Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 6, 1957, p. 1

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su 1 nt fr c l fourteen pages p qeotoctowh ontario wednesday march 6th 157 first section what council md volunteer service ready as mcclure ambulance bought ka georgetowns volunteer ambu- ance- service was advanced to the starting stage monday when coun cu purchased the mcclure ambul- kt editor thfe weather anee after receivnurav offer to sell rom the owner for itfqo tegs 100 discount the stormy question was settled fca 63 vote with reeve allen and crs sykes and harrison main taining the opposition they had expressed on several previous- oc casions all three reiterated their reas ons tor opposition that the veh icle is in their opinion not worth the price and that the new service should demand a new machine and new equipment reeve allen spoke at some length saying that council is sav ing pennies on an essential serv ice he said 19000 had been spent on a fire pumper last year with onetenth of the present de bate that this and the new fire hall contribute to the efficiency of georgetowns top fire department and that the same reasoning should hold for the ambulance ser vice several councillors who favoured the purchase restated their reasons for upholding it after the vote reeve allen said that it would be difficult for him to continue chairing the council ambulance committee which ap parently was going to work on a shoestring and asked to be reliev ed of the position council has shown that dollars are the important thing he said and i feel that someone who goes farther in economy than i do can do a better job the reeve said that if he con tinued as chairman he wouldnt want to bring every financial dis pute to council and feels that he can serve the ambulance service better as a private councillor tm surprised that the reeve cant take defeat in a debate said cr ifcgilvray ii i cant try to save money on a committee i doat want to sit on it t- been defeated in debate more times than ive won replied the reeve my only reason for giving up the chairmanship is that i dont want to have to bring ev ery purchase to council for de bate to review the month of febru ary with this weeks sunynary tr the lowest temperature reglsterd during the month was xer and that only on two days add the highest was 67 degrees the maximum average was 35 and that is 9 degrees above normal average the minimum average was 15 which is 4 degrees above normal the total snowfall for the month was only 9 inches being 6vi inches below average and now for whatever march cares to fairing along era batkin date max min rain mon feb 25 57 30 18 explains work of junior red cross h bwirstow chairnimi chamber of tues- feb 26 43 wel feb 27 25 thurs feb 28 25- fri march 1 38 sat march 2 34 sun march 3 27 average 35 34 12 9 16 12 9 17 flur flur 18 what council did engineer son killed a m aa a j argentine mine accident john maybin girvan bsc p eng elder son of brig and mrs j p girvan of wildwood was kil led instantly by a falling rock on january 28th at el aguilar argen tine in the high andes while car rying out his duties in a mine of which he was superintendent mr girvan was born in toronto on january 18th 1919 and gradua ted from the university of toronto as a mining engineer in march 1940 he had been commissioned in the royal canadian engineers in january that year and assigned to otc as an instructor returning for graduation while at univer sity he was awarded his letter for athleti and a brume t f ting a swimming record he also won many medals in intercolleg iate competition on formation of the 1st canad ian parachute battalion he volun teered for service and took his par achute traimng in fort benning georgia he was captain and ad jutant of the battalion when the jumped into normandy the night before the allied landing subse quently he was wounded and tak en prisoner after the war he was employed with mclntyre mining cotand did research in mine hygiene by broulan reef mine and by st jos eph lead co as superintendent of their mine in argentina he was due to leave for home in february after three years in the south he was buried in bethlehem penn the home of his wife on february 18th his funeral- was attended by his parents his broth er kenneth of thistletown and se nior mining officials from new york argentina and toronto he leaves his wife josephine hamil ton and a daughter sheila- 11 mr girvan was a member of the royal canadian military institute toronto university alumnae asso ciation the society of professional engineers and was a member of the anglican church copy lift over sofry but another surplus of newt copy this week has left seve ral news items waiting ull next tone readers ibaukl particulary note tub waak that cooacil few la re- natrtad for tw wmthaga agn soma aajaatjjji appoint benham clerk treasurer collector overruling a motion passed at last wednesdays council meeting to appoint clarence benham acting town clerk council on monday vo ted 54 for his appointment as clerktreasurer and collector of taxes and water rates passing of the motion followed a request from mr benham that the decision be reviewed and also the salary set on wednesday gr era hyde asked for a recor ded vote on a motion made by him self and cr harry hale jor the appointment at a salary of 3500 and it was supported by crs harri son sykes and gray members of the administration committee the mayor reeve d and cr mc- gilvray who had recommended the acting appointment opposed the new motion members of the administration committee expressed opinions that tey should have been consulted prior to the request to council the mayor said that it had been their thought to give mr benham a chance at the job without jeopard izing his present position should he or council later decide on a change we are forced to make a decis ion tonight said cr hyde in pres enting his motion and i am hap py that mr benham has confidence in his ability to handle the clerks job if he doesnt measure up ill be the first to ask to get rid of him sam pehrice installed the oftv cera of the newly formed wrig- glesworth dome school asso ciation h monday evening mr penrice was the first president of line original body and thus he was given he honour of installing thej officers in this new branch 1 members of this group jfeel as indeed au parents d6 thajt che way of leaching has changed soj considerably since they attended school that they are unable to be a great help to the children and this association is trying te get a glimpse of the subjects and the way they are being taught this is being done with the coopera tion of the teachers each meet ing night a teacher from a par ticular grade will be in attendance for half an hour prior to the busi ness portion of the evening and will briefly go over the subjects and answer any questions parents may care to ask monday evening prinicpal william kinrade was in attendance for his class mem bers feel that this will lead to a better threeway understanding with child teacher and parent john elliott introduced- the guest speaker of the evening miss prang field representative of the junior red cross from guelph her talk was made doubly inter esting with the showing of illus trated slides of the work of the junior red cross to most of the parents this was a revelation to see just what the small donations the children took to school as a member of the junior red cross were used for- one accepts so casually the fact that a child belongs to the red cross or any other organization without fully realizing what potentiality there is of moulding a childs future in these organizations to go on in j later years as a citizen of great value to the country the junior red cross help crippled children here andin other countries help to finance a travelling dental clinic to people in the north who are unable to get to a dentist they feed and cloth many many children in korea graham raraell thanked miss prang for her talk and expressed the appreciation of those present for giving them a better under standing of their childrens acti vity in the junior rett cross it was decided to have a social evening after the business portion for the april meeting mrs wil liam chaplin and her social com mittee served a delicious lunch to close a very successful meeting harold balrstow chipper cl was elected for a second term as president of georgetown- chamber of commerce on thursday other officers are harold mc clure vieepesldent jim alcorriv treasurer aid mrs art scott se cretary- seven directors were al so elected atthe meeting in the municipal building harold mar shall dick lkata jack crichton koberi khrahtbni win b ha milton charles wray and ed wiener reviewing activities of the past year mr bairstow mentioned that the chamber had issued an industrial brochure and a shop pers guide and expressed parti cular pleasure in the successful christmas decorating campaign in which the public had joined so enthusiastically the chamber has also shared cost with the town council of an advertisement in a special issue of the financial post had donated a cup as one of the prises in the santa parade and held a successful dinner dance at the golf club a project which is being comp leted at present is completion of ornamental work on the park gates the chamber decided to have the march meeting take the form of a dinner to which merchants are particularly being injrited it is planned to have a special spea ker from the national association who will slant his talk towards merchant matters glen williams what council did okay monday closing forgroceys butchers eight local grocery stores and limehouss meat markets wil commence new store hours next week council on monday established the new hours by an amendment to the store closing bylaw after receiving a petition asking this from seven of the nine businesses involved a motion to draw up the bylaw changes had been made at last wednesdays meeting crs ern hyde and harry haley dissenting voices at the time again expressed their opposition on monday a re corded vote was asked by cr mc- gilvray and the mayor and other six council members acceded to the request of the merchants the stores will be closed every monday while other stores close for the weekly half holiday thurs day at noon food merchants will remain open oh that day other wise store hours will be uniform cr hyde on monday pleaded with council to give the matter more thought before a decision he pointed out that council is en dorsing a minority merchant group although the proper majority ex ists within the group itself i am not opposed to what they are trying to achieve but i am opposed to what is going to happen to business by splitting store hours he said mr hyae said that councils job is to decide what is best for the town a a whole and that shoppers inust be considered alio monday closing has some merit he aaidvbut he would feel mote secure in a de cision if all merchants were la fa vour reeve stan allan said thauwhue ha b aorry ajl merchants are not n nvou in niuui mil gee ecw mrs smethurst home after sudbury visit mrs smethurst has j returned home after spending several months with her daughter mrs paul at sudbury congratulations to mr and mrs chas james on the arrival of a little daughter on wednes day at guelph general hospital also congratulations to mr and mrs ron moore on the arrival of their little girl at st josephs hospital guelph on thursday morning a little son was born to mr and mrs a ferrier in september and since then seven baby girls joe weaver s5 was horse lover trainer v joe weaver 85 who had made his home on the 10th line glen williams since coming from eng land in 1914 was buried in glen williams cemetery on thursday he died at his home on february 25th mr weaver was a trainer and great lover of horses in england he was connected with several hunt clubs including grange ash min and sennlng- ton hunt dubs all in the north of england he was the son of david and ellen white richmond weaver and a member of the anglican church he was predeceased by his wife annie armitage whom he married in 1894 surviving are four children nellie fred elsie and fannie all of glen wjuiams and two sisters mrs j bennett and mrs c thornton of georgetown rev kenneth richardson con ducted the funeral service at the harold c mcclure funeral home pallbearers were cyril horden archie ecclcs kylebingham benriy lorrimah john and eccles mcclure nave been born to lim couples we are sorry that mrs albert leferink has been in guelph hos pital since thursday since her operation on monday we hope for steady improvement in her health john brown fell while skating near home on wednesday receiv ing a cut which required six stitches the pattersons visited mr and mrs s smith and mr g sin clair weston on sunday mr and mrs g k turner and family and mrs wilson wiley of orillia visited with the patter sons on monday happy birthday to norman mc donald who celebrated his tenth birthday last week the ted morrows of toronto visited her mother mrs lane on sunday fire destreysbarn on j e trown farm a large barn on the farm of j e brown six miles south of nor val was destroyed by fire yester day at noon while the owner and his wife were away at work the lone occupant of the farm fine handivvork display concludes might school members of the night school classes displayed their handiwork friday in knox church auditorium the evening marked the end of another successful yiaflji of hrrtnif uon 1m subjects ranging from oil painting to welding typewriting to instruction hi contract bridge visitors viewed ow 60 paini- ings downs of aluminum frays or- ginal millinery preatiphs and hind- srime furniture as well as leather objects clothing and typewriting specimens all a tribute to the cal ibre of instruction and the skill of those taking the courses the display was opened after a few words by mayor jack arm strong and larry mauighan chair man of the night school commit tee over 300 students participat ed in the- tuesday night classes this season there was a total of 19 different classes in operation the executive which arranged the courses included keith bar ber past chairman larry maugh- an chairman frank black vice chairman mrs john glynn secre- ftary miss adelaide miller treasu rer mrs ray thompson mrs w c reynolds registrars wilf mino al zeravlev blair armstrong pro perties miss rosemary jordan publicity mrs harold henry miss jean ruddell j l lambert clas ses were conducted in the high school wriggleswortb and chapel public schoolls awlthe public lib rary norval league champs for a second year nerval juniors skated off wit 6 their third straight victory monday in milton to take their playoff ser- ies with palctmo and win the mil ton milling trophy for the second year it was a closely checked game till the end of the 2nd period when norval took command with the score 21 they rapped in tw more before palermo added their second and last goal norval ad ded a final tally before the last whistle s pete pomeroy was top scorer with 3 goals singles by ken rich ardson ross cunningham and ken hearns the latter a bride groom of this saturday robert booth and max uang scoied for palermo norval has had a very success ful year ending the regular season ot first place with 8 wins 2 losses and a tie dave leslie was top scorer the team comprised j d cam eron and floyd brigden goal ken hearns dave leslie don smith hugh cunningham bill wilson de fence pete pomeroy ross cun ningham ken richardson earl wilson fred barnes dune robin son george smith bill richardson david cunningham cliff mcdon ald forwards jamie cunningham and len coxe coached and manag ed the team raiders tie oakville in playoff opene georgetown raiders and oak- hutched and thjs series could eas- ville meteors opened their best- in uy go che full seven games seven intermediate a series last friday night in oakvllle in a fast clean game the teams battled to al 2all overtime draw the afcoond game of the series- will be played in georgetown tonight the third in oakville friday the fourth back in town aexl wednesday march 13 the two teams are very evenly v church ladies entertain junior choir on saturday afternoon the dau ghters of the church entertained members of the st georges jun ior girls choir to a skating party mrs tom van sickler andhrs walter biehn supervised- the girls at the arena and mrs wilf mino and mrs edward stigger served refreshments in the church school room after the skating ballinafad birthday party marks sixty institute years in place of their regular meet ing the members of the farmers union attended a special event at rockwood on thursday night when mrs george prosser presi dent of the provincial womens organization of the ontario far mers union was the guest speak er another very successful euchre party was held on monday night at the home of mr and mrs ernie mcenery by the members of the institutetherewas eleven tab les and the prizewinners were for the ladies mrs j black and mrs n sinclair and for the gen tlemen wm kirkwood with eddie smith and j p kirkwood ued for second eddie winning the draw a special birthday cake with lighted candles was present ed to mrs j p kirkwood and mrs n sinclair who each had a birthday that day lunch was ser- house at toe time mr browns son placed the call to the georgetown fire dept when he discovered the blaze not realising uuu the farm was in milton territory when the firemen arrived the only thing they could do was contact the milton department and stand by until they took over the barn was- al ready a mass of flames the- barn which stood on lot 5 10th line was empty when the fire broke out just minutes prior to the 10th line blase the firemen were sum moned to the delrex subdivision where an observant resident re ported a grass fiirer oh their ar rival they discovered that a woftc crew had the flames well under control the first period ended score less with both teams playing it cautious in the first ton minutes oakville had a alight edge hut some fine stops by lawrence and good clearing by the defence held the meteorr at bay in the last half of the period the tide turned and the raiders peppered the omfc- viuehet with some dangerous shots the raiders looked like they would break the ice when devinski picked up a tripping pen alty but they could not get the puck past don hardy in the oak- ville net the second period started out very rough at 4i33 dave irons and devinski collided against the end boards and started swinging when it was finally broken up both players received 5 minute majors irons wanted to continue the affair and picked up an addi tional ten minute misconduct for his efforts at 1641 ron dixon got away a hard shot from just in- side the blue line hardy stopped the puck but before he could clear bud varey swoopedjn and drove a hard shot between his legs and the raiders had the leadf their lead was short lived as the third period was less than three minutes old when bill haw kins tied the garnet hawkins car ried the puck down the left boards and was almost in the corner when he fired a desperation shot it was not a hard shot and just caught the sort side past lawrences right arm at 1310 the raiders again took the lead junior beaumont took a pass from art white at the oakville blue line without breaking stride junior fired the puck past hardie for the nicest goal of the game with their backs against the wall oakville fought back they were rewarded when hawkins picked up his second of the night at 1710 in a scramble ar ound the raider net lawrence did not have a chance the overtime was scoreless with ved by the committee miss beth mcenery entertained the young peoples union at her both teams missing some good home last sunday evening the i chances for the raiders art social personal mrs bill long and her son stephen from ottawa are visiting with ner parents mr and mrs w h reid r r 1 for two weeks mrsjs juniors tie series the junior raiders maintained a 2 goal lead all through last nights game here to tie preston- 3 games to 3 in the junior c playoffs last game will be in presfon on friday night i remember the great cry when open night was changed from sat urday to friday but i dont think any merchants have suffered he said third reading was given to a by law to provide 9176000 for a high school addition by a debenture is sue asked by wart bad ymca about the possttutty tevtrattowr wa bt at not cawttke crossing highway struck by car v c four year old bradford kelts son of mr and mrs ronald kells 20 cleaveholm drive was taken to t josephs hospital guelph ear- by friday afternoon with concus sion and torh ligaments in the left shoulder and leg suffered in an accident opposite no 99 main st north a the boy was knocked to the pavement when he darted into the path of a northbound vehicle from the boulevard adjacent to the east jcurb the driver of the car henry- r hewlett of rockton ap plied the brakes immediately but was unable to avoid hitting the chad after examination by dr alia- talr macintosh he boy was taken to hwrrf imaahadlbe right c mnckemie mrs- ry miller and her son philip were guests of mrs s- b groat vic toria street last saturday mr and lira keith barber king street bad as their guests over the week end miss jean dewar toronto mr and mrs lloyd somerset and their child ren lynn and robert of port credit i ricky son of mr and mrs al currie 19 elisabeth street had a party on monday to celebrated his eighth birthday his guests were rchard lent mark irwin billy chard bobby jcnkinson ian has- lem and brian bailey after completing a sixweek course on general welfare work in civil defence in toronto wil liam cumpsty 40 main sl s will spend the next ten days on special civil defence course at arnprior mr and mrs spence mcklnnon and bobby of cornwall and mr and mrs george mllliere toledo were weekend guests with mr and mrs bill milliere 12 weslcyan street and with mr and mrs har old scratch si henry street sid silver who motored south with friends has returned home mrs silver and daughter mar garet jane flew down to join him for a stay it north jmlami beach and they took the circle tour tot florida en mala following is a list ot officers elect ed for the coming year president ted freeman 1st vicepresident beth mcenery 2nd vicepresident duncan gibson secretary mildred watson treasurer ross shortill pianist marjorie gibson a special birthday party for the womens institute was held re cently in the church at ballinafad mrs a mcenery welcomed every one and then asked mrs gibson who was the first president when the group was organised five years ago to take the chair several films were shown by mr neelon entitled four seasons and for home and country mrs root mcenery and mrs leo jarrdeson entertained with readings and mrs n sinclair contributed a vocal solo and the mcenery or chestra played several selections mrs jesse mcenery read the his tory of 60 years of institute work games contests and a social time brought the happy evening to a close the afternoon auxiliary of the womans missionary society held their february meeting at the home of miss ma young on white jerry ingua junior beau mont and bud varey were best hawkins herriot and devinski stood out for oakville ashorovs mrs ronald cecil former ruby tennant of stewart- town was mtmond i several showers prior to bar marriage re- centty anon thee whoenter wednesday of last weee the name of the missionary for pray er miss alice munns kharua in dia was given to each member and the rest of the program was as follows devotional period mrs r warne temperance thought miss a hilts social service mrs a neelon and thestudy on indo china and the phillipines taken by mrs f w shortill assisted by miss young mrs cassidy and mrs warne plans were made for the easter thankoffering meeting and mrs black was asked to invito rev and mrs a c huston of victoria square church to speak and to show their pictures taken at nelson house manitoba where they worked with the indians for four years the meeting closed with the singing of a hymn and prayer by the president mr and mrs maurice bree- schooten have returned home after a twoweek visit to their native land of holland they report arriving at amsterdam only 26 hours after leaving mai ton and changing planes at london they both enjoyed seeing their mothers as well as other friends and rela tives misses anne kreuer and leona stroeder were week end gusts at the home of mr and mrs floyd shortill sunday visitors at the manse were miss blanche hilbard nor val and mr bruce gould families join wl to celebrate birthday at esquesing community hall wednesday evening february 27 the members of ashgrove womens institute and their families enjoy ed a social evening to celebrate the thirty first year since its organisa tion and also to commemorate the founding of the first institute 60 years ago by miss adelaide hood- less of stoney creek meeting was opened by first vice president mrs cliff hunter with everyone singing the ode and o canada roll call was why i am glad my wife belongs to the womens institute and many humorous answers were given by the husbands secretory mrs thomas giffen read the min utes of the first wx meeting which was held on february 19th 1926vat the home of mrs clayton wilson with 19 ladies present mrs c b dick was the first president id theistnehoir leader at the unitedj church dunnville the ttafnorial windowafor the front t ihullnafad church have been completed and a apectal ter- vice of dedication will tain place v march al when mr il and mrs clayton wilson secretary roll call was read and seven of those members were present at this meeting mrs r h wright mrs c b dick mrs c wilson mrs george wingfield miss ethel brownridge miss bertha barnes- and mrs russell hepburn mrs clayton wilson read an approprl ate short address and mrs george wingfield presented mrs c h dick and mrs russell hepburn with life membership certificates and pins mrs john mcnabb gave the results of the litter bug con test which the school children had taken part in and were judged by miss dorothy stone who said a poster should first tell a message take attention and then be judged for its art first prise for juniors went ta robert brigden 2nd ellen hunter intermediates 1st doreen carney 2nd nancy hunter seniors 1st catherine hunter 2nd doris picket two lovely solos by mrs francis thompson loves a mer chant and the sunshine of your smile followed by mrs jack ruddell of toronto showing color ed movies first film was the beautiful butchart gardens in vic toria bc second coloured pic tures in the rockies and lastjy the calgary stampede verna and do ris picket played a piano duet mrsw fred nurse thanked everyone who had made such a grand ev ible and au sang the iters noticed ware mrs wright mr and mrs walter brownridge andmiat ethel brown ridge mrjana mrs w- t craig rem of georgetown andmisa tha bamw of norval witha fearing of to baa part at

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