Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 10, 1957, p. 7

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fvsvp i jtonected etotfast tatltopnbuc essays on the downtown skoal and store decorations 1q tiv poitohihrtmas rush tha winning omjl nmr quite nude the page of tha herald ibb week the two sdmolg to aire printed llarto arise and but woton secon maria law bans year just before i like to go around town and took in all tbetfore windows to see 1 how fhejrare decoratoil some have big jolly looking santas some haw christmas trees with presents underneath but best at auv4 jike ttm nrteuiwezbcatoih the georgetown fierald offices nmront wtoow wtwnever ipass that window i feel ut a real chrisbjaa htoodv tito swans in rtha tou remind gmydf the swans at the golf links and i really think that swans are tha most graceful masf comeny so rcould m tooistari to the stor chriafi births the doitbrs in the seene shirt me staging carols and i gen- erajlr keen singing the first one that comes into sgy nean oyer ana over all any song the stank in the scene remind me of a story book thattused to have reado me ev ery christmas eve tito storywas about the win men who fallowed the star which showed them where tha baby jesus was uiaveoften pasted onthe window wondered how a few simple decor ations could make a person feel in a gay christmasy mood and- remind them of so many things bill vrjfawn vhen you turn down on the main street of georgetown your eyes become datsted a the strange of lights that crisscross the main street a- yoolmove along you slop to took at the pretty windows to your amassment you aright ev en rie1 tipsoae ideufora christ- mas present- in most of the hardware stores you- will see pleasant displays of tools guns trains and togs in goodlefs and richardsons you smad place sef askkloc y at stoves washers and dry- jtn jh herald office thay qwpq jkhnry ojkompum jswocobb the front of tnewyindow with small tars glued on itjl makes a very attractive nispiay also at the singer sewing cen tre they have small white flakes led by plans were made fthe of tha play nfcv of the bang at unchurch at xararchu on aprfl stb a win atoobe shown and tanch ved tte yonng paopla ask for yonr support and if yoti did not see the play before try and keep the date free tuck shop they have aaattraetive display of signs aboutfhe merch andise sold and the tjoutts mark cards at wigostv there are strings of lights alongi the drainpipes and there i a small ledge on- which small christmas trees are placed and decorated with au the gatottesor chrjstmas also at the municipal office theres small ledge with trpes and other objects standing jerect like guards tthe entrance to jhe building ust bm not least at the new hydro office there are trees sca to different chosen places withmajl- bits of cedar and light bulbs spread along the- sides of the en trance gw thoimttdctoi at the bloekoun- ww and other jetschodl ire quite excitodthto hmmk mttton read for law nanae hnn- nfr jnnlop c course j f twiiilsvrhokfls hk wiener and does tthe hon 1 si tvltjir munatotbeemiat is a good thing area taking part are caroline up- svzl t v knery anhshortql acfcry baker expert advice on landscaping is available to you free we will be happy to visit yoor property and give you advice on a longterm program of beautification which you can proceed with as your pocketbook dictates and remember there is no charge or obligation for this free service we are qualified to advise you on evergreens perennials ornamental and shade trees flowering shrubs ask for tom reed norton floral 10 main street south triangle 73582 awawmawawawawawawawawal voids ham oean to w c pott ties now uston to tins nhr dunbar who it litted to more than slight ly bald to mr macdpnald be care ful now dont lose yonr head mr macdooald dont wry i havent even lost my hair yet and this mr whicher there is one more does to- a number fronithe vil lage are attending the hockey games between georgetown and i a inr toe farmers union held their f i march meeting at toe wt ttsjkjtas ing mm- itobiiutonef the rock yslttp2jl2 wood group as then guest sneak- wil k t wooa iwir sw 43 t that school in country school where there may be 8 diff- cbunes brian sinclair andy ptege ind douglas mctnghun mr and mrs t b smith family visited with ms and mrs william rutherford to behrood on sunday mr and mrs stanley cereone and family visited with mr and mrs allah rieelon for the weesv end dunlop whicher certainly j and does the hon 90n- night and president gxestietpeer and hut feuowjtfficen really du themselves proud following tne delicious dinner the wtroduction he headtadle guests was hand- by the lnn secretary john w picket among the guests were mr and mni george m demons of brahtfordwmjuid mrac t- c- tmr beaty htthe sew presi- of the cansdisa jersey cattle ib dubtbk of bramp ton bjleer president rof the ikolstein crab ptesnhtot quannell of this entworth ho stein dun secretary messenger hamilton const 4 prince charim t 7 to be proud of t mnd ister ttink the people of the prov- nince are happy about thatt dunlop yes y whicher and the teachers themselves dunlop certainly and this mr h worton a liberal mem- mer i feel that when the time comes if any government adopts that treatment again especial ly the liberal administration i will not be part of it because i do not think that is anything to be considered hon mr dunbar we are go ing to strike a medal for the hon member in the morning this is really the relish in the sandwich these questions inter jections and comments make pro ceedings in the legislature any thing but duu it is unfortunate that daily newspapers because of the necessary space are unable to print in full the many fine speeches which are made by both government and opposition mem bers for those who would like a sample of the meatier portion of government debates it is possible to obtain a subscription to the de bates of the ontario legislature by sending 300 to the clerk of the house parliament bidgstor- onto once again last week it was the committee work which seemed to be of greatest interest support of bill no 25 which you will re member would allow the township of scarborough to issue debentur es in the amount of 397829 with out the approval of the ontario municipal board has jncreased slncerthis matter was first discus sed in the legislature and referred back to the committee several members were strongly of the op inion that the subdividers who would be paid for overdie water- mains had been unfortunate vic tims of oversight and that they were entitled to fair remuneration for work which had been comple ted ratepayers of the area al ong with two council me oppose the bill however on the grounds that the work was under taken on the strength of a verbal agreement they fear too that if passed this bin might become the first in a series of such chums speculation that the bill would not be sent back to the legislature mis session appears to have been wrong but there is one thing for certain when it does come were upzooncad v tsn gesgetown miss barbara cunningham of ashri itfjest fawwtf ftft m yyjfli frit iniittirgff i f1 blagk j j u aooelack andwhite enthusiast crowded the- trafalgar memorial hall en tuesday evening march 98ul- k was the occasion ism dinner the national holstoinboard others who spofcapriefly ded w bble smwjlj vice presidents of the harton i rnmbera by the ambitious on opt one- of dttict programme presented tiiis annual gettogether then followed progressi with bl craig- rew in charge grove who was the halton holsteth clubs representative in the dairy queen competition at the 1936 cne in the proextations which fol lowed secretaiynoanager gent demons presented don and mary lou taylor of appleby with true type holstein models in recogni tion of their high standing in the allcanadian judging competition r c alexander past president of the halton club who was premier exhibitor at the 1956v halton hol stein show was the recipient of toe e j meagher memorial tro phy and messrs- k ross segs- worth gordon sinclair and tom beer were presented with long distance production certificates the highlight of the evenings programme was a travelogue of dominique and mexico by geo m demons who was introduced to the gathering by ross segs worth haltons representative on wat no frost to the in a euiling at the there tween any wr- two etabs since the event was to prom the oansnhattonay fbrmed as the men ed the arena but it that a veteran of the placed on each rink schneiders were on handr tsl hot roast sparerfhs back to be discussed on the floor of the house the fur will be flying thick and fast the other item in the news also had a direct bearing on the respon sibilities of loekl municipal coun cils this was t proposed amend ment to the factory shop and office building act which would have given to municipal councils the right to establish or revoke early closing bylaws at their own discretion as the act stands now councils are compelled to pass an early dosing bylaw if they re- ceive a petition to this effect sign ed by 75 percent of mercnantsfit one line of business complaints about this proposed amendment were vehement en ough to have a decided effect on its survival after receiving a flood of telegrams members voted to send the bill back to committee for further dbensdon at the committee meeting mpps voiced their objections to the bill in no uncertain manner saying that if it were pasted the position of the small retailer would be jeopardis ed the ontario council of wo men howeverrepresented by mrs gordon kerr of windsor was not at all happy when the committee voted to reject the bffl the coun cil of women felt that consumers have a right to expect more opp ortunities for shopping during the evening tails and other meat dnlirarim to j the 150 men r three dubs dick lseata was vener for the affair which alsoj featured music by joe ment and his orchestra all proceeds went to the com3 munity swimming pool fund y4dbpft forms boos h hs used in mm effiwi youll find it at georgetown office supplies fd1 mill street muckart bklgj triangle 73452 not just the way it looks but the way its put together the finer materials work manship and finishing toadies not just its friskier smoother pe but the deepdown soundness thats apecial to chevrol in the lowprice field try it out and youll see its sweet smooth and 8asay you name it the new 57 chevrolet has more of it inside outside and under- neath that body by fisher theres a finer ride smoother performance and a sweeter way of going for theres a vner balance a mttt tuf i en fft r get with up to 245 chevrolet yon chevrolet 6 or v8 if more efficiently cp and so quietly know won the famous manufacturers trophy as the best performing car at daytona beach competitive trials theres more luxury too mote to be just pbdn proud of fov theres moreattention to detail in chevrolet body panels fit snugly the chrome trim is do to stay- in teriors have theemaitneas ofthe custom touch eve you look in a chevy you find the obvious marks of extra care even to a quiet ihnonshne dick wheal you dose those lag solid doom n come on in get a cl u of all there is to enjoy in una exdfang chevrolet tta mw 57 cwrom sal air sport s4m ail is mm is wexdt to ibow p mf mgurl a olmtkal motom vaiub j3 g i g t tts an ataar ear i m k- okfy aatfaerww cfcswrefat dsafara bf- i rwyl avspfay wis aasosu u f c70 v s j i- v iijjst jr expansion in recent years the canadian steel industry has expanded more rapidly than the steel industry of any other major nation between 1946 and the end of 1956 the increase in capadty in canada was 62 per cent or about 2140000 tons stelco is the largest canadian producer and in the same period invested 195000000 in new plant and raw material sources the steel company of canada limited mohthal 6ahand0j1e hamilton iiamtfoij torontb al fejsfe fa l- v 7 jyi t rj- tn- ii mcreemntmfrp

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