if- fourteen pages geotgetown ootajuo mn3nesoay evbimc jihy 10th 1957 first section t cooperatio sf ors plea israeli journalist and besehet author visit georgetown nad two distin- guished visitors last week one was julian mettner infor mer editor of the jerusalem post and now connected with the weit- jcaajn institute of science tie other jerry franks who has lowed a successful collabortfoa wih lillian both on the book tu cry iaorrow with a new bestseller so much too soon which recounts the life of john barrymores daughter diana the men with mrs franks and mr and mrs san levy of long island ny- were here t visit with mr and mrs sam meltzer 18 shelley st julian meltier is mr meluers paternal uncle he has lived in israel since 1917 when he first went there from london england as correspondent for the daily express he became friendly with blr franks when the latter served in the east as an american war correspondent and they renewed acquaintances dur ing mr meltzers trip to the states on business connected with the weizman institute glen williams what council did grant tire store permit for thursday opening a third category of open hours for georgetown stores was estah- lished monday when lloyd marks of canadian tire corp petitioned to he allowed to stay open thurs- day afternoons as the only store coming under banquet honours gleji school graduate class 1 on friday evening the home 4 school association of glen wu liams public school sponsored a banquet in honour of the grade vth graduating chase dinner was served in the united church basement with rev w e gih of glen williams and norval united churches presiding a singsong was led by gail wheeler and mrs schneider wayne emmerson introduced the head table guests and tain haines proposed a toast to the school this was replied to by principal mckeown the presentation of a gift to the school from the graduating class by ron mcgowan was replied to by mr james kirkwood sr a member of the school board a toast to the home school assn was proposed by wanda fawcett and replied to by mrs c g bis hop the assemblage then repaired to the auditorium of the school where gail hancock introduced the guest speaker mr g mckenxie princi pal of acton public school donna dixon presented him with a gift on behalf of the class the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing to the music of the westernaires of george- town mystery tour takes wi to cohinswocd the womens institute annual mystery tour journeyed far afield this year to collingwood the lad ies travelled by georgetown trans- portatioia bus the first stop being devils glen near stnghtampton where they had their lunch de vils glen is an aweinspiring gorge in the extension ofrthwblue mountains and no 2 highway runs along the top of it the gov ernment has made a park with picnic tables and camps so that travellers may see the magnifi cence of the scenery after lunch the bus took them into collingwood and to the smart bros canning factory where they were shown canning processes from there they went to the geor gian china factory through which they were conducted the ladies had a short time for shopping before they went to the community centre where the mrs alfred watt memorial in stitute members served them a wonderful dinner they were shown a sim on india after din ner after a most pleasant day the members of the tour left for hone about 830 in the evening mrs ernie pearce was in charge of the arrangements for this years mystery tour mr and mrs dqmald felker mnit u local people attend bar mftzvah service recently charles son of mr and rlalton county cleric william deans dies funeral service was held this at the harold c mo ci ure funeral home for william deans 68 who had been hilton the category automotive retail mrs charles fichman formerly i county clerk for many years and service centre council grant- jmina saze of new york city was ed him this privilege the store i honoured with a dinner party at is now allowed to stay open six which there were over one hund- days a week only stores left in the old closed thursday afternoon cate gory now are hardwares and elec trical appliance dealers who ac cording to av local byjaw must close at noon oat that day these stores are allowed to remain open on mondays earner this year petitions from clothiers jewellers shoe merchants variety stores furni ture stores sewing machine stores barbers and beauty parlours and butchers and grocers set hours for these types of business as clos ed mondays and open the other five days of the week certain clauses of stores which include bakeries fruit markets and drug stores are exempt from provisions of the bylaw and set their own hours for being a a house red friends and relatives the oc casion was his barmi txvah din ner held at the beth tzedec syna gogue toronto the barmitzvah service itself took place in new york city at a later date some of the guests attending mr editor the weather this wee has been rather wet and wnidy how fortun ate we were to miss the- severe were mrs david saxe stephen and i that wept nr ik ui c now for some real holiday mr deans died at him home 33 edith street on monday morning he bad been ill for several months the weather i i mou snail ni request to be allowed towldxv ouse on academy rd twelve wcs catharine charles street mr and mrs percy saxe stewart and rob- ert main street south mr morris saxe toronto mrs l j bell of charles street mrs m flicshman formerly leona saxe and mr and mrs s ginsberg formerly pearl saxe and uieir daughter linda mrs stitt from fort wil- liam i mr morris saxe spoke at the j dinner party particularly to his grandson on his bar mitzvah on j oden one of the ten commandments jijthou shall honour thy father and talk will long be re- y his grandson and wca- will permit builmhg on 37 sargent rd properties mr and mrs donald fellcer were married last month at norval mr felfcer is the son of mr and mrs norman felker glen williams and his bride shirley dixon is tne daughter of mr and aars cecil dixon aaountainview road what council did official plan a00pti0h first step in zoning first step towards tonin georgetown which has been ther era batkin date max min rain mon july 1 69 48 tues july 2 74 48 22 wed july 3 84 45 thurs july 4 82 so 16 fri july 5 70 58 trace sat july 6 77 so un july 7 79 56 trace average 76 51 38 in the original submission by dr e in g falndi planning consultant the formative stage for over a year the planning board reduced acre- sincc georgetown planning board age reserved for residential and was appointed was taken monday industrial and established an agri- when council okayed an official cultural area which was not ori- i plan presented by the board for ginally recommended by dr fal- endorsement udi 1 termed a giant step by de- percentagewise here is how puty reeve doug sargent long a georgetown of the future will proponent of zoning and also a look residential 284 corn- member of the planning board mercial 35 industrial 18 adoption of the official plan ini- agriculture 192 streets and tiates action which eventually will utilities 139 recreational in- sec a bylaw governing types of stitutional and conservation feet from the street line was turn- guests at the dinner ed down monday by council after riexux diseaiion ambulance draw paul larsext who has builtone h j oneill bownsview was house on an adjoining property wiimer o 200 gallon of fuel oil explained that it had been set back farther from the street on advice of the building inspector last year the building bylaw requires a 25-ft- front yard or if deighbouring houses are closer to the street that the house be in line with existing buildings aca demy rd is complicated because bouses are not all uniform dis tances it waa explained while council were not unsym pathetic to his request a recorded vote found only four councillors- favouring the building action of reeve allen deputy reeve sar gent and crs hyde harrison and gray in voting against the build ing will force mr laren to change his plans the usual grant of 250 thursday night when his ticket was drawn at the regular meeting of the georgetown volunteer am bulance service in the wriggles- worth public school william kinrade principal of the school made the draw which was originally scheduled for july 1st name calder moderator w toronto presbytery minister of knox presbyterian church rev alex calder was ap pointed moderator of the west toronftrvpresbytery at a recent meeting irtspineridge church humber summltr the appoint ment was made iy the retiring was moderator dr john a ross of made to georgetown fair when woodbridge on tuesday july 2nd treasurer percy cleave appeared on behalf of esquesing agricultur al society council okayed a new warehouse addition to the j b mackenzie son ltd building on james st which will be constructed backing the bell telephone property m asked by w 0 brownridge if council bad taken any action to eliminate obnoxious odour in the qtb line district reeve allen re plied that every avenue of ap proach had been tried to no avail r management county and pro vincial health departments kenneth swales 14 cleaveholm complained that stray dog aire creating a nuisance in his nelgh- boarhood he suggested that the dog bylaw be published in the herald every now and then as he doesnt think u peopl know that bbeatucteni prouee 11 margaret st was soccessf ul ipipueant among a during the one term of office mr calders duties will include opening and closing the meetings with prayer supervising the busi ness and exercisim any other functions assigned to him by the court a native of beavertoe- ontario mr calder attended public and high school there he is a gra duate of the university of toron to and knox college and has been minister of the georgetown charge since 1948- prior- tohfar georgetowp appointment he was at geraldton one ypatr and nor wich three years buildings in various parts of town the plan accepted monday is limehouse very broad it designates land lo- and mrs w mitchell miss cation in a number of categories mrs e sanford main uses being residential in dustrial agricultural recreational streets and commercial no at tempt is made in the official plan to differentiate in an area itself for instance four degrees of residential land mr doris mitchell and bill sanford were guests at the heardkay wedding at ajder- wood united church when rev dr mustard officiated and the reception afterwards at the kil- iary club on saturday mr and mrs j lowden and contained in the zoning bylaw the miss joyce lowden of windsor official plan designates all these were sunday visitors with mrs areas under the one category j newton and miss ivens mr a c patterson visited bobcageon over the week end at dential several changes have made in the plan adopted been from 148 transportation 19 age and service 3 stor- junior draftsman with toronto firm completing a twoyear course at central technical school toron to bob kidd son of kelly kidd while there will bej 15 normandy blvd has a position in the city with the dillon archi tectural firm bob went to the city to com plete his education under arrange ments made through north halton high school board after attending the local high school family group at wedding anniversary number who applied for a posi- uon as parttime caretaker at the park he will receive 125 an hour with work hours not to ex ceed 100 hoars monthly a request from clerk clarence benham for an additional junior jnjuaoffieato aatiit jag wat billing and oping rexerred to the committee for a recooainndatlojl a debate on a request by delrex developments for permission to build on 37 lots on sargent road caused an impassioned speech by mayor armstrong at council meet ing on monday- the niaypr made a plea for coop eration between council and the delrex owners vt saying that he is getting tired of continuous debate on any matter which comes up about delrex the mayor said the subdivision is an integral part of town and of ex treme importance to georgetowns future welfare i dont think were going to get anywhere by either- council or the delrex owners saying youve got to do this or we wont change our minds there must be some giveandtake in such matters as this or were going to bog down completely said the mayor he warned that if every delrex matter is to be endlessly debated delrex is headed for doom and the town with it the mayors speech came after cr alfred sykes had strongly sta ted that he was against any con cession to the subdivision other than what georgetown had promi sed in an agreement made in 1954 prior to georgetown aniw a large portion of esquesing town ship delrex has asked permission to build on lots on sargent road on land which borders the old -h- craig reid farm the boundary be yond which the firm cannot go in house building until a 4040 indus trial ratio is reached according to the 1954 agreement at present 82 per cent of our assessment is in residential prop erty and i certainly dont think we need more houses said cr sykes who claims more building is going to aggravate an already serious situation mr sykes said that sargent rd is planned as a boulevard and that there will be an extra road to keep op for the additional houses he criticized changing parts of mac- intyre crescent from r3 to r4 cat egory contrary to the original plan filed with the town by delrex se midetached houses are being built there now he said and it is his opinion that delrex is violating its agreement by so doing cr ern hyde was checked by the mayor when he stated his op position to semidetached housing as a reason for opposing a motion proposed by cr harrison and by reeve allen to grant permission for building on sargent road if the issue is going to be clou ded by a discussion on what type of houses are to be allowed in georgetown lets have a motion to change our building bylaw and our proposed zoning bylaw he said at present there is no leg islation to stop anyone building anything anywhere and such a dis cussion has no bearing on the bus iness before us with cr sykes insisting that the 1954 agreement be produced and read this was done by the mayor questioned by cr hyde the ma yor said that the sargent road housing would certainly violate the agreement but that an agree ment like a bylaw should hot nec essarily be carried out to the letter of the lav conditions change he pointed out ydut can see conditions in the agreement which the town has not lived up to delrex has put in some watermaihs which they could have asked us to do accor- ding to dr berry our disposal plant was overloaded before del rex built a house and we havent done anything about this we havenl lived up to our agreement its true remarked cr hyde but we are certainly ha- ving pressure put on us to do so there was certainly no pres sure on cr harrison or myself to make this motion was the reeves reply i think you know that we are the type of men who dont re act to pressure im merely using common sense to allow something which will be of benefit to the tax rate i certainly favour the motion said cr sicgilvray we will have to work along with delrex wher ever we can and get us both out of the shtiamozzle we seem to be heading for cr walter gray said he could not sufjport the request until he finds what type of bousing is plan ned on sargent road a recorded vote was asked and carried by a 54 vote crs hale hyde sykes and gray registered opposition grace baptist picnic held at ferndalt park saturday june 22nd was picnic day for grace baptist church for the second time in ferndale park races competitions and swimming filled the program for the after noon which concluded with an out door picnic supper the some iso attending the annual outing joined in a sing song until the buses arri- ved at 730 to take them home the results for the various com petitions were guessing beans in a jar ken lowe guessing weight of pastor and two deacons len buller spike driving competition harold page ladies race mrs ro chester sirs ganton mens race mr warren len buller wheelbar row race david smallwood and murdoek mcarthur sack race dor othy page balloon bursting linda ganton three legged race bonnie brandftl and margaret tenhagen skipping jackie louth high jump gary williams broad jump jac queline louth pillow race was won by the ladies and the rolling pin contest by mrs rochester in the class vaces the winners were arlene hills class penny wilson carol wilson mrs pages class scott coweuylarry leslie mr and mlrs gantons class david swales barry hunter mrs cow- ells class brenda kynock carolyn co well mrs small woods class jacqueline louth linda kynock mr cowells class david small- wood murdoek mcarthur mrs garners class sharon swales mar- lene gaston mr warrens class ronnie stockfish and ronnie gan ton plan dedication servicefo r new christian reformed church n u iw happy family group waa photographed duiingthe soth weddirig anniversary reoephon of mr and mrs wrn indajr j5orrlassti tefljftjrrtmrs jh lang orangeville aars camp bar srnclatr mrs wt t sinclair campbell sinclair vv t sinclair mrs f j striven mr striven and mrs james butterftl of toronto andlfl the foreground grandson carl siriclair mrs lang and mrswiscriven are mr sinclairs- sisters amj mnbutterillevnieco l a new church will he initiated in georgetown next wednesday when members of the christian reformed congregation invite the public to attend with them a de dication service which will be con ducted by rev john vanharme- ien of brampton some time ago a group of church members purchased the former georgetown dairy build ing on main si and extensive re novations have been made to con vert it into a church edifice the building was first erected to serve as station and powerhouse for the old torontoguelph electric railway church has up to now been conducted in esquesin tow hatt at stewarttown for the con gregation which is predominantly of- dutch extraction ing a visiting minister mr peter kronenburg last sunday a call has been extended to him to came to georgetown as pastor mr kron enburg whose home is in toron to is a candidate of calvin 8en businesswomen meet nation directors the board of directors of the canadian federation of business and professional womens clubs recently held a meeting ill toronto and the executive committee of the brampton club entertained them at tea saturday june 22nd in the national office on queen street west brampton the president miss irene ab bott and past presidents miss elea nor hacdonald miss jean wilson and hiss lilas trout received guests the guests comprised the members of the national board the provincial presidents from each province and members of their committees senator muriel mcqueen eergusson ottawa and ajter- heah mrs yarucle- pr nf- the canadian federation were honoured guests for the tea members of the georgetown exe cutive who were present were mrs arthur suddahy president w mrs aoten bradley vice-preai- inary at grand rapidi michigan dent miss isabel dobson vice- itteasurexv sumi mrs earl hornby which is operated by the chris- president miss helen mcgol man reformed church a parsonage has ajaojwen pur chased at 60 main st where future mlnisterso jtha wmmska iwneev s t 1 ml graauteaejj rittee of oh ftrampton ctab iehghuw afttmwde sj nassnlietav m 1