at this session of tt sislatenduere were saedr in ne sessktv of c ik eiblatnrer three of mollis were new which three now- government bill 15 is the bffl tittans of ontarinhave log for far a ion time giving tte government the powejr to a tabusb the hospital services caav aajasion nut frwmnotfra vg vobkdw yuposv 64 an act gi the pojej8tfv wjsterisobfoesqoibh v jftvoitoivwaw 0bwitton moved jt resolution in relation to tiae ontario municipal act erst called for a vote to be taken tte rcaofii was deteated-gs- to 12 governments mr harry nixon liberal cor 3rant comity celebrated iris birth day on april 1st- mr nixon sat fat the ontario legislature con tinuously since 1919 any member in any political pmc ty and i would like again to tab this opportunity to pay any gratulations to mr nixon mr h beeket conservative for york east moved a motion in relation to re made in the assembly by air mcdonald tender of the ccf sronp in relation to a private bbj p ty cm t searboro be refer to the si ing committee on privileges and elections this is the first sitting of this committee on a question of this kind since 1921 keno a listed instri furluto mir- ov okttarjov s i- v2 mavatrfa for glengarry kjaraonress thatrlte- tor tjw ueparfmencs oc andvhighvaysfoc tins doable the amount of the entire estimates of tte ontario govern ment wten he came into theleg- islatnrein 1948 the estimates for 194 were lsmlmmo for amoont o by the premier the lesuwht frost mad- jouifr toeoebate on motion ifrincher liberal ttviasoppmm tte opposition called h a reution presented tar mr amhv liberal oxford that the ontario agriculture college the ontario veterinary college and the macdonald institute should tte cjcjf group voting vrith tte be removed from tte department ofagrlcnltnre and be operated by a board of gover was op posed by tte government on the grounds of finance and that it was cwwwltuted as a farmers scbool to assist the fanners and their boys and girts to get an agricultural education the resolution was de feated by a large majority it was announced in the legls- lature on april 3rd thifit was tte jtoj si mil wedding anniversary of mr and mrs alex lewis who was clerk of the assembly for many yean mr lewis is now retired and tte office is now filled by his son mr roderick lewis mr oliver leader of the op position in his closing remarks raverage coots andre- tarns 4or several ontario crops che figures indicate a wide margin in favour otgrafficoronvn spring cereal grains the crop value per acre for spring grain is given 30 and 70 for grain corn requirements arc given as 8 and 10 hours respectively and the pro duction costs given are s30 acre in the case of spring grajn and s41ifor grain eona toe re turns per hour of labmor are near ly- fiye times greater in tte ase p grain cor these figures ar based aubh an average yield of 1 1 far spring grain and 60 bus per aoe- for v corn on6anvatojnpate a vgood case for gtajn corn on the ba sis of digestive hutrfents cerfalih ly on our moref loamy snqs in hal- ton where f all plqwisg is not musy v- such farm operators would be- well advised to give the grain corn a try three- to five acres might be sufficient far a start it is a matter which re quires a little study from the standpoint of soil type fertilisa tion variety labour equipment and storage ing this session and in his opin ion the bill on universal hospital said that many questions of great insurance was one of the greatest doctors from this provinces leading medical centres visited 20 clinics throughout ontario last year and examined 1 200 crippled children these annual and biannual clinics are sponsored by the ontario society for crippled children in cqoperation with the local easter seal service club the annual easter seal campaign will run till april 21st and has a provincial objective of 700000 importance ted been d dur- auction sale 50 head of holsteins reentered fully l e m air vaccinated chocked for pvtgriancy subject te bleed test t the farm of lloyd laidlaw lot 9 5th line west chiag 1 mile east of nerval vt mile south of highway no 7 on tuesday april lhi at 100 pin this herd consists of daughters of tordist and maple cattle breeders- assoc most popular sires some of their dams are blood lines of raymondalerfobes last whose 11 nearest dams averaged over 22600 lbs of milk with a 411 per cent test tt cows calf at toot and rtue times of sale 14 cows due late spring and early fall 8 first calf heifers due in fall remaining cattle are yearlings and under 2 delaval milker units sale held under cover if necessary terms cash refreshment booth wa ladies a b brubacmer and son auctioneer 276 melrose ave kitchener ont mr oliver also said that he con sidered that this session of the legislature had done a good jobf for the citizens of ontario honourable leslie frost pre mier and leader of the govern ment said in his closing remarks that in his opinion that the legis lature dealing with 75 bills of the 77 presented was an accom plishment never before accomp- lised in the legislature the lieutenant governor the honourable louis e bretthaupt on wednesday april 3rd proro gued the assembly in due fashion with a lovely assembly of ladies in the galleries so came to an end the longest smion in the his tory of the government of on tario stanley l hall mjpp dave wilson top actor at aldershot milton junior farmers recently en tered their play the monkeys paw in a drama festival held at aldershot six groups were in co mpetition the winning play was presented by a grimsby group and will now compete in the provin cial drama festival in toronto it will be of interest to our rea ders to learn that dave wilson president of the milton junior farmers received the award for the best actor clearing auction sale of so hotstoin cattle pigs tractor truck combine thresher implement hay grain household goods etc in erin township the undersigned has received instructions from awuank3a3onxrk3abx senkinwnwnr eea5 bradshaws flowers i cordially invite you to the opening of their new store this friday special display of easter plants and cut flowers dktnctive floral arrangements iaf t for all occasions robert and roy warne to sell by auction at the farm lot 1 con 4 erin tswnjhp situatet on erin and fquesing town line 3 miles north bf acton on wednesday april 17th 1957 commencinjj at lloo oclock sharp the following holstein cows the herd consists of renaath cows 4 fresh with calves at foot 4 due in april seeyral for fall freshening full information and breeding dales given on sale day the cows are mostly bred and raised by the owner bred to pure bred hereford bull many of the young animals are vaccinated young cattle 3 holstein heifers bred in dec 6 holstein heifers ready to breed shorthorn steers- about 000 lbs 3 sho steers and heifers about 500 lbs 2 yearling heifers 15 young part hereford calves pure bred here ford bull 18 months old pigs and poultry 2 young sows due before sale day york sow with 7 young pigs ready to wean by sale day york sow bred jan 10 19 thrifty chunks 4 thrif ty chunks about 100 lbs 7 weanling pigs 2 fat pigs about 150 lbs 90 arbor acre white rock yearling hens in full production horses harness team of good work horses good in all harness set of breeching team harness collars hay grain 10 tons of choice haled hay 20 tons of choice maw hay 400 bus of heavy mixed grain 10 bus of choice fall wheat quantity of grass seed 5 ft of sil age 40 single cords of choice hard wood jw s kj i b f ffr r in a recent telease by thefarm economics branch pif the ontario department of agriculture entitled mrs sienltos mother dies in alberta mrs emily caroline dowser 73 died march 25th at beaver lodge alberta bom in king township ate lived in bolton until her marriage to thomas henry dowser in 1907 they lived near bolton and wes ton before moving to the west seven years ago p by bar husband mrs dowser leaves one daughter mrs henry sienko 14 george sl georgetown one granddaughter irene fogg two brothers james and william stubbs of beaver lodge and one sister mrs ed davison torjopto the funeral service took place in bolton on april 2nd with inter ment in laurel hill cemetery in charge of the service were mr frank piercey and mr fred wat son of the fellowship of breth ren of which mrs dowser was a member richard sienko george town was a pallbearer clearing auction sale of l fanto machinery hay grain poultry and household effects for the estate of the late norman mcmurchy lot 2 township of chinguacousy 1 mile south of brampton on no i 40 highway tuesday april 1k at 100 pm holstein cattle holstein cow fresh 2 mons 3 holstein heifers due in may 2 holstein hei fers 1v4 yrs openr 3 holstein hei fers 7 months 1 holstein bull calf 12 hereford add dur ham steers 700 lbs very good quality gray horse 10 years old 45 rhode island red hens machinery massey harris no 50 tractor new never used massey harris no 44 tractor pow er takeoff loaded tires pulley like new mcdeering 3 furrow tractor plow aee bottom on rubber new mcdeering 7 ft binder like new mcdeering hay loader drop- head like new mcdeering 28 plate trac tor disc john deere 19 tooth culti vator low wheels power lift new vnwftt eoirrpmrfnt tnnnr case 8ide dehverv rake 4 power equipment trucrt otaco manure spreader- on rvfoft mmmpmphnmpam j hrim full of from canada s finest makers silvers offers the largest selections in the entire district savesvs bigger buying power means bigger values store open thursday april srh unto 900 pjvl free rosefor every lady door prizes v locatedmthircw j ejmi vvic- a j rlvi implements john deere mod el b tractor in perfect condition john deere 2furrow hydraulic plow mccormick deering tractor cultivator tractor chains mccorm ick deering 4 ft combine bagger and scour cleaner mccormick deering grain separator 24x38 on rubber in real good condition 100 feet of endless drive belt humb- olt manure loader- 1951 dodge 1 ton truck stock rack massey har ris binder 6 cut massey harris mower 5 ft cut fleurybisseu manure spreader massey harris hay loader massey harris side delivery rake flat hay rack 4 sec tion harrows steel land roller rubber tired farm wagon lets grain grinder 50 ft of drive belt ladders roll of fence wire fanning mill scuffler heavy leg vice elec- tiie b a main pi chain saw nearly new wheelbar row 16 electric grain elevator electro pail 2 furrow disc plow dairy equipment v house hold goods massey harris riteway milking machine with conde pump pipes for 14 cows vfc hp electric motor mccormick deering cream separator stewart electric stock clippers malay- cooking range bed springs and mattresses gramaphone with rec ords cupboard gbsa churn fruit jarayall small articlea terms caatwpiclerit on day of sale y y no reserve as the farm is solrl all articles must be moved by may fit wm a otason n vn mcintyraeras t- little nhl awards the following awards were giv en for the various trophies donat ed by the canadian legion geor- rubber massey harris 4 vi f one way disc 3 section draguharrows 2 sets of 4 section iron harrows cockshutt oil bath mower 6 ft cut fleury bissell rubber tire wagon like new flat rack set of bob sleighs 13 disc- drill steel tire wagon walking plow 14 pieces 20 ft long 2x6 extension ladder 20 gal gas drum cycling grass seeder 50 feet 0 6 endless rub- lj d interested wfurrn ijiatl fotiss form scalefwheelbarrow wire ferp rtl for cing snow fence corn scuffler boys hockey group cims pir j a most valliable puyer 5ayne reid donated by marshall mbers leading scorer terry lane donated by dick ucata best goal keeping peter mcnamara do nated by georgetown fire dept rookie award dennis kaun don- h branch h canadian cpals new route to europe fast becoming an international carrier in the strict sense of the word as illustrated above canadian pacific airlines is inaugurating a new torontoaaonrreaflisbon ser vice to be inaugurated in june as a result of the new extension canadian pacific airlines international routes now total 31000 miles giant dc6bs will fly between toronto montreal and lis bon with an initial weekly schedule calling for departures from toronto on mondays and thursdays anda return flight from lisbon every tuesday and frlday scuffler silo rods steel fence posts scrap iron grain bags forks shovels chains and numerous oth er articles dairy equipment cham pion portable 4 can milk cooler che t elec pail heater iter wiui half hp na or 2 stainless steel units and pip ing for 20 cows hay grain and straw ooolbales of good mixed hay about loton of good mixed hay loose 400 bales of oat straw 150 bushels of wheat 700 bus of oats 1986 crop 800 boa of oats 1958 crop good f se household effects three piece cbeaterfield suite living rpobv tables two china eablnetsl round dining room table and six round kitchen table kitchen chairs drnawra beda buffet and chairs dressers beda buffets and numerous other articlea tarotttcashoadaaraf tale no reserve ion american league most val uable player glen cooper by scott motors leading scorer robert korsack hy clothing best goal keeping wayne rjrldall by ivan crabtree most improved pla yer bbbert bonfield by thomas gascaddea njtx mosvi nortoa uawmb avawsaiawawalawac ft mkum team trophies marlboros jr a simmons tro phy hershey american bell tro phy boston nhl stanley cop each member of these 3 teams will receive a crest at the annual little nhl banquet oxford cattle breeders look over halton jerseys j e w three of haltons outstanding jersey breeders were recently the hosts to a bus load of oxford coun- ty breeders their first stop in ww it hm avum ismu wt- erstone bros- then on to the le farm of maurice c bea ty and finally to the roekeua herd of ken ella at hornby at all three points they werefe impreased by the high quality of j the mapective herds as weapld goodbye to the group shouted oat youve get some outstanding cattle inl 7 of realised thai but tr was nieel ihat others front nbtavpbmr l