Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 6, 1957, p. 3

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j yy 1lol 245 regular meeting in the i odd felcows hall tues march 12 at 730 pm the arch degree will be exemplified kb i im th j anglian parish st georges muh 10- lrf 1 800 am holy communion aypa 945 am church school- holy bible class 1100 am mattias desire arelationhip with god 215 pm holy confirm tion instruction 700 pm evensong our father 800 pm film the story of ruth 1000 am thursday holy communion st albans glen williams 930 am holy- communion 1040 am church school concert serhw closes thrilling performance by the songmeti the third and last of a group of concerts in knox church hall presented by the canadian con cert association of georgetown was brought to a brilliant close feb 23rd by the songsmen an outstanding group of a dozen sin gers they are directed by wal ter macnutt their repertoire includes lituri gical and secular as well as negro spirituals which are in a class alone all of which were sung in their respective contrasts and with complete sincerity these singers have had a wide experience on the concert plat- i form which gives them a profes sion ease before their audiences this was especially evident in the spirituals which always prove popular here they reached a high point of spontaneity which completely captivated the audi ence and nade them wish for more opening numbers were by pur- cell weber and monley with piano accompaniment three re ligious works followed by healey willan france and bach the willan missa brevis is a setting written especially for the liturgy of the lutheran church and is typically beautiful of the poly phonic writing of the great cana dian composer manyxif the arrangements were madeby david ouchterlony for- director of the feroup and sohe by mr macnutt a local music critic reports be striving for too bis a tone which tended to become strident also at times- the melodic line asjttotexcuy in unison bow- ever th a only minor criti cisms when one considers the con cert as a whole and the spirituals in particular they are a superb ensemble and one hopes to hear them again in georgetown soon alf perrott returns as lome scots bandmaster nationally known bandmaster alfred r perrott has returned to lead the lorne scots band after ah absence of one year from the conductors stand l leading the band to over 2d cups and awards in his 25years as conductor mr perrott reaccepted the post without military connec tion r- the lorne scots one of the countrys finest martial bands has copped five firsts in the past eight years of cne competition during mr perrottfs absence the band was under the leadership of j dvorak of toronto grandson of the famous scandinavian composer anton dvorak bandsmen include cornet section charles lands- borough vic carter jim golden charlie emmans doug peck fred armstrong jack coates and e smcllie clarinets george elliott frank carter john setterfield emery thompson nino and arehic kerr alto horns ernie forgrave and dave hastings saxophones g dyer allan qyeens park report page 3 the georgetown herald wednesday kveg march o 195 stan hall mrp- for halton good afternoon ladies and gentlemen it is a pleasure for me to have this opportunity of bringing to you this peeks high lights of your ontario govern ment uninsured car owners will pay an extra 5 into the unsatisfied judgment fund next year under a bill given first reading the minium amount of liability insur ance required also will be raised alfred h cowling pc toron to high parky estimated the ini tial twoyear cost of launching a proposed air pollution control commission would be sxm00 bills given first reading would eliminate the 40 ceiling on three social assi allowanced and pave- the way for increasing the amounts if the federal govern- increases its share ccf leader macdonald accused attorneygeneral roberts of us ing jommunist smear tactics to distract public attention from the use of provincial police as strike breakers in a recent northern of the ontario labour dispute mr berts stood by his statement last week when he denied strikebreaking charge liberal financial critic john j wintermeyer said the govern ment has failed to demonstrate there is a need for extra tax levies the liberal opposition moved a braida j nonconfidence motion in the gov ernment for imposing huge addi before the end of the year at thistletown west of toronto liberal opposition leader oli ver said the government could have increased its revenue by not reducing the tax on parimutuel betting premier frost said the tax was reduced gradually to dis courage illegal bookmaking big ger parimutuel bcufng pools re sulted albert wren irlab kenora said the goventment should abol ish its film censor board because it is not doing any good premier v said he would ask the federal government to regulate the price of natural gas delivered by transcanada pipe lines lid attoraepgeneral roberts said the government proposes to exv pand toe provincial police- force and increase salvias mr frost said detailed approval by the federal government of the provincial bospital insurance plan later than march would jeopardize the jan 1 1959 start ing date of the scheme grants to school boards in 1956 will be increased by 19000000 r- from 81000000 to 101000000 unconditional grants to munici palities are being increased by 8000000 from 12000000 to 20000000 the province- of ontario in 1956 carried out the largest highway and road construction since the department of highways was formed the highway depart ment in the province spent 283- at times the singers seemed to iieatlcy norm herbert and dick karls tv antenna service for the finest workaaanship and prompt service on any kind of tv and antennas 24hourphone and sameday service 7 days a week from 6 pm until 1 1 pm service call 300 k h phone til 74163 heissler prop 36 shelby st georgetown riddall baritones fred lecce bill walk6r roy coates norm long trombones paul delaney ken allen p emmans bill ems- lie bruce mckcrr basses art herbert fred car ter charlie kinsihill totn herbert band librarian held birthday party tional taxes which were out of 000000 the municipalities spent proportion to grants and services 46000000 making a total of given 284000000r health minister phillips saild in 1939- out of every tax dollar canadas first treatment centre for collected in ontario the federal mentally ill children will open government took 3so the pro vincial government took 26c and government took parents sister arrive from hungary after many heartbreaking and harrowing experiences which testi to the municipal 35c in 1949 out of every tax dollar collected in ontario the federal government took 48c the pro vincial government 22c the mu nicipal government took 30c i j u t i i n 1956 out of every tax dollar must nave tested their faith in our h- v u j collected in ontario the federal mrt joseph simony oarers of g x the pro- douglas penrice son of mr and john simonyi who livevon cross tl govc took mrs sam penrice albert street street and is employed as ser- ft mu government took celebrated his sixth birthday last viceman for the harold c mc- saturday by entertaining several of his friends at a theatre party and then a birthday supper at his home his guests were charles biehn david farnell paul per kins ritchie linton ole and finn poutstrup bobby alcott and john bradley jddtmu oumke vtbtfa free marie frasers new butter recipes write today dmrv pajtmms o camapa 400 huron straat toronto the georgetown branch of the canadian red cross society is holding a meeting on thursday march 7th at 8 pm in the canadian legion auditorium mr harley neff campaign director for ontario will be the guest speaker plans for the local campaign will be finalized organizations and individuals who are interested in- the vital work of the rep cross are urged to attend v space contributed in the service of the community by j john labett uniltecl hrtj jr j lr j sky ix fefil i taj 4iitffl lwijvr clure home furnishings arrived safely in georgetown on friday february 15th with them came their daughter elinbeth and her husband alex solyon and their three young daughters mary susan and katharine their flight was made doubly hard due to the fact that mr simonyi is a jemiinvalid and since there was no means of trans portation they had to make the long trek by foot from their home in saint gotthard hungary to a red cross camp close to vienna in austria they arrived by plane from vienna at st pauls airport mon treal and after receiving word they had arrived john phoned his par ents there and heard their voices for the first time in nine years johns parents and family asked him to tell people how very grate ful they arc to everyone who has been scr kind to them mr roger vincent has made them welcome at hisrarnf home the happy reunion with their son leslie and family and their children who arrived a few weeks ago who are living at the farm of mr nad mrs charles greig r r 1 and their son joseph brant- ford who came to canada nine years ago with john was tinged with sadness because their sister rose who was to have come also cannot get out of hungary the borders have apparently closed fast and they feel it will be many years before they see her again chatting with m h o when mrs sam walker re ceived a letter from mrs a sachs recently she called and told me about it because she thought a number of people would be interested im quite sure mrs walker is right for the sachs family were at one time proprietors of the bennett house hotel here in georgetown and were wellknown both in town and district it is in the neighborhood of thirtyfive years since they mov ed from town mrs sachs is now ninetyone years of age esquesing swine are flown to south america a number of esquesingbred swine were included in a plane load of purebred tamworths ship ped hywr- from mallotftu caracas vcnexuela recently the selection was made by j e miller of kitch ener livestock exporter and purch asing agent there were 16 gilts and 3 boars from wright bros r r 1 george town 14 gilts from j c cunningh- ham hornby and six gilts from t j brownridge r r 2 george town the newer people in town will be interested by mrs sachs lcttovtoo because discussing it led to some reminis cences about wltat georgetown was like four decades ago first of all of course the bennett house no longer exists today mr sachs sold the building when he retired part of the original building was torn down and re placed by what is now the royal bank but to go back to the time of jjjjthe bennett house tit brickand frame construction the property extended back la what is now the brewers retail store the hotel had its driving sheds and stables in that area which brought up the interesting little point that a young driver in the employ of the hotel and j a willoughby at that time was a chap by the name of bill wright shortly thereafter mr wright abandoned his career as m driver to seek his fortune prospecting in the north and he found it for that same young man became the multimil lionaire owner of the wright-har- greaves mine mr wright died four or five years ago taxpaid withdrawals of cigarets for consumption in canada in 1955 reached an alltime high of 2457087000 flowers for every occasion dwlgn work a specialty flowers by wire anywhere in the world norton floral open fridays till 9 pm main street georgetown 1 i h lei hi 5p e hi ils gold seal sockeye salmon ncv v4 can- fr mother parker with a bonus pearl necklace 60 count pkg tea baas 79c lipton soup ox the month beef noodle soup 2 plcgs 29c lemon chip or little chip keillors 12 ox jar marmalade 29c choke applesauce 3 mont rouge 20 oz cans 39c new jello chiffon pie filling gattuso stuffed olives kelloggs corn flakes liquid 10c deal gay detergent pkg 15c 4 oz jar 19c 12 ox pkg 25c 20 ox bottle 49c sweet sugar peas 3 lynn valley cat 15 ox cans j jl fancy spy apples 3 29c extra crisp fresh spinach for a flavour treat buy radishes mild tender green onions florida white us no 1 new potatoes 2 plcgs 25c bunch or cello 3 for 19c 3 bun 19c 5 lbs 39 tomatoes tirm cello 17f red afc the bennett house was a twostorey building with big ornate wooden verandahs above and below at front a near- tragedy almost came about be cause of those verandahs it hap pened on a sunny 24th of may when both verendahk were jrowd- ed with sightseers for the annual drummers snac parade this was a big calithumpian affair sponsored by the commercial tra vellers of the district somi thing like the orangemens par ades of a few years ago commercial travellers were called drunwnersvderived no doubt from the fact that they drummed up business there were a great many of them in those days and for the annual drummers snack the travellers in certain districts banded togeth er and put on the big parade in a different town each year the salesmen themselves took part all dressed in elaborate costumes everyone turmeov 6utfot4h af fair but this particular 24th there too many spectators of tjoo a the hotel was given its name by a former proprietor ro bert bennett later mr ben netts soninlaw mr archie cof fin took over the hotel for a num ber of years mr coffin sold the hotel to mr albert sachs this i think fills in the history of own ership of the bennett house pretty well its interesting to note that mr p b coffin 45 charles st is a son of the late mr and mrs archie coffin a daughter ethel now mrs vernon smith lives in hamilton and another son har old makes his home in the sou thern usa i also found it interesting to learn that the other hotels in georgetown at the time the sachs owned the bennett house were the mcgibbon house where it is today and the treanor hotel now the exchange hotel this latter hotel was owned by the late thomas treanors uncle there was aso a sixeablc hotel in glen williams at that time called the glen house owned and operated hy the late thomas hill now returning to mrs sachs letter their friends here might like to know that after selling the hotel here mr and mrs sachs retired to toronto f6r two years and then bought business in mitchell they lived there ten years when mf sachs died very suddenly mrs sachs is living with her son erie and his wife in toronto the other sachs son cllve died of penicillin poisoning their daughter rose married again and wept to strat ford to live but was widowed wlthta auyeai a airsaiwitlimii of phrase expresses very well how she reacted after not seeing the town for many years a mrs sachs wrote it did not seem at all na tural her letter was a long one written with excellent penman ship and she mentioned several of the merchants and business men of their time here also many of the people she knew most of whom still live here in fair health mrs sachs is able to get around the house with the help of a cane one of her chief sources of pleas ure is in keeping up quite an ex tensive correspondence with rela tives and friends im glad mrs walker allowed us to share her wmmr write mfrsuai fwhis woodworking sash r frames plywood willi f lk

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