Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 31, 1957, p. 1

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jmkirv- rs 1 1wbve pages ocokoexown ontario wibnesdaytvenintul 31f 19s7- hist section town will negotiate financing for adequate sewage disposal k what council did need extra help in office but counci council faced a vstaleinate at monday meeting- when lib deci sion eould be reached ca a staff addition at the town office the matter has been under dis cussion since the town clerk cla rence senium requested junior help in the office to assist in typ ing bookkeeping and water bill ing his request was referred by council to the fourman adminis tration committee comprising the date mon july 22 mayor reeve deputy reeve and x f f finance chairman which last week recommended that additional off- the weather mr edhters this weeks summary shows per fect holiday weather a real good shower would he a great benefit to all the gardens as they are all sing ing how dry i am em batkin max min rain 78 sun july 28 average 76 70 80 78 85 87 68 trace 49 80 54 52 54 55 54 65 04 04 wed july 24 thurs july 25 ice help is needed but refused tof- make any definate motion the july committee said council should con sider the possibility of splitting the clerktax collector job in two and the town clerk concurs in this idea on monday mr benham said he believes that a nan who would do town accounting and act as tax collector would be the sol ution to the problem pressed by junior councillors to make a motion members of the administration committee declin ed to do so if the administration committ ee doesnt know what they want how can we be expected to was cr fred harrisons opinion re iterated by crs sykes bale and hyde cr harrison wrote a motion which would call for advertising for qualified help at a salary of tario street have returned from a 3600 which passed around the two week vacation at glenwood table but failed to find a second- beach lake simcoe where they vi sited with the roland haines fam ily of glen williams who have a cottage there mr and mrs jim jones- philip and michael are home after holi daying for two weeks at sauble beach while there they visited with mr jones sister mary jones a former lifeguard at the commun ity pool peirtists father was telegraph supervisor local dentist died after a heart attack last wednesday july 24th mr kerby bad tottered a series of heart attacks since march land he and his wife had been in town visiting with dr and mrs jack kerby 18 market st they had returned to their home at 679 bgungton ave w only a short time before the fatal seizure a native of chatham mr kerby was commercial supervisor of can adian national telegraph he had been with the company since 1916 starting in brantford he was appointed commercial inspec tor at toronto in 1920 spent 15 years in regina sask as manager and returned to toronto in 1945 as supervisor he leaves his wife helena two sons dr jack kerby of town and dr w a kerby also a dentist of humboldt sask his parents mr and mrs aaron kerby chatham a sister mrs inez hasalak oakville and two brothers lyle of detroit michigan and carman in japan rev alex calder of knox pres byterian church conducted the funeral service on saturday at the morley s bedford funeral chap el toronto cremation followed mr andmri marquardt making home in alma ennbax snddentpiatdwhw making th tax del social personal mr and mrs gordon spence and their son gordie 29 victoria st are holidaying in north bay this week mrs a n cole and her son douglas have just returned from a motor trip which took them to north dakota and up to saskatch ewan mrs harry devereaux 9 park view blvd is visiting in halifax ny with son bill and his family she travelled east by plane from malton home 34 edith street george- j mother assisting miss cr and mrs harry hale 8 on- town on jujy 27 for j wore figured silk mrs hotae in aim after a honeymoon kip to virginia were married in elora united church saturday evening at seven oclock hevj treib a close friend of the bride officiated at the double ring ceremony the bride wore a waits length sown of dotted white swiss nylon with tiered skirt fined bodice and scalloped neckline a matching headdress held a fingertip veil and she wore cut crystal necklace and earrings the gift of the groom she carried a white bible with white streamers sweetheart roses and stephanotis mrs ken allen acton was at tendant wearing a waltz length princessstyle gown of ice blue crystal charm with matching head dress and carrying a bouquet of sweetheart roses and white carna tions bruce marquardt was his brothers groomsman mr marquardt is the son of mr and mrs richard marquardt of al ma his bride the former joan yvonne bonnie carlisle is the daughter of the late mr and mrs james carlisle employed before her marriage at lillicos beauty salonthebride made her home in georgetown with her aunt miss marie barbour -6- john st e following the wedding a recep tion was held in esquesing com- what council du collector ursed to funeral saturday for florence spence newton i a recei r mg for the bride were her aunts funeral service was conducted at miss marie barbour and mrs da- the harold c mcciure funeral graham gait with the grooms barbour graham at least its obvious this is what council doesnt want he remark ed i dont like to rehash things but the new councillors saw fit to turn down a previous recommen dation of the administration com mittee said reeve allen maybe weve lost our confidence mr allen was obviously referring to the hiring of mr benham as clerk- treasurer rather than in an ac ting capacity as the committee recommended youre just being stubborn youve made up your mind youre not going to make a recommenda tion replied cr harrison cr harrison said that proper proced ure is for a committee to make a recommendation and that it would be a chaotic condition if all com mittees acted in this way i disagree lots of committees have thrown their problems on the table for general solution said the reeve i suggest that council recom mend to the administration comm ittee that the work be divided and that they tiring us a report on how it should be divided said cr hyde mayor armstrong reported that the town auditor thinks the office of clerktreasurer is not large en ough to split although the mayor disagrees with the auditor on the question florence emily spence newton who died in st josephs hospital on thursday july 25th she was seventy years of age she came to canada from sussex england at the age of eleven and made her home with the jim mckanes at terra cotta until she married wil fred spence over fifty years ago he predeceased her three years ago she is survived by reginald newton her husband whom she married two years ago sons and daughters clarence gordon ethel mrs robert hardman all of geor getown keith of hillsburgh and elizabeth of toronto she is also survived by fourteen grandchild ren and one great grandchild mrs newton was a member of st johns united church and was active in the womens association an honorary member of sl johns boy scout mothers auxiliary a member of the womens auxiliary of the canadian legion and a mem ber of verdun rebekah lodge mar- navy flowered silk and mrs quardt rose lace they wore corsages of white gar denias leaving for their honeymoon the bride wore a blue frock of pol ished cotton with pink accessories aud her wedding flowers as a sage jt austrian visitor teaches english in homeland mrs julian- rath who is visit ing in own with her brother john lenz 65 mill street will be enjoying her canadian trip more than some of her country men would for she is well acquain ted with the language through her duties as an english teacher in austria mrs rath was met by her bro ther at montreal when the swiss boat arosa kulm arrived spent a few days here and then with him motored to milwaukee wisconsin to visit other relatives there they with no motion on the table the discussion was ended by a mo- ted the funeral service tion of adjournment are back in town now where she rev morgan mcfarlano conduc- will stay until september 1 when jjjg pa sne sa h from new york ci- knox double ring ceremony for thompsonlacey wedding bearers were grandsons melburn ty spence colhngwood alfred teaching predominates in the spence clarence spence gordon rath family mr rath is a high spencer gordon hardman and bill school music teacher and their eld- hardman all of georgetown billy est daughter is an english teacher spence another grandson was with too another daughter will grad- the pallbearers and carried the j uate from university next year and if mental telepathy works there would be many red faces in geor getown monday night as part of the council meeting lists of tax and water rate arrears were read by name with council making notations to have them col lected by the clerk or the town solicitor depending on circumstan ces no determined effort has been made this year to collect arrears it was explained by clerk clarence benham mr benham assumed the clerkcollector job earlier this year and has been too busy familiarizing himself with various aspects of his new job to concentrate on collec tions he explained on cr ern- hydes suggestion mr benham was asked to do his best to chase delinquent taxpayers and to make a progress report at each future council meeting when time permits asked in a letter from william ganton that permission be granted the youth for christ organization to hold open air meetings in george town council decided that no per mission is needed as it has been the custom to allow such meetings provided they do not disrupt traf fic the police have discretion over any such public gatherings the organization was told tender for a flew sidewalk on murdock was awarded to hamil ton construction only firm to ten der on this advertised job tender price is 1322 plus approximately 200 worth of fill needed cr sykes voted against the motion saying he would not support any tender which is not let for a flat amount engineer wm h carr reported that it may not be necessary to build a structure to house a chlor- raator unit at the sewage disposal plant in view of plans to build a complete new plant a 5300 contract awarded recent ly to rex heslop homes for the work will be reduced by some 3000 if the water resources com mission okays placing the unit in the pumphouse mr carr said cr hyde asked if it is possible the commission will forego order- ing the town to instal the chlorina- tor at all now that a decision to j fcuild a new plant has been made he was told that it is not probable and that the town will nbt be out j much money for the unit will be j available for use in the new plant too seek water resources aid for 830000 sewage plant showers at hillsbursh nelson sftpwarttown for saturday bride mrs jack thompson the far- marjorie laeey was enter- jtaitlaltrtep which twill lead to nua2 i i m n n n construction of a new 830000 age disposal plant at the soqtherh limits of georgetown was taken at a council meeting last thursday mayor armstrong and clerk cla rence benham were empowered by council to hegotiate an agreeinent with the ontario- water resources commission to finance the plant which will include a trunk sewer from the present disposal plant the action came after a recom mendation from proctor redfern and tjiighhn a firm of consulting engineers engaged by the town that the new plant is the only sen sible solution to georgetowns fut ure expansion and a strong hint from the water resources commis sion that some early action is ex pected to end pollution of the credit river the motion for negotiating of the agreement had unanimous ap proval of the council members pre sent cr harry hale was absent from the meeting on vacation according to mr redfern who reviewed his companys report at a council meeting the previous monday conversion of the present mer tained before her recent marriage at a miscellaneous shower at hills- burgh which was her home until she moved to georgetown after an enjoyable programme marjorj ie was presented with many beau tiful and useful gifts which will remind her of her many friends in hillsburgh she expressed her hanks and appreciation to her hostesses and friends after which a dainty lunch was served mrs bob lawson of stewart- town was hostess recently at a mis cellaneous shower in her honour the guests enjoyed a pleasant evening after which marjorie re ceived many attractive and last ing gifts for which she expressed her sincere gratitude a delicious buffet lunch was served by the hostess f at nelson the graham family plant to handle a sewage intake of held a shower in honour of the a million and a half gallons daily newlyweds the guests enjoyed would cost 770000 and the town a very interesting programme would be saddled with mainten- which was followed by the opening ance of two pumping stations nec- of many beautiful gifts by the young couple after thanking their many friends in a most fit ting manner a splendid buffet lunch was served mrs garnet laeey entertained at a tea in honour of her daughter honour bonnie carlisle showers presentation four prenuptlal events were held for miss bonnie carlisle whose marriage to earl carl mar quardt of alma took place on sat urday mrs ken allen who was her attendant at the wedding en tertained at a shower at her home in acton mrsj earl otterbine al ma entertained aunts and cousins of the groom when she also had a shower mrs frank naylor 8 john st e was hostess when neighbors and friends had a miscellaneous shower the girls at lillicos beauty sal on where the bride was employ ed presented her with a popup toaster ashgrove name omitted the name of marilyn warnes was omitted in error from a list of bank of commerce employees else where in the paper marilyn is a hank teller in a doublering ceremony at knox presbyterian church geor getown saturday july 27th miss marjorie bona laeey only daugh ter of mr and mrs garnet h laeey 34 church street was married to john scott thompson younger son of mr and mrs ern est s thompson 19 guelph street rev alex calder minister of the church performed the cere mony the church filled with re latives and friends of the young couple was decorated with stan dards of pink and white gladioli the organist was mrs edgar gowland mrs charles lambert soloist sang the lords prayer before the service and the wed ding prayer during the signing of the register the bride given in marriage by her father wore a floorlength gown of white alencon lace over satin styled with slimfitted bo dice and graceful- bouffante skirt her gowns shouldertoahonlder neckline was richly trimmed with folds of soft silk net and clusters of seed pearls the fulllength sleeves fell in dainty points over her hands a tiara of pearls and rbinestones held her suk net fin- gertip vett she carried a white bible creat ed with gar and stejnano- tis and tnmmea and pink and blue mama min marten mcconnell of hffls- burgh msldommonar wars a balleriiuhlength pink crystal and fod skirt 8b bad a nnteb ing net picture hit she carffed bonqiiet of pto atedt- the bridaaaalda mr emery and mbk shb tjiw- blue crystal m- gowns similar to the nutd-of-hon- ours and matching blue net pic ture hats they carried cascade bouquets of pink gladioli with pink net miss jane dickson of toronto cousin of the bride was flower- girl she wore a white nylon frock over pink taffeta with pink satin sash on her head was a wreath of flowers she carried a basket of pink gladioli pink and blue mums with blue net trim groomsman was emery thomp son brother of the groom ushers were edward barbour and donald burns a reception was held in knox hall after the ceremony to receive the guests the brides mother mrs garnet laeey was attired in navy blue pure silk honan styled with slirrrly draped lines and deeply cowled neckline her accessories were navy and white and she wore a corsage of pate pink cladloji and deep pink roses wreath given by the grandsons in tcrment was in greenwood ceme tery georgetown lac homer stennett serving in france lac homer stennett sailed on friday aboard the ivernia bound for service with the nato airf orce at gros tenquin france he has been stationed for some time with the rcaf at at north bay his wife the former joan chap lin of town and their baby daugh ter valerie are visiting in town at present with her parents mr and mrs percy chaplin 1 mcnabb st they will be joining him overseas later this year glen williams receiving with iter the grooms mother mrs ernest thompson wore a periwinkle blue linen shea with lace andrjdneatone trim matching picture hat and navy accessories her corsage wasot dl a for the honeymoon motor trip through quebec and the states the bride chow a pink taffeta dress trimmed with latex pink lace bat black siuc coat and pink and tyfackaecesmriei she wore a corsage of pink rosea and umntains v mr and lira inentnson wm make their hwrneyin georgetown where he la asaoaatodywiui hit fa- ther m uie manhi iiaf dairy his upr- accident victim is showing improvement mrs cecil barth received word earlier this week from mrs alvin starrett in nelson b c where she is visiting her son hospitalized there from a recent serious accu dent their many friends will be glad to knowthat victor is show ing improvement mrs soy puckering and daugh- ter linda spent last wk with mrs ed hill and barbara at was- aga beach mr and mrs ken mcdonald and katherine houdayed at a cot tage t wasaga last weak mr and mrs bev hfoody and bos and nancy korzack are holi daying this week at welt gflford in hmuburtpn mr and mrs cecil scholts ahd david puslinch spent friday with mr and mrs cecil barth r visitors with the aufust wiu be mr a third the year after while this is mrs laths first vi sit to canada she had a reunion with her brother three years ago when he took a trip to his native land mrs raths home is in wal- tersdorf silverwood family picnic also bon voyage party a family picnic was held recent ly at the home of mrs r r cor- bett with 28 guests attending the party was also a bon voyage party for mrs corbetcs sister mrs j d macgregorand mr mac- grcgor of toronto who are leav ing on a tour of the british isles and the scandinavian countries mr and mrs g l smith of tor onto are holidaying at their sum mer home on the 22nd sideroad visitors over the weekend with mr and mrs george burt were mr and mrs ed lucy and family of newmarket and dennis lock of toironto carol mccuhough and gerry ramsey of niagara falls lbs alvin gatdey and children jimmy and lynn f red rock have been visiting with her sister and brotherinlaw mr and mrs george burt- before leaving- for their new home in crofton bg on vancouver island mrs d w shier has returned from visiting mr and mrs c r tisdale port credit and mr and mrs w h jt tisdale silver ley near bronte barth and family wirt wtjuam hring angus sentces will be heir in glen uhiteofab 1uu ajn union church members win be jobbing wtth them each sunday days ata ashgrove community picnic is held at stanley park the community picnic was held on july 17th at stanley park erin with a splendid turnout of child ren and parents after the din ner races were run off in charge of verna picket andvelyn bird the results were 5 and under murray brownridge janet nurse girls 67 janice cope thelma car ney girls 79 eucn hunter mar garet brownridge boys 79 jim brownbruce puckering girls 10- 12 nora barnes karen brigden boys 1012 jeffrey nurse larry picket girls 1216 marilyn wilson catherine hunter sack race 12 and under jeffrey nurse larry picket sack race 12 and over sharon sweezie marilyn wilson wheel barrow race doris picket and nora barnes jeffrey nurse and larry picket peanut and spoon race mrs john mcnabb gentlemans race ward brown ridge vern picket ladies kicking shoeevelyn bird doris picket nail driving lloyd sweezie fred nurse ladies mrs bruce mrs mu rray brigden bean contest mrs root cunningham mrs r j graham is home ag ain from a three week visit with her daughter and sonin law mr and mrs maurice dixon iq kapus- kasing she flew home and thor oughly enjoyed the plane ride to malton airport mr and mrs lea krogman and two sons bruce and karl of cleve land visited last week wtth tlr7 and mrs j h hunter and family mr and mrs james carney and girls spent a few days last week at north bay margaret austin is visiting friends at sudbury toss austin and bob ruddell are at balmy beach and wasaga mrs horace barnes and nora sptnr last week op north may and mrs harvey none and children are htinnf a few hdu- essary to bring sewage from the delrex area the 830000 plant will have gravity flow obviating any pumping rex heslop whose delrex devel opments company has been press ing the town for action on sewage disposal promised in an agreement made between the town and com- any when the delrex area was an- nexed from esquesing expressed satisfaction at the meeting with councils action large scale in dustrial development is dependent on the plan he said since mon day when he had reported a- visit from top officials of a large firm interested in locating here he said representatives of another com pany of equal size had spent a day here looking over possible locat ions i predict that before this new sewage plant is running we will be on the second phase of the dis posal system he said indicating his faith in the towns industrial future social personal shirley fendley of norval has just returned from successfully completing a ten day course in flo wer designing at theoac guelph mr and mrs wajter thompson mr and mrs william freestone of victoria street were on an exten sive motor trip which took them to the service next sunday morning i commencing at eleven ock montreal andbtta wa last week hiss arlene hill and mr and bev george stevenson of toronto will be speaking mr and mrs frank wilson and marilyn mr and mrs clayton wil son and frank jr mr and mrs george wilson and mr and mrs hector bird and daughters were guests at the wedding of their niece ruth wilson to harry moore on saturday afternoon in norval united church mjss jean bird was a very pretty bridesmaid in pink and marilyn wilson a very pretty jr bridesmaid in blue mr and mrs james mills of weston visited a couple of days last week with his sister mrs cecil wilson cecu and bill mrs carl hill are vacationing this week at the muskoka baptist conference grounds on mary lake mr and mrs bruce kennedy and lynn of willowdale spent saturday with his mother mrs george herrington of guelph sl mrs herrington has been quite ill hurt is recovering nicely now mr and mrs dave bryden and their son david of 8 sarah street accompanied by mrs brydens fa ther dave caldwell are on a motor trip through northern on tario- anglican bishop officiates at harknessmilne nuptial streetlength chiffon sheath in sapphire blue matching chiffon georgetown was married in afgloves and feather band headdress quiet ceremonyto james beverley harkness toronto son of mr and mrs gordon f harkness of mon- treal the marriage took place in grace churchon thehill chapel on saturday july 20th at four oclock the right jffcv f h wuuluqrv bishop of toronto uncle of the groom performed the ceremony in th chanel w was with standards of white daffodils and white carnations thomas f harkness was groosnsman for his brother and r david radford was tin usher dr milne gave his datuthter in marriage the bride chose a bridal gown of chiffon sandalwood shade of identical to the brides she car ried a nosegay of pale pink carna- uobul the wedding reception was held at the park plasm mrs mjlne v re ceiving for her daughter in a beige sok linen gown appuqued deeper tone straw and she wore a corsuce of butterfly roses the una trench faille gown with white feathered hat and a corsage of pink sweetheart vma mb harkness eluee a suk shantung sheath with jacket of antique ivory snaoaf with a red ioseiud corsage qrecian design ing gloves of duton and row inna mil i her ftran weto tcavcme of pah blue fagi iima- shohrari ty cf western groom a- wsujft mr andifi4 11 fl attw at

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