buildine or strut turt shill in htreafler erected on anv lot in the const rvition zoni of txtipl ft r the following usts i i an 1111 ultur il use permit till in tht jricultural zont a 2 a ont faiinlv detachtel elwtl ine onh with the written approv d of the municipal trninecr and ihe i lannin ilrard i li piibiic park pi iv ground or itinstrv it it n project 4 monument or bantlshcll 5 a pnv itt tennis dul ik w ini treen swimrninj i ol ti ti if call tr 73271 tr 72674 concrete work footings cellar floors sidewalks block work brick laying for your construction needs carpentry homes garages kitchens bathrooms remodeling modernizing mcnally construction elgin street near cnr station to the maximum desi thereof 12 hotels one prkiii eich utst ro im or mum spici for t vt iv fi tir it ilned maximum cipatit age rooms c ickt ni le i tivtrns nl ictordin nul capacity plus sons dt of hcv spaces per allev and storili of di institution il niiildine see inf operations par 532 jar uses 0 2 28 loading oni span for tath 25000 sq ft alljtlali jr s floor ire a r ach space mu i tter 5fki sej ft and have a 14 fe ol cu innce 6229 signs sen intra i roc isions for commercial ones istc line of the p rkin tion 1 1 di ntnl ini in 6 2 2 10 ombm ition c md junk l ii r reside nil i i slahlish 112 enril no buildin r structure shall he hi rt ifli r inci led strut liirillv lt red ml ire i tinned er miintunid exttpl n ir ci rd met with th si 1 1 ion on en enl i revisions settion 7 li 10 0pm spite seines 0 10 1 imril prt visjin 10 1 1 hi quinine nls fi r d tell thsl indinj the re qun i s 102 i n retted in i an opm space zone 0 shill urn plv with the provisnns in i thud dtnsilv hesjth nil il 7 ne 11 as shewn in section i 2 t 10 12 i imitition f usi ef i ir j kinl h inlitms u ht re irk nt f ir litit s ire prov ided in n ope n sp 1 1 me 0 tin prkn it nol stparattd from sime b tial and street or lane the parking ina me nts in i tntnl commtrcnl mints set forth shell not be applied closer thn 5 zone anv buildinj ended strutl and 10221 a dwelling to the boundar of the cemmerci i uralh altered enlarged or mun proptrtv thi five fo i sinp tuned for mixeel residtnlial in i shall be ued onh for landsnpini commerci il uses shill romplv with with at itasl one hedgerow of hir the other provision of section dy shrubs not less thin five feet 0 2 2 mei also ihe fdliwinc relu in height the rermindcr of this i iiions trip sha 1 nt t bt n td for anv j tir 1 lot ovtriji fer such lose except planum buileimi shall previdt mil pies 62 1 i thi ni hi rt lifihtin e rve anun of u im p r cnl facilities and or illuminatcil sitns of the lot ana fret ol dl rtnstrnc irt prtmdtd thev must in si r lion from tht floor livtl d ihe ranged as to refltct awa from lowest store t hlammj ii hit hi abutting residential buildings and rooms to above the mf no flashinj or inltrmitttnl illini d due hint unit arid 1ari ination shal fc used dwellint unit pnv dt i tht run 621 10 parking one spin for shill provide 7 mini nurn floir r verv 100 square feet of floor ea of 650 square fed space 7 indi strial ones 62111 loading one space for 7 1 general provisions each 25 000 sq ft iggrcgale gn ss 7 1 1 front yard floor area fach space must cover a the minimum front yard m 500 sq ft and have a 14 fool an industrial zone shall be rwen clearance j tv five 25 feet 622 general commercial zone b where the opposite side of a c2 6221 permissive uses no buil ding structure or land shall be used and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected structu rally altered enlarged or main tained in a general commercial zone c2 except for the following use 6i2 1 1 business ncuthourhood stores retail stores professions offices business offices service sta tions animal clinics bakery shops use el for te i inj e f 1 nsse ne r ve hie i e nh i le quin mi nts i 10 2 1 i ublie 0 i n sp 7ml 01 102 1 1 i ermissive i se v no buildim structure r land shill hi used ind no buildim or structure shall be hereafter rrc i ted on anv lot in the public opi n space zone 01 t xce pt for the following uses 102 i 1 1 1 a one familv elelarh i ed dwelling and a dwellint for persons cmploed in the same leit i refreshment pivihon street is in a residential open ipla lot operated under the control space or agricultural zone the minimum front yard shall be fif t 501 feet c notwithstanding the pnvis ions of clauses a and b the minimum front yard shall ht scv entyive 75 feet where the ut abuts guelph street highwij no 7 7 12 side yards a the minimum side jard id in industrial zone shall be fed 10 of a public authority 3 a rolf course that is not a driving tec range miniature course i or similar use operated for a com mercial purpose j 4 parking facilities incidental to the above permitted uses 5 sifins each having an area of not more than six 6 q ft for tre posting of notices concerning rec reational activities conducted on the same lot bad weather weather is no longer a washday worry to the modernminded homemaker who has an automa tic gas clothes dryer rainy washdays cant up set her or make her scurry around trying to get the clothes in off the line its always perfect dry ing weather inside her dryer cold dark winter days when clothes hung inside ordinarily take a long time to dry are no problem either in less than vi hour a load of damp clothes is dried soft fluffy and sunny day fresh a gas clothes dryer does away with hard work clotheslines clothespins and clothesprops put your clothes into the dryer and set the dials thats all there is to it you can do a complete washing and still have plenty of time for your fa mily and friends see the dryers on display at the united subur ban gas office or at your favorite appliance deal er united suburban gas 20 main st n tr 73921 georgetown jntfo0s

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