robert r hamilton k optometrist now residing in georgetown one block east of iga opposite rex heslop development former faram home eyes examined optical repairs prescriptions filled or duplicated office hours monday and wednesday 9 00 am 9 00 pm other evenings by appointee it call triangle 73971 harry brandford still top industrial bowler early season stes sonic rapid shifts in the big ten high averages in the industrial bowling league last week while harry brand ford retained his first place posl tton with a 261 average there were many changes md several new facts in the spotlight following brandford wcro frank anderson 234 j lameront 232 b hale 225 bill anderson 222 denny wright 220 jim brandford 220 terry bludd 214 earl wilcox 212 and george storey 211 team standings also changed with kay s grocery retaining the lead for a second week in the 12 tiam group fr buchanan had a 300 high sin gle for the week followed by j brandford 297 and o carter 295 terry bludd and george webster tied for a 766 high triple and brandford had a 733 construction equipment cranes shovels dw21 earth movers bulldozers road graders available with operators for all types of excavating grading for sale crushed stone and 1 pit run gravel sand fill for information call alrex contracting limited triangle 72286 future showmen the georgetown herald page 3 wednesday evening sept 26 1956 r turkinglon photo too young to enter contests yet bill alexander left norval and billy sinclair burlington guard awards won by older sister and brother in the dairy calf competitions at saturdays fair hesleyfolk assist ballinafad minister bdlhnafaii s new student n ur man neelon was the certre of a c immunity bund concert fn dj sept 14th as the citizens of chi sky his home town gathered in thur arena to donate 340 to help lover mr ccion s residential fees at the university of toronto the band of the rcaf training command jppcurcd under arrange 45 town jehovahs at orangeville assembly about 45 delegates from the georgetown area were in attend ancc at the semi annual circuit as stmbly of jehovah s witnesses held in orangeville the weekend of september 21 23 this was the first tune in recent years when an assembly of this nature has been i held in orangeville the purpose was to nuke more profieient the men by the session and rev i m hidden of st johns i nitid mniitr of hovah witnesses lhuch mr whiddcn spoke brief and thel ocal delegates aree that 1 of the treat need for mni tm asstmblj fulfilled this objec iters and mr neelon also told of tlvl date having served xhi wmbly mt under way in the dunnville ar t7u m tht p- hiabeth his careei t f ur ehurchi ea whiu taking his k course at mtmasui lie als t k pait in the si rviec in the united church the follow int sunday sinint before the larle conirejali n mr neelon left liusday for tor onto to continue taking a theology eourse at victoria college proving grounds of chevrolet popularity east west across th land wherever cars are parked on every ti and highway you see more chevrolet than any other car because far more people drive chevrolet than any other cart and the preference for chevrolet is growing ever greater because more and more people are discovering theres no value like chevrolet value arthur scott motors ltd 41 guilph strut gkoroctown trunffl 74251 sehool when j ii athan district supervisor sounded the keynote bv quoting fr in christ s sermon on the in unt happy are those conscious of their spiritual need the theocratic ministry school followed 1 his is an expanded course in public hibli rtadmj and discoursing in current probli and events and th ir relations bible prophecy a service meeting was next and it developed the theme of the assembly happy people serving a happy god this meeting discusses and demnnstrat es in a practical way all phjses of the kingd m minister s service i he attendance on frnday was 322 c insisting of delegates from nun different conrcca lions islington port credit oakvilk burlington brampt n c rji town grand val le uelph and orangeville salurda mornine the activity consisted of door to d or and street ministry the afternoon witnessed a baptismal service where five del elates symbolized ihcir dedication to serve their id jc hov ih with out reservation in his discourse to the ssimlk mr nithan pom led out th it ile in jti n and baptiorn means the t implett huniblint of oneself before jitnvjh siturdav ncnine dilecjws siw the itch tower societj s new film the hap piness of the ntw woild society this film in full colour depicts the spiritual in catherine that is now being expirunced by thi new world society it shows the love unity an i happiness that prevails imiirih in mbir if this new yoi hi s icietv sundav in irninj jehovahs wit nisses went out in their minister nl activity sunday afternoon the convi ntioncrs moved to hie oi ankcviilc district high school 1 hi main discourse was delivered by j ii nathan on the subject what will annate i inn mean for you mr nathan showed references and conct rn hj influential rt iimoiis politicil and commercial men hi explained from the bible thai rm akcddon is a war fought between jehovah cod and the visibte and invisible forces of evil mr nath in scnpturally shmed that anna feddon is a just war to avenge the blood guilt of men and nations the speaker drew a parallel be twecn the cities of refuge in anc lent israel which afforded protec tion then and the new world so ciety today the modern cities of refuge at the conclusion of the dis course copies of the booklet after armageddon god s new world were presented to the audience the talk was followed by a sum mary of the walchtowcr magazine which is the foremost bible used by jehovahs witnesses today and they study it diligently at their weekly meetings a macnamara spoke on the subject youth in the new world society mr nathan delivered the final talk of the day and counselled his hearers on the point of free thinking mr nath and said in part there is a ten dency among the rising generation to exalt individuality free thin king they call 1l the ipeaker pointed out that jehovah is deal ing with an organization the new world society not with indt vidua and therefore to have god j favour and protection they must come within the framework of that organization and not ex press themselves u freethinkers the attendance at the sunday af temoon s sessions waa 700 it pays to shop for quality in footwear comfort appearance long wear be expertly fitted at silvers the largest selection of fine shoot in the district daymonds gigantic furniture sale bedroom suites suites as low as big savings in every dept the sale you have been waiting for daym0nd home furnishings the house of quality 107 quebec st guelph 8u open friday i09pm phone 7000 the boss sure xv loads that truck v these days since hes been feeding us that coop dairy ration o 6 use coop 16 dairy ration or 24 dairy concentrate or with your own grain nm 32 concontraf it will pay i halton cooperative supplies fre dviivmy on ttovh days o 6 oeoroetown tr 71171 coop coop milton tr 13391 coop coop