i r- f v than mm rayon tires based on manufacturers regular list price of 2750 67015 size with glass a tradem super lastic 120uvel nylon raa at high imlwral nylon gtaa yoo no top pran toi than original laiilpinml bt t- milan 1 haaard imnt ataa ayaar himtw tjrt budget terms 130lewl super ustic nylon supreme witriutinuurubbeb the toe with the 1mmmomile dupout iyloi cord boot tba only auyaar ttra wh matnral wiimin traad nlaa dopont nylon ou4 body traad ate in avary way taan tba alandard tlraa a naw cam yol prlcad lowar u canadian ttra mmvlto mylon cord la rnpajn than steal cabto ol coaaparabla walejht taatad m uaaaa trnnga tnan any otbar ttra coad body eonatma lion in addition ua natural taao rnnbaa triad gtaa op to ll tfanaa bom traction tea teat tovtaway a ini r cbalea at two alaok awl daatgna aacb wub naw aatety- ataad tr tbayra ajulaa n anaal oa tuma o uui aaa canadian ttra aa oa yon at ta uxjm a pate oa ha batest toub oat kjurra bead baaatd trwriiad pins itaa canadas lowest prices for brand new tires 60016 67016 100levelldentical to new car tires at almost half the price boat to daltoar lb aana long illaaga blah driving lately and amooth oaralort xpaet from hebes proof of loner tire costs buparlaiilc artalocral 995 49 m row ftvbaval sayan coad ttra la alalia teatnrad by alio annnfa iiiimi to m4ji ta tna altla atal and la raoonunandad ta ta awto- htt who would otbatwlaa ba oaxh ta lb ftaurcla of boylna jtiaxd tttaa oa rbtbkasn yoara lata wltb a wbw ttea that yon know m auutmd mew han wttb a nr trucad out btt aavo ttaeturaxi and rajeaabtad agod or da ootd niiliaai fupar iai imeavou z original aonlpaaaat invloval ttrae to any oa tba mark ragardlan of bigbat sshj ooaatractlob trull japth 100 cold rabbar taad suparnax saporrayon cord body bondad by pan natural ma abba traad mfa alda rabbar and cord body ara aafaty waldad into a alngu unit enjoy now cat aaeor ml aqua prica dapth ploa svaar ouarantaa 90- level rayon i0olcvel raton 120level nylon 130level nylon cold rubber cold rubber cold rubber natural rubber tread tread tread tread yaar coat yoar coat y oi coat yaar coat rag with ul wmi rag wlfh rag with size list cua utt clan a uat clan a uat clan a men tradaln prlcn tradaiar prica tradoin prica tradaaa 55015 as 1948 59015 2328 1398 r 52516 20b4 1288 60016 17m 07s 2ss 1298 an wwa l 64015 2000 tsob 22b 1848 v 65016 22ao 1sso s220 1498 67015 1o0s 1148 27so s2io 1398 2rx8b 1898 uh l 1798 71015 2xas 1xas 1848 3288 1748 3288 1948 76015 s420 1748 s890 1948 s890 218 0015 m 4 s4380 2198 3840 2898 am 50c to tin price for installation twrwfasa or wfirtewofl tit arailablm in most tizcts tit 300 extra asfociate p- 1502 guhrt st llat 7969 uorh mrb avamwjnajahaiaaaabnnamwbxwbnaana- road hazard wsuranct pus mem euarmtee bna1 loanad agalaat btowoala anrlilanta olaaa cota aana cuta or otbor aotaaal road haarda wnlob aaaka a ttra ml lo tntnra m ta addition a tbatjsvto n-alndaarryaoab- ir5 rnd batb bafbxy l 1 v will ask slioppefi ol store hour preference a survgy designed to find opinion of the general pilblic on local shopping hours will be un- deruken by georgetown chamber of commerce the survey was decided upon at a chamber of commerce meeting last week and will be conducted by means of a questionnaire pis- iributioh has been arranged thru the hydro commission which has agreed to distribute the question naire with monthly hillings and to rrhmf tglim wlw peopla aw making their bill payments the chamber sfresses the fact that it is taking no sides in any contatrersy over changes- m shop ping hours it is making the m vey as a public service to both mercbints and shopperjs besults will bevailable for study jby mer- chants who at present areopenu ins on two different plana with grocers butchers barbers and hfauticians closing mondays and op0 allday thursdays and other stores obseicving a thursday half- holiday legion notes by les clark ims week will see a very small offering of lotes not because there hasnt been plenty happening around the branch but because it is one of those weeks whenthe herald office is too busy for rbe writer to grind out very much co py however let us remind you of our next monthly meeting to be held thursday evening may 23 this willbea well attended meet ing we wager for more reasons tban one and not the least of the reasons will be that the door prize will be 3000 this time as there hasnt been a winner fdr two meet ings well wager that if it goes someone will be mighty happy it conceivably could go on to build up even more but will have to be drawn at the annual meeting the zone meeting will be held on sunday may 26th in brampton this will be the annual meeting and reports will be given by the tmficers at the same place a parade will be called at 100 for the purpose of a dedication ceremony to be feeld at brampton arena by the brampton legion the branches are all invited and are requested to bring their colours the vice president fred cbrecht will be present we hope to have a branch news paper ready before the next meet ing and hope the branch like it this is an experiment that might develop into an annual paper in the future the zone will have one too much the same of course we expect to see the old park jammed with people to see the fire works again this year owat 405060 man youre crazy at 70 tiytcppfac up with ottrex for weak nioawini foetintt doe soidy to bodys uck of iron which many men and women call old- try 0tm toole tablets for nap yoonce ceelinft this very day new t acqaaintrd six oafy 60c for sale at all draft stores everywhere o utah i o when school is out aibrwwaaiiaiaiiiaiaaiaiaiwwam ontario travsl 707 rerntament blda p rx i iu is l y obaaaaaaaaaftaaapaabbm oitato dtiimpa 4 tjiipihw t ho orycm u coalicojrt ttmtm 6