Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 24, 1957, p. 1

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r sewage disposal primary importance in is s- is- the top brass at a large cana dian corporation were in george town atonday looking over sites indetrex with an view to locating one or seven plants in town the company first became in terested in georgetown last octo ber accordiraj to mayor armstrong who mentioned the matter at mondays council meeting the mayor said he had been per sonally contacted in october by a company representative ho was given all relevant information about industrial locations the firm a canadian branch of a large american organisation has since been in frequent touch with jdel- rex officials as many as ve plants might locate here if the de cision favours georgetown rex heslog delrex developer was at the council meeting and corroborated the mayors state ments a decision he said hiajtes lar gely on the towns ability to pro vide sewage disposal and he urg ed council to make a decision soon on the problem of a new dis posal plant which has been under discussion for some time the we fr ffitor with the exception of sundays rain dry hot and very humid de- this weeks weather era batkin rain date max min moh juy 15 72 44 tuesf july 16 78 46 wed juki 17 83 46 thur july 18 81 47 fri july 19 88 87 sat july 20 90 58 sun july 21 89 66 average 83 52 with sas 38 years fred gilmer punch press fore man at smith and stone where he had been eaaployed for 38 years was buried this afternoon in greenwood cemetery following se- vice at the harold c mcciure fun eral home mr gilmer died in his sleep on monday at his edith street home formerly dairy building new christian reformed church opens our chief purpose is to popo- ing main st has a kitchen two late the life to come to prepare reception rooms and washrooms people to be hern again into a won- and a double gas furnace is in derful eternal life said rev john the basement the large section vanharmelen in a stirring address to members of the christian ref ormed church wednesday even ing mr vanharmelen conducted a service of dedication for the new church building which will estab lish georgetown branch of the church which it having a rapid growth in canada he pointed oat that the church is bigger than any member and asked the congrega tion to express their thanks to god for allowing them to work for him in providing asnitable church edi fice in the community many members of other church es were present to share in the ha ppy occasion mayor jack arm strong extended an official wel come to the congregation predom inantly of dutch extraction which had been meeting in the- town ship hall at stewrarttown prior to at the rear is the church proper here a beige decorating scheme has been used to blend with blond wood pews and altar the latter backed with a large cross em bossed on the wooden backdrop tile flooring is used thtwghout the church and ugat green ear- petfng over 20o members comprise about fifty families of the present church membership governing body is a consistory of which rev john vanharmelen is president peter weststeijn vicepresident albert neutel clerk and mem bers robert bakker j fokkens jack van der meer and sidney adema the church was constructed under the guidance of a building committee which comprised jan meijer luke janssen and jack van dervoort carpenters work- mr and mrs john mccutcmeon who will be rnaking their home in milton were married in norval presbyterian church on june 29th he is the son of dr and mrs j w mccutcheon milton and his bride eileen hunter is the daughter of mr and mrs albert hunter norval -jamt- mr mrs john mccutcheon honeymoon at calgary calder of knox presbyterian and rev morgan hfcfarlane of st johns united also welcomed the new church while rev harold hollander of orangevfue brought greetings from the christian re formed church in his comntunity a 30voice choir eompvjaing members of the brampton and georgetown churches added musi cal inspiration to the sendee of praise tt was directed by john schenk stewartbown an electric organ under consideration for nuwl was played by david penny a representative of the company mrs richard vanden- berg is the regular church organ ist an appropriate selection bless this house was sung dur ing the service by mrs clarence krou the new church has been creat ed in the former georgetown dairy building on main st n pur chased by the church when irwin noble moved to a new building on the highway the building was originally constructed as the station and power house for the nowdefunct electric railway which operated between toronto and guelph the building has been complete ly redesigned the portion front- opening of the church rev alex mg on the construction included jack van der meer george huls- bos chris hovstadt and dick vandenberg a handsome baptis mal font was designed by luke matter institute sponsors trip to shatospeare festival members and friends of the ter ra cotta womens institute joined together for their annual bus trip last wednesday july 17th the bus left union church about 930 in the morning and travelled to stratford going first to the beauti ful stratford park where the lad ies had a picnic lunch and enjoyed the beautifully kept gardens from the park they went to the beautiful new shakespearian the atre where they saw twelfth wight this was indeed a wonderful ex perience for them all the play it self the wonderful acting and the atmosphere which permeates the place of shakespearian times made it seem as if time had gone backwards their bus then took them to kit chener for dinner at the smorgas bord and then home after a day of wonderful experiences on june 29th in norval presby terian church eileen alberta hun ter and john henry mccutcheon were married in a 300 oclock ceremony performed by rev g lockhart royal multicoloured june hicken james ross wed at st pauls norval white gladioli and pink mums i prayer book with streamers decorated st ranis anglican i pink rosebuds church norval where the rev j maxwell officiated at the mar riage of patricia june youngest kerdfmterhlclfeh and the and gaughter e late edwin h hleken to fredrick ross sea of the late dr and mrs c f w ross dtsfitdesv land on friday evening july 18th given in marriage by her broth er anwsxja htcken who slap attended the groom the bride wore ballerina length gown of ajpple blossom pinkja awpoi chiffon onr aajuraa tattler a iirtereri wftwo streenaart ptilta softly to tl hemline of glae fh gather ibdrt andl axriitf dkteii the bride was attended by mrs edward a hicken who wore a princess styled gown of pale blue lace aver taffeta with white aece aories and carried a- noaegay of pink rosebuds and white carna tions the brides mother wore printed beige silk with beige picture nat and corsage of talisman roam hum joyce mclean was soloist and ual j maxwell played the wed- a at th brides lsfton a motor an apple stole white and orchid chrysanthemums and ferns decor ated the church the bride wore a wedding gown of chantilly lace over satin with a tiered back panel ending in a chapel train a fingertip embroid ered veil was held by a coronet she carried a cascade of red roses and stephanotis mrs colin marshall was her sisters matronofhonour she wore a waltz length gown of ice blue crystal charm matching shoes and gloves and a flower headdress her bouquet was of yellow roses yellow and bronze mums miss marion bird and miss jean mccutcheon the latter the grooms sister were gowned in azure blue as bridesmaids their gowns were similar in style to that worn by mrs marshall janice doane the brides niece was flow er girl she wore white frosted organdy over blue faille and blue y flowered headdress and car ried a noaegay of yellow roses yellow and bronze mums mr hunter gave his daughter in the double ring marriage cere mony douglas mccutcheon was groomsman for his brother and ushers were james mcphail mil ton and james doane norval miss betty mcciure was organist and miss marion wilson sang o perfect love and wedding prayer during the service the reception was held at the yellow briar inn brampton where the brides mother received the guests wearing a rosewood lace dress beige accessories and a cor sage of white carnations the grooms mother also received with the wedding party and she wore a beige embroidered polished cot ton dress black accessories and pink carnation corsage the bride is the daughter of mr and mrs alberuhunter r r 3 norval and the grooms parents are dr an mrs mccutcheon milton the groom unemployed at the p l robertsonco milton and his bride formerly of the staff of rosedale public school toron to is pl to teach in a tra falgar school this fall mr and mrs mccutcheon had a western honeymoon trip to cal gary and banff prior to taking up residence whllton forravet hag tne bride wore a dress suit what council did alliance employees k at stanljey pirk the employees and their fami lies of alliance paper mill held their annual piepio in stanley park erin on sunday july sosfc the picnic was under the auspices of the alliance social and recre ational committee composed of basil hadley roy norton sr mrs jim collier noreen forgrawe syl via patterson percy chaplin fred engleby and tom kason busses picked up passengers at glen williams the alliance mhi and the cenotaph there whs an excellent crowd and the day was a perfect picnic day everyone enjoyed the ball game swimming boating and the races winners of the races were boys 67 years joe drenters jeff girls 67 years vicky beau mont maggie givens boys 89 years terry hancock bill rnbson girls 89 years linda cuthbert rena hall boys 1011 years don norton ken morrow girls 1011 joyce eaton june givens boys 1214 pete norton don morten girls 1214 edith baunvgarten kate hunter boys 14 16 mike cummins pete norton girls 1416 kathy mcphedran jane tfcrhed- ran young mens race bryan hyatt mike george young ladies race laurie givens mrs jack cuthbert married mens race pe ter drenters del beaumont mar ried womens race mrs jack cuth bert mrs bob lowln ladies kick ing the shoe mrs herb hancock mrs mike george mixed egg race mrs jack cuthbert mrs bob low- in three legged race mr and mrs bob lowin mr and mrs del beau mont relay race for men jack cuthbert and pete norton jbh rrandford the mystery man was discovered by del beanmont who received a two dollar voucher for the company canteen the children were each given tickets for ke cream- and pop everyone was ready for their picnic supper at which ice cream tea coffee and milk and pop were supplied by the social committee the plcnicers were returned to town in the early evening after a most successful picnic 830 new disposal plant only answer says consultant heftise offer for land but town to advertise offered 2500 for a townowned property fronting maple avenue behind the georgetown dairy council turned this down monday in a close 44 split it was decided however to of fer the property for sale by ten der four opponents of selling the land to al norton who indicated his intention of erecting a com mercial building all said they had no reason for turning his proposal down but that they do not favour selling public property without advertising it cr fred harrison k the dissenters and was sup- rted by reeve allen deputy reeve sargent and cr sykes a motion to sell was lost when the mayor and crs mcgilvray hyde and gray voted for it cr harry hate was not present at the meet ing or harrison reiterated his op position to any private sale of property which be said he had expressed two years ago at a town nomination meeting the town bad advertised the land for sale in 1981 which at that time included the portion owned by georgetown dairy highest offer received was 2600 for the whole parcel and council had dropped the idea of selling said the mayor subse- iruently the dairy property was disposed of for 2200 cr harrison pointed- out that maple ave did not exist at that lime and disputed using 1951 fig ures in any discussion of current property values however he has no objection to selling the land and no reason for not wanting mr norton to have it in fact he said he is more interested in selling the landto someone like mr norton who plans to erect a hornby name donald robertson manitoba entomologist mrs w h robertson received word that her son donald robert son who is the provincial apiarist of manitoba is now also the prov entomologist of manitoba don was educated at hornby public school milton high school and at tended the oac in guelph he how lives just outside of winnipeg with his wife and two sons nearly three thousand people of all ages attended the tenth annual garden party that was sponsored by the hornby ball clubs on satur day evening the weather was really warm an ideal evening to sit and watch the performers go through their wonderful acts the booths were always busy and were soon sold out of ice cream and watermelon the main attraction for the small children was the pony rides the help and cooperation of the ball players and others willing to help in getting the grounds ready and then helping to clean up after wards was really appreciated johnny saunders anne bradley and wayne ellis are just getting out again ifter having the measles mr and mrs john bradley en tertained some of the teachers and their families at their home on sunday evening on the occasion of mrs beta birthday a teacher from the lome skuce school in trafalgar mrs bradley a former teacher of that school gave a uf- rotarjans will aid hew georgetown band monday evening was the regular meeting of rotary club of geor getown with an excellent attend ance at their regular dinner as usual it was held at fairview inn guests of the ev- ening were bruce 1 mckerr emery jb thompson and norm long all members of the georgetown citi- tens band stea mer emmerson is heading a special committee to de vise ways and means of assist ing the band in their commendable efforts to establish this cultural group in the community the three men spoke briefly and explained what had been ac complished and what they hoped to do in the future they intend competing at both waterloo and the canadian nationajexhibition competitions for brass bands i speaker of the evening was e member of rotary and past presi dent dick shearly he gave a clas sification talk on aviation and its history the talk was both enligh tening and interesting to members tracing as it did the history of the early attempts to fly from the an cient chinese efforts to that final day when flight was achieved by the wright brothers at kittyhawk mr shearly also spoke of the jet age now approaching and of the guided missiles which are now being experimented with by both the great powers of the world rotarian shearly is employed as an aeronautical engineer at the a v roe plant at malton he was introduced by walter pope and was thanked by les dark vice president bill hamilton led in a singsong in the absence of steamer emmerson who was ill what council did add drinking fountains as park improvement glowing reports of the fine con dition of georgetown park since alan prouse took over the job of parttime caretaker were received at council monday cr era hyde promoter of the caretaker project said the park has never been in such good con dition and the new policy is pay ing off in better facilities and less vandalism his suggestion that two drink- quoting costs far a complete new sewage disposal plant or an enlargement of the present plant mr redfern of a toronto engineer ing firm gave a flat opinion to council monday that a new plant is the 6nly ultimate answer to the towns needs mr redferas firm of consult ants proctor redfern a lin of toronto was engaged al most a year ago to make a survey of the towns needs and present ed their report to council last fall on monday he reiterated that the only recommendation ids firm can make is to abandon the present disposal plant built ten years ago in favour of a larger new one lo cated at the extreme southern extremity of georgetown such a new plant would have the advantage of gravity flow eli minating any operating headaches with two major pumping stations which would be needed were the plant left at the present site be said a minor consideration too would be its removal from the centre of the future town be pointed out dealing with figures he esti mates cost of a disposal plant to handle initially a million and a half gallons of sewage daily at 830000 converting the present plant to a similar size at present its ca pacity is 300000 gallons was es timated by mr redfern at 770- 000 this to include two pumping stations necessary to serve the delrex area a 80000 saving in capital cost would have to be balanced against upkeep charges and maintenance of the pumping stations he said and he could not recommend such a measure questioned by cr era hyde about what it would cost to double the size of the present plant to take care of georgetowns cur rent population mr redfern esti mated this at 120000 if a new plant is built trunk sewer line would be run from the present plant location to the new one- a 247000 cost for this trunk sewer is equivalent to what two pumping stations would cost if the present site were utilized asked by cr alfred sykes if a trunk line would care for future needs of the older section of town should there be extensive development there mr redfern answered in the affirmative net savings of 14000 yearly are estimated by the engineers for a new plant referring to a large industry which is definitely considering georgetown as a location for from three to five plants mayor armstrong urged council to con ing fountains be installed total sider the engineering firms re- cost 200 found favour with other port carefully and be prepared to taxprofitable building than to mrs john wallac laoraeonewhol might offer ahigher 57 victoria street price but contribute less in taxes rm afraid if we offered it for sale and sold it to a lower ten derer we would be in trouble was the mayors opinion jbr era hyde said it would not be fair to ieadvertne the land now that mr nortons offer waa made public it council policy la to adq vertlse land far sale all each land tttool be an ad the n of the year he salc second birthday party for barry james barry james son of mr and mrs bui james celebrated his swe- ond birthday with artawn party at his grandparents mr and mrs a pattenden helping him celebrate were ins cousins david and sher- yl puckerin judy draper and lit council members and this new facility will soon be added in the grounds no decision was given on another reconumendation that rest rooms be open at all times rather than restricted to certain big days like the fall fair continued on page s make some decision as soon as possible the dept of health has also expressed concern about the towns sewage disposal he point ed out and some action will have to be taken in the near future to overcome difficulties of an over loaded disposal plant stage proramladies ball game draw 2500 to hornby garden party fet supper for the eighteen guests present mr and mrs bob crowe of tor onto attended the course stever wedding on saturday at st steph ens anglican church congratulations to mr and mrs ken hearns on the birth of their son on monday july 22nd birthday greetings to little mich ael leslie who was one year old last week battlnafad alleff said out although the land nad bett adhwrtised in tt was ao lc le friends kelly robinson bos- anne sweexie melville and dong- las edwards sharon and danny bant danny michael and slinv beth carney steven and bonnie ford verna scott and his little brother brian and aunt beryle pattenden he would like to stop any pwr- muriel hilts wims temperance essay reselling holding the land for specula he said and the tnwnahould harvs gcem whan it is mddstiqyaar awbeen miss beth ritchie acton and miss muriel hilts bauunafad holi dayed last week in the muskoka district including qrillia on lake couchiching little lake at mid land and wasaga beach a balunafad girl muriel hilts was awarded- first prise in a can- irattfliln fmmnfititliiai foimtemper and shirley ahce essays tfurtel has written the feiaperance morses for ten and has recelwed her8 and an all star stage program and a ladies ball game between the top two teams from the east toronto softball jleague drew a crowd of about twenty five hundred for the hornby ball clubs tenth annual garden party continuing with the policy that has made their garden party the number one summer event in this area the committee used only the best of talent for the evening nro- gram many of those attending were particularly interested in the- ball game in which the natj torches beat the cecil morris to maids 4 to 1 r vince mount was master of ceremonies and introduced such well knbwn artists as the star of the saturday nite jamboree and country hoedown peggy jo stew art and the king of the banjo hf or ris bolyer a one man band in the person ot harold dagg and imper sonator jack mccwtn back again with and songs werel- andng pins the dance janet with

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