Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 10, 1957, p. 6

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srswss jr ocoftoctown gun wwjam3 norvat ujofoust hotniy sicwakttowa talunapao ashgrovv terra cotta sn bate 9100 a year single copies 8c each advertialas batesiiotedhoa-appucatioa- the herald is printed each wednesdsy- th the office at mjjaln st georgetown waitzb a biehn pubusher and editor stafp garfiem imcqi b ba leslie m dark dave bastings corey henington jr ken cowell mrs aileeh bradley terry harley- autbdrised as second class mail post office depu ottawa aaember of the- canaan weekly newspaper association april 6th m5t- pofeket- or the other i y out of one podcet into the otlw seems to bft- the- way government is heading nowadays and sometimes we wftnder where ifcwill end faunicipal aidrniriifiration is hard pressed to find money for the large expenditures on educa tion roads and other essential dvic services and this year welcomes a large financial assist from jhe province which has helped to keep the tax rate on an even keel now we read a suggestion by a provincial member of parliament that ontario may have to enter the field of income tax and sales tax to find future funds to subsidize municipalities it points to the fact that one cant get some thing for nothing if a municipality expects to receive assist ance from a central source the money must come from somewhere and unlessa province has large sources of income like alberta and its oil royalties taxation in one form or another must raise the money one can pay it in gas- m sales income excise or any other form of fax but the fact remains that it is a circle and the taxpayer contributes the money somewhere along the way perhaps it is time that provincial and federal government put their economists to work on a complete study of the whole tax picture and dev ise a sensible way of acquiring money which should be spent in collective public services ejwung in the church with dear mr editor r i ttotkhmcetiif adulto and m5ufi ftemoent mrs leslie i w with interest and constd- wr welcomed everyone- abb erble amasemenf your editorial vtan fronv geotetown norval on parking meters i consider it bethel and hornby before meet reasonable to infer that yon dls- wgwas opened quiet music was approve of parking meters for no pbcfed by mrs james carney logical reason other than tha ton then meeting oneiwrl with iqm 0nsldrernempenny4obeis l and prayer mrs wilfrid bird should like to take this opporjuni- nd mrs hector bird took op the y to convey to -you- and -your- offering which was dedicated by readers a few of my thoughts on mr- thomas glffen mrs j h this subject hunter was in charge of a lovely having watched with admnattoo ter deyttonatfirom the two- for maiiy years the care and etto chapter of sl john with tion with which you choose your pr by mr cecil wilson boss eottortals x was surprised that austin read a suitable easter you saw flt to express your per- ready the martyrs and the mis- lfw which is in reality on batid chtttten sang pretty pudlcialpeeveon the- sftb- uttle number i dont need to watt je sjia9fjjcaum by 71 am certain that you mr bd ie showing of coloured moving tor have a aincevcgand honest letaum entitled oh this rock sire to help the community with which described a mining town i constructive criticism and timely northern ontario and how aj suggestions i cannot concieve w minister went there how a- pet peeve can be express- nd estabhshed a church in that ed- editorially in your worthy pub- conummity on this rock- 1 will lication without accomplishing build my church mrs c b dick something less than what was in- ve the prayer for our chosen tended missionary and the meeting closed it is my opinion that no public- the hymn- day is dying in spirited individual having consid- tne west and prayer by mr ered the purpose for which park- russ ing meters are designed can ex- press his personal feelings on the mi margaret bird was a stu- subject without creating injurious dent teacher in the public school consequences i consider your at- at arthur last week with miss titude in the samevein as if you mildred benhiam with whom she were to advise your readers that tought here in ashgrove school vj v3 ttj y for the finest workartanship anb prompt servicf aay kind of tv end antennas 7a4tomh amd sa shtvlce tvjnskwbb froan 6 ni until 1 1 pjn service call 500- k h heissler prop phone tr 7163 36 shhify st georgetpwfl v w autuc your reaaers wai c u penicillin will not cure pneumonia last november ti i l mr and mrs lesue giffen and generous response georgetown can always be counted upon when it comes to giving we are not a spectacular town where pro jects go over the top with fanfares of publicity we are rather a steady community where everything worthwhile receives its modicum of support and where no project which has any merit is a failure recently the red cross asked for 2200 ids fund appeal and everyone dug down to help the same story has applied from time to time on similar campaigns for the institute for the blind the navy league and localized projects under taken by scouts and guide church organizations and service clubs the community swimming pool is an excet- the universal use of parking me- usue uuxen and ters to improve certain parking david visited in aurora on a re- m in j tati- cent- sa with mr and tffi w fl mflii lent example of how georgetown works for a projects there have been no terrific assists from industry or wealthy people collection of over 40000 has proceeded steadily through gener osity of the public in general and promotion by the lions club in particular if has been a true combined effort of many people giving what they can afford without hardship which is as it should be two more campaigns come now with the district branch of the canadian cancer society asking for assistance in providing money for re search and rotarians making their annual appeal for crippled children we know they will meet a similar response a dollar or two from many people to reach the collective goal fuseum and historical sites some quiet behindthescenes vaork is go ing on at present whkh will be of much benefit to succeeding generations a group of district people working under the credit valley conservation authority is en- trustedwith the job of preserving historical rec ords first endeavour will be to mark three his torical sites with suitable cairns to draw atten tion for all time to events which otherwise would become blurred in jhe public memory while not on the present agenda there is one place in georgetown being brought to the committees attention the old dynamo prop erty where the barber papermill generated the first electricity to be used for commercial power in the world the committee is also interested in preserv ing all things of historical worth and is establish ing one or more museums in the credit valley district to house historical relics no immediate attempt will be made to have such things collee- ted and for the present people who might own these are asked jo preserve them for a future mu seum conditions in congested areas has long passed the expert g mental stage if la well known mr william hardy is back from what parking meters will do and e sunny south he says it was what they will not da it was the j h ever p firm belief of those who petition- 1 j lhad ed for their installation in down- y mt and wfl town georgetown that they would uamso wernice wilson in texas ameliorate a certain unsatisfac- student teachers at our school tory condition clearly defined tast week with william ctoh and clearly recognised we are j jjjj frances claymon quite satisfied that they will do and miss hirley greenspan of just thatno more and no less toronto they stayed at the home it is my impression that you of mr antf mrs c b dick are not fully cognizant of the ma- d e gnitudc of the problem as repre- to th mcnabb family in their sor- sented by the present day car if week the four boys population surely you have not h lwt a good mother and we forgot the address of dr k of 1 0ghth lost a 8xx ludi as presented to downtown neighbour and friend property owners some months ago i he foresaw disastrous effects un- j less wc become alert to our prob- having easter visitors or go lem and take action in solving it jng away yourself for the holiday nobody uv his right mind has whichever it is why not give the contended that parking meters are herald your news phone tr 7- a substit for parking jots no2201 with your social and p one has suggested qiaf parking items meters are designed to prohibit dr j bung mttn dental subgson ibay mill street tr 72871 dr john r kerby practice of dentistry xray triangle 73641 main street georgetown v a m nielsen ixc no doctor of chiropractic and naturopathy 43rd year of practice 25 pjn closed thursdaya lady attendant 164 guelph st georgetown triangle 73612 srmtfifisfc ro optometrist mcnamara jewellers georgetown w h biggs accradhad public accountant suceemor j ffiitiffo cpa main st georgetown tr 73351 yoffice hours 9 am to 5 pjn mondays to fridays w h cur professional engineer ontario land purveyor georgetown ontario res 81 prince charles dr office guelph st telephone tr 73300 whylvot a county histcrriah with rapid industrialization and large scale housing developments in halton the next gen eration will scarcely recognize halton of the fut ure and if a resident of fifty years ago were to return he would have great difficulty in locat ing some of the old landmarks there has never been an adequate history written of halton county and the longer it is de layed the harder it wjll be to assemble enough facts to make it a comprehensive- account of life in the early days it would be a fine thing if the county coun cil could see its way to invest in an historical pro ject too often historyts written by gffb com mercial concerns which sell advertising throw a few scattered bits of information true or false together and issue it in the guise of history parking limit yes prohibit no the function of meters is to increase the number of vehicles able to park downtown during that fraction of the day in which they are in operation this is lone by reducing the length of i 1 stay of each car surely you dont i disapprove of this principle when you mentioned the rob- bvr aspect of parking meters you were obviously not considering the lull moral impact of your remark did you mean to imply that our town fathers would empty these meters divide the nickels among themselves and startplayingpin- ball machines you must realize that the revenue derived from thse meters will certainly be used for a far nobler purpose other municipalities have designated such revenue for further improve ment of the everincreasing park ing problem having admitted your own lo wuuhtta cttotpo georgetown animal clinic c w sayara dvjm 106 guelph street opposite armstrongs garage tr 72741 frank jetd licensed auctionfeeb prompt service po box 413 tr 72864 georgetown 1 ag jvu1 uwn what would be valuable would be for the court- shameful past as an irresponsible ty to pay a person qualified in research and wri- vou show a remarkable ting ability to spend several months collecting j r wel illustrated his- awareness of the psychological as- pects of parking meters by mak- monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 2048 62 water street north g a l t fok expert eye care consult 0 t walker optometrist 3 main st north brampton over abells drug store phone office 599 res 830 hours 9 am to 6 pm daily evenings by appointment robtr hamilton ro optometrist office hours 10 am 6 pm daily evags by appt phone tr 73971 north side of highway no 7 east of dominion seed house factual material then produce an tory of halton there are many men and women doing post graduate university work in history who would welcome the opportunity to further their own education at a reasonable scale of payment to produce such a manuscript it might cost five or six thousand dollars surely a pittance for some thing which wont be available at any price a century from now rotarians canvas for auction sauj goods tentative plans were made for the second annual rotary clnb auction sale for some time in at the regular monday night ing of the botarians at bm two weeks ago the dab is presently canvassing the townjjor gtojl used furniture and other useful household articles to be auctioned off at the sale rotarian bob barns chairman of the current easter seal cam paign touched off with a celebri- tiei dinner in knox church hall reported 494 after the first week the eoly visitor at the m was frank prouse of the acton rotary club ing a feeble appeal to your fellow- malcreants to practice selfdiscip line this very day it has been brought to my attention that in the rear of the block in which your own business is located there ia an area which could be con verted into a parking lot to ac commodate about thirty cars at a total cost of about 200 surely mr editor you have been aware u the existence of this land for some time surely you could set way an example for the rest of the er- j a goody photographer 19 mary street triangle 73366 offfats the peopu op 0e0m and mstrjct r a complete plitographic service pqrtllajtshorn v- vcmf4gs comercl4u banquet group jfp kte pitssport or uowiso auvvowcgijajlanteed r the raiders are on their u vu uivir m me cue- rest to sundridge this afternoon with community by leading the m er- hopesof ending the series witiua b your wo in a co-oper- wln tonight if a seventh gamesjst 1 it wlu be played here to conclusion may i make refer- thls saturday b so better get toence to the opinions of many of the arena early for a seat as hon- our contemporary sociologists days 1600 crowd should be too- if- klugh well aware of the nat by modern social scientinc and economic changes mygtneyerthelriw rrprwisml com plete confidence in the ability of mankind to adjust itself to these revolutionary changes please let me assure you that we in george- town will adjust ourselves to park ing meters land wlu look forward to brighter days ahead with confi dence and optimism sincerely sid silver goby bus relax eoy fne beauty of the open country side from a comfortable reclining chair in a luxurious highway traveller and arrive fit for fun sample package tour new york 6 days s751 includes return fare by bus hotel room 4 nights 2 in a room and 6 sightseeing tours your choice of many other attractive tours special tours to meet your fancy neville stoller co accountants and auditors trustees in bankruptcy georgetown toronto brmmptob 21 main st s georgetown former hydro building triangle t471 1 prevent chimney fires um fir chief chemical chimney cleaners to eliminate soot and scale from your stoves and pipes the smaller the flame the more soot and carbon for use in oil coal and wood fired units 7 for sale at halton coop s u p p l i tom vattsickler 8 a barrister solicitor a notary 19 main sl s tr 74531 former hydro bldg lever hoslcin claewweceo accowntmiis si main n brampton phone 2478 44 victoria sl toronto phone em 48131 maurice manderson b barrister solicitor and notary public jh 7ja84j office mill sl georgetown rfl dont forgbt to tune in cjbc toronto thursday at b pjn i i abased on ifyntton by mr j e shawlit 7njy aeat deal of mterest o georgetown residents pi flcmts and bus tit a vi l inf orhatiom at corner cupboard bennett banisters and solicitors likoy dale ac sybil binnttt ac lp tblangle 73381 mill street ge hevvsonord barristbrs a solicitors 39 mam street south beside knox church groftor c hrwsqn john d ord earl g black b comm rxa cxa 182 main sl milton onl triansia 85m2 tf this adykbtising spack for sals

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