the georgetown herald wednesday evening nov 7 1956 page 6 chatting 1ve just finished h id me 1 ida uloi in irticle in this iwulllla ullullllle wllo sllll snnli towns ire quid mrs cad og in i tht wift ol tht td i tor of thi dm him chronicle and while sht it ads an tvcn busiei life than mosl of us what she has to say on this subject i liis true for most of us inn in iimtown tl what with i bus lound of organizational acti vitus tut key suppers ban quits md partus to sd nothing of tht children s aetiwtie october has flashed by noumbcr is well boiktd up and will take a dup breath december is just aroun i tht cornel if ou tin gtl a lhatclaine i rt i numml uii u idtng that arti k high tn j lile 0 rlclntly wr bplnl a few das in windsor no we didn t get acr ss to de troit not much fun browsin ai ound the stores if you can t bring batk amlhing we are timid souls not een a smigglnj little smuftit is worth the mental ton ture as ou might imagine how evtr ihtre is a good deal of buj ing dine in dttroit by windsor ltts while in windsor we heard tht tnd of an intriguing tpisodt apparently batk in the spring a ounj lady from windsor was on a shopping expedition to de troit while oier there she lost hei wallet in out of tht mures it conl until 70 00 and identification paptr naturally she was upset but as tht dajs passed into wctks sht lost all hopt of ttr getting it batk 0 tn fact when a detroit merch int phoned htr last week end and asked her if she had loit her walltt tonuimnj a larce sum of inonej sht com plttek forgot about her six month old loss and rushed upst nrs to look in htr purse to ste if the wallet currentl in ust was thtre sure tnough there it was safe and sound then she remembered the wallet she had lost last march the next daj sht went over to dt troit to ldtntifv and claim it funny thing tho she had never bten in tht store where the wallet was found during the months it was lost the wallet had been used so much that her name engraved on the front had practically worn off and it had been pitked up by tht builditit jan itor just the previous day from a conspicuous position right in front of an elevator it still tontained the s70 0o in canadian montj and all her identification pipers discussing tht luck find there were several opinions as to whit might have happened the most popular surmise was that a guilty conscience had been at work this is not an unusual thing in windsor and detroit appare nth the customs officials often benefit b guilty feelings of people who have smuggled merchandise across the border in some cases it is years since the offence was com mitttd but the duty money is sent to clear their consciences just tht same t education is taking a prominent part in the lives of man mothers these das especially those whose chil dren art atttndine the shift das bis at w ngglesworth and harrison sthotls helping tht children co er tht r grade work for thf adcli tional hours the teacher cannot spen 1 with them focusses our at tention even more intently on their school work thjn is normally thi case ctrtainly it s giving us a greattr insight into the problems a teacher facts and well lets admit it it s a rtfrtsher courst too for many bits of history sp i ling and yts arithmetic loo that have if ng since sunken into the limbo of forgotten thinks thtre are times i must admit when id prefer thtm to stay forgotten such as when copinj with the family wash at the same time as the intricacies of lone division and the voyage of columbus f however the fact rt nnins that schooling is sort ef en my mind these days and even when wt were awiy feir a few diys recently i found tht subject cropping up one vount mother i hipptntd t be chitlin with told me of an interesting cxperment her little tirl was part of in cracks 2 and 3 in the lxn don public school 9 they decided to grit progressive education a try for a year or two with these two lower grades bringing in the best qualified teacher in that field from the u s i gathered that the experiment wasn t altoge ther successful at least to this particular mothers way ol think lug curious about just how the proceed in this type of educational program 1 learned that it s all very informal when the children come to school in the morning they vote on whit they d like to do such u what subject they bould study flnt etc the majority ruled but service calls- mon fbi 8 30 a m to 5 p m phonatr 73921 after houn sat and sun phono triangle 7 9409 gas for automatic setttandforgefh cooking 4 united suburban gas co ltd georgetown 7 main st s tr 73921 unitedfttfs presbyterians hear lotfi moslem christian convert those who altcneltei strwees of worship at knox irtsby tirian church at ii am md i nuthouse i hurth at i jo p in had tht uppor tunity of hearing mr seifoullah i eitfi who was raised a pious mos km and bit aim a com i it l thi uiustian faith mr i otfi s ixper this pailiiuhi little tirl spent a en frustrating time because most of the tune her vote was in the minority it ktpt her in a stile of announce for most of iht yur then instead of the us ual approach to arithmetic they had stt up a pi i store it the batk of tht room and in this way the children learned the nas ons for subtraction multiplication and dmsion in toninti form ti othtr fresh aprpoach was the tea ching of hteralure with puppets il lustrating the story nitt for tht thileirtn but tht molhtrs found makinj so many puppets tinsomi i but the biggest disad vantage to the system waa the switching b itk i i normil h icliing methods the next year the children found it extreme hard to rtadjust and the little girl i vt mentioned although tonsiehr cd one of the brightest in the elass hid to have considerable htlp at home with her work and h r health suffered to thi point that she became irritable anei had dif ficulty sleeping for the hitter part of that school term so the old tried and true methods apparently remain the best unce bears a marked icstniblance ic th it of st 1 aul in til it he too vs is a vnv rtlilius rn in previous to his acceptance of christianity and in addition did not seek to income a hristi in in fitt ivin if tt r he taiiu in tiuih with litis tunity he had no intention of ac vpting it his hfi l tarly m mho id was all spin i in ne rthcrn iian whtrt hi wis raised in the moslem nil ion he wis extreme i proud of his religion and wj taught in it thoroughlv he wis able to rtpiat from memory the whole of tht ko rin the moslem scripture s he was a son adored by his funilv afte r the outlirtik of the sic ond world wir mr i olfi joined tht irani in air forte to mike use of his tiainim as an atron uitical en jiihu hi wis sent on a mission lo rnjjand and while then lived with a fine christian family i p to this tune he knew nothing of christ at all except that the koran made nunlim of lhnst is i tre at prophet he had never he ird that he was the son of ond ft r tht mission wis complctiel ht returned ti inn whtrt ht was stitiontd in tehran shortly dltr his riturn hi wmt to the amincan presbyter lan mission to ask for some instruc lion in the christian faith lven j at thit timi hi had no intention of becominc a christian at the i time ht w is e nly inttrtsttei in it irnine ibout christianity he had to lake tht instruction by i night as servicemtn were not al lowed to mingle with foreigners fltr lakint instruction for sofut tutu mr 1 otfi knew ihut his life hael toint t a trossroid whtrt lit had to make i decision of mom minus import inn whither to tontinut as i muslim or accept hristi itnty he found thtre was only one tin nt hi could di a ul lit bit inn a christian ihls meant siptritim fiom iht family ht loved llicv disowntd him he was cnalii to a jount iranian moslem and tiny were lo bt mar ne d soon when his fiantits fa ther inrnid of his atuptanii if the christian f nth lit tame to linn md made it vtiv tltar that if tht entitlement win not broken im mediate ly he would set that he wt rt haiiliel i his appart ntly tould have taken plate without any or vi ry little tovirnment intirvin lion as becoming a christian lo iht moslems nu ins rejection of tounlrv as well as religion so mr i otfi wis fvmd to leave his funilv break his entagiminl and it ivi the tounlrv ht lovul binct thin he has had a check creel inter ht finally found his wav to the united stiles whin ht furtlured his education by work ing his own wav his i lutid slat is visa expired and at the last nun ult it was icicpteel into canada where he expects lei make his home at present he is study im for the chnsti in ministry bunt in his second veir of thiolol at knox college toronto upon grad uatiem ht will look forward to ik inn ord itntel into the mini try of the irtsbytenan hurth in c ina da his lift for the p isl number of veirs has bun a history of pnva lion misunderstanding and seem ingly insurmountable difficulties yet his lift is a vivid example of tht joy the christian faith brings he mantis at the wonderful and mystinous way in which cod ar i rested him in the way he was to i me and turned his face toward a i harder lift but one that lb vibrant i with a deep stnse of joy as ht speaks in halting rnijish one is elteply consiious of htinnt i a person unspeakably grittful to rod for the new life he has mviii him thiuuch his faith in christ twins woodworking lime house manufacturers of sain frame storms doors inaide out trim door hardware plywood floor tile window glaii open evenings and all day saturday till 9pm triangla 7 2162 willitts turkeys w ell dressed i ntestines removed luscious low in fat inexpensive tops for taste turkey at its best so order now willitts turkey farm b allin afad triangle 72314 delivered to your door 3-cabs- 3 reliable drivers radio equipped glen taxi tr 72432 plumbing and heating licensed plumbers certified lennox dealers ted tom hicken and clapham triinglo 73952 triangls 73737 presenting the allnew with new lowslung flightsweep beauty new ultrasmooth torsion- aire ride new thrill- power go new safer stop- power come take the wheel of the most com plctely now car in twenty years tho beautiful thrill ot plymouth ready get set for n st ries of wonderful surprises that htnrt with the smoothest nde on wheels nothing can equal revolu tionary torsion aire hide for luxurious comfort and handling ease a completely now suspension system replaces old fashioned coii nprings with new torsion bars permits n lower cxntrc of grnvity that keeps plymouth hugging the road there a almost no sway on curves bumps seem to vanish and oven quick stops are smooth without usual nose dive step on tho gaa feel thnt instant re sponse there s new thrill pouvr go under the hood of every big new plymouth v8 or 6 and it s yours to rommnnd with finger tip ease thnnks to proved in use push button automatic shifting red light ahead new total contact brakes give you extra safe stop power to match plymouth s go power but you 11 have to drive this beautiful new plymouth to discover how really exciting it is come in and try ittoday t plymouth youre a una ays a step ahead in th e oars of the fof iva ro look manufactuied in cnadi by chrysler corporation ol canada umitsd